Roleplay [Living In Aincrad: A SAO RP]

He frowned, ashamed he was noticed. "Well that ruined my entrance", he thought to himself. He unsheathes his dual swords to reveal two black bladed katanas. He ran full sprint at the Dire Wolf, avoiding the other players as he leaps into the air, swinging both swords in a crescent motion at the creature. He aimed mainly at the head and chest area, scarring its neck and its right eye, dropping its health to at least half by the time he landed back on the ground, leaving the creature stunned.

He turned around as he leaps again, landing over the creature as he stabs his blades into the pinnacle of its back, fully jumping over the wolf as his blade follows suit, slicing the creature completely. Its health drops to somewhere around 25% as he lands on the ground swiftly. He looks over at the others but suddenly grips at his shoulder, a sudden pinch of pain feeling through his arm. He notices a little of his health bar is down as he angrily grunts, feeling his arm.

"Ah crap, nicked..."

He looks over behind him, remembering he grabbed one sword that was removed. He looks at the blade, still stuck inside the wolf's neck, the wolf desperately grabs and paws at the sword. Its health bar slowly drops to 0% as it slowly continues to feel the pain of a sword stuck within it. The wolf does a last final howl of anger as it disappears into bits, his sword falling through it and clanking on the ground.
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Leaving the town of beginnings activaerd some sort of chip somewhere in Adonis' programming. Maybe some changes and/or add-ons were being made as he progressed with the group that was lead by Suki. Something like that.

As they made their way to the path leading to Horunka, Adonis made sure to lag a bit behind them, catching a few more snippets of other player's conversations, murmurs and whisperings. Instead of hearing new things, he heard the same news being discussed earlier, players apparently sacrificing themselves to the first floor's dungeon. He sighed and rested his armoured glove on the hilt of his sword. He didn't think sacrificed was the right term to use in this situation...

Suddenly boosting his pace, he caught up to the party but still kept his silent atmosphere, along with a subtle smile on his features.

It wasn't long till they were attacked by a group of frenzy boars, but a group of dire wolves joined soon after, along with a Nepent right at the centre. Suki was already issuing orders whilst slowly observing then attacking one of the direwolves. The party member named Hayami was also sporting some advice, telling the group to surround atleast one of the frenzy boars so it could be easily taken out while dodging them as close as possible. Before Adonis could react, Hayami was already dodging a frenzy boar, unfortunately having a bit of her health drop down but successfuly striking a few hits then leading the boar to the direction of Suki who finished it off. Suki managed to also take down one of the direwolves, sacrificing a chunk of her own health and a health potion.

A newcomer had joined the fight, but apparently he was there already before but Adonis was too busy scanning the scene. The newcomer took down another dire wolf and that made only 2 direwolves remaining and 4 frenzy boars. The AI finally decided to stop being on the side-lines and got his own fighting spirit ready, and by doing so, he unsheathed his blade and equiped his shield on the other arm.

One of the frenzy boars had started to charge at the newcomer, taking the chance of one of the newcomer's blade falling onto the ground as a small opening. Adonis let out a rough grunt as he rushed towards the boar, shield in front. Successfuly making contact against the frenzy boar, his blade was pulled quickly forward and landed three strikes before he had to pull back since the boar had recovered from his small charge and was now forcing most of it's strength against him. Adonis gritted his teeth and waddled a few steps backwards, his shield still in front but looked terrible.
As he gripped at his shoulder, a frenzy boar ran straight at him. He winced, awaiting the painful impact, but then suddenly another player seemed to have join the battle. No, scratch that, this certain player had no cursor. The unidentified player rammed into the boar with his Shield and did three successful strikes against the boar with his sword, but is now struggling to balance himself. Xavier dove for his second katana and stood up, holding his blade directly at the boar in front of the player. He sprints again, but instead leaps straight forward at the boar. lunging at it with his blade drawn, blade shining.

The final impact with his katana seemed to have finished off the boar as the sword pierces through it cleanly. The boar disappears into data bits as Xavier redraws his sword to his side. He then looks at the new player, blade directly in his face. He speaks in a low, smooth voice to the player, "The world is known truly, Mystery lies within who you are, For now you are friend." He pulls his sword away and leaps off, diving at another Dire Wolf with his katanas drawn straight out in front of him spinning in sort of a drill motion, his duster, waving and flapping against the force of the wind as he impacts the Dire Wolf's back, damaging it heavily.

However it still gets him in the back of his head, "Who is this other character, why does he not have a cursor..."
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Suki took a deep breath, analyzing the situation and checking over everyone. These people were her responsibility, in her party or not. She led them here and she would make sure they all survived. She was pretty sure she was the highest level here, and that have her a slight advantage, along with her speed and sprint skill. She quickly equipped acrobatics, and she began

Two Direwolves. Three frenzy boar. One Nepent with a fruit on it's head. She quickly figured out a path. And then she began. Suki was naturally flexible, and good at gymnastics in the real world. Some of those skills must have transferred here. After all, her body was pretty much the same here as it was in the real world. Just made of data. Her fighting could simply be considered a dance, and that's what she did.

