Umbra Regalia
There's no place like
my fucking family (>n<) mainly my mom. long story short she's guilt tripping me into sending a birthday present from my aunt back because she hates her... Then she started ranting about how they should burn in hell and I asked her to not to talk shit about them, then she started crying and insulting me
(>A>) That seems to happen a lot in my house... It's worse now because my parents kicked my brother out two days ago so yah...
sry for the rant-ish thing, tried to make that short L(onoL) so much stresssss
(>A>) That seems to happen a lot in my house... It's worse now because my parents kicked my brother out two days ago so yah...
sry for the rant-ish thing, tried to make that short L(onoL) so much stresssss