Roleplay [Living In Aincrad: A SAO RP]

Suki smiled. She went over to Hayami, informing her on what they were doing, and ready, she messaged Asura that they were ready, and to meet them at the town center. She looked to Riven and smiled once more, "do you need anything before we go fight?"
He shook his head with a kind smile, "I'm all good and ready to go." He stuffed his hands in his pockets as he stood a bit farther away, letting Suki go to Hayami. He switched his clothes to his hooded duster and donned the hood. He continued to check to make sure his weapons were all set and ready while Suki messaged Asura.
Asura made it back to the town square on the double after Suki pmed him. He stopped to perform some maintenance on his equipment on the way then reequipped it all while running, he probably looked pretty weird doing that but he does want to take care of his valuable and stylish armor. "I'm all set." He said to himself grabbing a seat on a bench and waiting for the others.
Suki smiled,poking about for Asura. When she saw him, and he reached them, she said "alright, let's get going! We can activate it by talking with a baker!" She said, "all ready? Armor? Weapons? Anyone need potions? I have a few"
As Suki informed Hayami of the day's plans she simply nodded in reply, doing her best not to start spouting what she thought would be a better plan for once, being sure of the fact that she was already on thin ice with the rest of the party, and not wanting to risk being kicked out, not yet at least. Afterwards she finished her meal, and decided to go about her own business until they were set to go about doing the quest, making her way out of the Inn, visiting the town blacksmith to have her gear repaired, and, seeing as she was stuck with the starting gear, checking out what materials she'd need for an upgrade. It was a rather depressing venture. Half the materials she needed to even start making a new weapon were on completely different floors, and the blacksmith requirements were ridiculously far out of her reach.

Sighing, she made her way out of the Blacksmith's and headed towards the Baker's, contemplating what she'd need to do to find a new weapon. Purchasing one was always an option, but the store bought gear in MMOs like this were always inferior to the stuff from the drops and crafting system... Drops... Maybe one of the field bosses or quests would drop a half decent rapier that she could use? She need to put some research into that... People had to have found a few decent drops by now, so she supposed she could ask around or something. Entering the Baker's she noticed the place was rather empty, and took a seat near the counter, figuring she was early.
Suki led them to the baker, feeling as if they would accomplish something today, that maybe they could be a team. Right now, it just seemed like it was Riven and herself, and that the others just tagged along.

Reaching the bakery, she saw that Hayami was already there and smiled. "Hey! Glad you decided to join us!" It was easy for her to be cheerful and welcoming. She just wanted to show Hayami that it was okay to be friendly. And it was just how Suki acted.

She took a deep breath "I'll activate the quest first" she went up to the baker. It seemed the designers really went out with the baker. He was a dark skinned man, almost black, his eyes a bright colour, with Blond hair that was short, but spiked, and was wearing multi-coloured clothes.

"Hi. I was wondering what selection you had?"

"Sadly darling" he spoke with an Irish accent, which made her smile "I only have the basics, and most of it bland. I have heard of a cow that gived amazing cream..."

The quest notication popped up

Cows of the counter attack

That's right. The cows are fighting. Anyone remember that this is the quest where kirito looted the cream that he share with asuna before the floor 1 boss fight.

Rumors have been heard of a cow terrorising villagers. A baker asks you, after hearing himself, that you can get delicious cream from this cow, to collect him some, as well as defeating the cow monster, and he will pay you as well as giving you some of the cream.

Requirements Level 7 or above, and detail in your post
She looked to the others and smiled "ready to kick cow butt?" She laughed softly, starting out the town, and began to look for the Minotaur.

It didn't take long to find it, and she stopped before it could see them. "Ready? In three. Two. One" Suki darted forward, Rapier in hand. She launched herself at the big cow, charging an attack, leaping over with her acrobatics, and attacking with a powerful blow.

