Roleplay [Living In Aincrad: A SAO RP]

After was finished improving some of his skills for blacksmithing he noticed a quest announcement as soon as he left the back of the store and came out to the front. Naturally he thoughts went to getting a second claymore one for use against higher tier enemies. He decided he should level up before doing that quest so he left the store passing by Xavier.

He made his way to the hunting grounds outside the safe zone. He drew his claymore and one thing he wanted to test out was the second grip it has. He grabbed it by the second grip as a few dire wolves in dire needof hacking(pun) approached. He knew like this he could use sword skills but there must be some bonus or something he gains from this. He should really improve his appraisal skill when he gets a chance. Asura spun around the first and brought his blade down on it's midsection cleaving it in two. He then went on the next one and stabbed it in it's leg releasing the second grip for extended reach. He drew back his blade and with a mighty thrust finished off the second wolf. The third got him in his leg because he wasn't paying attention to it. He didn't even turn around to cut it. He grabbed his sword with one hand by the second grip and swung it behind his back and into the wolves skull and then tugged one the blade killing the wolf.

He saw more dire wolves coming likely from the death howls of the previous wolves. He made full use of his agility this time. Using his newly aquired speed to cut through wolves taking minimal damage from the strikes of smarter wolves.(ones that attack when he's attacking another wolf.) He stabbed another wolf straight down in its throat. He slashed the limbs off another and then stabbed it into dirt. He proceeded to killl more as time went on
As soon as the post for a weapon emerged, Xavier smiled a bit, he pulled out some Direwolf Peltings, Boar tusks, small bits of iron ore and pieces of metal. He looked over these items carefully, hoping to make a weapon he values for a while, and that these materials and ingredients work well, for they are all he have. He pushes the items onto the table and activates them with Cleo's Quest, hoping for something good.

Request Weapon Type: Sword
Cleo looked over the items with some satisfaction, before saying "all this is good, but If you wish me to make a weapon such has yet to be seen, I need a few more things. Little Nepent Oil, which helps make the blade shine as well as prevents lose of durability with a dire wolf fang. And some boar hide, for the handle. I am more then happy to wait for you to collect these" as Cleo finished speaking, Xavier recieced a notification: for the duration of

This quest, the fated weapon, you may receive dire wolf fangs, boat hides and Nepent oil.
Xavier smiles and nods as he receives the notification. "Keep those, I'll be back with the rest of the stuff you'll need." He walks off as he equips his dual Claymores.

After a while of walking he finally returns to the field where he was earlier, now this time since its in the daytime, bunches of Boars and Direwolves are seen in the distance. He stands on the edge of a small rock face as he looks beyond, with a smile on his face. He looks down and unsheathes both of his Claymores as he looks down proudly, seeing both Direwolves and Boars below. He dives down as he laughs, holding out his swords as he uses them to cling and drag himself to the bottom of the rock face. As he reaches his intended drop, he jumps off and dives off at the boar and Direwolves. He holds his Claymores at his sides as he dives down, laughing and smiling. He rolls back so he falls upwards, using the gravity to pull him down fast enough to increase the force of his weapons. A lone boar hears his laughing and looks up in time to a see a blade begin to fall onto them.

Suki began to grow restly as time went by, and so sending another message to the group, she said 'Will just be fighting some wolves or boars, whenever you are all ready. Please don't hesitate if you need help' then she headed off. She helped her rapier in her hand, a little off put that no one had come yet, and worried that something had happened to them. But their names were still accoumpied by Online so she had to assume that they were all alive and well. Perhaps they had got stuck in a quest, like she had. Which reminded her. She should sell the anneal blade, get some money, by some supplies so she could either make health potions or buy health potions to give to the rest of the group. Or some other supplies that they needed, perhaps pay for enhancements for them.

She would ask them what they wanted, she decided, so she could provide it for them. She just wanted them to be happy here while they were stuck, and to stay alive. Even if she didn't know them besides their in game characters, she felt like she shouldn't change who she was, just because she was here, and that meant being generous and kind, if determined. Sometimes she worried that she didn't know how to interact with people because of her brothers, and that she was more off putting then friendly. And she desperately wished to know how to make friends easily. What would have happened if she hadn't spoken up? Would she have just trailed alone meekly? Watched as people were led to their deaths?...She shuddered at those thoughts. No. She had done the right thing. She had taken charge, and was trying to do the best she could in order to keep as many people alive as she possible could. If that meant she wasn't little miss popularly, well, so be it. besides, she wanted friends who would accept her for herself, and not friends who'd accept a false version of herself and despise the real version of her.

