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Fantasy – Realm of Asmus – (Open!)


I believe in divinity.

The Realm of Asmus



Poorly maintained huts and shacks line the large island. Asmus sits in the center of a river,

it is an ancient rock that has been worn away by the rushing water on its sides. Asmus may be a dangerous

place, but there are bridges and boats for the residents to get around on. The location is odd, but gorgeous. Though there is the thickening mist that surrounds it, quite a bad impression for newcomers it seems.

However, Asmus is home to a Tavern, a strand of booths for trade, and one of the most dangerous rivers in the entire realm. No one swims in it, though the exact reason is unknown. Some say there are man-eating fish that live below the water's surface. But these are just unproven tales.

Asmus is considered to be a peaceful place, despite the river. Creatures from the woods go there for safety, so it's common to see Elves, Dwarves, Dragons, and even Orcs. Fairies do exist, but they prefer to stay in the mushroom forest that is far beyond Asmus. If you are to travel there, it is best to take a carriage. Fairies do not prefer to have visitors. Despite all of these mythical creatures, humans litter Asmus's land.

Asmus awaits newcomers. It has been asleep for too long, with nothing to offer you. But, there is another rumor that seems to be spreading.

The fairies that live far beyond Asmus hold a prize that no one has been able get their hands on. These fairies are tricky, and they will enchant you with deadly spells. No one knows exactly what their treasure is, but it is said to be worth more money than one could ever count.

The only way to get to the mushroom forest is to get past the Silk woods. Spiders of massive sizes have woven their silk all throughout the trees and bushes. Some of these spiders are poisonous, others not. There is no way around it, unless you have a way of flight. But the only ones who know how to fly are fairies and dragons, unless you have witchcraft on your side.



The average amount of writing you might want to do per

post will be 2-5 sentences. You can do more or less, but I don't want you guys to have to do huge paragraphs. This is a casual role-play, not a complicated on


- Rules -

• You may swear, but don't overuse it.

• Be realistic, do not have magical powers if you are not magical being.

• No intense blood or gore, I'm sorry. I have a problem with panic attacks.

You may role-play blood, but keep it to a minimum please. Also,

do not role-play anything to do with internal organs.

That's a major trigger for me.. Again I'm very sorry. It gets in the way of things.

• Do not shame people or make them feel bad if they made a mistake.

Be kind!

• You may have other characters other than Elves, Dwarves, Dragons, Orks, Fairies, and Humans.

Those are just common creatures. Check the Character Sign-Up thread for more races and information about them!

• All of the other rules of RPN will be followed here as well!

Have fun role-playing! Any questions? Please ask me!



Character sheet:

Full name: ---

Race: ---

Gender: ---

Age: ---

Looks: ---

Likes: ---

Dislikes: ---

About: ---

Other things: ---

Please post your character sheet in the

Character Sign-Up Thread!


