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Fantasy Raven-Wing Academy

"Fascinating," she replied, watching Rouge and Jaune half pay attention to their turns. "I hope Verte comes back soon; I've almost won," she stated, rather unenthusiastically. The song had finished and Rouge and Jaune sat back down, panting from the exercise.

Verte finally got all she needed, and headed back to the dorm, hoping she didn't forget anything else.

@Veyd Sahvoz
Kazehana said:
"Fascinating," she replied, watching Rouge and Jaune half pay attention to their turns. "I hope Verte comes back soon; I've almost won," she stated, rather unenthusiastically. The song had finished and Rouge and Jaune sat back down, panting from the exercise.
Verte finally got all she needed, and headed back to the dorm, hoping she didn't forget anything else.

@Veyd Sahvoz
Damen looked up at them "You seem to have had quite a time" he chuckled a bit. When he went back to finishing his turn he made sure to put his piece in the right spot that he made sure was his. Leaning back in his chair he pulled out a spice stick and placed it inbetween his lips, his mouth burned slightly from the various spicy flavors and cinnamon but didn't care much about it.

Night Wing walked right beside Verte the whole way, not crowding her but still a reasonable distance. She had helped carry the 2L of Dr.Pepper and the two 2L bottles of Dr.Pepper, she thought about carrying it all but knew she'd be to tempted by the various snacks "So . . . what's your favorite snack?" she asked, curious of what kind of food she liked.
Jaune looked at him dubiously, "Yeah you're telling us," she scoffed, mainly at his peculiar behavior. Rouge bent down and put her nose to the table, trying to get a different perspective on the board, looked as if she was a piece on the board. Violette judged her.

Verte pursed her lips to one side, looking down into the bag. Then, she looked back up ar Night Wing with a shrug and a smile.

@Veyd Sahvoz
DarkmatterTENSHO said:
ligers eyes turn to slits and instead of dodging his tail begins to moving so fast it can no long be seen and as the bullets get closer they are render to ash "not even worth dodging if all i have to do is wag my tail" he said with a smile and his tail stops moving and is visible again then launches at goldy moving at such a speed it's barely visible @las0r0o7 @Embaga Elder
Goldy watched the shards turn to ash and the new persons remark "well if its not worth dodging why not just take it." He saw a blur of motion coming at him and as expected his instincts kicked in and he moved away from the blur coming at him "your going to have to do better than that if you want to get me" he said as he fired off a few more rounds at the still blur of a person "maybe I need something that won't turn to ash" he kicked the ground pretty hard sending a couple pebbles into the air a bit. In technical senses they were projectiles and he took advantage of that and sent them flying after the blur.
Kazehana said:
Jaune looked at him dubiously, "Yeah you're telling us," she scoffed, mainly at his peculiar behavior. Rouge bent down and put her nose to the table, trying to get a different perspective on the board, looked as if she was a piece on the board. Violette judged her.
Verte pursed her lips to one side, looking down into the bag. Then, she looked back up ar Night Wing with a shrug and a smile.

@Veyd Sahvoz
Damen sighed as he got up "I'll be right back" he stated while shrouding himself in darkness and walking through the door. He reformed back in his dorm as he looked around for a moment, making sure no one had been in his dorm, since he had not locked the door. Once he left the room, locking it, he shrouded himself once more and dashed back to Heather's dorm. He knocked on the door, waiting for one of them to answer it.

Night Wing took Verte's hand as she started walking a bit faster down the hall "Come on. We should get back and relax a bit" she stated, looking back at Verte with a glad smile.
Jaune watched him go, aggresively confused at his choice of exit. When there was someone at the door, she went up to it, leaning against it. "Who iiiis iiiit~" she inquired, a bit of melody in her voice. Rouge rolled her eyes, and Violette won the game, ignoring everything as usual.

Verte was rather surprised that Night Wing was so assertive, but went along with her anyway.

