Roleplay [Living In Aincrad: A SAO RP]

"Pleasure to meet you too Suki." Asura said smiling. He was training his own detection skill hut kept his range to his leaping range so he wouldn't hesitate to get to blitz his enemy. He walked at a fast pace but one anyone his level could match. "Shall we pick up the pace?" Asura said. While walking he saw it a Boar behind a tree or bush. Asura quickly took his chance and jumped all the way over to it and brought his blade down diagonally across it's neck. It shattered in brilliant polygons as he sheathed his blade once more.

He then jumped back to Suki. "Well that just showed this journey will keep us on our toes. You agility and sprint skill are good right?" If she said yes that he would suggest the sprint for the next town.
Hayami watched the boy's little panic attack with slight amusement, really, how did he not know about the whole log out shtick yet? Honestly, some people were just... She supposed she should try to.. comfort the guy or something, but that wasn't really her routine, even if she wanted to get involved with the whole emotional support business she wouldn't even know were to start. So, as much as she hated to admit it, this would probably be a job better suited for Suki, so, begrudgingly, she shot her a message.


From: Hayami

To: Suki

Hey, I found another stray cat for you. Where are you right now? I'll bring him to you.


Tapping the send button she sighed, before speaking to the boy's despairing little frame, which had once again ended up on the ground.

"Hey, get up. I'm taking you to an... acquaintance of mine. And I suggest you cough up a name, unless you want me calling you Rainbowhead for the rest of your life"

Saiyoko didn't respond for a couple of seconds, his face frozen in a state of shock and horror, WHY CAN'T I JUST HAVE A PERFECTLY FINE LIFE?! I CAN'T GO TWO FEET WITHOUT SOMETHING GETTING SHOVED IN MY FACE, WHY DO YOU HAVE TO BE SUCH A DISGRACE?! Saiyoko yells internally, he finally responds quietly,

"S-Saiyoko." He mutters, the boy slowly sits up with a look of desperation glazed upon his mug. But hey, at least he escaped his real life, now he won't have to deal with having no friends or his parents who barely even notice him. It couldn't be so bad, living in a video game and all, just imagine all the people he'd meet,

I'm sorry for being harsh." He says, Saiyoko doesn't like snapping at people but he can't help it most of the time.
Suki let asura deal with the frenzy boar as she continued to look about working her detection skill, content to be look out as he killed the boar, shattering it into a million bits of data. and moved smoothly, staying near enough to help if Asura got into trouble, but far enough away so that she wouldn't encourage the game to send a pack towards them.

She looked over at Asura when he asked about her sprint skill. "It's good I've been training it, and my agility skill is high as well" She said, stopping to read Hayami's message

She sent back a reply 'Outside the safe zone, heading towards the next town I'd guess, but more towards the east' 
Cleo looked up when Xavier returned, accepting the items and nodded, and she gathered up all the items she had, and set about creating an new weapon for Xavier. after studying him for a moment, debating about the best blade. "You use both claymores and katana's correct? Hm. You like to switch between then two. Lets see..." She muttered to herself, debating what to make, shifting her hand on her hammer slightly, "But you requested a sword. Lets see. You wield two blades, so it should be a weapon that can be used one handed or two handed. Perhaps a one and a half handed hilt then" She mused, beginning to craft the weapon. It was only a matter of minutes before the blade was finished. It had a good length, a shine to it, the hilt long enough to be used one handed or two handed, and she had crafted the Eye of the direwolf gem into the hilt, giving the weapon a better speed stat. "is this to your satisfaction?"
Reading Suki's message Hayami sighed, it looked like she was in for a bit of a walk with this guy, well, she could just send him off on his own... But she guessed she needed to catch up with her anyway. But really, what was up with this kid? How did he not know about the log out button? And furthermore, what was with his sudden change of tone, the guy had been the epitome of bitterness just a moment ago, and now he was trotting about apologizing for being 'harsh'? There was definitely something up with this guy, she was already half suspecting the guy of trying to play her. Man, if the one time she went out of her way to help someone turned out to bite her in the ass... Well this kid would have hell to pay.

"Whatever, I don't really care" She finally responds, commenting on his apology, as she really didn't care what some idiot, or asshole, depending on which suspicion she decided to go with, said to her. "Anyway, follow me, we're going to meet that acquaintance now"
Asura said "Let's speed up this journey then!" Asura then began to sprint at a medium speed. He ran with his sword drawn to hack apart any beast that steps into his path. A direwolf leapt him and he swung his claymore one handedly to cleave the head off it. Then a pair of wolves were on his tail and he took them out in a running battle. So far no boars have pursued him, guess they don't like to chase or they're just too busy.
Suki matched Asura's speed easily, wishing to go faster, but didn't want to leave Asura behind, considering that he knew where he was going on she didn't. She ran a path parallel to him? Attacking a pack of three Direwolves, and taking them down with apparent ease using her rapier. She was aware that both Xavier and Hayami would be following. She wondered why Hayami was bringing someone with her. She didn't seem like the type to be friendly to others.

