Roleplay [Living In Aincrad: A SAO RP]

Suki was pleased when Fai accepted both her friend request and party invitation. She wasn't along, at least fornow. She had someone happy to work with ner, and that made Suki relaxed, she sighed in relief, and quickly memorised Fai's name, so she wouldnt make a fool of herself. She smiled, Fai seemed just a ball of energy and that made her relax, and made her seem better about her outbursts and speechs, suki spoke her mind, but worried and feared what people would think. Fai didn't seem to care amd that was very refreashing for Suki.

When Ryu declined her invitation, Suki stumbled, feeling like she had done something wrong, but then he sent her a friend request, and said he would tag along. Suki wondered if there was something Ryu just didn't want to have to face. Did he not want to have to worry about others? She shrugged, but made a note to try and talk with him, she smiled and shrugged, "alright" she started to say but before she had got it out, she saw that Ryu virtually collapsed. She jogged over, moving through the crowd amd by Ryu, kneling down. It seemed Ryu had just passed out.

This caused Suki to glance to the time, seeing that it was nearly 2200. It was late, and she was sure they were all tired. She sighed softly, and looked to those in her party. "We should all rest. If you need to, you should shopnow, health potioms amd such if you need. And then rest. We can start out tomorrow" she said brightly, and smiled.
Fai who was just being Fai greeted anyone who talked to her politely but enthusiastically. Eventually her friend's list was filled with a couple more names as she found players that seemed to ' click ' with her. Now laughing freely she tried to add Adonis who was also in the party. However for some strange reason at first she wasn't able to tap on the add friend button.

* How strange? Is it some kind of bug? * She thought and tried several more times, but gave up, she didn't think much about it as she thought there might be a setting that lets players ignore friend requests, like in other games she's heard about.

Moving on she followed Suki outside since she was the party leader and first friend before she confirmed if he accepted or not. But once she left the cathedral she lost sight of her since she was so little and it was hard to catch up with her foreign height through the crowd. Giving up, she looked around to see if there was any others she would like to add to her friend's list. Using her search skill she was able to pinpoint someone who seemed to be alone, but it wasn't that, that got her interested, it was mostly due to the fact that the figure was wearing a hood.

With her curiosity winning her over she headed towards the cloaked person, noticing as she got closer it was a girl. Since she thought it would've been awkward if she all of a sudden talk to her if she wanted to be left alone, Fai just hung around near enough to see the girl's hp bar with the name ' Reika '. After seeing the name she sent a friend request to the person.

Once that was over, she caught up with Suki and ended up discovering an obstacle, more specifically a body in their way. Unlike Suki she didn't rush over because she didn't feel like it and took awhile before she finally got there. Her initial reaction to the fainted Ryu was to get a random stick from her inventory and poke him with it to see if he was alive. And being the bad listener she was she didn't go when she was told to rest. She was not tired or anything like that, so she didn't go, besides she'd like to chat a little bit more with the other girl a bit more and stayed with her.

When poking the red headed guy with a stick didn't help him up she took a loaf of bread from her sack and shoved it in his mouth. The reason being is because she thought the guy was out of energy so eating bread would make him have enough strength to stand. That and the fact that the taste will automatically wake him up, truthfully she just wanted to see a reaction.
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After making sure that Ryu wasn't about to be trampled, Suki enlisted the help of NPC church workers. Would you call them priests? She wasn't too sure. They offered a room for him for a good price, and Suki paid it, seeing that there was no other option since he was unconscious.

While she herself didn't go to bed for a while, she rose earlier as was her habit, glancing to the time and seeing that it was 0400. She wondered what her brothers and father were doing. The farm

Was Leah's an activity early on the morning. Had they noticed she wasn't up? That she was stuck in the game? What had they done?

Thoughts about her family just made her feel sad and down, so she rose equipping her gear, she started outside, and into the monster areas around the town of beginnings. Perhaps two other people were out this early, so Suki had some privacy while she killed virtually pigs.

She lost count how many she killed, their data exploding in crystalline shapes, until by 0630 she got a congratulations! You've reached level 4! This caused her to stumble, shocked by the massive banner congratulating her. She blinked, seeing she had another three stat points to allocate. She debated for a time, before adding them, also checking her health gauge as she did so

Strength: 8

Agility: 11

Health: 500/775

All in all, Suki thought she was doing a pretty good job here, and decided to go for a run-she typically went for a run in the mornings and knew she would miss that. So she began to run, running for forty minutes before having another banner cross her field of vision and causing her to stumble

Congratulations! You have increased your sprint skill from 0-1! You can now run faster and for a longer period of time when this is equipped!

So running increased the sprint skill? Well that seemed oddly...lame but if it worked it worked. Satisfied with herself, she walked back to the town of beginnings, and while waiting for the others in the inns common room, she ordered herself breakfast, flipping through the guidebook.

The time was now 0730.
God damn that's brisk!” Ryu unintentionally called out, quickly covering his mouth and apologizing to whatever 'god' existed in this world. The few NPC pastors gave him a dirty look as the passed by the bath, but left him as is. He'd woken up in a room alone, grimy and slumped on a bed that didn't belong to him. His sword was gone, he'd gripped it too tightly upon waking, and it vanished becoming a cloud of pixels. “I've survived thus far, couldn't be all that bad.” He mumbled as he let himself sink under the icy waters, wetting his hair and cleaning his face. Ryu resurfaced to find himself nose to nose with an unsuspecting nun, whose jaw was agape and cheeks flushed. If he had the chance to describe the embarrassment, before the tub was rightfully tipped over and he was pushed out by a player who seemed hell bent on keeping a place like that 'holy'.

Thankfully, they let him dress before kicking him to the street. He was still partially soaked when he re-equipped the armor, and at 0600 the air was nippy. “Could have been nicer about it. I'll catch my death out here.” Ryu groggily mused and wrapped his arms around himself, rubbing his upper arms to warm them. His shoulders bounced with a small chuckle as he made towards the town's blacksmith, no use in sticking around and complaining about it like a crazed vagrant.