@Veyd Sahvoz
Johnny just follows Crimson scent to seem him fighting some body. He then just sit there staring at them before e walks towards liger who he notices after a little while.
liger stopped his tail from moving,removed his hat, and lets the pebbles hit him. some blood comes from his wounds "nice hit, and your right ill just take the ones your throw at me" he says to goldy then looks towards johnny "hey johnny!"he says with a smirk @las0r0o7 @Johnathan Laurence
Kazehana said:
Jaune watched him go, aggresively confused at his choice of exit. When there was someone at the door, she went up to it, leaning against it. "Who iiiis iiiit~" she inquired, a bit of melody in her voice. Rouge rolled her eyes, and Violette won the game, ignoring everything as usual.
Verte was rather surprised that Night Wing was so assertive, but went along with her anyway.

@Veyd Sahvoz
Damen chuckled a bit at Jaune's melody like way of a response "It's meeee" he replied with the same melodic tone.

Night Wing tried to figure out which hallway had Heather's dorm but was stumped. She reached out, trying to sense Damen's life essence. She pondered around the hallways before looking over at Verte "Umm…where is your dorm exactly?" she asked while laughing a bit, scratching her head awkwardly.
"...Who?" she responded in a rather flat voice.

Verte's eyes widened as Night Wing asked her where they were. She had just assumed Night Wing knew, so she didn't pay attention. She just shook her head, unsure what to do.
Kazehana said:
"...Who?" she responded in a rather flat voice.
Verte's eyes widened as Night Wing asked her where they were. She had just assumed Night Wing knew, so she didn't pay attention. She just shook her head, unsure what to do.
Damen used darkness to slip through the doors key hold. He appeared behind Jaune "This answer your question?" he asked, in a sarcasstic yet humorous tone. He headed to towards the table where the game wad and plopped himself on a chair.

Night Wing closed her eyes for a moment, when she opened them she tightened her grip on Verte's hand and dashed down another hall.
She looked at him with disbelief. "Why didn't you just do that before?" She headed back to the seat, waiting for someone to do something interesting. Rouge crossed her arms, looking around the room. Violette was putting away the game.

Verte fell into panic mode at the sudden aggressiveness of her companion, but still tried to go along with it.

@Veyd Sahvoz
Kazehana said:
She looked at him with disbelief. "Why didn't you just do that before?" She headed back to the seat, waiting for someone to do something interesting. Rouge crossed her arms, looking around the room. Violette was putting away the game.
Verte fell into panic mode at the sudden aggressiveness of her companion, but still tried to go along with it.

@Veyd Sahvoz
Night Wing finally traced back her steps by following Damen's life essence. She knocked on Heather's door as she turned to look at Verte "Want me to carry those?" she asked, wanting to help get the party started.
Verte nodded and handed her a bag. She used her newly freed hand to open the door and walk in, placing the bags on her bed. "'Bout time!" Jaune complained. They all went to get some snacks, which happened to be different though they were the same. "Go ahead and get something," Rouge said to Damen, with a bit of a mouth full.

@Veyd Sahvoz
Kazehana said:
Verte nodded and handed her a bag. She used her newly freed hand to open the door and walk in, placing the bags on her bed. "'Bout time!" Jaune complained. They all went to get some snacks, which happened to be different though they were the same. "Go ahead and get something," Rouge said to Damen, with a bit of a mouth full.
@Veyd Sahvoz
Damen sat back in his chair, he hadn't even seen Night Wing walk in but knew she was there. He slightly sat up but slouched a bit, he looked up at Rouge "I'll get some in a sec" he stated. Night Wing walked over to him with her hands behind her back "Here is a little something" said Night Wing, passing him a bottle of Dr.Pepper and placing the 2L on Heather's bed. Damen looked at the bottle "Thank you…" he said while taking a sip from it and passing it back to Night Wing. He got up and grabbed a bag of jalepèno cheese doritoes and walked over to the table.
Through a mouthful of chips, Rouge asked, "So what do you wanna do now?" At the question, the other three looked at her, then Damen, eating already underway for each of them.

