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Fantasy Raven-Wing Academy

Ent cried slightly as the food was taken from him "Meow, meow meow! (sorry mistor, I weally wanted that food! sorry for hurting you.)" He sadly meowed as he childishly tried to reach for the plate.

metalcity said:
Ent cried slightly as the food was taken from him "Meow, meow meow! (sorry mistor, I weally wanted that food! sorry for hurting you.)" He sadly meowed as he childishly tried to reach for the plate.
Aedus sighed as he sat on his bed and placed the food beside him "I guess that's the best i'm going to get from you isn't it" Aedus asked rhetorically, not understanding what Ent had said as he doesn't speak cat I wonder why he's acting like a cat, i thought he hated 'his cat side' Aedus thought, trying to work out a reason why Ent was acting like he was.

GingerBread said:
Aedus sighed as he sat on his bed and placed the food beside him "I guess that's the best i'm going to get from you isn't it" Aedus asked rhetorically, not understanding what Ent had said as he doesn't speak cat I wonder why he's acting like a cat, i thought he hated 'his cat side' Aedus thought, trying to work out a reason why Ent was acting like he was.
Ent grow a big smiled and grabbed the plate and put it on the floor, he curled up and started to pick at the food. He purred excessively as he ate the fish.

metalcity said:
Ent grow a big smiled and grabbed the plate and put it on the floor, he curled up and started to pick at the food. He purred excessively as he ate the fish.
A small smile crept onto Aedus's face as he saw how happy Ent was He's kinda cute, if only he was like this more of the time, instead of wanting to kill everyone Aedus thought sadly.
GingerBread said:
A small smile crept onto Aedus's face as he saw how happy Ent was He's kinda cute, if only he was like this more of the time, instead of wanting to kill everyone Aedus thought sadly.
Ent finished the food, this also meant that his purring stopped. He looked up at Aedus "Me-me-meow! (Thank you mistor!)" The cat meowed but then the cuteness started to fade as his personality changed again. The cat started to fade and he grow a evil smile "HOW WOULD YOU LIKE TO JOIN THE FIRST OF THE BLOOD BATHS!!" He shouted viciously as he grabbed quickly got up and grabbed the boy by the neck before preparing to punch him in the face.

@GingerBread ( ;) )
Aedus Was shocked by Ent's sudden change in personality "Well no more fish-" Aedus was interrupted by a sickening crack and a sudden pain in his nose before blood started to flow down his face. Aedus's eyes went wide as he realized Ent had just broken his nose "What the hell Ent, i give you fish and this is what you do!" Aedus shouted as he covered his nose in a attempt to stop the bleeding.

Aedus let out a cry of pain as he was punched in the face again "So we're back to trying to kill me again?" He asked weakly, his voice filled with sadness. Aedus started to feel tired and tried to summon a flame so he could teleport out of there, but found that he couldn't, but as he tried he felt himself get more tired What the? why do you pick now not to work, i should've just stuck to matches Aedus thought, assuming he was going to be killed.

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Ent went of for a final punch, aiming to kill. As his fist closed in he lost its momentum as he gained control over his personality and stopped. Ent looked around strangely, still holding Aedus by the neck. Not sure what happened, he became serious and annoyed by the situation "Alright piss head! What happened!" He demanded as he started to sway slightly, it was the most intense personality change he has had. His eyes started to fade slightly "What did you do to me?" He said as his voice faded and his grip on the boys neck started to loosen. Aedus fell to his bed and Ent followed as his head landed on Aedus's chest and he whispered "You piss head" Then falling into a deep sleep.

Aedus was shocked as Ent passed out on top of him "Okay, so what i've learnt today, Fish makes Ent go insane, and i can't summon fire without it making me extremely tired, fantastic" Aedus thought out loud before trying to push Ent off of him. Aedus found that he was too weak and tired to be able to push Ent off of him, So he dragged Ent further onto the bed along with him so he could at least lay back and relax before remembering his nose still had blood dripping out of it, Taking off his shirt Aedus used it to wipe the blood off of his face before holding it to his nose in an attempt to stop the blood going everywhere.