The shop was warm, and the sound of a hammer hitting steel rang in his ears. It had a wonderful rhythm, and surprisingly enough the NPC was given the ability to hum happily as he worked. One look and the routine greeting began. Ryu, slipped up next to the fire and glanced up at the shopkeeper, a grin stretching across his lips. “Looking for some new gear. Light metal chain-link shirt, rough leather cloak. Two handed sword, doesn't need much attack power, just needs to take a beating. The basic one will work just fine if you have one.” Ryu stated his preferences and saw the NPC shopkeeper chew his cheek a moment. The first thing he brought out was the armor, two more stages better than his basic. The chain links were loose, but doubled up to give him some sort of barrier if a Rapier user decided to strike him. The next to be brought out to Ryu had to be just about the most broken up piece of metal tied to a stick he'd ever seen. The durability was through the roof, but it lacked force and style. Needless to say, the shopkeeper offered him the package for 50 Cor less than normal, just for taking the junk-ofa-blade of his hands. Even for a two-handed metal slab on a stick, it was pretty light and could take the basic sword's beating six times over. Hell, he placed the flat of the large blade on his head and he didn't feel a thing.

Ryu left with only about 100 Cor left in his pockets, but new gear and some Health crystals from earlier that day would keep him along until they reached the next town. He glanced at his clock; 0630. Longer than he'd wanted to spend playing with his new stuff, the group had either already left or was a good ways into the trail. Once again, Ryu rolled his shoulders, the equipment clanking and clunking as he did so. The air filled his lungs and gave a slight burn, his legs slightly bent at the knee. If he was going to catch up, he'd take out a couple boar..Train harder than normal. He ran, before the accident he'd been pretty athletic, so it was like riding a bike...Just you were carrying about fifty extra pounds and the game decided if you could keep moving at a breakneck pace or not. He slowed somewhere just off the trail, but within sight of it. Compared to the first day, the hunting grounds were looking barren. People were grinding all they could, and leveling so they could safely traverse Aincrad.

0730; was about the time that he'd been bent over, his hands resting on his thighs and his breathing was ragged. Sweat dripped from his nose, and a banner threw itself into his view. 'Congratulations! You've reached level 4!' He'd gotten to level 3 after herding a group of those boars by running around and giving them a kick. Hurt like hell when they caught up, but after the first boar he learned how to use something called 'Cyclone' against multiple targets. An hour, to cover two levels...The only risk being he could have been plowed into the ground by an animal. Ryu made sure the area was clear before planting the ugly blade into the dirt and leaning against it's dulled edge. The health flask's stopped caught between his lips and he slowly watched his HP rise from the danger zones. Stopping only at half his gauge before conserving the rest and sticking it back into his pack. Ryu's chest rose and fell in time with his heart, slow and steady. Calm, he needed to be calm. He opened his tab and began assigning the points he'd earned.

竜道化師 'Dragon Clown'

Level: 4



Two-handed Skill gained; Cyclone!

Health; 12/775

Ryu's hand fell against the dirt which unintentionally brought up his friends list, Suki's name being the only one there didn't give him much comfort. He'd decided, that just out of curiosity...Where the party was, and shot her a message.


It's Ryu, sorry about what happened.

Has the group moved out yet?”

The message was short and impersonal, he hadn't meant it to be. But, he was better with actions than words, especially when it came to an apology.
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Since the unconscious dude didn't wake up after all the things she did, Suki took him to the church to stay the night. Since it was already late she too needed to quickly find a place to stay. At first she originally wanted to stay at the church too but being the stingy scrooge she was once she saw the price she decided to stay in one she was able to accept. In the end she found a inn which was pretty beaten up but was doable for the night because of the price and rested there.

Before going to bed she decided too look at how much col she had left and calculated how much she would need to get ready to go to the next town. Then she noticed that she didn't have enough, for new armor, and a weapon, as well as potions and other things she would need. With money problems she didn't want to slow her party down so she decided to make sure to wake up extra early tomorrow to earn money.

When she woke up when the clock on her menu read 0500, the usual time she always woke up to get ready to do her morning job which was to deliver newspapers every morning and take a shower after, getting ready to school. Obviously since it wasn't the real world she didn't need to deliver, and since there was no shower in the place she was staying she, there was no need to get ready since she slept with everything on her because she passed out the night before.

Awake but still drowsy she left the inn to earn money. To stay awake she would always slap her self on both cheeks, using pain to wake her up. Using her brain to remember how to earn col, which was to go back to the boars. According to the guide it said that at her level wasn't high enough to take any quests and it will be highly difficult to beat anything other than boars. Not taking any risks she played it safe to slaughter boars which she could safely kill with losing little to know hp with her tactics and speed.

Unlike at level one where these wild pigs were able to directly hit her with a charge. Once she became level two she could tell the difference, she was faster. Now she could react quickly enough to be able to dodge with getting only a few scrapes. Though she was still losing health it was not as painful like last time and she was able to take less breaks in between to recover hp. With her body actively moving her drowsiness soon disappeared after the first boar or two.

* I guess it was the right choice to put all my points into agility * she thought. Even if her strength was low she, if she could accurately pinpoint the boars weak points she could get a critical hit to cover for her lack of strength. After an hour she took a break since her hp was about to enter the red zone, less than 25%. Using «Hide» she was able to avoid the boars from attacking her and found an isolated spot near the river.

To gain stamina she forced herself to shove bread into her stomach. And with the living plump pieces of prancing bacon around her it made it hard for her to let the bread go down her throat.

* Oh how I wish to have meat * To keep her mind off bacon she looked at next to her at the clear river, shimmering from the light of the rising dawn. Remembering that she had not washed up ever since coming to this world she cupped her hands in order to scoop water and washed her face. With all of the moving she did she was hot and sweating, with a splash of water she was entirely refreshed. Soon after she took off her shoes to put her aching feet in. Turning her short break into a long one.

