Roleplay [Living In Aincrad: A SAO RP]

Being party leader, Suki was able to invite Xavier and the girl to her party,

Combining them.

She looked at the number of people now in the party, and knew they were getting close to the maximum eight. Any members over eight would just have to survive without the party status.

She thought for a minute and then said "let's continue before more monsters attack us. We are near the next town, so we can stock up on supplies, and rest for a time. I think it best to stay there, rather then be stuck outside a safe zone at night"
Xavier nods and opens up his menu, he shivers lightly as he switches his clothing to a black leather coat and a long silvery-gray scarf, wrapped around his face, big enough to cover his mouth and long enough that both ends lazily drifted over his shoulders, hanging loosely behind him. He slips on a pair of black gloves and black boots as he closes his menu. "I agree, its starting to get a bit cold, I'll move whenever you give the call."
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Suki nodded, smiled, and started to walk once more, heading to the next town, as the sun started to set. When they reached the town, it was becoming dark. Suki stopped at an inn, and secured then some rooms for the night. She was uneasy, and she looked about, feeling as if something was wrong.

She sighed softly and looked over everyone"we should eat"
Xavier nods as he walks alongside. He noticed Suki's uneasiness and perked an eyebrow slightly. "I guess I can go for a little bite."

He rechecks his inventory as his stomach growls slightly. He frowns as he puts his scarf away, but keeps his black leather coat on, and his Claymores in their sheathes, tightly secured, on his back.
Suki was right to be uneasy, as just as she sat down in the inns common room, ready to order some food, she received, as she was sure everyone else did, a message.

Congratulations for making it this far. 150 people perished last night!

Suki snarled, and deleted the message. there was an undertone of glee to the message, and she found that sickening. She looked to see everyone else's reactions
Hayami, with a bored, took a seat in the common room allocating stat points from a level up she'd managed to get on the trip here with which she pooled all of them into agility. What a day, a level up, they'd picked up a couple of new party members, who, while seemingly competent were a bit too show-offy for her liking, who did that dumbass think he was just charging into the middle of the dire wolves like that? One wrong move and the idiot would have wound up dead. It was around then when she received a message, stating that 150 other players had perished.

Her expression was unchanging as she read it, and she simply dismissed the message, leaving it in her inbox as she muttered under her breath.


Hayami, Level 4__

Agility - 13

Strength - 6

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Xavier looked at his message box's latest message, showing no expression whatsoever. He sighs and gently deletes the message, quietly muttering to himself as he leers at the table, zoned out.

"The real point in creating SAO... what kind of sick game this is..."

He pulls out his right side Claymore out of its sheathe and sets it on his lap, sharpening it quietly.
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Adonis must've 'fast-forwarded' his memory, only rememebering the attack he caused against the boar before reeling backwards, then pausing at one point to take note on the other newcomer, which was another hooded figure, but a female. Fast-forwarding again, Suki and the hooded male took down the Nepent. His programming started to slow down and allowed him to react once again, instead of being still in a fixed position after all the commotion. Two new party members had joined the party as he started to react normally.

The warrior blinked a few times before sheathing his blade and placing his shield back to it's original hold. Glancing at the party members on the side of his view, he saw their names, Xavier and Zakaraia. The subtle smile on his features returned, along with a new feeling. He was what they called, tired, even though he was pretty sure he didn't do as much as Suki. But the new feeling didn't stop him from following behind the party as they started to march onwards to the next town as the sun started to set. The duo, Suki and Xavier were having a idle chat as they walked up ahead of him.

When they've finally reached the town, it was already dark. Suki found an Inn and secured a few rooms for the party. Adonis could've piped up and said he would've stayed outside, but the girl already had paid for the rooms. As they all followed Suki to the commons room and sat down, a message seemed to have popped up in everyone's inboxes. Suki's reaction was first, a disgusted and angry hiss came from her direction. Adonis had labelled Hayami as the quiet and impassive one, and her reaction was the one he half expected, unchanging. But her mouth moved to form some words he couldn't hear from where he was sitting. And finally, Xavier's reaction was similar to of Hayami's but a sigh escaped his lips and a few words were said.