She hadn't realised she walked into what appeared to be a lone guy fighting a pack of direwolves. It wasn't any of her group, but she still helped, attacking a wolf that was close to her, the guy seemed to be doing well, but that didn't mean she still couldn't help. She quickly killed the direwolf, glancing about.
After slashing the final wolf and receiving the final Exp. and Col. screen, he sheathes his Claymores and proceeds to check his inventory for all the stuff he needs. He closes his inventory as he proceeds to return to town. He sees Suki and looks over, waving to her, hoping she notices. She seems to have something on her mind, he follows her gaze to a lone guy fighting off a bunch of Direwolves. He smiles to himself, seeing the guy reminds him of himself when he first met Suki, helping them off against the huge hordes of Boar and Direwolves.

He makes a hand signal to Suki, motioning they should both help him out a bit.

He pulls out his Dual Claymores and sprints, jumping over a rock as a boost as he dives onto another wolf, constantly slashing.
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After yanking his blade out another monster, he turned to see that more monsters have gathered. Saves the troubles of go finding them. He swung his blade and killed another dire wolf. Then he noticed two had come to his aid. A woman and a man, one even was another Greatsword user as himself only he used two. Well Asura did prefer to have one hand possibly free. He said "Wow how unexpected, another fan of Claymore and a young lady have come to aid me." He then noticed the dual claymores guy is the one from the shop he left earlier.

He focused back on the battle taking the head of a wolf, he jumped over to the opposite end of the monster group. He slashed one wolf that made the mistake of being turned around from him. It's death howl made the others turn to him. One wolf leapt at him, he swung vertically and cleave the wolf in two. The pack of dire wolves were beginning to thin. He took the initiative to rush in and cleave wolves left and right. He was surrounded by reflective blue polygons by the times he noticed he was out of wolves. He checked his menu to see he did reach level 7. He quickly added his three points to agility which is the smart move to him as he had strength in the form of great sword and some speed to go with it.

Asura Level 7

Strength: 14

Agility: 14

He looked at the two that had come to help him out, He said "Well hello there." He placed his sword on his shoulder with actually the second grip resting on his shoulder.
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He smirks a little noticing that this player used only one Claymore, other then himself, dual-wielding the greatswords. He lands on the back of a Direwolf and proceeds to slash with both weapons at its neck, dislodging it and finishing it in one swipe. He lands with both swords at his side, standing beside the other player, looking at him.

"Nice to meet you mate too, you seemed overwhelmed by these things, thought we should hop in for some fun." He jerks his right thumb over at Suki.

He spins the other way and slashes both swords at an incoming Direwolf's chest, it howls as he slashes it cleanly, leaving two gaping gashes on its chest. It disappears into bits and data, earning Xavier more Exp. and Col.
Suki looked over as Xaviar motioned to her, gave him a quick smile, before quickly killing another direwolf. It didn't seem like much effort to help someone, especially now in this game. She steadily killed off the wolves around her, and soon realised that she had run out of wolves. She looked about, and it seemed that the other two had as well.

She smiled, and nodded, "Hiya. I'm Suki. It seemed better then watching you die, not that I doubt your abilities" She said hastily, not wanting to offend. "I just didn't want to sit there, in case you did lose..." And now she was on the verge of rambling again. She stopped and cleared her throat. "Well. You should be more careful though. the game seems to like throwing packs of monsters out there"
Having calmed down, well, having slightly calmed down, Hayami strolled through town, having decided that her extensive farming the previous night was more than enough for the time being more than enough training for now, and had left her with drops and col in abundance for the time being. And speaking of her drops, she still hadn't taken the liberty to go through her drops from the previous night, having fallen asleep and all, and now was as good a time as ever, it wasn't as if she was doing anything after all. Taking a seat at a nearby cafe, Hayami began to scroll through her inventory, checking over the various item's she'd picked up the various night.