After sitting around for 30 minutes her hp slightly recovered to 80% and she continued to hunt boars. Killing them one by one collecting all their loot. Now she was used to the boars movements after she fought with them many times. From their expressions, and slight movements she could finally figure out when the boar would charge most of the time.

Then something caught her eye, it was similar to all the other boars, but looking at it closely she could tell that the boar was slightly different. For instance it was slightly larger than the others and let out some sort of strange aura. Being careful she used «Hide», which successfully went from 33% to 70% till leveling, she cautiously hid in the bushes, inching closer and closer until it was in her range of attack. She then relaxed seeing that she must be mistaken, and waited like normal with her eyes filled with the intent to kill. However once she was about to reveal herself the boar turned around, it's eyes looking straight at her in the bushes.

*..Don't tell me * She thought, hesitant for a minute looking back at the boar, to see if it is just some sort of mistake.

Unknowingly she held her breath, and even though she wasn't moving actively with the other boars, she was sweating more profusely. She didn't want to back out her hiding place since it wasn't known if she was spotted, but once the boar started to skid one of it's back leg forward, a sign for when they were about to charge, she dashed out. She was confident with her speed she could out run it, if it was a normal boar. Looking back she was surprised when it was steadily closing the distance. It wasn't before long until it collided with her, even though she knew it wasn't a critical hit she took heavy damage, leaving a little less than 50% hp left. Since it was useless to run away noticing its speed was greater than hers, she held her beginner's sword with both hands and recklessly stormed at the boar while it recovered from the recoil from its charge, which made it lose 10% of it's hp.

While experimenting different ways to fight the one that did the most damage was using two hands although it made her more defenseless. Once she was in range she used «Slash and Bash», vigorously attacking the boar. Once her move was executed she looked over at it's health bar which still had 70% left. She mentally cursed as it she thought that attack would've done more damage. Since she used her sword skill she was unable to move for a moment, which was long enough for the boar to recover and charge again.

When she could move she was able to lift her sword fast enough to raise it and pierce the boars eye as it charged at her making her lose 20% hp, while the boar suffered worse, with a 30% hp decrease, 10% from recoil, and 20% from the critical hit.

Anyone could tell that she was in a bad situation she was outclassed and with 30% hp, close to the red zone, remaining compared to the 40% the boar still had. When things couldn't get worse it did. From the impact of the boars attack her blade lost it's durability and crumbled in half. Panicking she ran away first instinctively. The boar was faster than her, so if she didn't have a good start from the recoil she would have died.

Running as fast as possible she was breathing heavily, fast and ragged for air. She wasn't stupid she needed to figure out how to beat that fast, before she reaches her limit.

* C'mon Fai, think, what do I do in these situations. You're not at the top 10 in school for show are you? Think, if there is a will there is a way, think!!! * She told herself desperately as she felt her legs getting heavier, about to give away.

She looked at her sword she was holding which was now useless and back seeing the boar from a distance. Then she looked around, hurriedly trying to find paths isolated so she wouldn't run into any more boars. With that she heard a ring for a system announcement.

' The Skill «Search» has leveled up to level 1 '

* Not now!! * She thought slowly getting irritated, as the window was in the way, and it wasn't even important. That's what she thought as first before she remembered. «Search» A skill that determines the player's detection range. Then her brain went through a series of clicks * That's it!! * She exclaimed with an idea, which gave her more energy, allowing her to keep running faster and faster, even though the boar was still catching up, it wasn't catching quickly as before.

Scanning the grasslands she found what she was looking for and ran up a small slope, uninhabited by other monsters. Once she reached up, she stopped and caught her breath, with her back facing the boar a few meters away. She then closed her eyes she started to count down.

* Ten, nine...three, two * She opened her eyes as the countdown went to two and jumped towards the left. * One! *

After she jumped her legs gave out leaving her to fall on the ground face flat, losing 1% of her hp. Since she wasn't greeted with a heavy headbutt it seems her plan was a success. Turning around she saw that the boar ran into a tree causing it to lose almost all of its hp and causing it to become unable to move, from recoil and the tree. With the little hp the dying boar had it didn't matter if her sword was broken or not. She was holding it hard this whole time, making sure not to lose it.

With the little strength she had, she approached the boar which was still in its unmovable state and made sure to stab it in the heart. Since the sword was too short to pierce the heart she took it out and stabbed the boar over and over again until it's health bar was empty, which turned the boar into a crystal, and then shattered in the air.

Once that was over it was already past 0700, she needed to go back to town. However she fell to her knees, with no stamina left to even stand. She didn't even notice that she leveled. She just fell back and looked at the sky breathing fast paced breaths. Until her breathing slowed and she cooled down with sweat, she recovered enough to finally to appoint her skill points and checked out the loot the monster boar dropped.

At first she was honestly disappointed when she looked at what she got it was just boar hide, the only difference was that there was a lot of them. It was not until she put all of that in her inventory where her eyes started sparkling.

* Is that what I think it is?! * She then hastily put the unknown item in her inventory before anyone notices. She quickly opened her inventory and dragged her finger to see the description of the item.

[Rare] Raw Lean Boar Meat

' C-class Cooking Item '

' Obtained when player has defeated Rare Frenzy Boar '

She couldn't help but smile after reading the words ' Meat ' She gulped as she has found something way better than bread. But in the guide she remembered that she must gain the cooking skill in order to cook things.

* Should I learn it? * She thought. But seeing that it was 0730 she exited her inventory, she was late!! She was supposed to meet up with the other party members right now! She can always save the thought about learning cooking later. She quickly rushed towards town even if she was exhausted she couldn't just leave her party members hanging and sent a message.