Adonis looked at the same message everyone got and dismissed it. He also impassively took it, but his subtle smile was gone and was replaced with a straight line. He couldn't feel any remorse since, after all, he already knew what was the plan. There was nothing for him to worry about.

Status: Hostile - OMNIROX
Location: First Floor, Boss Chamber

As another player was struck by Nexi's heavy swing, the male's scream bounced onto the walls of the chamber, shaking his party members' hearts to the core as they watched his body disappear into crystallised pieces.

The short boss placed the top part of his wrench on one hand and slowly tapped it with a finger, making himself look like it was waiting for the next player that was ready to be killed. Beneath Nexi's armoured visor, his emerald eyes shone with satisfaction. After waiting for what it seemed like an eternity for the Boss, he finally got to do what he was created and programmed for, killing the players who couldn't kill him.

The top part started to glow a steely-grey as one of the players finally got the courage (or stupidity) to charge at him. The player's weapon slowly started to glow the same colour as Nexi's wrench, but didn't take note of it until it flew out of his hands and onto the space between the two sides of the wrench. The player who was now weaponless reeled backwards and shouted something at him, or more likely, at the other player who managed to slip by Nexi's field of vision and charging at him from the side.

Utilising the sword that was magnetised on his wrench, Nexi also ran at the player who wielded a shield and a sword. She let out a cry as she lifted her shield in front of her with the sword drawn, ready to puncture him, or atleast try to through that armour he wore.

Nexi removed the sword from his wrench and used it to stab at the shield, as he made sure it was firmly stuck into the wood, he then used the sword to propel him upwards and over the player as she grunted at the force of the sword slamming onto her shield.

Another scream rang across the chamber as another heavy hit by the wrench took another player's life. Nexi then re-focused his attention on the un-armed player as the player received a message from his inbox. Even if the player could've had the chance to check what the message was, Nexi already had eliminated him.

"Congratulations for making it this far. 150 people perished last night!"
Xavier sheathed his right and proceeded to start sharpening his left Claymore, but now takes a personal note on the "player" known as Adonis, the one that had saved his life, looking at his life bar and his name. Sure, he looks like a normal player character, but something's off about him, Xavier can't exactly put a finger on it. He sees again that Adonis has no cursor unlike other players, so he's not a player, not exactly. He isn't an NPC, for if he was, he couldn't have intervened to save his life, nor could he have done what he could, or even left the fields due to the barrier some NPC's have. Xavier was also sure he wasn't an inanimate or immortal object either, seemingly he can take damage and feel it, however he seems to shrug it off easily, maybe as a pro player, or not a player in general. Xavier is still weary on whether to trust him or not, but for this group's survival, he'll go with it... for now...

Xavier looked at Adonis with suspicious eyes for a little... but returns to sharpening his other Claymore, trying to distract himself from doubting perhaps the group's safety if his suspicions were correct...
Suki was silent, contemplating the message, and the implications. 150 people, gone in one night? What did that say to their own skills? So far, Suki had managed to keep everyone alive, and managed to form a group, even if some of them weren't in the party. Somehow she had even got the attention of an NPC player, which probaby meant she had got the attention of the game master.

And wasn't that just a little scary? Didn't most games, stories, movies, etc etc etc have a hero? Did Suki become a hero with her little speech? Nervousness ran through her, did she have to make a speech now? Were they expecting her too? She looked about, biting her lip in thought.

She finally took a deep breath and said softly, "We will get to the 100th floor, and then we will escape this world. If I have to do so by myself, I promise you, I'll get everyone out. For now, we should rest. If you want to pursue other skills, like alchemancy, blacksmith, crafting, listening, detecting, you should begin to do so" She yawned, and stretched, rising, "I'm going to go get some supplies, and then perhaps train some skills yself" She gave them all a smile, and said, "Your room keys are with the bartender. Sleep well"

She headed out of the inn, troubled, and headed towards an alcehmist. She asked about the profession, and even learned a few tricks, as she brought some supplies. She then headed to a merchants stall and brough some light weight armor, simply leather jerkin and pants. She equipped them, and continued walking. She began to train her listening and detecting skills, and eventualy she made her way back to the inn, where she fell asleep into the strange gray dreams of this world.

