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Fandom Rising Stars of the DWMA


Cat in Disguise
A sound soul dwells within a sound mind, and a sound body.

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Alette Reyes sat at the top of the stairs to the DWMA, enjoying the early morning quiet. The first classes of the year wouldn't start for a few more hours, and the surrounding area was still relatively empty, something that wouldn't last long. After a short sigh, she slipped back into her 'act', and stood. Other students had started to arrive, and where making their way up the steps.

Alette walked away from the steps, and into the school. She made her way to the upper level balcony, where it would still be generally quiet for a while longer. When she arrived, the sounds of chatter from the returning students who knew each other drifted up to her. Even though it was early morning, the Nevada air was already heating up, something she was used to as she had lived in Death City for most of her life. There was a slight breeze, and she moved to railing, to watch the incoming students, most of which where showing up simply to meet up with friends.

Meanwhile in the Death Room...

"Two hours until it all begins." Lord Death commented, as he watched the incoming students from the mirror. Dr. Stein was stationed to his right, Sid to the left, and not far behind them, still sulking over the absence of Maka on the short set of stairs, was Spirit the Death Scythe.
Lightly dragging his feet, Alex pulled the hood of his jacket over his head as the light of the sun hurt his eyes. Forced to stay up all night as his mother had lectured him about being nice and not complaining on his first day, the choice to take a nap ASAP was immediate in his mind. Pushing the hood back up just enough to see where he was going, Alex lazily made his way up the steps and into the school. Now inside and away from the sunlight, he made a slight smile while walking around the hallways, however on the inside Alex was exploding with happiness.

Taking a piece of paper and un-crumbling it, the words on it stated his class would have the teacher named Stein. Wondering where this person's class would be, Alex began to walk in random directions while bumping into some people, only focusing on finding the classroom. After walking for what he felt like a few minutes, Alex found himself about to walk out of the front entrance of the school. Releasing a sigh of frustration, he thought about just finding some place to sleep instead of going to class. Standing in the middle of the hallway, Alex ignored the people going around him that seemed slightly aggravated that he was just standing there.
Akimi looks up at the building as she starts walking up the stairs. Enjoying the warm weather of Nevada, walking up the oddly shaped building of the DWMA, to be fair most of the people there were odd, probably in a nice way, well at least hopefully. Her left hand grabbing her right elbow as she walks in the DWMA building along with other students , in advance she read about the teachers and the building itself. She was looking on the pages for classes her finger scrolling down, frowning at the class with the teacher Excalibur, the legendary weapon? How in blazes did they get him, walking by the boy who was simply standing in the middle of the people coming in the building. About the speak to him wondering why he was standing there,"Um...tugging on the male's shirt, going back to normal stance. "Why are you just standing there?" She said tilting her head slightly, she added a little later, "Are you lost?" Akimi hoping she was not disturbing what he was doing before.
Turning around, he was about to tell the person not to touch him however when Alex realized she wasn't trying to be rude with her question. "Yeah..I'm supposed to go to the classroom that someone named Stein teaches in." He answered, and despite inside his mind Alex wanted to snap at her, he kept a blank face to hide it. Looking at the girl, Alex got the impression she didn't like strangers. "If you don't like people you don't know, then don't talk to me." Alex quickly retorted, slightly regretting it and checking the piece of paper again, thinking that maybe he should apologize. Although help is what he wanted, it was hard for him not to get annoyed at people even if what he thought was wrong. Coming to a decision, he made a promise to himself that if he would at least try to not upset her again as long as she did pull on the long, bunny-like ears of his jacket. There was very few people who could get away with that, his mother being the only person he didn't mind doing so.
Trey walks up the stairs to the DWMA, a smile on his face as he begins his first year. He checked through all the classes and found that he had Professor Stein, Sid, and...Excalibur? Who the crap hired Excalibur and why?? Never mind that, he kept his focus on going up and walking into the hallway, seeing a girl and a boy just standing in the hallway. he wanted to start the year off right, maybe even make some new friends, and he had two hours before his first class, so why not? He walked up to them with a small smile. "Hi, I don't suppose any of you are in professor Stein's class? Or um..Excalibur's class? I don't know why they chose him to teach here, but whatever I guess." He said to them as he stood in front of them.
"It is-is not that..." Akimi waving her hands like she was trying to frantically clean a window, shaking her head trying to clear the misunderstanding. As the other person came by as the time ticked, two hours are a long time away, in the big picture it is the equivalent of a second, for now the time is pretty far, waving at him as he speaks. . Akimi checked her list again, finding that Professor Stein was her own class, " You would have guessed correctly for both," she says, the first class she had Excalibur, having the need to pray soon, although that does not seem that would work in any universe. Already hearing You fool in her head.While her next class after that was Mr.Stein.
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He nodded with a smile. "Great! I wonder how many people will leave Excalibur's class in the first few minutes." He joked with a chuckle to them, looking over to the girl first. "Ugh, why do I have him first? I'd take anyone else, I'd rather take a witches class!" He joked to her. "Anyway, how rude of me, my name is Trey and I'm a Meister, nice to meet you both!" He said to them.
Alex had kept silent as Trey and the girl talked. Introducing himself since it would at least give them a reason to not come up with a stupid nickname for him, Alex was curious as to why this Excalibur was so bad. "I'm Alex, anyway..." Pausing to let out a heavy sigh, "Do either of you know where this Stein's class is? I'm supposed to go there first..." Alex asked, annoyed at that he couldn't figure it out himself. Starting to feel a bit nervous, his hands instinctively grabbed on of the ears of his jacket and began stroking it silently. Hearing Trey say that he was a Meister reminded Alex of his mother talking about how every Meister had a Weapon, and it made him worried about if it really was a good idea to follow in his mother's footsteps.
"My name is Akimi, I am a weapon." She said pointing a few doors to the left of the hallway they were standing in to answer Alex's question. She then added to her motion, " Oh, it is three doors over on the left I Believe?" When she took in where they were, mostly because she wanting to be accurate with her directions. It was still quite a bit, turning back to Trey. "Oh, you have him too?" Akimi said calmer around the two.
Trey perked up when he heard Akimi. "A weapon, huh? Cool! Speaking of meisters and weapons, do we get assigned partners or do we get to pick them?" He asked her curiously.
Agatha leaned against a fence pole and stared up at the giant building. Thinking for a moment, Agatha shrugged and began to peel off her sweater. She wasn't expecting Nevada to be this hot. Stuffing the heavy fabric in her bear backpack, Agatha strode into the intimidating building. It was must cooler on the inside. Agatha streached her arms up and took in a big breath of conditioned air. A smile broke over her face as she strode to the front desk. "Hey... Could I have my schedule?" she asked the receptionist. The person behind the desk handed her a crisp paper. Agatha looked down. "F. Stein: First Period" was the first thing it said. Agatha blanched at the lack of a room number.