She glanced about, but for now there didn't appear to be any monsters. She still kept her awareness open, not wanting to be blindsided

Saiyoko nods and gets up, he looks at the ground and walks up beside the girl. At this point Siyoko was starting to doubt if he really did want to go back to the real world, he didn't have much of a life anyways, why not live here instead. Saiyoko let's out a small sigh and looks at the girl,

"May I ask what your name is?" He says sheepishly.
After awhile, the weapon was finally complete. He takes the sword and does a few practice swings in the air to get the feeling of the weapon. He's gotta admit, it feels great. He thanks Cleo and completes the Quest, taking the sword with him happily. As he walks out of Cleo's shop, inspecting the marvelous shine to the blade and the wonderful attachment of the Direwolf Eye gem, he looks up to see Hayami, walking out to the field. He soon pieces it together that she's looking for Suki and that he may as well follow. He sheathes his new beautiful sword and climbs up onto the roof of the store, running across to catch up. He sees a new guy which completes his suspicions, it seems the thing falling out of the sky was a new player after all. However, strangely enough as it is, his hair is very weirdly colored. He runs and cups his hands together to yell something that'll surely catch Hayami's attention.

Walking eastwards Hayami thought her herself, wondering as to why she was helping this kid, normally she'd just leave the guy there to sit and scream his ass off after he found out about the whole log-out predicament, but she'd gone out of her way to take him to Suki to try and calm him down. Why was that? Did she feel sorry for the guy? No, that definitely wasn't it. Maybe it was curiosity? She still couldn't get over the fact that he didn't know about the log-out after all, and him being a new player wasn't much of a possibility...

Her thoughts were cut short as Saiyoko spoke up, asking for her name, well, if you could even call that speaking up. "My name? No, but my username is Haya-" She begins to say, outright refusing, in her own usual harshness, to give her real name, before being interrupted by... a slight annoyance. Gritting her teeth she turned around, catching sight of the walking headache standing atop a nearby roof, and glaring, shot out a retort. "What is it Showoff? Living up to the name by the way, can't you just walk on the damn ground like a normal person?"
He simply laughs as he hops off, walking toward them with his hands behind his back.

"I'll take that as a compliment Sleepyhead. Now about the roof, I enjoy walking on it, lets me feel the slight breeze. I figured you guys were gonna go meet Suki. Just finished up a new Quest so I figured I'll just tag alo-"

He looks over at the guy with strangely colored hair.

"Ah, hello there, you new? Has Sleepyhead been giving you trouble?"
Saiyoko keeps looking at the ground, he doesn't really feel in an all-that-great mood as of the moment and he certainly doesn't want to talk to this guy. Saiyoko simply remains quiet with his thoughts, hoping the man will just continue on without being caught up on him and trying to strike up an conversation. Saiyoko simply stands there, observing the cobblestone path like it's his only lifeline.


He looks at the new guy, very quiet, strange.

He shrugs and lazily rests his hand against the handle of his new sword, enjoying the leather grip. He scratches his head as he continues.

"Let me repeat, since it seems you are heading to look for Suki, I might as well tag-along Sleepyhead."

He smiles and pats Hayami's head yet again.
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Clenching her fist Hayami breathed in deeply, she wasn't going to go and let him get a rise out of her again. Though he was making things extra difficult, the fact that he'd gone and decided to pet her again had taken her to the verge of throwing a punch directly at his smug face, though she supposed with how low her strength stat was it wouldn't particularly hurt... But she was pretty confident she'd be able to land it without an issue, he would have had to invest a decent amount of points into strength to be lugging around a pair of claymores after all so she kind of doubted he'd have enough agility to dodge at this close a range.

Managing to keep her composure Hayami shot a glare directly at Xavier before resuming on her route to meet Suki, leaving his hand to haphazardly drop through the air.

"Go ahead and tag along if you want. Also, as I was saying before I was interrupted you can call me Hayami" She says as she walks off, telling Saiyoko her username before anyone went off and butted in again.
He simply follows along with one arm curled around the handle of his sword, the other arm reaching back and gently massaging the back of his neck, leaving an eyebrow perked at Hayami's reaction. He seems very confused of her anger.

"Hayami, I only try to kid around and to be nice, but why does it seem like you hate me so much?"

Saiyoko now settling the discussion of whether or not it would be better to be in the real world, he comes to the conclusion that it would be better to be in the real world. Upon hearing the man's babblings Saiyoko can simply not help saying,

"Maybe because you're a bit of an ass." He murmurs loud enough to hear but quiet enough to barely understand.
Xavier looks over, a bit disappointed, and sighs sadly. He frowns as he crosses his arms.