When she woke, it was early morning, close to 4 am. Use to waking up this early, Suki headed out the inn, where she once again began to train with monsters outside the safe zone. She faught hard, right up until she came against a large Nepent with a fruit on its head. She couldn't find a way out of it, and thus ended up having to kill it. As soon as she did, the fruit opened and 50 or 60 little nepents were born.

Suki was angry. She was angry that they were put in this game, angry that it all seemed to be for one mad man's entertainment. So she began to fight in fury, using her acrobatics skill, which as she continued to use it continued to advance, to dodge attacks, killing them off quickly. She had already been notified that she had reached level 6, shortly after she began her morning training session. As she killed the last Nepent, she got a congratulations notification as she reached level 7.

She took a moment, panting heavily, to add the new skill points to her stats.

Level 7

HP 1300/1300

Agility 17

Strength 11

She turned back to the village, noting the time was 0630 and she headed to the inn, ordering some food, and sitting down at the table.
After waking up rather early and had gone to training (same time, different location) with Suki, he heads back to town to the market. He searches and purchases supplies for himself, articles of clothing, upgraded his weapons, and decided to try it out himself. He heads back to the field and dons his new articles, a smooth black kimono with a hood. He charges at the incoming boars with incredible speed, may even be faster then with his other clothing. He unsheathes one of his Claymores and forwards sprints at the boars with his sword drawn out to his side, with one mighty swing of speed and strength, he damaged all three of them by at least 25%.

He unsheathes his other Claymore and proceeds to finishing them off. He likes this, the kimono was light, and very loose fitting, however sometimes it would rather be too light for heavy weapon dual wielding, too light for if he was to swing it would unbalance. As he strikes and kills the last boar, he switches his swords to his katanas. As he does some practice swings to himself, he smiles and nods, enjoying it. "Nice, perfect", he says to himself, obviously enjoying his new strategy to increase speed.

He sheathes his katana and looks further out to the field, frowning to himself. "These boars are too weak, I need something bigger, stronger..."

He notices the time was getting rather late (0630), he shrugs and switches his gear to his black leather jacket with his Claymores again as he charges out at the incoming pack of Direwolves with his Claymores drawn and a smile on his face.

"Eh, I can be a little late, It'll be okay for me to have a little fun first."
Asura woke up at the side of an inn. He saw a girl walk out the front and head off. He must've been to tired from yesterday to go in and buy a room. Instead he slept against his Claymore which he planted in the ground. He recalled a memory before going to sleep last night. That girl he heard her from the window, she gave a bold speech. He liked that, the players should realize they have no time to waste if they're to survive. He anyway went back to sleep for two more hours. He headed out at 6:30 to go train. He passed the girl from earlier as he headed out dragging his Claymorw behind him.

Once he was out there and a good amount of boars gathered for a hacking. He gripped his sword with two hands.He then swung fast and hard at the boars. He continued to hack and slash through them. More came and he cut through those too. He slashed and slashed, killed and killed. He could hardly see through all the shining polygons, but he continued on. He would save up whatever money he got from this as he wouldn't need new equipment until atleast four level ups. He counted about 15 boars and a Nerpent were dead by the time he stopped to assess himself. He checked and noticed he's now a level 5. He added 3 points to his strength and 3 to his agility. He turned around and headed back to town.
Suki didn't hang around and eat for long. Instead, she ate quickly, and began to quest NPC merchants and citizens to see what quests were available, if there were any. She couldn't tell if there were any good ones around, but a rumor, a whisper on the wind...She smiled. The next town seemed to have a awesome quest, so she made a note of it, to bring it up later with the others.

As the time neared 0730, Suki once more headed to the Inn, expecting the others to be waking soon. Her mind went to the real world, and what her family would be doing now. Probably just coming in from morning chores, ready for breakfast themselves. If they had gone home, after...well, Suki was sure that their bodies had been transported to hospitals, for artificial food and water and other healthcare. Her eldest brother would probably be at the form, with his wife and twin daughters, but no doubt they would visit her, and she smiled at hhe comforting thought of her nieces treating her like a giant doll, probably saying to her brother She needs to be pretty for when she wakes. Tears filled her eyes, and she hurriedly wiped them away.

she sat back down at the table waiting for the others, staring off into the distance, clearly deep in thought.