The Minatour had two bars of health, and a large weapon that could do serious damage to any of them.
Riven watched as Suki activated the quest and led the group to the field boss, a Minotaur, with a huge weapon he did NOT want to have contact with. Riven watched as Suki began the assault, leaping over it with her rapier and was ready to inflict a blow. Hee smirked as he decided to use her attack as a way for his own attack, turning hers into a distraction. He switched to his one lone Claymore and charged using most of his speed. At the last second Suki was about to attack, he dove underneath the Minotaur and slid underneath it, using his duster as a way to slide safely without injuring himself. He slid with his weapon above him, the blade dangerously looming in the air. He continued to slide as he heard the Minotaur roar, the pain from a quick attack to the head, and a painful drag of a blade along its bottom-side. After awhile of sliding, his blade caught it's tail and threw him onto the Minotaur's opposite side. He hoped that using a dangerous maneuver like that was worth it as he hopped back up onto his feet. He took a glance at the health bar of the Minotaur, seeing now its first bar is down to at least half.
"Hmph, the wolf was worse." Asura commented. He drew his Claymore and charged in. He jumped using his acrobatics skill to go up diagonally, he planted his sword in it's throat then kicked off from it's chest to land back a few meters infront of it cleaving out a good portion of hp. He then ran around the side and attacked it's legs with Cyclone cleaving it's hp bar down to at least 1/4 of it remaining.
Suki watched the two boys attack, seeing that one of the minatour a health bars was nearly depleted. She smiled, and attacked, entering the second bar. And that's when things began to get harder. The weapon the Minatour held was exchanged for the one of its back, a wicked looking weapon that gave it a lot of reach, and Suki cursed, leaping back. "One of us needs to be the distraction!"
Hayami grunted in annoyance as she watched the rest of the party fight. This was exactly the kind of thing that annoyed her about them, they always just charged into the fight blindly, if it were up to her, they would have tracked down someone who had actually finished the quest, probed them for information on the thing, and used it to assign roles and plan for the fight before even taking the quest. But no... They'd just grabbed the quest and came straight here. Sighing, she dashed into battle, delivering a pair a quick, light blows to the minotaurs rear before back-stepping to the edge of it's reach.

"I'll draw the aggro! You three focus on dealing damage!" She said, being fairly confident that she had the highest agility in the group, and the best chance of keeping out if its attacks, while staying within it's range.
Suki nodded "alright! On three! One, two, three!" She charged towarda the Minatour, trusting Hayami to distract the beast. She charged up her attack, and was running, darting in, to slash out. As soon as she had landed her blow, she darted backwards as the Minatour turned to her, Hayami's distraction now failing at its attack. Suki jogged back, "Guys! Attack! Let's make it confused!"
Asura didn't speak just acted. With these speed enhancing boots he was confident in the increase to his agility stat. He dashed at the minotaur upfront and then jumped back as suddenly as he dashed forward, the minotaur had swung and he took his opportunity. He jumped on it's blade clearly he could tell the minotaur must have strength enough to easily support his weight. He then continued to run up the blade and swept his claymore over it's eyes with the Cyclone sword skill. He then leapt into the air and brought his blade into the back of it's neck. He rotated on his blade so that he was hanging off it and was dragging it down it's back. He kicked off around mid way to land outside his reach seeing his maneuver cut out half of it's second bar.
Riven didn't need another word. He ran as he switched his Claymore to his katana and climbed up the Minotaur's back. While everyone was distracting it as they attacked all over, Riven ran up to its neck and held the blade to its neck, clutching it tightly as the blade sunk into its throat, choking while slicing its neck. The beast howled, using its tail and its horn to hit and smack at Riven, trying to get him off. He groaned as he continued to tightly hold the blade against its neck, feeling pain as his own hand was holding the blade steady. He watched as the Minotaur's health bar slowly dropped, as did his own.
Suki let the boys attack, taking a second to catch her breath, to let herself prepare for another attack, eyes roaming over their health bars. Her heart stopped as she saw Riven's dropping, and she spun about, seeing him pinned by the beast.