Hayami, Inventory__

Col - 372

Boar Meat Chunks - 7

Rough Boar Hide - 18

Rough Wolf Hide - 11

Fine Wolf Hide - 3

Tiny Dire Wolf Fang
- 4

Over-Sized Dire Wolf Fang - 1


Most of her drops were pretty standard, just a bunch of random crafting materials, but a couple of the prefixes interested her, most of her drops up to this point had been rough, so seeing the fine, tiny, and over-sized prompts were fairly surprising to her, as she'd assumed things wouldn't start going up in quality for at least a few more floors, and decided to give them a look over first.


[uncommon] Fine Wolf Skin

' D-Class Crafting Item '

' Can be refined into low-grade leather, used for basic weapon and armor crafting or de-furred, used for the creation of clothing and adornments'

[uncommon] Tiny Dire Wolf Fang

' E-Class Crafting Item '

'While too small for use in weapon crafting, Tiny Dire Wolf Fangs are often used for the creation of basic jewellery, and can be sold to jewelers at a low price, or used to create a necklace'

[Rare] Over-Sized Dire Wolf Fang

' E-Class Crafting Item '

'While too large for use in weapon crafting, Over-Sized Dire Wolf Fangs are often used for the creation of basic jewellery, and can be sold to jewelers at a medium price, or used to create a necklace'


Necklace and clothing materials huh... She had recently, having looked further into the professions, decided against becoming a Tailor, so I couldn't hurt to indulge a little could it? Yeah, a couple of niceties wouldn't hurt or anything, not if she wasn't going to need the materials anyway. Deciding on it, Hayami got up from her seat, and headed towards the town jeweler and tailor, soon emerging with a new scarf, and a necklace equipped, and began to take a better look around the town, significantly calmer from her little shopping session.

Hayami, Inventory__

Col - 277

Boar Meat Chunks - 7

Rough Boar Hide - 18

Rough Wolf Hide - 9

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Saiyoko presses enter for the last attempt at trying to hack the game, luckily it goes through and the computer gives him some feedback letting him know that he has successfully created a character despite him not being in the game. He lets out a sigh as he turns to the headset, it was hooked up to two computers, one of which was just done pre-creating his character. He gets up and walks over to the bed, Saiyoko lays down and puts on the headset. With a feeling of dread in his stomach he switches the headset on and anticipates the game as it starts up, the plastic object starts whirring and at this point Saiyoko was just about to die of waiting, when the helmet was fully online he finally says the words that probably be his own demise,

"Link start." And with that, he was sent into the SAO world. Saiyoko is quickly jutted into the game, his character already made and named before entering the game. As he observes his surroundings he deducts that he must be in some kind of town, seeing as there are many shops and stores etc. Saiyoko was amazed by the beauty of this world, how it looked was simply amazing, Saiyoko thought it was a good idea to get this game but he would never be more wrong. At this point he's spent enough time gawking and decides to take his first step in the game, he slowly raises his foot and brings it don in front of himself, just to slip and fall. Good job Saiyoko,

AGH!" Saiyoko yells as he falls, and he lets out a grunt when he hits the ground.
Xavier nods, switching his Claymores to his katanas. "I agree with Suki, the game seems to be spawning monsters faster and faster. Be more wary." He checks his inventory for all the Quest items he needed and closes it, nodding satisfied.

"Alright well, I should get to town and get my Quest complete, I'll see ya around Suki."

With a wave of his hand, he walks off and returns to town. Before he enters Cleo's shop, he takes notice that a strange object fell from the skies, into the fields where Suki and the other guy was. Strange, a random spawn? A new player? No way, how can a player get into the game already with it being activated this long?

He shrugs and enters Cleo's shop, standing in front of the table and placing his Quest items onto the table's surface and activating his Quest.

"Got what I needed and a little more extra of each item, perhaps having more of it might make the quality better. If there are leftover ingredients and materials that are left out from the creation, I'll sell them to you. I found this rune and this gem by the way, I hope it can be of some use."