I don't know if I can do can i continue to be strong for so many players? How can I continue to lead them, and keep them alive? How can I do this? Why do I care so much? Why? Is it because...because this is the first time I can do this sort of stuff? Or fo another reason? So many questions, and very little answers...

She took three deep, long breaths, and calmed herself. You need to be strong, because you can be strong. Because you can rally people. You've seen that. Because you care about them. Even if you don't know them, you care. And that's what makes you able to do this

Feeling better, Suki leaned back, but she still stared off into nothingness.
Listening to Suki's speech Hayami sighed to herself, making sure no-one else could hear it, before also heading out of the Inn. The way she saw things, the girl was putting far too much weight on her shoulders, she was trying to play the leader, the warrior, and the emotional support all at once, and the way she was headed she was going to crash. Though it wasn't as if that was her problem, if Suki wanted to run herself in exhaustion like that she could do so for all she cared, so long as it didn't catch up to her in the middle of a fight at least, she wasn't going to risk her life over some idiot who put too much work on their plate.

She on the other hand, was going to keep her focus on training and learning about this place while they were still on early floors, and seeing as the exhaustion of the day had still not set in, likely due to her low participation in the earlier battle, she headed out into the hunting fields, planning to pull an all-nighter to catch up with the rest of the group in levels. She started with her usual exercises of taking on the Frenzy Boars, with her technique for the rather low leveled AI being developed to the point where she was capable of fighting the things while only taking a hit for every two or three boars she took out, eventually managing to hit level five, and allocated two points into agility and one into strength, before continuing on her routine of farming frenzy boars. Unfortunately though, it was around then when the speed of her leveling began to grind to a halt, the boars now only giving a miniscule amount of experience and, noticing this, she begrudgingly moved onto another area to hunt out the next tier of enemy, Dire Wolves.

This time, things didn't go quite as smoothly, as, at this point, her techniques for fighting Dire Wolves still in development, and her knowledge of their fighting tactics coming mostly from observation and guesswork, leading to her taking a few more hits than she would have liked, which in turn ended up with her having to down more health potions that she had wanted too. The cost though, was worth it, as within a couple of hours she'd hit and passed level level six, reaching level 7 and with the stats screen appearing in front of her, she allocated one of the points from reaching level six into strength, and the rest from reaching level 6 and 7 into agility.

After making her way to the edge of the safe zone Hayami collapsed onto the ground and lay on her back, checking her HUD's clock, which now displayed a time of 3:23 AM. Sighing, she relaxed into the grass, taking a break from the training she'd been putting herself through for the past few hours, and watched the still starry sky roll by, before slowly drifting off to sleep, only realizing she was going so when she was on the verge of passing out.

Hayami, Level 7__

HP - 1300

Agility - 20

Strength - 8

Asura pulled his sword out of the ground and sheathed it on his back. The blade went all the way over his shoulders to the top of his ankles. It is a massive but cool blade indeed. Asura sprinted back to town, he walked past the inn to the forge in town. He's on his way to train his Blacksmith skills. While walking he remembered what the girl said yesterday, about pursuing crafts now. That's one thing she was right about.

He turned into the tone Blacksmith shop. The heat from behind the back wall told him that the forge is on the other side. He walked straight to the NPC and struck up a conversation. He was hoping to get a little training here. He just as well browsed the catalog of light armor. He had a lot of money from todays training session.

He was hoping to find some quality armor. It would be even better if it's something he can where over his

already leather outfit. He found this one set of armor that's just what he needed. He didn't have enough money to buy it. So he turned his attention back to trying to get some training done.
After downing the 9th Direwolf in the pack he encountered, he sheathes his Claymores and takes a huge dose of a healing potion. He sighs as he lets his health bar slowly regenerate completely. He smirks a bit noticing that he went up at least a level and a half while working himself. He sticks a hand into his pocket while he walks off, using his other hand to upgrade his stats, putting all of his points into agility, while he walks back to town.

