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Fantasy Raven-Wing Academy

"Okay," she began as she sat down in a chair, still holding her mug with both hands. "But consider this: you haven't said anything negative about it. So what's the big deal?"

@Veyd Sahvoz
Kazehana said:
"Okay," she began as she sat down in a chair, still holding her mug with both hands. "But consider this: you haven't said anything negative about it. So what's the big deal?"
@Veyd Sahvoz
He thought about the last time he used his full extent, at the time, of his abilities "If you use the mark it corrupts you until the being has taken you over completely. The after effects can be catastrophic……that's the reason I never use it…" explained Damen with utmost seriousness, staring straight into her eyes.
Heather looked at him for a moment, thinking intensely. "Are you, by chance, a magical girl?"

(Holy crap you literally just described one I cannot even deal with this right now)

@Veyd Sahvoz
Kazehana said:
Heather looked at him for a moment, thinking intensely. "Are you, by chance, a magical girl?"
(Holy crap you literally just described one I cannot even deal with this right now)

@Veyd Sahvoz
(f*** no why in the 9 hells would Damen be ennething like that, dafaq even is that lol)

Damen lifted his eye brow, his red eye becoming like a slit "No…I don't even know what that is" he scoffed, then calming down.
(Omg you've never seen my favorite show I'm disappointed in you. It's similar to what you just described, albeit some details and background are different)

"Nevermind," she conceded, not quite understanding what he just did, but understanding that it wasn't really typical. She took another sip to bridge the gap between her former comment and her next thought. "Is there any way to reverse the process had you used too much at one time?"

@Veyd Sahvoz
Kazehana said:
(Omg you've never seen my favorite show I'm disappointed in you. It's similar to what you just described, albeit some details and background are different)
"Nevermind," she conceded, not quite understanding what he just did, but understanding that it wasn't really typical. She took another sip to bridge the gap between her former comment and her next thought. "Is there any way to reverse the process had you used too much at one time?"

@Veyd Sahvoz
"No idea…As long as I don't use it I'll be fine" stated Damen, even though he very much wanted to get rid of the wretched being.
Heather sighed as she set down her mug, uncrossed her legs, and went to open the door. After she did, she retraced her steps, sat back down, crossed her legs, and retrieved her mug.

@Veyd Sahvoz
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Kazehana said:
Heather sighed as she set down her mug, uncrossed her legs, and went to open the door. After she did, she retraced her steps, sat back down, crossed her legs, and retrieved her mug.
@Veyd Sahvoz
Night Wing looked at Heather, she seemed slightly disappointed that there wasn't 4 of them. She walked in and placed her iPod by the pandora, sitting down on one of the beds "What I miss?" she asked, looking back and forth from Damen and Heather.
"You missed a little performance by a guy who could dodge anything thrown at him without ever dealing with them head on," she joked, glancing at Damn for just a moment before looking back at Night Wing.

