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Fantasy Raven-Wing Academy

Aedus chuckled as he saw how eager Ent was for him to cook the food for him "So, i need some things to cook it with, like a frying pan and a heatproof dish, I should have them in my room" He said as he began walking into his dorm.

Kazehana said:
"I don't know just tell me everything!" She decided she would settle for nothing less than that since that's what he got out of the deal.
@Veyd Sahvoz
Damen looked down slightly "You already know about most of them……and that's just it…I don't know my abilities full extent. I have the ability to control pure darkness to any extent. There's my perception ability and that's about it…..." explained Damen.
Kazehana said:
Heather took a moment to try to figure out what the heck that even meant. "What would you even do with darkness anyway?"
@Veyd Sahvoz
"You'd be surprised…the thing that remains is the choice to use it or not" Explained Damen, remembering when he found out about his abilities…his curse that he must live with.
Kazehana said:
"I might not be surprised if you told me," she retorted, not having any of this whole avoiding the question nonsense.
@Veyd Sahvoz
Damen looked at his hands "It's…it's complicated…" he looked down at the ground slightly, then back at his hands.
She stared straight at him, partially to unnerve him, partially to seem interested. "Can't be that complicated that you can't try to explain it," she pushed, not particularly willing to let it go.

@Veyd Sahvoz
Kazehana said:
She stared straight at him, partially to unnerve him, partially to seem interested. "Can't be that complicated that you can't try to explain it," she pushed, not particularly willing to let it go.
@Veyd Sahvoz
Damen rolled up his shirt to look at the wrappings from his large wound from earlier. He rolled his shirt back down "I don't think you want to know"

Heather took a bite out of another licorice stick, atill staring straight at him. "If I didn't, I wouldn't be asking. Spit it out already," she demanded, still not satisfied with no answer.

@Veyd Sahvoz
Kazehana said:
Heather took a bite out of another licorice stick, atill staring straight at him. "If I didn't, I wouldn't be asking. Spit it out already," she demanded, still not satisfied with no answer.
@Veyd Sahvoz
Damen sighed as he pulled off his collar shirt, revealing the wrappings around his stomach and abs. The white wrappings went over his left shoulder and wrapped around his stomach, a red mark from the blood, and on the front of his right shoulder was a tattoo of a dragon lined with black and coloured with red. It also revealed the much larger tattoo on his back of a dragon with slight red but mostly black. He didn't say anything instead he put his collar shirt back on and drank some more soda.
GingerBread said:
Aedus chuckled as he saw how eager Ent was for him to cook the food for him "So, i need some things to cook it with, like a frying pan and a heatproof dish, I should have them in my room" He said as he began walking into his dorm.
Ent followed, not really knowing what to expect he started to imagine how the dish would be presented.
metalcity said:
Ent followed, not really knowing what to expect he started to imagine how the dish would be presented.
Aedus entered his dorm and began to get all the equipment he needed to cook the dish for Ent and placed it on his desk. He then took the bag of ingredients from Ent and got out the necessary ingredients and laid them out in the order he would need them. Once he was satisfied with everything began filleting the fish and removing all the bones and chopping up everything else that he needed to chop up.

Ent watched as Aedus de-boned the fish, he was not satisfied with it as there was still some flesh on the bones. Ent walked over picking up the bones and nibbling at the small amount of fish flesh. He then watched as Aedus diced the ingredients.

metalcity said:
Ent watched as Aedus de-boned the fish, he was not satisfied with it as there was still some flesh on the bones. Ent walked over picking up the bones and nibbling at the small amount of fish flesh. He then watched as Aedus diced the ingredients.
Aedus gathered all the ingredients and placed them in the dish before summoning a small flame in his hand and expanding the size of it before making it wrap around the dish "Best use of my powers , don't you agree?" Aedus said jokingly As the dish filled the dorms with a wonderful smell of cooked fish.

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Ent started salivating at the smell "How long till its ready?" He asked impatiently as his eyes grow slightly bigger and started to sparkle as the fish started to cook. It became whiter and the skin started to crack slightly, juices popped out of the cracks and making the skin slightly wetter after drying up a little. Ent's cat side started to appearer.


(realising this sounded really sexual...its not suppose to)
metalcity said:
Ent started salivating at the smell "How long till its ready?" He asked impatiently as his eyes grow slightly bigger and started to sparkle as the fish started to cook. It became whiter and the skin started to crack slightly, juices popped out of the cracks and making the skin slightly wetter after drying up a little. Ent's cat side started to appearer.

(realising this sounded really sexual...its not suppose to)
"It will be ready when it's ready" Aedus replied as he concentrated and made the flames hotter to cook the food faster. Once he was satisfied that the food was done, Aedus grabbed the dish and placed it on the windowsill to let it cool "You can have it in five minutes" Aedus told Ent, giving him a small smile.

@metalcity (Kinky xD )
Ent looked at the dish as it sat on the windowsill,he couldn't wait "Meow! (My food)" He cried out as he scratched his ear, he took a step towards the food. Then nudging Aedus's leg asking if he could eat it now.

@GingerBread (just coz u want a black screen ;) )
Aedus was confused when he heard Ent Meow bu snapped out of it when he saw Ent move towards the food "Ent, you can't have it now, You'll burn your mouth" Aedus replied as he stood between Ent and the Fish dish. The smell of the fish dish was being blown towards Ent by the wind from the open window.

Heather blinked a few times, then scrunched up her face a little. "O...kay?" That's the wound from earlier, along with some random tattoos. Great. "What does that have to do with anything?" she inquired, confounded by the random display she just witnessed.

@Veyd Sahvoz
metalcity said:
Ent meowed sadly a few times, he moved closer to Aedus. His tail moved mischievously as Ent smelled the food.
Why is he acting like a cat? i thought he hated doing that Aedus thought to himself confused, until he came to a realization He's just doing this and acting cute to try to make me cave in and give the food to him Aedus thought, confident that was the reason "You can wait a bit longer Ent, it will only be about two minutes" Aedus said, smiling at Ent No matter how cute you are, i'm not caving in Aedus thought.

Ent gave a crying meow, he then tried to pounce over Aedus. But due to him still looking like a human he just fell onto Aedus pushing them both to the ground. Ent gave another meow before leaping off of Aedus and reaching the food, he grabbed the food and started to eat the food. He purred.

Aedus was shocked as Ent leaped at him and then leaped off of him causing him to be winded Guess he really wanted the food Aedus thought, trying to justify Ent's action. Getting up Aedus took the food off of Ent, seeing that Ent had only managed to take a bite out of it "I told you to wait Ent." Aedus said, sounding disappointed as he held the food Away from Ent. "I want an apology for knocking me to the ground" Aedus said, not planning to give the food back to Ent until he got some form of apology.


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