[uncommon] Spirit of the Wolf: D Class Crafting Item, 'Mainly used for weapons crafting, rune embodies the Spirit of the Wolf, enhancing weapon damage by 10%, can be sold to blacksmiths at a medium to high price.'

[Rare] Eye of the Direwolf: D Class Crafting Item, 'This rather pretty gem glows with a strange luminescent aura, resembling an eye of a Direwolf with an orange surrounding color, with a lightish blue iris in the center, can be used for the creation of jewelry, or for the aid in a weapon, enhancing swing speed by 5%, can be sold to a jeweler for a HIGH price.'
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Continuing her walk through town Hayami was a little disappointed, apparently there wasn't actually that much in this place, she supposed she should have figured that out with this only being the second town in the game and all, normally these places had even less stuff to do than this one did, but it was still a bit of a let-down, the moment she'd decided to relax a bit there was barely anything to relax with, and she couldn't even afford most of the stuff that was present. Egh. Why couldn't the Kayaba jerk have gone and given them their money from real life as well as their looks? God knows it would have made her life easier.

No... No... She'd just gotten properly relaxed. She wasn't going to go and get herself all worked up again, not now, she could save her anger for later, like when she saw the idiot members of her party again, oh yeah, that would work, she'd be sure to give Little Miss Saint and Lord Showoff a piece of her mind when they met up later. Her usual mental ranting was cut off as she rounded a corner, the sight of some dumbass laying face-first in the dirt popping into her vision, one of her usual, overly critical thoughts shooting through her mind as she looked him over. 'Seriously? Another idiot? Is everyone in this game this stupid or am I just a magnet for these people!?'

Sighing, she approached him, coming to a stop a few feet from his body, looking down on him to see what he'd do next.
"I'd be mad that you guys came if you weren't such a kind hearted and beautiful young lady." Asura said nodding to Suki. Whoa there said a little much. "Anyway so I was just farming till I became a level 7. Now that I'm done, I gonna go find a field dungeon so I can get some of the good stuff." Asura told Suki. "You can come with if you have nothing else to do. Heard you the other day giving a a speech to a group of players which I assume are your party. I don't necessarily do the whole party thing, I only trust friends to have my back."

He began walking thinking about what he wanted. He wanted two sets of armor and two more claymores. Two or three bosses should supply what he needs. One thing he does know about dungeons is that entrances are normally in montainous areas. "It's far off east of here in the mountains is where I'm heading." he explained.

Siayoko pushes himself up and stares at the ground in frustration,

"This is bullshit." He huffs, his first step in the game and he trips, who even does that?! Saiyoko stands and brushes himself off before looking at the girl standing next to him,

What do you want?" He says with an annoyed face and a sharp tone.
Suki blinked. That seemed way too forward for her, but then...her brothers probably made her niave in that regard. She smiled, friendly as always. "I find that kindness gets you further in life then anything else" She said with a shrug. When he mentioned the speech, Suki blushed. "I don't really know where that came from. I guess I was just...enraged about what was done to us, and just seemed like no one had a clear idea what to do...and...and I'm rambling again. Sorry" She cleared her throat, and took a deep breath, smiling almost shyly.

She pondered what he said about friends having his back, glanced about, "it doesnt' seem like you have any friends in the game, or they would have been here with you, right? So...time to make new friends!" She said, smiling genuinely. She thought about the party, and the rest of the group, debating what to do. Most of today was already gone, and she doubted they would reach the next town without trouble. So she nodded and said, "Alright. I'll come" He seemed friendly, which she couldn't say for most of her party just yet. Xaviar seemed okay, but Hayami just seemed cold and distant. "Hold on" She stopped, to write a message to them all 'Do whatever you wish for the rest of the day' before following once more.
"Guess you could say I just made one." Asura announced. He pulled up his menu and sent a friend request rather than a party invite. "We'll probably have to book a room at an inn in the next town. Unless your in to traveling at 2:00 am sort of person and would camp out where monsters could attack at any moment hahaha." Asura said scratching his head a bit.