"If you think I'm an ass for calling her Sleepyhead, I'll have you know that it was her to begin with by calling me Show-Off, all I do is offer kindness, friendship. I've done nothing wrong..."

He looks up at the roof he hopped off and hops back onto it, still leaving his arms crossed.

"But fine, if I'm called an ass by just saying hello and not even spurting a single insult from a person I JUST NOW met, fine, be that way..."

He walks off on the roof among the others and hops off at the exit, disappointed he walks off towards the field... alone and quietly muttering to himself...

"And all I offer is kindness and companionship... geez..."
Saiyoko finally looks up from the ground and up at Hayami, he felt slightly bad for doing that but he could tell that she didn't like him,

"I'm sorry Said that, but I have a hunch that you don't like him. I'm wrong, aren't I?" He asks with a face that looks almost devoid of emotion, spare a slight hint of sadness.

He runs off, remembering he said he'll meet up with Suki.

He goes to his messages and sends it off, running full sprint with his sword drawn, attacking anything that gets in his way

"Hayami and her friend don't want me around, slow down a bit, I'll catch up... eventually"
Suki slowed down to a walk as she received a PM, opening it, and calling out to Asure that she was stopping for a minute, before opening and reading the PM, seeing it was from Xavier. She read it, and called out again to Asura, "Hey, wait a minute. One of my group wants to catch up with us. Lets go at a jog, if that's okay with you" She said hopefully.

The message just seemed to confirm to Suki that Hayami was cold and unfriendly. She wondered if it was just an aspect of the game, or if she was like that in real life.
Hayami was about to explain things, though the speech she had planned out in her head was more of a lecture than it was an explanation, before Saiyoko decided to intervene for her, leaving her to just witness the two boy's little game of verbal ping-pong until Xavier gave up and left, spouting some nonsense about companionship as he took his leave. Honestly, where was he getting off? Blabbering on about companionship like that when he didn't even seem to be able to get simple teamwork down? Taking out an enemy was fine and all, but in the environment they were in now he could at least make an effort make sure the whole group got equal experience, and to top it all off he fought like a damn idiot.

It wasn't like it mattered though, she couldn't see this party they had going holding together much longer, not with the way the leadership was headed right now anyway. "No, you're right. I'm not particularly fond of the guy" She said, before continuing on her way out of the town, throwing in one last, probably unnecessary comment as she walked.

"And, just so you don't get the wrong idea. You're not making the best impression either"
How long has he been on "auto-pilot"? He didn't know, nor did he care as much. Adonis found leaning haphazardly against a wall outside of the Inn they had stayed in, and he didn't have any memory of what he did after receiving that PM of a number of players already dying. The warrior propped himself against the wall properly, hands unconsciously feeling for his sword and shield, luckily they were still there.

Adonis blinked a few times, hoping that he didn't do anything...strange whilst he was out of it. He must've misseda lot since most of the players in the party he was currently in were not in his sights. Some of them were already a pretty high level, judging from their increased health bar and level number as he glanced it. New members had joined too.

Getting off the wall, the NPC started to walk in the direction of where he thinks the rest of the party members are at.

After a few minutes of aimlessly wandering around and hearing snippets of conversations from other players, Adonis spotted Hayami with one of the new members of the party. One of the members that he recognised before he "blanked out" was running from them. They were conversing with each other as they were walking out of town. Adonis started to trudge after them, since he needed to atleast stick with one of them, whether it be the emotionless player or not.
As he sprinted to Suki and her new companion, he has thoughts of his own agenda. Was he best on his own? Was he dragging this group down and possibly splitting it just cause he was within it? Perhaps, he should stay the way he was, not for now anyways, but eventually, yes...

He slices at another little Direwolf before seeing two figures in the distance, he waves a little, but doesn't really smile, since from what happened earlier, he sheathes his sword and continues to sprint off after them.
Asura stopped for the moment so Suki can check her pm, slashing a wolf that was trying to creep up on him. It's first and only mistake. "Alright we can go at a jog." Asura responded. He began going forward at a jog . "So who's coming to join us? What's up with the thinking face." Asura asked with a grin. He thought for a moment himself and asked "Is it one of your party?"
Suki was glad that Asura agreed, and sped up to job beside him, slipping into an easy pace. "His name is Xavier, and he helped save me and the others in my care. As for the thinking face, well...there's another girl who followed me. She's a bit cold. Just wandering if people are acting like they do in real life, or not, stuck in here" she said with a shrug "honestly, I'd have to say I'm more confident in here, but then...I have six brothers so I tend to stay quite around them. They like to protect me" she smiled and shrugged.

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