@Veyd Sahvoz
Kazehana said:
"You missed a little performance by a guy who could dodge anything thrown at him without ever dealing with them head on," she joked, glancing at Damn for just a moment before looking back at Night Wing.
@Veyd Sahvoz
Night Wing laughed a bit at that, she got up and walked over to the 2L bottle of Dr.Pepper. Damen ignored Heather's joke and glanced over at Night Wing She already had more than half of the 1L bottle, how much can she drink? He wondered.
Kazehana said:
"So how do you two know each other?" She took a bag of chips, though she hoped she wouldn't be here much longer. She was in the mood to do something fun.
@Veyd Sahvoz
Night Wing and Damen both looked at each other, Night Wing chuckled a bit as she remembered the first time they met "Well I've known and been with Damen since we were 9. He had lost his memory when he was 8. I can still remember him wandering around the town looking for something. When I went to go meet him we talked for a long time and I invited him to my place . . . ." Night Wing's laughy face turned to a slight frown " . .. .after that we found out his family was killed and we've been together ever since . . . ." she remembered what happened, Damen glanced over at her "You don't have to continue Night Wing . . . . it's not something I want to remember either . . ." he stated. Night Wing looked up at him, her frown turning back to a smile "Thanks Damen . . . I'm fine" she stated while turning her head to Heather.
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Kazehana said:
"Fascinating. So you've been together ever since? Like, how together?" she asked, interest piquing a little.
@Veyd Sahvoz
Damen and Night Wing went a bit red "No no. It's not the way you think . . . . we've known each other for so long, I've known Damen his whole life . . ." explained Night Wing a bit hesitantly, Damen coughed a bit "What she's trying to say is that we've been together so long that we're close . . . . ." his face went red as he said that but then took a sip of Dr.Pepper.
Celestia went up to the food counter and looked around for a few seconds before realizing there wasn't really anything that fit her tastes, she then spotted all the cakes and desserts on a counter opposite to the one she was looking at. Celestia went up the counter and purchased a small parfait with a sider of cheesecake, she looked around for somewhere to sit down, and upon finding a free table, sat down and looked delighted with the food placed before her, "Itadakimasu!! ". After finishing her food, she made her way back too her dorm room. she got to her dorm room and shoved her hands in her pockets to try and find the key she was given...she lost it...again. Celestia knocked on the door hoping her room mate was in but the door slowly opened having not been locked properly..

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Celestia's eyes lit up when she noticed Aedus's voice coming from inside the room, she walked in only to notice that there was also another boy laying with him. So instead of annoying Aedus she just decided to go to her bed and put her face into the puffed up pillows. She looked towards Aedus and wondered who the other man was for a second before noticing they were both topless and in the same bed...she put two and two together and thought 'Did I just stumble in on some Perverted Scene?!' as her face began to go red with the embarrassment of not realizing sooner. "H-hi A-a-aedus.., d-don't mind m-me......." she said whilst putting her head into her pillows again.

@GingerBread @metalcity
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CelestiaVanGuard said:
Celestia's eyes lit up when she noticed Aedus's voice coming from inside the room, she walked in only to notice that there was also another boy laying with him. So instead of annoying Aedus she just decided to go to her bed and put her face into the puffed up pillows. She looked towards Aedus and wondered who the other man was for a second before noticing they were both topless and in the same bed...she put two and two together and thought 'Did I just stumble in on some Perverted Scene?!' as her face began to go red with the embarrassment of not realizing sooner. "H-hi A-a-aedus.., d-don't mind m-me......." she said whilst putting her head into her pillows again.
@GingerBread @metalcity
Aedus was confused when he saw Celestia's face go red, he became even more confused when she started stuttering before burying her head in her pillows "Hey Celestia, You okay?" Aedus asked, not sure what was wrong with her.

Ent slowly started to wake up, not sure of what happened. He remembered Aedus making him food then something weird happened. He looked around to see he was curled up in a ball on Aedus, his tail accidentally stroking Aedus's face. He looked up at Aedus, confused by the lack of a food smell. "I thought you where making me food...So why the hell are we on a bed!!! And foodless!!!" Ent didn't notice the girl.

@GingerBread @CelestiaVanGuard
Aedus grabbed Ent's tail and moved it out of his face before he began gently stroking it "I already made you food and then you tried to kill me" Aedus said, trying not to show that he was upset that Ent had tried to kill him.

@metalcity @CelestiaVanGuard
Aedus Continued stroking Ent's tail, running his hand the whole length of Ent's tail before moving his hand to the top of Ent's tail and repeating the process "I-I'm N-not lying" Aedus frowned, hurt that Ent first tried to kill him and was now calling him a liar "L-Look, the dish is there" Aedus said as he used his free hand to point towards a dish that had tiny scraps of fish left in it

@metalcity @CelestiaVanGuard
Ent couldn't help but moan a little at the new feeling on his tail. He pulled it away from Aedus hoping that the act would not continue. Ent looked at the plate, shocked to see the dish he would have loved so much destroyed. Seeing a new girl in the room he walked over and grabbed her by the collar in rage "What did you do to my food." he angrily looked into her eyes to intimidate the girl. His voice was loud and vicious.

@CelestiaVanGuard @GingerBread

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