Kazehana said:
Heather blinked a few times, then scrunched up her face a little. "O...kay?" That's the wound from earlier, along with some random tattoos. Great. "What does that have to do with anything?" she inquired, confounded by the random display she just witnessed.
@Veyd Sahvoz
Damen looked at her, not really caring "They're no random tattoo's. It's shadow dragon mark" explained Damen with seriousness in his tone.
GingerBread said:
Aedus was shocked as Ent passed out on top of him "Okay, so what i've learnt today, Fish makes Ent go insane, and i can't summon fire without it making me extremely tired, fantastic" Aedus thought out loud before trying to push Ent off of him. Aedus found that he was too weak and tired to be able to push Ent off of him, So he dragged Ent further onto the bed along with him so he could at least lay back and relax before remembering his nose still had blood dripping out of it, Taking off his shirt Aedus used it to wipe the blood off of his face before holding it to his nose in an attempt to stop the blood going everywhere.
(Lean forward!! Laying down with a bloody nose is bad for you :o )

[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz]Damen looked at her, not really caring "They're no random tattoo's. It's shadow dragon mark" explained Damen with seriousness in his tone.

Heather debated whether or not she was supposed to be taking notes. There was no way she was going to remember all of these random details. Oh well, how complicated can it get. she tried to tell herself, but didn't really believe it. "Soooooooooo what does that mean?" she asked because let's face it, why would she have any idea what that even means.
Kazehana said:
(Lean forward!! Laying down with a bloody nose is bad for you :o )
Heather debated whether or not she was supposed to be taking notes. There was no way she was going to remember all of these random details. Oh well, how complicated can it get. she tried to tell herself, but didn't really believe it. "Soooooooooo what does that mean?" she asked because let's face it, why would she have any idea what that even means.
"It means I have a shadow dragon inside of me" explained Damen, more chill than early. "And it's not something you want to live with…" he glanced over at her with seriousness like he didn't want to talk about it but knew she likely wasn't going to care if he didn't or did.
Heather was too busy making her hot cocoa that she didn't notice his demeanor, but oh well. "And what in the world is a shadow dragon?" She spilled a bit of powder, stared at it for a moment, then scraped it back into her cocoa. The table was clean anyway.

@Veyd Sahvoz
Aedus started coughing before long he noticed that he had coughed up blood Maybe i shouldn't lay down He thought as he sat up. Aedus smiled as he saw how peaceful Ent look as he was asleep, Aedus began absentmindedly scratching behind Ent's ears "I Wish you weren't so violent Ent" Aedus said, not caring that Ent probably couldn't hear him as he was asleep.

Kazehana said:
Heather was too busy making her hot cocoa that she didn't notice his demeanor, but oh well. "And what in the world is a shadow dragon?" She spilled a bit of powder, stared at it for a moment, then scraped it back into her cocoa. The table was clean anyway.
@Veyd Sahvoz
Damen got up to go get some chips and glanced over at her "…It's a shadow being that takes the form of a dragon…having one embedded inside of you is a life long mark that you have to learn to live with…I was 8 when I found all of this out and when I lost my memory. Not the best childhood" he stated while munching on some chips.
"So, it's a parasite?" she ventured, stirring in the last of the cocoa powder. She poured in some suger, a bit more than usual, to make it milky. She took a sip and relished the flavor for a moment, looking back at Damen.

@Veyd Sahvoz
Kazehana said:
"So, it's a parasite?" she ventured, stirring in the last of the cocoa powder. She poured in some suger, a bit more than usual, to make it milky. She took a sip and relished the flavor for a moment, looking back at Damen.
@Veyd Sahvoz
"More like a curse but I guess you could call it that" said Damen, walking back to his chair. "Though I don't have a clue how it got there…" he explained.


Night Wing, yet again, forgot where Heather's dorm and wandered around the halls. She eventually found, what she thought was, Heather's dorm and knocked on the door hoping it was the right one.

@GingerBread @metalcity
Night Wing couldn't quite hear who it was but when she opened the door and walked in she was surprised to see Aedus and Ent "Oh…sorry wrong room…" she said awkwardly.
"It's okay" Aedus replied, giving Night Wing a small smile as he began once again scratching behind Ent's ears

@metalcity @Veyd Sahvoz (Do you know what makes this even more awkward? Aedus isn't wearing a shirt and has Ent on top of him xD )
GingerBread said:
"It's okay" Aedus replied, giving Night Wing a small smile as he began once again scratching behind Ent's ears
@metalcity @Veyd Sahvoz (Do you know what makes this even more awkward? Aedus isn't wearing a shirt and has Ent on top of him xD )
Night Wing found herself in an awkward position"Ummm......I'ma go…" was the only she could say while backing out of the room, turning into a crow and flying down the hall.

(Awwwwkwwaaaaard xD )
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Kazehana said:
She tileted her head a little. "A curse? What does it do? Besides give you tattoos, that is."
@Veyd Sahvoz
Damen looked at her, puzzled "I don't know it's full extent but it's what allows me to become a shadow and control darkness……I've looked for some way to get rid of it but no one seems to know" explained Damen, he slouched a bit in his chair and looked at his hands again.

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