She looked left, then right. All around her students headed to their first period, looking like they new what they were doing. Agatha started to panic. "What if I'm late to my first period? I can't be late to my first period!" She thought wildly. She picked a hall at wild and began to walk quickly down it.
"I believe that they are assigned, Oh time to go I suppose" Akimi said turning around breathing a little loudly, one of the longest conversations she had period, plus it was someone she never knew, she thought of a words that she could be described as , Socially worn- out seem to to fit. Walking to her doom as she sits down in Excalibur's class, not hard to find because of "You Fool" was blaring out of that classroom. Half-expecting the classroom to walk out as soon as they walked in to avoid the use of "You Fool,"
Krieger was taken from his sleep violently by the sound of his alarm clock. The large German smashed his fist down on top of the clock, breaking it. The poor timepiece was only the first of its brethren that would fall to the fist of Krieger during the school year. Krieger rose slowly from his bed and found a plain white t-shirt and threw it on along with a pair of blue denim cargo shorts, not his usual attire, but it was comfortable.

Orin exited his not-so-lavish apartment and walked through the streets of Death City with a smile on his face. Today was the day he was gonna finally get to learn with a partner again after his last partner had so rudely abandoned him to pursue a 'safer' career.

Krieger finally came to the steps of the DWMA. The building was strange to him, but he had gotten used to it over time. Krieger looked down at his watch. He still had some time before class actually started. Orin had to find his new partner before he had to sit through another one of Stein's lectures. How the German hoped he wouldn't have to dissect another one of the crazy doctor's strange creatures.

It was then that Krieger decided to get to class just to be early. Orin made his way to class, picked out a seat and sat down.
"Hm, wonder who I got." He said curiously, hoping his partner was bearable. He began to walk to his first class, which happened to be Excalibur's...fun. He sat down and waited for the class to begin.