" OMG, SORRY GUYS I RAN INTO SOME TROUBLE SO I'M GONNA BE LATE, YOU CAN EAT WITHOUT ME >_< " And of course she didn't for get to add " Love, Fai <3 "

Status Update

Phantasia Lvl 3

Strength 5 | Agility 11

HP 600
Adonis had left the Cathedral as soon as Suki and Fai were prodding the red-head's unconscious figure. He's done as much as he could, but he wasn't happy with it. A measly effort, he would say. The sky was getting darker and most players were already renting rooms in Inns or sleeping out in the Plaza in Town of Beginnings. The warrior stepped around a snoring player as he headed to his main spawn point, the Teleportation Gate. If he was a real-life player, he could sleep here, but unfortunately, he wasn't programmed to sleep and that was pretty annoying in his opinion, oddly enough. As time slowly ticked by, he thought of buying gear and potions just as Suki had suggested. Again, he realised he wouldn't need such things since was an AI, and so his limitations and restrictions made him feel...down, as they would say it.

At around 0400, Adonis had slid down onto the ground as he leaned on the wall of the Gate. He looked at the health gauges and saw a bit of change in level with Suki. She must've gotten pretty early, maybe to train first. Quietly sighing, he lowered his head onto his lap and waited once again. Another thought of him fighting a boar to train himself appeared, but it wouldn't be any of use since he can't level up.

The sun slowly, very slowly was starting to rise, it's soft yellow and red top was popping over the horizon. It was an hour later, 0500.

Adonis raised his head to check the gauges and noticed Fai's health gauge rapidly decreasing, then increasing then decreasing. She must've gotten up too. They need to be careful when they're training honestly. Players were groggily getting up themselves, and he stood up from his sitting position.

A message abruplty appeared in front of him, saying " " OMG, SORRY GUYS I RAN INTO SOME TROUBLE SO I'M GONNA BE LATE, YOU CAN EAT WITHOUT ME >_<, Love, Fai <3 "

Adonis blinked and swiped it away. Amusing.


22:00 PM

Hayami stayed near the back of the church as everyone cleared out, closing her eyes as she mulled over her thoughts before she made her move.

So, everyone here seems to have the same idea. Party up, Train and then take on the Boss... There'll be a surplus of people farming the area around here then. Could make it difficult to get any training done if I stick around for too long. But venturing out carries it's own risks too...

She'd have to follow her own advice and party up then. Unfortunately for her though, she seem to have lost track of time as she was thinking, as when she opened her eyes the church was practically empty. Dammit. Just how the heck had she not noticed that? She really had to shake of habit of tuning out like that.


She would still have a chance to find a group the next day, she highly doubted anyone other than the beta testers would be moving out any time soon. She'd decided she'd spend the rest of the night farming, it was already pretty late and she figured most people would be exhausted and headed off to bed now, she on the other hand still felt fairly awake, guess all that late night studying had gotten her used to sleep deprivation. Chuckling at the thought Hayami headed back towards the fields where the frenzy boars spawned, determined to level up before the urge to sleep swept over her.

23:30 PM

Hayami had been training for around an hour now, and had lost count of how many of the boars she'd taken down. They were actually pretty easy to kill once you figured out their attack 'patterns'. As she'd observed before, they fought pretty wildly, and didn't leave a lot of room open for predictions, so you'd have to actively react to their attacks. The points she'd pooled into Agility certainly helped, and the fact that the game handled your attack movements allowed her to focus on dodging and attacking while they were recovering.

Putting that knowledge into practice she was able to take down these boars with relative ease now, though with her low strength stat it took a while longer than she would have liked. But progress was progress as this next boar would be enough to level her up.

She struck it quickly from behind, a small jab, not enough to do any significant damage as the purpose of the attack was to aggro it quickly so she could retreat into a position where should could properly react to its attacks. She dodged out of the boar's path as it charged, following it up with a few jabs to its rear. Repeating this motion the boar soon fell and a large banner consumed her vision.

Congratulations! You've reached Level 3!

Hayami, Level 3__

Agility - 10

Strength - 6

Health- 432/600


Figuring that the rest of the floor would be animals like the Frenzy Boars Hayami pooled all of her points into Agility, having decided to do so until around level 5 to get a decent advantage against the mindless mobs on the lower floors before she started to worry about her strength stat.

Sighing with relief she headed back to town, deciding to finally head off to bed. The streets were pretty empty now, the rest of the player base seemingly having gone to sleep already. The empty streets were nice, after then panic that had gone down earlier she hadn't had a lot of peace and quiet yet and the change of pace was relaxing. Spotting a small inn she decided it would be in her best interest to get to sleep herself, she'd have to get up early if she wanted to join a party before everyone started to move out.

Entering the inn she looked around, a few players were still up, still around tables discussing the days events with, what was presumably, their friends and party members. Hayami cringed a bit as she thought of that, her own friend and party lists were, unfortunately, still empty.

Well it's your own damn fault.

Sighing as the thought ran through her head she headed over to the innkeeper, paying him enough for a nights stay and a meal, which she took up to her room and picked away at before she went to sleep. As she ate she checked her inventory, going over everything she'd gotten from the time she'd spent farming the boars.

Hayami, Inventory__

Col - 100

Rough Boar Hide - 11


She supposed Col was the currency here, she hadn't been paying too much attention to the transaction windows earlier, a habit she supposed she'd formed due to her wealthy background, so this was news to her. She was more curious about the Boar Hides, and tapped on the small symbol in her inventory.

[Common] Rough Boar Hide

' E-Class Crafting Item '

' Can be refined into low-grade leather, used for basic crafting '

Crafting huh, she'd need to look into that soon, she'd probably be able to save a decent amount of money if she made her own armor, could even make some cash on the side if she sold off any surplus gear. Yawning, she realized how tired she was and quickly closed all the menus filling her vision, unequipping her armor and going to sleep.