"NO!" She shouted, it tearing out her throat like a scream from a nightmare. Her heart beat began to thud painfully in her chest, thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud. it felt like it was going a million miles an hour.

She wasn't aware when she began to run, her weapon in her hand, charging an attack that she wasn't sure off, leaping towards Riven, and the minatour. She brought her blade up, and down in a quick slashing motion and as her attack cut into the minatour, it shattered into a million piece's of data.

"Riven! Riven! Are you okay?" She felling down beside him, already going for a health potion, she didn't given him a chance to speak, but poured the potion into him.
He looked up at Suki with a smile, "Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks." He blushed slightly at the realization that she was the first to react to coming over to help him. He grinned with his blush, "Heh, I didn't know you cared so much Suki." His health bar is now full thanks to Suki's potion. He sat up and sheathed his katana, flashing her a quick kiss on the cheek and a smile as he does so.
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Suki looked away when he said he didn't know she cared so much "of coursez I promised to-" and then he kissed her cheek, effectively cutting off the rest of her sentence. She felt her cheeks warm, and risked a quick glance towards Riven.

"Um" she swallowed.


delicious cream and

1000 col

1000 exp.

5% of dropping rare weapon (Katana of Courage, which can give a large amount of damage, has good durability of 340 and can have ten enhancements).

after eating food with delicious cream gaining experience is boosted by 50% for 1 day. delicious cream can be sold with a high price.
The rewards popped up, giving her a distraction. She rose, offering her hand to Riven, smiled slightly, "I'm glad you're okay"
He nods as he takes her hand, sitting up as he rubbed the back of his neck. He smiled slightly as he noticed her blush, cute. He looked over the rewards box, "So, what'd we get."
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"Alright, 1000 exp along with cream and a katana! This was actually worth it. " Asura exclaimed checking the reward and allocating skill points. He then turned to Suki "Sorry to interrupt your awkward moment but when will we be going after the floor boss. We've been here quite the amount of time and are all decently leveled. The ease of this battle proved that. I think as leader you should start to think about that."
Suki was reading the rewards, when Asura came up and said she needed to think about the boss. "Believe it or not, this was me thinking of that. I needed to see how we worked together. I think we did pretty well" she said, "we can go to The boss tomorrow. I want to see about any hints about it, and the labyrinth" she said thoughtfully
He nodded as he crossed his arms. He let out a sigh as he checked his Direwolf and boar sword, to which he smiled as he realized it was still in perfect condition in his inventory. He looked over at Suki, "Ready to move out whenever you are."
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suki smiled. "We should head to the closest town to the boss's labyrinth" She said, looking around to see if there were any objections. She could see now how they could work together, and just how they would be able to defeat the boss. She'd still have to go looking for more information, but still.
He nodded as he slipped his hands in his pockets, his Direwolf sword on his back. He switched his clothes to a combination of a heavy pair of pants and a small t-shirt. He let out a sigh as he laid his hand and lazily wrapped it around the handle, "Got no objections, I'll move wherever you go."
"Well anyway, I have stuff that needs doing. Contact me when you need me Suki." Asura said. He turn then jumped off and went into a sprint once his foot touched the ground.
What had she done to inspire such trust in Riven? Surely she wasnt that good at inspiring people, at drawing them to her. Was she? She didn't understand.

Yet she smiled anyway, looked to Asura when he said he had things to do, and watched him run off. "I wish he'd be more carefully" She said, sighing softly.

Seeing No point waiting around, she started to walk, towards the town that was about thirty minutes from the bosses labyrinth. She seemed to be hiding her time and finally said softly "what have I done to have you trust me so?"
Hearing her question by surprise, he lets out a small smile as he chuckles a little. "Well, nothing at all, I'm not the type of person that evaluates whether someone is "trustable" or not, I simply gave you my trust and you delivered. And also, you seem to be a natural leader, I'm just letting you show off your talent." He laughs a bit as he gently nudges her shoulder, following by her side.

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