"Shall we get going, the adventure awaits. I'm Asura by the way. Though it's on my Player Status bar I still like proper introductions because it's a videogame." Asura said. He began walking to the eastern edge of town and beyond leaving the safe zone. He is now in the danger zone where anything can happen. It seemed that dusk is almost upon Aincrad now.
Hayami raised an eyebrow, her expression being one of slight curiosity, but mostly that of a food critic looking over a disappointing dish as the boy got to his feet, though it quickly shifted to one of annoyance as he spoke to her. An, asshole to top off his rudeness, what a fantastic find she'd stumbled upon, and what was up with his hair? Did he really have the multicolored mop on his head in real life?

"What do I want? Nothing. But who do you think you are speaking to me like that? Especially with that hair, Rainbowhead" She spouted, a little out of character, though she had been a fair been a fair bit more... irritable today than usual, she didn't care, it felt good just letting everything else, maybe getting stuck in this place was effecting her more than she thought, and maybe this was her minds way of dealing with it, it wasn't like she cared, she probably would have said most the things she did even if she wasn't in her little mood, just in a different tone.

Siayoko glares at the girl in a cold manor, he instantly did not like her but that was simply due to his bi disorder. He will most likely come to like her once he's happy again,

"I think I am a piece of shit who decided to to play this game to escape the hell-hole called life." He snaps back at her, voluntarily insulting himself for no clear reason, in all reality he didn't have any friends in the real world. This probably stems back to his computer addiction but never-the-less, he hates himself for not being so social.
Egh, he was even one of the self-hating types too, Jesus, she really did have that worst luck when it came to people didn't she? Returning his glare, with her usual calmness sweeping back over her turning it to one more of disappointment than annoyance she sighed, she guessed she shouldn't judge the guy based off of the first few things that popped out of his mouth, she was sure he'd go earn himself a place in the idiot pile sooner or later, but there was always the slim chance, and it was a very slim chance, that he'd prove himself to be bearable instead of getting thrown in with the rest of the dumbasses she'd met in this place.

"Well didn't that turn out well for you? Must be great for you then, being stuck in this little game" She said, her voice returning to her usual calm tone, her little verbal stab having gotten the annoyance mostly out of her system.

Saiyoko paused for a moment, he took longer to proccess what she said then it should have. Stuck? No, he couldn't have been stuck,

"Stuck? What's that supposed to mean?" His voice was now a tad more worried, Saiyoko has seen those movies where the AI turns evil and such causing the protagonists to be trapped/pursued by the computer. Saiyoko's face also changes and is now more of a pitiable look, for he was starting to worry about what the girl meant by stuck.
Hayami folded her arms, regarding the boy critically, did he really not know he was stuck here? No, that was impossible with the speech Kayaba had thrown out at the beginning of all this. Then again, he could just be some sort of whimp who passed out during the ordeal, and with his earlier take on reality it wouldn't surprise her if he'd just chosen not to log out until this point. Whatever, this would be pretty easy to explain.

"Try and log out." She said flatly, looking at him with an amused expression as she spoke, waiting for his reaction when he found the log-out button to be gone.
Xavier got the ping of the message from Suki, he smiled as he replied kindly.

"Finishing Quest, I'll join up with you shortly, have nothing better to do anyways."

He sends it off and crosses arms and waits patiently to complete his quest for the weapon
Suki smiled and accepted the friend request happily, glancing about them to make sure that everything was alright, and that there weren't any monsters around. She began to train her detection skill, and after a minute or two, she said "Frenzy boar, one about 20 metres behind a tree or something" She said with a smile, pleased with herself at being able to do that. She knew she would never be strong in this game, so by having the abilities like sprint and detection, it gave her the opportunity to be useful.

She stopped briefly once more as Xavier replied, and she smiled. He was kind, and even if he didn't want to join them, he was going to, and that made her feel better. She replied 'Alright. You might have to run a bit'. She then caught up ith Asura. "Pleasure to meet you, Asura"

Saiyoko opens the menu but not see the log out button, just a blank space where it should be. Oh no, he he goes, Saiyoko starts trying to press the blank space in hopes that it might respond but it does not,

"O-Oh no. No, I can't-" His sentences are now in a confused jumble as he stumbles back, his eyes are wide and are darting around wildly. Saiyoko suddenly falls over, his eyes wide open and staring blankly at nothing, he definitely wasn't dead or his body would despawn. Well Saiyoko, you done goofed.

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