7: 30 AM, The Next Day

Hayami woke as the sun swept through her window, sitting up and rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. She'd never been the type to be able to get back to sleep after she woke so she rolled out of be, groggily re-equipping her armor and going over her plans for the day in her head.

Egh, it was too early to try and plan anything out... Dammit she wished she was more of a morning person. Whatever, she'd just find out about this crafting business and work things out after that. Headed down the stairs she ordered a small meal, bringing her down to 40 Col. Wow, was this how normal people lived? She hadn't had financial issues for her whole life and now she was almost broke.. Jeez, she'd need to start managing her funds better or she'd be living on the streets in no time flat.

Well, hopefully the crafting system would help with that.

Taking her seat she flipped open her guidebook, quickly flipping through it until she found the section on crafting and began reading, picking away at her meal as she did.
Suki was sitting, having just ordered breakfast. It seemed to be bread toasted well, and some sort of meat. She was guessing it was Frenzy boar meat. She tried not to think too much on it. Yes, Suki was a farmer. Yes, she killed her own meat. But never something like this. They didn't eat their own pigs. Typically, they sent the pigs off. She sighed, and studied the meat. It seemed to be a sot brown colour, and she trid some. It tasted...odd, but it was food, and she was hungry.

She looked up when she got a PM notification from Ryu. She opened it, andd read it, and found herself smiling Apologsing for being exhauste? Surely that was a first. It amused her, despite the coldness of the message. She replied "Ryu, just at the 'Brown Inn', eating breakfast and waiting for everyone to join me. Take your time, I was thinking of leaving about 0830, so you have time. I have a few ideas, and want to run it by everyone whose joining me, if they are in my party or not' She read it before sending it

When Fai's message came to her, she couldn't help but laugh. She decided she liked Fai, and she replied, "That's okay Fai! Just ordering now, I'm at the "Brown Inn!" I was thinking of heading out at about 0830, so take your time!' She sent it, and leaned back, finishing her breakfast off. She opened her guidebook, flipping through it, and stopping to read every so often. She studied the professions the most-it would be a good way of earning quick money, and she read the ones she was interested in.


Gaining skill and creativeity in cooking is the way to become a master cooker! You can create master pieces out of ingredients quickly, and you can gain 'buffs' enhancing your speed, or strength, or attack for a time. If you love cooking, then this is the profession for you!


This is a noble profession! You can make and miz potions for health, antidotes, and even enhancements! Ever wanted to be a whiz with chemistry? Look no further!


With this you can craft items, such as clothes, scabbards, some of which has enhancements! You can even build tools

Beast Tamer

Love animals? Know how to look after them? On rare occasions, a hostile monster would show an interest in player, and if you do the right thing, you will have tamed the monster! Making it an ally that could assist the player in the future!

Suki was more then interested in becoming a beast tamer. She knew some things about beast taming, for instance if a monster show interest in you you had to give them food. If they liked the food, then they become your ally. She pondered that for a time, wondering how she could go about doing this. After a few moments, she checked her inventory, grimacing slightly.


70 col

two bread

17 boar hides

5 boar meat

3 health potions

it wasn't much. Especially the col. She had had to rent the room for Ryu as well as for herself, an that had bit into her limited funds. She sighed, wondering how much the boar hides would go for. She looked to her skills, and equipped the <<Sprint>> skill, since she currently didn't have any other skill to use, besides her sword skills.

She looked about, seeing that there was a few people in the inn, a little down, a little lost. This was why Suki was doing what she was doing. For the people. She wanted to be a beacon of hope, and wanted to help get out of this world. Which made her wonder how they could feel hunger, exhaustion, etc in this world. Was it part of the nerve gear? She was sure it was, although she wasn't quite sure how.
Getting Suki's message she smiled, loving the sweet little girl. And messaged back " Gotcha, I don't know if I'm gonna make it, but I'll try. Please don't leave without me :< "

It was 0800 and she had just arrived at the town. At this time most of the players remaining in the town of beginnings have finally woken up from their slumber. Then they looked at her funnily, and whispered among themselves. Finding it odd she checked herself out, her clothes were tattered, her hair was a mess, her face was smudged with dirt, and she was holding a broken sword. Nope totally nothing was weird about her. Thinking it was the smell she sniffed her arm, and cringed at the scent.

* Yup it's the smell, I freakin smell like a pile of sh*t * Since yesterday she has never taken a bath. There wasn't one in the inn she stayed at, and she wasn't that adventurous decide to bathe in the river. So all of her bodily fluids she let out from yesterday just stuck on her clothes. Once she noticed her own smell, she couldn't stand it, and she didn't want others to smell it either. With that in mind, before she met up with the others she went back into her in room and used a towel she borrowed from the in and soaked it with her water sack, to at least rid of all dirt and sweat from her body. Though it didn't help with the smell that stuck on her clothes, she could always get new ones. After she cleaned herself she returned the towel and went outside for the finale, and poured all the remaining water in the sack on her hair. With water got all the dirt off her hair she felt way better, and finished it off with the hair flip.

Taking longer than she expected it was almost time for them to go and she didn't have enough time to replace her sword and armor. Thinking that it would be more fun for them to shop together she headed to the inn, and looked around with the others to get their opinions of what she should get.

And so she arrived at Browns Inn at exactly 0830, bestowing her presence to her fellow party members, opening the doors and shouted " Good Morning!~ "
Suki continued to flip through the guide book, pondering her options in this game. There was something about a guest for a good blade, which attracted Suki. The <<Anneal blade>> was a good blade for the first floor, and she thought she could use it, if she could complete the quest. She would ask for others for help.

She smiled when she got Fai's message and sent back "fear not, I won't leave without you!" She chuckled to herself, glad she had met up with someone like Fai. She leaned back to reflect on what had happened so far.

How on earth did she become the leader? Her? How when her brothers never let anything bad happen to her? How when she was the youngest if seven? Was this game going to give her what she always wanted, independence? She loved her family, but sometimes she felt smothered.