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Kaznik sat in the back of the boat as it rocked back and forth, back and forth. He hated it, hated every moment of it boats made him feel sick, water was un-predictable you could never be sure about water. It could be poisoned it could be controlled by wizards, or worse it may just be the weather Kaznik looked up to the old man rowing the boat he seemed fine with it all like he had done it a hundred times, well he must likely had.When the boat finally pulled up to the dock Kaznik pulled his small frame from the back of the boat and nimbly up unto the dock turning back to the old man on the boat he said "Alright this is good...you said eight gold coin 'ight?" the old man replied rather softly "We both know it's ten gold coin..." Kaznik swore under his breath, digging into his pouch he tossed the old man ten gold coins. The old man took them with a smile and rowed away, Kaznik now on land quickly moved off the dock and into the town. "It fits the description all 'ight.." Kaznik said as he moved to the tavern in the town, he pushed open the doors with his hands held high as they we're meant to be opened by someone much taller then him, he judged the room seeing all types of creatures truly it was the peaceful place it was made out to be. Kaznik sat himself in the darkness, dampest, and all around worse part of the tavern thought for him it was the best, he'd wait here and see if anyone else was on the hunt for this treasure. So Kaznik ordered a mug and waited slowly sipping away at it as time pasted, he had the urge to get drunk out of his mind but he needed a good head on his shoulders at the moment.
Vashti sat on the edge of wooden bridge that lined the rocks of Asmus. Her legs hung out from under her, where if she were to fall it would be a fatal death. But, Vashti sat peacefully scraping her dagger with a strange piece of fabric, sharpening it to an extent. The residents seemed to walk a safe distance away from her, for she was easily recognizable. She looked down at the river in boredom, watching the water as it rushed down over the side of the jagged cliff.
"Goodbye, mother." Annoyance filled Aerith's voice as she walked out of a small cottage that she and her mother shared. Aerith had spent the morning listening to her mother badger her about going out into the nearby forest, saying that anything could get to her out there. Her mother was very prejudice, and had raised Aerith to be afraid of things that are different. Once outside her cottage Aerith hiked the tail of her dress and headed towards the forest that her mother had been so angry about. It was quite the lovely forest, the piece of land it was on connected to Asmus by a long wooden bridge. The shoes on Aerith's feet made quiet clunk sounds on the wood as she passed over it. Her red hair was tied up with a ribbon, she wore a white dress with brown corset around her waist, and a single silver dagger hung from her hip as it had so many times before. When she entered the forest she immediately ran in one direction, toward her favorite tree. It was a large oak that stood over so many other trees, and from the highest limb Aerith could sit and read, or sketch. She felt as if she could fly when she was so high in the air.
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Vuljun woke up next to his love, Yoljud. She was still asleep, so he walked to the balcony of his room to watch the beautiful Asmus sky roll by. He pondered the tedious politics of the Dragon Court, which he believed were pointless. But sometimes pointless things must exist. Paarthurnax and Alduin will probably get into an argument over the Scales-Skin Contract with the Elves. Come to think of it, he had no children to inherit his throne. "Pruzah feyl!" The deep shout produced by Vuljun's mastery of the Breath reached every corner of Asmus. Everyone native knew this was "Good morning!" in Dragon Tongue.
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Xanthippes wakes at seven. Her usually alert and shallow sleep has failed her, as she usually wakes at four. She crawls out of bed and arms herself with twelve of her forty-three knives. She bought them all of of dwarves and other humans. When she braids her long red hair she tries to plan what she wants to do with what little day time she has left. "Dragons." She finally decides. She hasn't visited the dragons in quite a while, and she did find a large aquamarine in the woods yesterday when she was hunting. Perhaps they would be interested. Xani climbs out of the tree she calls home and makes her way to the dragons, saying good morning to the spiders she meets along the way. By the time she gets to Vuljon's house it's eight-thirty, and she truly wishes that she woke earlier. The doors are huge, and she practically has to slam her entire body into the door to make it sound like a knock. She does so willingly, even though it hurts her shoulder. She 'knocks' three times, then waits patiently for Vuljon.
A hollow sigh escaped Vashti's cold, chapped lips. It was another misty day in Asmus, and she couldn't wait to get out and around. She silently held on a debate in her head. She didn't know if it were best to visit the market, or to sit tastelessly in the Tavern as usual. Vashti was a very lonely person, as she had no one to talk to. Anyone who tried to befriend her was either pushed away, stabbed, or pleading for mercy. Vashti stood up, the wooden boards below her creaking in a quiet tone. She set a pace, and made her way down towards the central part of Asmus.
Yoljud awoke to be greeted by her mate's presence. "Pruzah feyl, dii lokaal." She enjoyed using her little nicknames, and she was sure that Vuljun knew this time she had said "my love." Her eyes blinked the heavy sleep off as she awkwardly smiled up at him to hear a knock at the door. The rek-dovah awkwardly trotted up to the entrance and greeted Xanthippes. "Pruzah feyl, dii fahdon!" Yoljud hoped that she knew that "fahdon" meant "friend."
Xani stared blankly at her. "Can we use human tongue? I'm bad at this dragon-tongue thing..." She tries to say it in dragon-tongue, but it's sloppy and makes no sense so she says it again in human-tongue.
Vuljun stretched his massive wings. He wanted to fly today, he's spent too long inside his castle. Some of the native's have even deemed him a rare sight now. "Yoljud, do you mind asking Xani if she wants to fly with us today?"
Yoljud smiled at Xani. "It's fine, I'll repeat myself. Good morning, my friend." Her darkly coloured eyes were still heavy with sleep. Her ear? flickered up at the sound of her mate's voice. "Vuljun would like to know if you'd like to fly with us today."
Kaznik stood up from the table seeing as no talk of this treasure was being discussed, he questioned of trying to skip paying the bill but he deiced against it, it was a small town and he didn't need a reputation yet. Kaznik payed the bill with a few coins and left as he exited he saw the crowd part and quickly fill in "Someone important...?" Kaznik said out loud. Kaznik quickly moved himself onto the taverns roof pushing up from a small windowsill he started to travel roof to roof rather loud not trying to be quiet, he soon saw a girl making the break in all the crowds he kept following her eyeing her with curiosity. This girl must know the local talk or is the local talk Kaznik said to himself as he kept up the chase, not yet wishing to confront the girl he kept moving across the roofs to many of the residents displeasure.

"Oh, would I ever!" Xani practically squeals. The charm of flying with a dragon will never lose it's appeal. "Oh, I got you a thing, hold on...." Xani digs through her backpack and pulls out the aquamarine that is as large as her head. "Here you go! It's not cleaned or anything, but I thought you might like it..."
Vuljun, who was still staring at the beautiful sky, realized some storm clouds were creeping. He didn't want this to ruin his flying. "Lok Vah Koor!" The clouds bent to the will of the King of Dragons, and disappeared into nothingness. I want to be able to fly without rain and lightning, thank you very much!
Aelin sat around on top a former nobles booth in the market. She quickly went over the mans information in her head, 5'11 man named Gregory Vanenbrook, min forties, Snarky, bright red hair, Green eyes with a brown ring around the Iris. Slight irish accent and incredibly flirty. She ha been watching for hours now, waiting for the man to walk through. But that was her job, she found people an frankly it was a lot of waiting. Then she saw a redhead man that fit the description walk into a blacksmiths shop. With a chilly smile she jumped own, scaring the living daylights out of the merchant below. The Fae girl with blue hair walked into the blacksmith's casually, picking up weapons as she went and planning on bumping into him.