She moved smoothly and fluidly, using her blade, and it's attacks, going for attacks that were quick to use and quick to recharge. For those few minutes, it seemed like she had a greater understanding of the game then ever before. She had studied the guidebook, and knew her attacks well. And right now she had a desire to protect those she was responsible for.

She attack all the monsters, minus the Nepent. She brought their health down low, enough for the others to begin to attack and kill them, and in those few moments she wasn't simply Suki. She was a protector. She stepped back, panting, shocked at the exhaustion she felt. She looked up, "your turn" she said to the others, "leave the Nepent. We will fight it together" most of the monsters had less then 50% health left.
Xavier finally finishes off the other Dire Wolf, leaving one more. He take notice of the girl that is attacking all the beasts, smooth and graceful, the one giving out the orders and commands. Funny, she looked so young, yet she was giving out the orders. Whoever she was, he'll help her, but hopefully she learns something, He takes orders from NO-ONE. He charges at another Frenzy boar, keeping one katana to the side, cutting through one completely, while his second he throws it at the other one, making it spin in a deadly pinwheel of dark beauty. Both boars erupt in a small explosion of bits and data following suitly. He lunges after his thrown katana and catches it midway, holding them both in a reverse sword fashion. With a grunt he sprints and leaps at the last frenzy boar, his blades in an X-formation in front of him.

"This makes left one wolf, one boar, and one Nepent, this should be interesting...", He thought to himself as he made impact and destroyed the boar as he sliced his blades in the X formation quickly.
Through the shadows of her hood, Zakaraia looked at the Frenzy Boar before her. She hadn't yet fought anything - Instead she had been getting used to the world and becoming as coordinated with the VR controls. At first they had felt oddly disorienting... But now they felt almost normal.

Luckily, making slightly complex moves wouldn't be hard if she had managed to make herself at home with the simple controls, right? At that Zakaraia drew her sword - A simple sword, one she assumed was the basic weapon - And dashed toward the boar. She sidestepped at the last moment, as the creature expected her to hit it head-on, and made a large cut across the side of the creature. It didn't do much damage, which irritated Zakaraia a bit. So I'll need to attack more often with this weapon rather than expect to land one or two high-damage blows, she thought.

She backflipped over the boar and jabbed it in the back numerous times with her blade. She noticed that rather than seeing typical wounds she saw reddish-orange gaps in the creature's skin, the only sign she had that she was dealing damage... Until the creature shattered into white shards of - Well, what was that? Focus on landing, stupid! A voice shouted at the back of Zakaraia's head - For good reason, of course - When, only a moment or two later, instead of landing on her feet she stumbled and fell forward. She muttered a curse and struggled to her feet, regaining her balance as she did so. She adjusted her hood as she did so, to make sure she wasn't showing her face.

After eliminating his boar, he turned over his swords and held them in the normal upright position. He looked over and saw another girl wearing a hood as well, fighting another boar. He watches her fall over and curse to herself after defeating it.

Xavier sheathes his swords and leaps over. He stands over her and drops to a knee, offering out his hand to help her while she fixed her hood. While his own face is concealed by his own black hood.

"Are you alright..?"
Zakaraia pulled herself to her feet, sighed and sheathed her sword. "I'm fine," she muttered in her typical - Admittedly slightly low - voice. "Don't worry about me." She glanced around at the boars in the area - She considered simply leaving this person to train more, since she had only just started and the last thing she wanted was to be weak. "Who are you?" Zakaraia asked, her curiosity peaked. "I don't think I've seen you before..." Though, admittedly, I haven't seen a lot of people here before. "Do you want a sparring partner or something?" Zakaraia couldn't figure this man would be bothering to talk to her unless it was for that.
He smiles slightly, still having his face covered, only showing his little smile. "I go by Xavier here, its good to see you want to be strong, if you want to be partners I would be obliged to accept. However I would like to help this group finish off the Wolf and Nepent first if you wouldn't mind. I don't know your name, but it is nice to meet you."

He stands up and nods, leaping off at the last Dire Wolf with his swords drawn, sprinting at it with no expression.
As te last wolf and boar were killed, that left the Nepent with a fruit on its head. Suki was uneasy, as she studied the beast. She looked over at the guy that had come to help, the one she had felt nearby watching them. "Thank you for your help. And the further help with the Nepent. i..I have a theory that as soon as we kill it, that fruit on it will open and spew out many many little Nepents." She smiled, and stared at the Nepent, checking her health, and those on her team, asking, "Do any of you need a health potion?" she didn't have many left, but enough for them all to have one.