She was thrown out of her thoughts by Fai coming in and shouted good morning. Suki rose and said "good morning! You look like you've been busy!"
Hayami was jolted out of her focus as a yell filled the common room, causing her to jump a bit, dropping her book. Looking up to try and spot the culprit she spotted a red-headed girl, who was still running the basic equipment, standing in the doorway. She felt a wave of irritation sweep over her as she bent over to pick up her guidebook. It was still 08 30 in the damn morning and she was going around yelling like that?

Stowing her guidebook back in her inventory Hayami stood up, intending to call the girl out on her manners. Midway over to the girl though, she paused, hearing a somewhat familiar voice pipe up in reply. It was the girl from the church, the one who'd also had the sense to call that warrior chap out on his plan... If she was meeting up with this girl then...

They had probably formed a party.

Her problems with the other girl could wait until later. She needed to see if she could get in on their group before it was too late. Switching her course she turned towards the girl sitting at the table, coming to a stop on the side opposite her. She spoke to her in a rather straightforward manner, not even bothering to give her name "You were at the church yesterday right? Are you still looking for party members?"
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Suki looked to girl that stopped by her and addressed her. Was everyone going to remember her from the church? What she had done was just common sense, right? Of course, there was something strange about 'pretty boy'. She smiled at the girl, unperturbed by the direct attitude.

People were following her. That was what amazed Suki the most. If they followed her, that meant that they believed in her and believed in what she had said yesterday. She said "yes, we are still looking for members,'if you want to join his. I'm Suki!" She said brightly, "this is Fai. There's also the guy who seemed to think storming the boss was a good idea at the moment, and one other guy who isn't a part of the party but happy to go along with us"

She offered her hand to the girl, polite, for a hand shake.
Hayami was a little... surprised by the girls enthusiasm, if it had been her sitting there she would have handled things in a far different matter. She'd accepted her with even asking her so much as what her level was, let alone what kind of gear she had. Maybe the girl wasn't as smart as she had first thought...

Regardless though, she needed a party right now. Even if the other members were... lacking in the brains department, it was still infinitely safer to travel in a group. Seeing her extend her hand she gave an awkward smile, declining her offer for a handshake. She wasn't trying to be rude, but physical contact had made her a little uncomfortable. "Ah, Yes. Pleasure to meet you Suki, I'm Hayami" She said, speaking in her usual business-like tone "I suppose it's nice to meet you too Fai" She continued, turning her attention briefly to Fai, greeting her in a somewhat less polite manner.
" Yes I was, but it's all good now " Fai cheerfully responded, easily finding Suki who rose from her seat. She then took a menu and headed towards the table, and said her order. Once she was done she was about to talk about the events from this morning until an unknown girl came up to them asking to join the party.

* Wow rude much? *Fai had always been told that it was bad to judge others on first impressions, she wasn't really impressed about the new girl's attitude and replied trying not to be bothered by it " Hello Hayami-chan, nice to meet you too!~" though it had come up a bit pitchier than her normal voice, she was sure they wouldn't notice. She also didn't offer her hand.

Even though she had such a silly personality it didn't mean she was stupid, she automatically was aware of the difference in treatment. In fact she was pretty smart from where she came from, though she had to admit she didn't look the part.

But her irritation was soon forgotten as from the corner of her eye she saw a little someone with a tray. It was her expensive pancakes with the syrup on the side. Though it was totally unlike her to not buy the cheapest thing on the menu, she wanted to treat herself for surviving day one. She never really cared about the way she looked or what she needed. With her travels she sometimes had to sleep outdoors so she didn't really care about finding a good inn at all. The only thing she needed to live was ultimately food. Being quite the glutton and gourmet herself, her stomach was not quite compatible with the bread. So she decided earlier to save every penny she can and once at the end of the month she would treat herself to good food.

When the waitress put the food in front of her she drizzled a decent amount of syrup on the steaming hotcakes and started to cut a piece with a knife on her right hand, and fork with her left. Then her favorite moment, putting that soft savory deliriousness in her mouth as she openly expressed her joy as the piece melted in her mouth. " Yum~ " and happily paid for the meal.


1 Raw Lean Boar Meat

18 Rough Boar Hide

1 Stick

8 unidentified items

200-75 col= 125 col
Suki was suddenly put off with this girl,hayami. She narrowed her eyes then shrugged. Some people were just rude without meaning to be. "I know we are all probably low level, but we can work on that. I myself just reached level four" she said brightly as she sent Hayami a party request, wondering why she was a bit impolite, but happy to have other people on the team. Suki tried to be nice to everyone, and tried to be accepting of everyone-it was in her nature to be nice, but sometimes people made it hard. Like Hayami. She could have taken Suki's hand briefly and Suki would have been happy, but she didn't, and Suki found that a tad cold. She supposed she couldn't expect everyone to be nice.

She sat down with Fai, watching her and her romance with pancakes with amusement for a few seconds, before she opened her guild book again. She had already come up with a plan for what they could do today. "So I was thinking we could make our way to Horunka today. That's a few hours away, so we can hunt up frenzy boar. Direwolves, and Nepents, giving us a chance to train. And I'm sure there will be a quest or two we can do in Horunka, giving us more experience and col. I don't know about you guys, but I'm running a bit low on col paying for Ryus room last night after he passed out. I'm thinking that maybe when we all reach level 15, of trying to take on the bosses labyrinth?" She was running it by Fai, and yes Hayami, wanting there opinions for what they should do, rather then just dictate what they were going to do.
Hayami tapped the accept button as the party invite appeared in her vision, feeling slightly relived as the names of her fellow party members filled the top right hand corner of her vision. Suki's plan seemed pretty secure to her, there was no need to go risking their lives rushing the boss before they needed to, though they should probably try and invest in some non-combat skills while they were still on the early floors, before the majority of players started harvesting materials and ingredients.