Excalibur walked into the room with his cane, dancing his little dance and landing on top of the desk. "Welcome, everybody, to the greatest class you will ever take! My name is Excalibur, the holy sword! As you all know, they'll be assigning you partners later on today. On the occasion that one of you gets left without one, I will volunteer to be your partner." He said to them, shouts of "Why me?!" and "What did I do to deserve this!" were being shouted out. "FOOLS! You have not been assigned yet, calm your whimpers. On the occasion that you are, I will begin class by listing my 1000 provision requirement." He explained to them. "Number one..." He began to say to them, listing the provisions.
Agatha's eyes lit up when she saw Stein's name on a board in the hallway. She eased open the classroom door and scanned the spacious room. A few students were already in the college-styled room, but it was mostly empty. Agatha walked into the room, smoothing out her skirt. She chose a seat in the middle of the class. She slouched down into her seat and tried to look as small as possible. Agatha twirled het pencil around, waiting for class to start. She was also looking forward to finding her partner.
Akimi unlike the other students, let out a sigh of relief, almost forgetting that Excalibur was a weapon himself.

Akimi Thinking back she remembered Trey was a meister. Holding back a laugh as she imagines him with Excalibur, waiting for a few hours of nothing but him talking. It could be considered mean, but in truth she did feel bad for the unfortunate person who is paired with Excalibur. However not bad enough to change places with them.
Spaced out, Alex realized it was apparently time to head to class. Following the directions Akimi given him, Alex entered the classroom that this Stein would teach in, and quickly sat down in a random seat. Looking around him, nobody seemed to stand out too much, although he was getting more and more worried by the second. Frantically pulling and stroking one of the bunny-ears of his hoodie, he started to calm down as the softness distracted him. After a few minutes, he was back to normal and upon realizing the teacher must not be here yet, putting his head down on the desk. Closing his eyes, Alex rested a bit as the ears laid out across his desk.
"Number 22! On a refreshing morning, start out with a refreshing greeting. Number 23!" He continued, actually listing the provisions.

Trey sat there, listening to Excalibur's provisions and hating every moment of it. "Make it stop..." He whispered quietly. He's only on number 23 and I want to leave here.. He thought to himself as Excalibur continued.
Riley Fitzgerald strolled into Stein's classroom, lazily scrolling through something on her phone. She looked up, brown eyes scanning the classroom. It was pretty full of people excited for class. Riley could understand being excited, but there was a point where it stopped being adorable and got downright irritating. She carefully selected the seat closest to the door and propped her feet, clad in black thigh high boots, up on the desk. She pulled out her phone once again after a secondary scan of the classroom. She noticed the time change. Huh. She thought. Teacher can't even bother to show up. With an exaggerated sigh she relaxed more into her seat.
Agatha's head snapped up as two people walked in, a boy and a girl. She tilted her head to the side. Class was about to start and the teacher wasn't even there. Agatha rested her head in her hands and blew the hair out of her face. What was even the name of this class? Agatha didn't know. She tapped the desk with her pencil. The boy who walked in had a rabbit ear hoodie, which Agatha thought was really cool. She hugged her bear back pack and wished she had a hoodie liked that. Agatha averted her eyes when she realized she was staring for too long. Her attention turned toward the girl who walked in. She looked almost bored walking into the classroom. She had nice black boots. Agatha looked down at her own feet. Just normal tennis shoes. Dang, she needed to update her style.
Wait he is starting now... Akimi thought once he started, spoke way too soon. She sighed as she wishes that she had brought headphones once Excalibur continued his list. Well this is going to be a long class period... She thought Akimi now starting to rest her head on the desk, hoping for the bliss of being able to sleep through the 1000 provisions of him.
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Autum was running extremely late and managed to get to the DWMA, right as the started his lecture. "Oh geez, terrible first impression..." Autum said to herself quietly. "... I'm just gonna..." Autum quickly walked over to a seat, she had to find a partner, get situated at the school and learn more about killing kishins along the way. Sitting down she was awaiting a scolding for being so late, it's just that when you live far away, you tend to forget you're suppose to wake up early so you can go to a school specializing in keeping peace in the world.
"Number 58! Never talk to me when I'm humming to myself. Number 59!" He continued, seeing that a student had come in late. He stopped the provisions and pointed his cane to her. "You there! why are you late?" He asked the girl, awaiting an answer.


Trey looked to see the new girl, about to probably be chewed out by Excalibur. He covered his ears, awaiting the sound of FOOL to be heard in the room once more.
"Get your stupid cane out of my face.l, and to answer your question, I woke up late." Autum said as she moved the cane out of her face. She had heard of this little penguin looking thing, the "holy" sword Excalibur. He was in the staff list in the brochure that was given to her a week before attending the DWMA and she wanted to annoy him so badly. Although she would never pester an actual teacher, this sword was a weapon and a pain in the butt. "So there is your answer... fool." she said with a smirk on her face.

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