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Fantasy – Realm of Asmus – (Open!)

Vuljun grinned at the hen. "Yol!" A small sprout of fire was emitted from his mouth, scorching the hen. "Feel free to cut off the beak. And why didn't you just say I could've done it by force?" Vuljun stood and formed a mighty stand. He moves his head like a howling wolf and yelled "Tii Klo Ul!" The clouds rolled by slower. The busy streets of the town began to slow. All noise was silenced. Vuljun moved at regular speed, however. He casually walked to a secluded human and made a cut on his arm with his fang, collecting the blood in a vial. He returned to his original position and time resumed normal speed.

"Here's the blood." Vuljun used his snout to roll the vial to Vashti.
Vashti blinked, perplexed by his actions. "..You Dragons know how to slow time?" She asked, picking up the vial from the ground.
"Only I can do it effectively. Others can only do it for about 30 seconds real-time, allowing for no real action but a dodge. The second closest to my ability is Yoljud, who can do it for a minute real-time. I can go up to 5 minutes without passing out." Vuljun let down his wing. "Allow me to fly you to our cauldron."
Vashti nodded in understanding. She climbed back up onto him, holding both the scorched hen and vile of blood. Her rich blue eyes glowed a bit in the dusk's light. The tip of the moon was shining white through the deep green tree-tops. It was quite a sight, really. Vashti had always been interested in the moon more than the sun. Sometimes she'd stay out late in the forests and just watch it for a bit, because she had nothing else to do. Vashti didn't sleep much, but that didn't effect her energy.

"I'm ready." She said, hanging onto him again. She was surprised at how quickly she was used to flying now. It was only a few hours ago that she was petrified of opening her very own eyes. In fact, she wondered if she'd miss it once he turned into a mere human.
Vuljun ensured Vashti didn't forget the hair, and soared off. This was significantly longer than the one to cave, but the moonlight made it much more enjoyable. "I don't know about you, but I've always been slightly nocturnal. I get most of my sleep in the morning." He looked below him, watching all the houses candles going out. The tavern's stayed lit though.
Kaznik had a long night of thinking, he had to plan things out carefully for this obviously dragon killing was nothing easy. Kaznik packed up the little tolls he needed or at least had, it was his crossbow and two daggers one of them he had used to kill a dragon before. Kaznik moved himself to the small roof of the empty hut he had temporally taken, the owner wasn't here so....he wasn't really invading anything. He was not let down, soon he saw a dragon fly over head, Kaznik was quick in pursuit following as fast as he could over roofs and plans and if need be into the streets, he didn't once let his eyes go off from the dragon thought. Kaznik trying at his best, still was going a bit slow the distance was growing and he had to hope for the beast to stop soon. To his surprise he saw someone on the dragons back....

"I don't like to sleep at night either. It's calm and quiet at night, and that's when I feel safe." Vashti said. And she was right, Asmus was significantly quieter at night. No one felt safe roaming the streets alone, but Vashti had her own perspective about things. Without noticing that anyone was watching her, she didn't feel vulnerable at all to the beings below. It never crossed her mind that it may be dangerous to be atop a Dragon, despite the fact that it was a Dragon. To be frank, Vashti had no idea that people even wanted to hunt these creatures. She almost felt safer on his back, rather than being alone.


Vuljun eventually landed on the balcony of his bedroom, walking down the massive staircase to a secluded room with many cauldrons in various sizes. He put his wing down in front of the cauldron closest to Vashti's size. He also bit his lip, filling a vial with his blood. His excitement was extraordinary that this was going to happen.
Yoljud watched as the two flew up to her by the castle an joined the two on the balcony. "So how soon do you think you'll have it ready?"
Vashti looked at each of the cauldrons, searching for one of the appropriate size. The cauldron was important when brewing things. It even effects the outcome of the spell, because even each cauldron is made from some magical properties. Vashti picked out one of the darkest of them all, and it was average in size. She picked it up with both of her hands, grateful that it was exceptionally lightweight.

"This'll do," she said, lifting it up to her side. "It may take a month, but I believe it'll be ready in only one week. Where would you like me to brew it?"
Yoljud cocked her head to the side at the elf's question. "Does the location impact the effect of the magical properites?" For a dovah, she had an exceptionally large vocabulary in english considering how primitive of a language Dovahzul is. Anticipation rushed through her scales, as she felt some of the spikes on her back stand on end(Dovah chills xD ). Ful, vir pogaas lingrahiik erei hi gahrot dii ahmul nol zey, joor? This was certainly going to be interesting.