She looked around them, but there didn't appear to be any other monsters nearby. They were close to the next town, for which Suki was grateful and she looked over them all once more, "Shall we finish it?" She asked them wearily
Xavier shakes his head, "I am truly fine, wounds are small they will heal, potions aren't needed." He sheathes his left arm sword but still holds his right sword, holding it out in front of him. "This theory is unclear, I am not for sure what happens, we shall find out soon."

He stands beside the girl he believes to be the leader and peers at the Nepent under the blackness of his hood, observing it. He frowns and replies normally, "If your theory is true, then we should attack at the same time, one person after the fruit, the rest after the Nepent itself, perhaps disemboweling the fruit while finishing off the Nepent will stop its effect." He holds his katana in his reverse sword handling, across his side as he brings it to his waist. "I'll volunteer to go after the fruit, I need a diversion to draw the Nepent's attention away from me, while its also being damaged by the distraction as well. The call to make our move is on you." He crouches down in a crouching tiger/panther stance, his sword still sideways in front of him. The blade faces the Nepent, his eyes, unchanged, his expression blank, and his duster's cloak, flapping against the wind peacefully like a flag.
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Suki nodded, and turned to face the Nepent, "I don't think the fruit will open until we have killed the Nepent, but we can triy it" She said, willing to take anyone's advice simply aiming at keeping them all alive. "I'll give you a diversion" She said. She took a deep breath, and aactivating her sprint skill, she took off towards the Large Nepent with the Fruit, and when she was near it, she leapt into the air, twisting, and slashing her Rapier over the Nepent, activing a sword skill as she did so, damaging the Nepent, but not disturbing the fruit. She moved flluidly so that when she landed, she took the blow throughout her whole body, and maintained her balance. She span, and began to shout, drawing the Nepent to her.
Xavier watched as she sprinted at the Nepent and made her move, giving him an open window. She's fast, she's good, maybe she's someone he can rely on or trust in the future, he'll learn eventually. He runs up a nearby tree by its trunk, his sword down at his side. He continues to run up the trunk until he's perched at the highest branch, staring down at the Nepent's fruit. Xavier watches the girl continue to scream and attack the Nepent until its completely facing the other direction and its fruit completely open to him to strike upon. He grits his teeth as he waits patiently while she continues to attack and distract it, "Come on, just a little more..."

The moment the Nepent's health bar reaches it critical point, Xavier dives down, headfirst, his duster continuing to flap as his sword is still straight down at his side. At the right moment, he tilts himself backwards so his head is facing upwards, unbeknownst to him that the wind blows up enough to move his hood back and off his head, revealing his jet black hair and expressionless face. He swings in a crescent motion upwards, narrowly slicing off the fruit as his final attack lowers its health completely.

The Nepent howls in pain as it breaks into little bits of data and code, the fruit falling down helplessly and dissolving into bits as well. He lands nimbly on the ground in a crouch stance and slowly stands up, sheathing his sword. He looks over, looking around the Experience and Col screen, at the girl and smiles, reaching over and offering out his hand, still keeping his hood back.

"Good call."
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Suki managed to watch as Xavier attacked, despite keeping her attention on the Large Fruited Nepent as she continued to attack it. She was starting to grow weary, and wished a quick end to this battle, glad when the guy dove on the monster, finishing it and the fruit off, before the little nepents could be spewed from it. He seemed skilled, especially to be able to do that, but Suki wondered just how much skills would help them here, and for how long, before the game adapted.

She studied the guy as his hood was blown back, to show his blck hair, and blank face. Ws that merely while he was fighting? and why wear hood anyway? They couldn't hide their looks forever. She watched as he landed nimbly on the ground, and offered his hand to her. She returned his smile, and shook his hand.

She ran a hand through her hair, and said "Thanks. I'm Suki"
Xavier nods with his smile and takes his hand back, picking up his sword, "Xavier, level 5, it's nice to meet you Suki."

He takes his sword and sheathes it onto his back. He looks back at Suki. "You seem like the Alpha of a wolf pack, I'm guessing this group is yours?"

He then looks around, wondering where did the other girl with the hood go..
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Suki smiled "I'm nearly level six. Most of the others are level three I think." She said, looking over them. She checked to make sure none were severally damaged health wise, before looking back to Xavier.

She nodded "it seems that way. I made some speech and they seemed happy with me so...somehow I'm party leader. So far all is well. Are you on your own? Would you like to join us? We can always use new people and the more the merrier I think here!"
Xavier nods, "Killing that Nepent made me close to level six as well Suki." He observed his health bar a little, noticing how a little of it is missing due to damage from earlier.

He looks back to Suki, "I see, so you have inspired people, makes sense. About myself, yes, I'm a solo player. About joining you, I usually work alone, but I guess I can for now."