"Sounds like a plan, though you might want to set aside some time to look into the non-combat professions, having a person or two able to patch up our armor in the field would probably pay off in the long run" She said, voicing her thoughts on how to improve on Suki's plan. Observing to two girls, it seemed like she'd upset them somehow, she wasn't quite sure why, but she decided it would be best for her to make a bigger attempt to make a good first impression on the people she'd be risking her life with in the future, namely the rest of the people that had joined the party.
Ryu read the message under his breath and slumped against the large blade supporting him, relived that they hadn't gone ahead without him. He scanned the field, and was thankful to find that nothing was in the immediate area. Nothing hostile anyway. Ryu forced himself to his feet, pulled his blade from the dirt and sheathed the behemoth. He paused, a silly grin stretching across his lips. The name actually fit the godawful thing, or so he thought. Of course, it's creator named it. He just had no clue what it was, not yet anyway. After looting the items that the boar had dropped, mostly hides and a slab of meat, he'd decided to head towards town.

The leisurely strolling pace he'd set for town would make him rather late to meet the party, but it wasn't a surprise that Ryu would want to cool down after taking his HP down that low. He already knew it was reckless and suicidal, but there isn't much one can do to someone who has an instinctive fighting style. It's not something you can switch off like a light, sure you could learn to suppress it...But then you'd be doing every swing half-assed. Walking around with half of an HP gauge filled made some of the players uneasy, a couple even tried offering him a pot of their own. Ryu politely declined and assured them he had his own supply...Even if it was getting pretty low. They weren't planning on leaving the Town of Beginnings, most of the Players. They wanted to stay in the safe zone for as long as possible, and he didn't blame them one bit. They most likely had things to live for back at home, and didn't want to risk losing them. Even if it meant waiting for someone risking it all to beat the game, and he was sure it was killing them inside.

Ryu'd just finished up selling off the hides and preserving the meat when he'd glanced up at the clock. It was close to 0900 now, and he wasn't too happy that it had taken that long. He dropped his gear off at the blacksmith's with some Cor, and just told the shopkeeper to just have it ready as soon as possible. Then he was off to the 'Brown Inn'.

The place wasn't as packed as he thought, it was rather barren. Spotting Suki, and two other girls wasn't hard in the slightest. He didn't hear much of the conversation, but he'd be caught up later. Ryu was silent, as much as one could be with 10 agility. Which, as expected, wasn't much. The floorboard groaned underfoot and he paused looking like a fool standing on his tiptoes trying to prowl about the Inn.

Sorry I'm late?”
Still keeping her attention on her pancakes she managed to listen to what Suki was saying after all she only needed her mouth to eat. It was only when she finished all of it and was satisfied was she able to break the silence. With her stomach happy she was able to think properly. In truth she thought Suki's plan was pretty decent, but there were many flaws to it. She then nodded when the new girl's point of obtaining non-combat skills, though they might not seems as much as far combat goes they were pretty important, since they don't know much about the world yet. They might spend days maybe weeks in a dungeon, so having someone able to repair equipment was important, though all she would ever need was a chef. Even with no prior experience with games she had read many books about war tactics and fantasy adventure novels, to top it off she had real life experience in surviving the unknown, during her travel through the rain forests and jungles, in South America. First she decided to talk about her own situation first.

She continued the discussion by inputting her own opinion " Well, I don't really mind as to where we are going, truthfully I don't think I can help as much since I've never really played games in general. I do agree with learning non-combat skills though, they are a necessity, what if all of a sudden along the way our sword and armor break? " saying this with experience.

" But instead of focusing on leveling, we should focus on leveling our skills, levels only give us stat points which is good but there are other skills that could do the same or more. " As she was about to go on further in depth she was interrupted by a male who was the one who passed out last night, but being the kind of person she was and remembering things she wants to remember her memory of him was simply erased. She then looked at the other two to see if they knew who the guy was.
Suki listened to both Fai and Hayamis opinions about what they should do and agreed with what they both said. "There's a quest, where you can choose a profession. I want to be a beast tamer, but I know that's really up to the beasts. Alchemy sounds good, and I think blacksmithing would be benefical" she said thoughtfully, "alchemy and blacksmithing would be the best to have in a group, I think. One t give us health potions and things, the other to fix our weapons and armor. Maybe crafting as well" she mused. This seemed like it was going to be complicated, and a bit of a rocky start, but soon she knew it would settle. Suki wanted to be everything, if only to help those she was working with. Was I possible to be everything? If she could train the non-combat skills, that might just be possible.

She nodded thoughtfully "as for non-combat skills, yes, we should train them too. Quests could help there, and I think it will be good to not train after dinner-so we can focus on non-combat skills then in safe zones. I just think it will be dangerous at this time to go training and fighting monsters at night" she said, trying to think of everything to keep them all alive. She looked up when Ryu arrived and said "hello, Ryu. Glad you seem okay. You aren't late. We were just discussing what we are going to do today, and how we aregoing to survive" she said
The warrior was wandering around before heading to the Brown Inn since he was busy recording some information on some of the players that end up talking to him as he was passing by. A few rumours were floating around of a group already infiltrating the first dungeon area and the AI's interest was piqued. He wondered if they were gonna survive, but as he tried to pry further, the players didn't know anything, to his disappointment. Finally finishing his little info-taking, he decided to head to the Inn and a new party member had been added as a new health gauge appeared on the side of his view. Adonis let a smile cross his features as he made his way to the rendezvous point.

Adonis must've arrived shortly after the red-head, since when he entered the Brown Inn, everyone was already chatting it up about professions and quests while some finished their cooking. The AI quietly made his way to his own seat to try and catch up on the conversation but not adding his own opinion yet. His pale grey irises lazily moved around the Inn, finding it less packed then before. Most players must've already headed off already.
When everyone in the party-whether officially or just a tag along like Ryu, Suki made sure they had supplies, and were all ready to head out. She took out a map from her inventory, and checked the way. One of the beta testers had already headed out and mapped the area out, and Suki had taken advantage of the fact that it was free to obtain. She mapped out a route to Horunka, and sent the map away. She smiled at them all, and said "let's head out!"