(And didn't Vashti say that the brew took time?)
"The vile will be more painful but quick if it is brewed under the sun and moon. If it is brewed in complete darkness, it will go by slower but you will not have as much aches and pains. That is all I know from my studies, but I don't think it effects the outcome much." Vashti thought for a moment, a little misapprehended by Yoljud's words, but she still didn't quite understand what she said. She knew little about Dragon tongue.

"Oh, and if it is brewed in a cold environment, the product will be more clumpy and murky. However, a hot environment will cause it to be sticky and more like a drippy and sappy substance. A mild temperature will cause it to be more like water when drank." She said, clearing her throat. All of this talk about potions reminded her how important studying was. "All of the locations and temperatures effect it, so most magical properties are never exactly the same. But if you're a master at necromancy and witchcraft, you can make potions, pastes, and so on, cleaner and with better quality."

( Also, omg xD )
(If you didn't read her history she's practically obsessed with her husband xD btw she thought that, she didn't verbally say that)

Yoljud looked over at her husband. "It's your decision, lokaal, you get to choose." She wasn't quite sure what to say about the event, and although she was a tad nervous about what was to come, the dovah couldn't deny her excitement.
"Do it right here, then. We have magic to ensure this is a room-temperature." Vuljun's excitement was overcoming his patience. He didn't care about pain at all. It was actually making him quite careless, this excitement.
Kaznik looked at the sight in front of him, it was a grand sight and that meant it was an important dragon. Kaznik took out his two daggers sticking them into the wall starting to climb the large wall to the balcony, grumbling all the while "Damm dragons...showing off their wealth...in such crap...ways..." Kaznik pulled himself up to the balcony scanning the area....nothing so far. He jumped over the balcony and looked around, noise was coming from downstairs....Kaznik slowly creeped down making sure to stay in the shadows. He sneaked up to the small door at the end of the staircase, he saw two dragons....and the girl from earlier. Kaznik quickly climbed up to the corner of the door frame wedging himself in to the area....waiting.

@Funkster @GreenIV @KiwiKatz
"I see." Vashti said, grabbing the supplies that were still on his back. She gently placed them on the floor. Vashti looked up at them both, and then around the room. "Er, any of you going to be a volunteer to remove the beak?"
Yoljud's eyes lit up at the opportunity. "I will!!" She placed her large scaly foot on top of the scorched hen's stomach, and unsheathed a single one of her massive claws to unhinge the bird's beak. The rek-dovah then picked up the beak with her teeth and dropped it Vashti's hands. I'm sure you probably don't know very well how to compare the size of a dragon to that of a human or an elf, so I'll try my best to explain it to you. The width of a single one of their claws looked to be about as thick as a human wrist, their sharp teeth about the same thickness, and both could often reach as long as a human limb. The dovahhe stood tall over their company, measuring up to about 16 feet. The males were often considerably larger than the females, so Vuljun was, naturally, the larger of the two.
Vuljun stretched his wings as Yoljud severed the beak. It was the last time he was going to have them, after all. Looking around the alchemy room, he realized how little he had been in here. It was never really necessary. Vuljun was never plagued and was too feared to ever be cursed, and any magic he just used with his Breath. How was it all going to look from a human's perspective?
(I won't be able to role-play for a good portion of the day.. Hhng. Luckily I have a few hours before the appointment though.)

Vashti picked up the beak and began to smash it into a powder with a block of wood that was nearby. The beak was hard, and quite difficult to crack. It took her a while before it split in half, even then she would have to crunch the whole entire thing to dust. She wondered if there was an easier way, but sadly, there were no other heavy objects near her. Using a cauldron would be awkward, but it could work. Vashti decided to try it.

With two hands, she picked up one of the heaviest cauldron in the room. It was much heavier than the one she was using. To be precise, it was triple the weight. She slowly hovered it over the beak that was grounded to the floor, and dropped it with a slight thrust. She heard a crack, pushed the cauldron away, and looked down at the withered bird-mandible. It wasn't exactly what you might call a powder, but it was smashed to bits and pieces. It wasn't really appealing to the eye.
Vuljun wondered why the elf didn't ask him to smash it. He could've done it with one stomp, without any real struggle. Is this how they act? Prefer to do things alone? I get that. At around this time, Vuljun would become weary and begin to yawn, but his excitement prevented such a thing. It seemed every minute morphed into a hour. The wise dragon's famous patience was beginning to crack under his eagerness.
"I can smell your impatience," She muttered, continuing to crunch the beak with a bottom corner of the cauldron. "Boil the vile of blood while I crunch it down." She said, twisting the cauldron, trying to get it to grind the beak. It wasn't very efficient, and she knew it. Vashti was quite stubborn when her ways didn't work.

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