He opens up the menu to his inventory, pulling out a potion as he sips it quietly, letting his health regenerate. He switches his swords as well, his Katanas (one sheathed on his waist while the other is the back of his right side), switching to two black Claymores, now sheathed in an X formation on his back, tightly secured against his duster.
Want to be partners, Zakaraia thought again. He would gladly accept. Wait a second--

"No, no," Zakaraia cut him off. "No. I wasn't offering, I was asking if that's what you had bothered talking to me about." Not many people had talked to her since the game had started, and that was the way she liked it, but every time someone had talked to her it had been about joining forces or... Something. Teams weren't Zakaraia's forte. "I'm not interested in teamwork, I'm afraid," Zakaraia explained. "I'd slow down a team. I'm better off on my own." She turned around and continued along, her eyes drifting around the floor - She hoped to find a few more boars to train against. Maybe that would take her mind off things.

(I LIVE! But only for a little while. I have to get back to school in about twenty minutes.)
Xavier perks an eyebrow at the girl, "I agree, working alone would be best, I am in the same position, however we all need help once in awhile you know."

He sighs and sits on the ground, scratching the back of his head.

"Are you sure? You won't slow me down a bit at all, I'm not going anywhere at all on my own anyways."

He looks back at the girl with a tad smile on his face.

"At least tell me your name."
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"Oh, do we?" The word need in that sentence seemed to annoy Zakaraia for one reason or another. "I have no debts to pay to the people here, but I will do what I can to help them out of kindness. However, I assure you I will do so alone." She couldn't see herself with anyone at her shoulders, unless it was someone staying back to handle things out of battle, and she didn't even want someone to do that. "Look. I mean you no offense, but I don't need help. In fact, I don't need anything but training here. Now, if you'll allow me to do so, I'll take my leave."

Zakaraia turned away and glanced over her shoulder, revealing the lower part of her face momentarily. "Or must I argue with you further?"
Xavier stands up, crossing his arms, but not out of anger. He tilts his head, still having an eyebrow perked. "I am doing nothing but offering kindness, all I want to do is help." He walks over a little and reaches over with his hand, gently touching her shoulder. "With what happened to all of us, being kept in this world and all, all of us need help... I'm not saying anything against you, or anything to make fun of you. All I'm saying is I want everyone to be free, even though we may only be complete strangers, I want everyone to come out of this alive. I apologize if I sounded rough..."

He sighs, "I know what its like, to be alone... I know exactly how it feels..."

He lets go gently as he starts to walk back to Suki, his duster gently flaps. He slowly looks over his shoulder, "If this is how you choose your path, very well, I hope you will achieve your goals and that our path's will cross again... I do hope sometime in the future we help each other out"

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Suki listened as Xavier spoke to another player. "There's no burden in a team. No one slows anyone down" She said softly when they seemed to be finished talking. "You say you have no debts to pay to the people here, and that's just stupid. There aren't that many people here actively fighting. We have no choice but to act together. If all you do is train, then you won't survive. You will die here. If that' what you want, fine. I can't stop you. None of us can. But I'll be damned if someone foolishly tries to get themselves killed in front of me. So at least take a damned health potion" She said, as she took one out of her inventory.

She spoke loudly so the girl could hear, and continued speaking, "I might not know what its like to truly be alone, but I know the heart ache of not having friends. So if you ever want help, or ever want to join the team, message me" She looked to Xavier, "Will you be joining?"
Xavier sighs and nods slowly, "Yeah.. sure."

He slowly slips hands in his duster's side pockets, his Claymore's handle's chains dangle from their sheathes as they clang with his movement.
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Zakaraia sighed. "Drama queens," she muttered under her breath and let out a little chuckle. With a few quick swipes of a GUI master, Zakaraia sent a party invite to the two people she had only just met - It didn't seem like a smart idea at all, but the last thing she wanted people thinking was that she was sad or depressed or 'felt alone'.

She didn't, did she? Nope. Not really.

"Well? If you think I won't be dead weight, prove me wrong." She had a hand on the hilt of her sword and a smile across her face - Obscured by the shadows of her hood, of course. "I'll stick around for a while, but don't expect me to stay forever." She thought of leaving this place, of getting out of here as soon as possible. Leaving this place as soon as she could was ideal... What was happening to her body outside this game? She could be in a hospital somewhere, dying. Then again, she should worry about dying in this game more, shouldn't she? She could actually prevent that.

Stay a while, stay forever, Zakaraia thought. No, I'm leaving this game. I will. And if I need a hand or two, I'll take them.

Well, aren't I being dramatic?
Xavier smiles a little and kindly accepts the invite. He looks over at Suki, "It seems she already has a party, so perhaps the party's are going to merge."

He slips his hand back into his duster pocket.

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