As he makes his way amongst the field, he switches out his clothing, to a simple pair of heavy armored set of pants, but a very light and sleeveless shirt. He switches his weapons to one lone katana as he walks, casually among the grass. He slightly perks an eyebrow as he notices a girl, fall over onto the grass, unmoving. She seems to be one of Suki's, ID known as Hayami. He walks over and was about to check if she was still alive, but knows she is when he checks her health bar. He sighs as he takes a seat beside Hayami, a knee up and his other leg curled gently. He takes his katana and sticks it into the ground gently, using it as a brace while he drowns out slowly. The sounds of the chittering insects and the chilling wind is strangely soothing.

He takes another look at Hayami and returns to drowning out to sleep, readily grasping the katana by its handle in case something happens or surprises them...

ID Xavier, Current Level Status: 7

HP: 1300


Strength: 14
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When it seemed like no one was coming in to the inn any time soon, Suki wrote a PM to them all, taking her time to write it correctly. "Hey guys! I assume you're all out training. Perhaps then, as I've found out that the next town isn't that far away, about five hours walking, we could head out about noon, meeting on the edge of the town There's a good quest there, that can only be done at specific times!. If you need me, just contact me!"

She then headed out, walking down the street happily enough. She headed to a bakers to get a snack, a sticky bun hopefully of some sort. But they didn't appear to have much, still, she took a plain bun. She asked the baker if there was any cream, and the baker sighed. "Sadly, no. There have been rumors of a delicious cream drop from a monsters that's been terrorising the local area"

And just like that, she had a quest notification:

Cows of the counter attack

Rumors have been heard of a cow terrorising villagers. A baker asks you, after hearing himself, that you can get delicious cream from this cow, to collect him some, as well as defeating the cow monster, and he will pay you as well as giving you some of the cream.

Requirements Level 7 or above, and detail in your post


delicious cream and

1000 col

1000 exp.

5% of dropping rare weapon (Katana of Courage, which can give a large amount of damage, has good durability of 340 and can have ten enhancements).

after eating food with delicious cream gaining experience is boosted by 50% for 1 day. delicious cream can be sold with a high price.

Suki pondered if for a minute, before shrugging, and accepting it. She might as well. So she went out of the town, and the safe zone, beginning to search for the monstrous cow. She searched for about 27 minutes. And then she saw it. Nearly 8 feet tall, the cow stood on two legs, a weapon strapped to its back, and one on its side. It was blue skinned, and it had large horns on its head. As she watched, she saw it had two health bars.

She smiled to herself, withdrawing her rapier, and charging the monster, using her sprint, speed, and acrobatics skill to dodge its attack. She darted in, and attacked, three times, before dodging back, knowing that a few hits from would cause her to die. She was careful as she continued to attack the beast. She used Linear, Shooting star, Falling leaf switching between them as each recharged, slowly hacking away at the cow, receiving damage as well, and once when she got really low, she jumped back, enough to ingest a health potion. When she got its HP down to halfway through the second bar, it changed weapons, from a sword, to a battle axe and its attacks became more ferocious , driving Suki to her limits. She continued to fight, panting, and finally ended up risking a dangerous attack, drawing herself close to the beast, and used Quadriple Pain, killing it. Suki looked to her health, and saw uneasily that it was down to 10/1300. She quickly ingested a health potion, and headed back to down, after receiving the cream drop.

She finished the quest off, returning to the baker. She received a jar of cream, and the rest of the rewards. She glanced to the time, seeing that it was just 11.40 now. She hesitated, and purchased two more health potions to replace those she had already used, and headed to the edge of town, but stayed in the safe zone.
A small, high pitched beep comes from his menu...

Xavier slowly sits up from his katana and opens up his menu, revealing Suki's PM. He smiles a little and quietly replies to the PM.