@Veyd Sahvoz
las0r0o7 said:
Goldy looked at the two of them for a second "so, two on one, these seem to be more my style" he sent the shards of the bullets he had been holding steady back at crimson and he felt the first of wind come at him from the new person and just to test his reactions he fired off a few rounds at the guy, maybe they would hit him, if not he was going to track him with the bullets anyways
DarkmatterTENSHO said:
ligers eyes turn to slits and instead of dodging his tail begins to moving so fast it can no long be seen and as the bullets get closer they are render to ash "not even worth dodging if all i have to do is wag my tail" he said with a smile and his tail stops moving and is visible again then launches at goldy moving at such a speed it's barely visible @las0r0o7 @Embaga Elder
las0r0o7 said:
Goldy watched the shards turn to ash and the new persons remark "well if its not worth dodging why not just take it." He saw a blur of motion coming at him and as expected his instincts kicked in and he moved away from the blur coming at him "your going to have to do better than that if you want to get me" he said as he fired off a few more rounds at the still blur of a person "maybe I need something that won't turn to ash" he kicked the ground pretty hard sending a couple pebbles into the air a bit. In technical senses they were projectiles and he took advantage of that and sent them flying after the blur.
Crimson knew the shattered bullet shards were coming towards him and he let them hit him knowing that the shards well only ricochet off his bones. So as the shards hit him Crimson, he managed to catch a couple shards he held onto his right hand. Crimson then vanished in a crimson light and appeared behind Goldy, and Crimson uses his aura around him to create a giant hand to push Goldy's body towards Liger

@las0r0o7 @DarkmatterTENSHO
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Kazehana said:
Through a mouthful of chips, Rouge asked, "So what do you wanna do now?" At the question, the other three looked at her, then Damen, eating already underway for each of them.
@Veyd Sahvoz
Night Wing popped up with an idea "How about a little party" she suggested, picking up the bottle of Dr.Pepper Damen had passed back to her and chugged it a bit until half of the bottle was gone. She walked over to the snacks, looking around for a bag of sour cream n onion chips.

"What for?" Rouge glanced over, surprised at such an oddly timed party. Jaune wasn't really paying attention, as she was constantly eating a variety of snacks. Violette had just finished putting away the board game, and poured herself some water. Verte sat down, relieved to have the chance after such exercise.

@Veyd Sahvoz
Kazehana said:
"What for?" Rouge glanced over, surprised at such an oddly timed party. Jaune wasn't really paying attention, as she was constantly eating a variety of snacks. Violette had just finished putting away the board game, and poured herself some water. Verte sat down, relieved to have the chance after such exercise.
@Veyd Sahvoz
Night Wing lifted an eye brow as she took a handful of chips "Since when did we need to have a reason to have fun? Come on…wait I'll be right back with some music" she exclaimed with a cheerful smile, rushing to the door. Damen took the bottle she sat down and took a gulp from it, he looked over at Violette "Told ya"
DarkmatterTENSHO said:
liger stopped his tail from moving,removed his hat, and lets the pebbles hit him. some blood comes from his wounds "nice hit, and your right ill just take the ones your throw at me" he says to goldy then looks towards johnny "hey johnny!"he says with a smirk @las0r0o7 @Johnathan Laurence
Goldy chuckled " well this is a spar so I don't have the intent to kill, I look at this as a bit of practice, I haven't had any in a good while so its a refresher" he felt a presence behind him and it could only be one thing, crimson, he jumped up off the ground and over crimsons head, oh the perks of enhanced instincts. He pointed the gun down at his head and fired the few remaining rounds out of the clip and swapped into a new one just before he landed sending a bit of dust up in the air, Goldy took the dust that was behind him and sent it around crimsons head trying to get it in his eyes, any bit of advantage he could get he was going to take, after all he was up against a couple people who seemed to be werewolf, at least to some extent.
Crimsons aura acted as a shield to his body, so the rounds were crushed when they hit his aura, and the dust had no effect. As Crimson the dust covered crimson, he flared up his aura sending a burst that disbursed the dust, and sent a wave in all directions. Crimson then turned his body and takes one step dashing towards Goldy, his body completely energized.

Rouge sighed, not excited about how much money they would have to spend for them to all participate. The others were thinking the same thing, so they snapped and, with a flash, recombined. "I don't need your sass today, Damen," Heather replied, happy that there was more for her now. She hopped on her bed and got comfortable, placing a pillow behind her for comfort.

@Veyd Sahvoz
johnny looks at Crimson and some guy fighting as he then looks at liger. " Whats going on " asks johnny a little worried as he sits down and just watches the fight eagerly.
Ent returned after his many hours out side of the school, after massacring crowds of people out side the school. Ent feel pretty calm and mellow, he wondered back into the school. relaxed. He looked around holding a bag of shopping.

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