She led the way out of the town of beginnings, glad to be moving and glad to be heading out of the town and beginning to head out, to aim toward beating the levels and to aim towards getting out. Suki had something to prove and she was going to do it. She tied her hair back on a ribbon, and once they exited the safe zone of the village, she withdrew her blade. When she reached a frenzy boar, she attacked of, hoping that as they headed out, the others would do the same. They may as well make the best of the walking as they headed to Horunka. Get some drops, some col, some experience. They could see what drops they didn't need, giving them more col.

The travel from Horunka seemed to be a popular route right now, and yet, there seemed to be more people staying at the town of beginnings for now, and Suki supposed they needed time to adjust. She herself wasn't one of those people. It was always, at least for her, better to act then to sit around and debate. As they came across Direwolves, Suki studied them for a few minutes, before attacking them.

The game seemed to be adapting to thing, for it began to send out groups of monsters. Five frenzy boar and four Direwolves. And then a large Nepent with a fruit on it's head.

"Oh. No" she swallowed, station at the Nepent "don't kill the Nepent until we have the others" she instructed the others "there was something in the guide book about the fruits"
Time has passed since Riven has activated his Nerve Gear. He wandered among the NPC's and various players around the town of beginnings. After receiving a copy of the guide one of the Beta Testers created, he's been keeping a low profile, leveling up, and fighting, alone. Once a while encountering the various bandits and Laughing Coffin groups, only neutralizing them instead of satisfying his urge to kill them for justice.

He walks the path as his swords dangle at his waist, his hand, lazily grasping the handles of his swords, his hood, covering his face with a dark mass, and his duster, waving against the wind as he quietly strolls. He continues to walk until he leaves the town, thinking its finally the time to move on. With so little Col left after upgrading his equipment, he decides to head for the field, attacking the various wolves and boars that would charge at him, scraping what little XP and Col he can receive at this point.

After a while of endless walking, he sits against a tree in the fields, pulling back his hood as he combs his hair to the side. He opens up his menu and pulls out an item from his inventory. Following that a little item wrapped crudely in paper digitizes in front of him and lands on his lap as he closes his menu. He slowly unwraps the crudely wrapped item to reveal a ham and cheese sandwich with burnt bread. He slowly eats as he drowns himself out to the warmth and the shade of the tree, one hand holding the sandwich as he eats, while the other still grasps the handle of his sword.

He chews as he lies back, taking another bite as he sighs and slowly falls asleep. Closing his eyes quietly...
Observing the group they'd come up against it was clear they'd need to stay on the defensive for this fight.

If the Direwolves were programmed to behave like their real life counterparts like the boars it was likely that they would attack as a group, and try to isolate one or two members of the party, and if they managed to pull that off whoever they managed to surround would be as good as dead. The boars on the other hand were likely to do as they always did and charge the party. Presumably the developers were intending to use the boars to split up the group and have the wolves clean them up afterwards, with the Nepent providing bonuses should any newer players try to take it down first.

With that in mind she thought of a plan.

"Everyone! Make sure not to take to wide a dodge if you're attacked, cut it as close as possible! Try to drive the boars towards the center of the group, if we can surround one we should be able to take it out in no time! And try and drive to wolves back until we've taken out all the boars!"

It was a risky plan, as she had no idea how the Nepent's AI would attack, so far all she knew it could just throw an AOE attack into the group to make them scatter. Regardless though, she'd planned as much for the unknown as she could without opening them up to the boars or the wolves, it was better to plan around what they knew rather than what they didn't anyway.

Soon after she finished speaking one of the boars charged her, likely aggravated by her yelling. Taking her own advice she dodged as closely to the boar as she could, taking a grazing hit on her left leg because of it. Gritting her teeth against the pain of the damage she weaved around the boar and struck it a few times on its side, herding it towards Suki for a second hit.

Hayami, Level 3__

Agility - 10

Strength - 6

Health- 572/600

After a short nap, Xavier sits up with a slight yawn. He notices the sandwich has already vanished, and his hand still lies gripped onto his sword. It felt strange, he shouldn't have been able to take a rest that easily. He then looks off to a distance, seeing a group fighting the wolves and boars. He perks an eyebrow as he climbs up the tree he was sleeping against, hopping from branch to branch until he finally stops on a branch with the perfect view. Observing the party's battle tactics against the boar and wolf creatures. They seem to be low levels, as he is.

Xavier never knew how interesting it is to watch a battle from a distance. He stands crouched and perched against the tree as he watches the battle ensue. He notices one of the characters, a young girl, takes a nick against her left leg. He winces a little and stands up on the branch. He has never been in a group before, nor does one part of him truly want to, but its best if he should join some party, not for himself, but something is telling him something about this particular party. Something he can't just put a finger on...

He nimbly hops off the branch and continues to walk the path as he fixes his hood over his head. With no expression, he strolls over to the ensuing battle, gripping his swords by their handles...
Suki nodded, "Just be care of the Nepent. I don't like the fruit it has on its head. Kill that last, okay" she said, wielding her rapier, she began to move smoothly s Hayami herded the boar towards her. She dodged, and attacked the boar, easily attacking it, and taking out a good store of its health, before she attacked again, killing it. She grinned, and looked about, checking the others health, aware that some one else was around them, but didn't offer any help.

That didn't matter. Suki looked about, ready to attack again, this time choosing a Dire wolf, wanting to defend her team. She worked smoothly, mostly dodging the attacks, but every few attacks, she did get it, the attacks slowly chipping away at her health, until she had to jump back and take a health potion, panting softly. But one dire wolf was down.

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