"Training, now resting, watching over Hayami while she sleeps, rendezvous soon whenever can at location at edge of town"

He sends the PM as he looks over at Hayami, noticing she's still asleep and sits against a tree, slowly and quietly watching the stars above...
Hayami blearily woke up as the sound of Suki's private message arriving pinged from her HUD. She was a tad confused as she sat up, waking to the rolling grass of the hunting grounds wasn't something she had been expecting, in fact, she didn't even remember going to bed... Had she... God dammit she had. She'd gone and fallen asleep in the middle of her farming... Whatever. She'd leveled up enough anyway. Rubbing the sleep from her eyes she realized there was someone nearby, and turned to face them, her vision still a little blurry from just waking up.

"Who ar..." She started before her vision cleared, getting a better look at the person mid-speech, who turned out the be their show-offy new party member.

"Oh, if it isn't Mr.Show Off... How long have you been there?" She continued, accidentally spitting out her own mental nickname for him instead of his actual name.
Xavier perks an eyebrow and looks down, seeing Hayami wake up. He laughs a little, sitting back up on a knee as he sheathes his katana.

"Ah, I see you've awoken. Mr. Showoff? Hmm, interesting nickname. And how long I've been here? Hmm, quite a few minutes, maybe even an hour I presume. A "Your Welcome" can suffice you know, I DID watch over you while you were sleeping, Ms. Sleepy Head."

He chuckles a little at himself, throwing his own little nickname at her.
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Hayami blushed a little at Xavier's rebuttal, before glaring at him angrily and standing up.

"Whatever, thanks I guess" She said, getting to her feet as she spoke, tapping through her HUD to read the messages she'd received from Hayami while she'd been resting. "Ugh.. More crap.." She thought out loud, before dismissing the messages and closing out of the HUD. "So, Show-Off, Shouldn't you be at the inn for Suki's little meet and greet right now?" She continued, not hiding the irritation in her voice over Suki's manner of handling things within the group.
"Well Sleepy-Head, I was training and working myself when I noticed a little someone fall over, seemingly passed out and was about to die, until I realized she was only sleeping." He smiles and laughs, "You're silence during sleep could've mistaken you for death though, as for me, you could've stayed up a little longer to walk through the safezone, but you fell over merely inches away from the safe zone." He walks over and taps the border with his foot, showing how far she was from the safezone.

"So, I decided to stick around and watch over while you slept, I may or may not have slept a little as well." He stands up and gently pats Hayami's head, "Now, if you're well rested, ready to meet Suki?"
"It's not like I was planning to go to sleep here.. I was just going through my inventory and then..." She said, her voice trailing off a small wave of embarrassment washed over her as she realized what a stupid mistake she'd made by lying down at that hour. It didn't help when he had the bright idea of walking up and petting her, seriously, petting her? What was she four? But regardless of how stupid she found the gesture, it still had, what she assumed, was the intended effect, as she could feel the blood rushing to her face as soon as his hand made contact with her head.

Spinning on her heel and walking off, before he could notice her reddening face, Hayami began to head into town, speaking over her shoulder as she walked. "You can go ahead if you want, I'd rather not talk to that girl until have to."
He shrugs as he walks along Hayami with his hands in his pockets, "Well, I mean, its whenever we can, doesn't mean immediately. But whatever, I get your drift. You can handle yourself, I'll just head to town and go search somewhere to improve my weapons, maybe even smith something while I'm at it."

He goes through his inventory to equip his long grey scarf that covers his mouth, while he sticks with his earlier choice of a lone katana, a small short-sleeved shirt, and some heavy armored pants. He walks ahead, still keeping his hands in his pockets, while keeping his gaze forwards. "Have fun on your own then, see ya around."

He waves while facing a door of a building, as he opens and enters.

"Cleo's: Smithing and Weaponry"
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As soon as Xavier entered the shop, and spoke with the small NPC girl there, dressed in a shirt and skirt, but with a blacksmith's apron over it, a quest announcement popped up.

The fated weapon

A young NPC girl Named Cleo has just recently opened a store to players. This shop is a custom weapon shop. The weapon you have always imagined, ready to be made. No cost at all, only that you bring the materials. Cleo is making weapons for all!

Requirements Detail in your post, Level 4 or above.

reward Your weapon smithed by Cleo

(Typical materials include metal, and ingredients from monster drops)

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