As he neared she looked down and turned around as if she were backing up, right as he ran into her, "Watch where your going la or I'll slit ya were the vampies bit ya." he said, Got the accent. She turned subtly putting on her best apologetic look an turned, "I am so sorry! How can I make it up to you?" she asked already knowing his answers as she matched his eyes to the description, "I can think of a few ways." he said, walking out and giving the signal for her to follow. With an eye roll she walked out behind him and as he turned put on her best sneaky smile, "Goodnight Gregory." she said as his face shifted to horror as she twisted and kicked his side, her hair revealing her pointy ears as she hissed and knocked him to the floor. He passed out quickly so she grabbed him arm an stood him up, "Borrowing" a wagon an pushing him away him away. About five minutes later grabbing her pay and dropping him off.

With a satisfied sigh she ran to the tavern and sat down on the roof, she wasn't exactly a fan of drunk men and the roof was much comfier.

But then she noticed a Goblin dashing across the roofs behind her, "Huh?" she wondered then crouched watching. Then she shifted to her Eagle form an started tailing.

(Haha, always make long first posts :P )
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Vashti continued, unaware that she was being followed. She could sense the timidness in people as she passed them. She tightened her hand around her dagger, keeping her walk firm and quiet. She felt like a cat, for she was eyeing others, and didn't seem very approachable in doing so. Vashti saw the Tavern coming into view, and decided not to enter. She wasn't in the mood for ale, and the idiots who drowned themselves with it.

She headed for the market. There she would find something cheap to eat. The Tavern was quite pricey, and Vashti wasn't very wealthy. She flipped up her hood and made her way through huts and roads made of wet wooden planks.
(Ok, I must say that reply is fantastic "Oh, would I ever?!" xD well said, well said.) Yoljud joyfully blew out a small bit of warm steam from her nose when she sighted the gift. "Why, thank you, Xani!" Her eyes lit up with joy as they met with the aquamarine. She's so nice! We didn't even really need another gift... She thought as the rek-dovah turned to look back at their massive cave piled with gold and gems. But, hey, additions are always welcome!!
"It's no biggie. I like dragons. I like fire. It's pretty...." She gets lost in her thoughts for a moment. "Anyway, where would you like me to put it?"
Aerith sighed as her quill scratched against a piece of parchment in her sketchbook. She had taken to sketching a bird who had perched itself on a nearby limb. The bird was beautiful, with blue and yellow feathers, and the way the sunlight glinted against the colors made Aerith smile, that is until the distant roar of one of the dragons caused the bird to take off. Aerith cursed under her breath and slammed her sketchbook shut. She was just about finished!

Grunting out her disapproval Aerith climbed from her tree and retreated into the town, heading straight for the tavern. She wouldn't drink, she never did, but she had decided she was quite hungry and they made the best food in the town. Walking into the building Aerith shut the door quietly behind her and smiled at a few people, before plopping down and ordering herself some food.
Yoljud backed up to allow her in. "Just place it over here, with the other aquamarines that we've collected, but you really don't need to give us such gifts."
Kaznik kept up his chase now going a bit faster as it seemed she was trying to make an attempt to lose the crowd, he walked over the wooden planks she was under did a small seeing as they we're wet. He stopped himself at the end of them and hung down by his hands effectively blocking her path forward to the market, his hood went over his head with the motion of him flipping down. Kaznik hung like that, a bit worried seeing as he effectively left his gut open but the leather he was wearing should help block any arrows or knifes, after waiting for her to approach a bit closer around the bend to where she can see him. "This seems....awkward I just realized this is really awkward, well anyway. Girl, you seem to be the talk of the town and I assume you know the talk of the town, I want to talk you 'ear?" During this Kaznik stayed about the same thought he pointed out how awkward it must be to see a Goblin hanging from some boards in front you.

"Yeah, but I don't have use for it. Might as well give it to someone who does!" She puts the aquamarine down and smiles up at Yoljud. "where is Vuljun? Has he already left?"
Vuljun wondered what was taking Yoljud and Xani so long. Talking about girl things, perhaps? But how would a human and a dragon be talking about? Do they both have bleeding days?
Vashti narrowed her eyes as she approached the Goblin. His face was alien-like as he was upside down, but she didn't take this as an important matter. It was indeed awkward to see a Goblin hanging upside down, but this did not affect the situation. She gently pulled her hood down, showing her oddly colored hair and eyes. She was an exotic sight, but she was used to herself in a way that no one else really understood. Vashti tightened her thinly crafted glove by pulling it up her pale arm.

"Stand in your default position, Goblin." She said, chewing on something unknown to him.

"Thanks again, Xani!! Oh, Vuljun is already out there and waiting for us, climb on, let's go." Yoljud lowered her wing to allow Xani to get on.

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