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Fantasy Raven-Wing Academy

Ent became annoyed at the fact he heard them know he was there, he sighed and got up. He got up and started to walk away. As he was leaving he looked over his shoulder and looked through the window, he saw Aedus and state he was in. He gritted his teeth as he believed he was annoyed, but deep down he knew this to not be the case. He sighed and continued walking, he thought of what he could do to apologise to Aedus. Knowing his words wouldn't be good enough. He thought and remembered a thought of Aedus cooking the food without matches "Wonder when that happened? He seemed to be tired afterwards, wonder if the piss head needs more matches?" He thought as he started to make his way out of school, he decided he would try to not fight any one as that is what Aedus would want. There was still the smell of corpses from before when he rampaged.

@GingerBread @Veyd Sahvoz
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Embaga Elder] [COLOR=#b30000]Goldy saw Crimson's aura beginning to form 5 arms on each side of him. The arms start throwing punches "Barrage of the Dozen Fist." [/COLOR][URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/11103-las0r0o7/ said:
(Sorry for taking so long, I've had some things I had to take care of but I'm back now)

Goldy saw the additional arms show up and his claim of a dozen fists "well shit, guess it's all or nothing now" he said before he let out all of his aura to leave him with his full power, his aura was massive and violent, yet a deep glowing gold color almost like bronze. He hopped into the tips of his toes and started to dance around avoiding as many as he could and then taking the dust he was stirring up and making quick impact resistant walls for the ones he couldn't stop and dodge, by this point he had stopped going backwards and had come to a stand still with crimson. "Time to go on the offensive for once"
GingerBread said:
Aedus noticeably tensed up when Damen said that Ent was hiding nearby He's probably waiting for Night Wing and Damen to leave so he can finish the job Aedus thought; His breathing becoming more erratic as he began panicking at the thought of Dying or coming close to death again
@Veyd Sahvoz @metalcity
Night Wing rubbed her eyes "I promise…it'll get better" explained Night Wing. She wasn't sure about it though but was determined to boost his confidence.
GingerBread said:
Aedus managed to calm down a bit when he realized that he was safe and nothing was going to happen to him right at that moment
"I-I don't t-think it w-will" Aedus replied, truly believing that it wouldn't get better "E-everytime I-I think e-everythings going o-okay it all goes w-wrong....and it's n-normally my f-fault" Aedus said, his voice becoming a barely audible whisper towards the end of his sentence.

@Veyd Sahvoz
Damen sighed as he looked over at Aedus "Not everything goes the way you want it to, that's just how life is like I guess…but drowning in self pity won't do anything, so make the best of it" explained Damen, walking out of the dorm and heading to the entrance of the academy. Night Wing looked at him as her eyes glistened "Now promise me you won't give up…you owe me that……please" she begged. She didn't like seeing any of her friends like this and would do anything to boost Aedus's confidence. Even if it meant making him promise.
[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz]Damen sighed as he looked over at Aedus "Not everything goes the way you want it to, that's just how life is like I guess…but drowning in self pity won't do anything, so make the best of it" explained Damen, walking out of the dorm and heading to the entrance of the academy. Night Wing looked at him as her eyes glistened "Now promise me you won't give up…you owe me that……please" she begged. She didn't like seeing any of her friends like this and would do anything to boost Aedus's confidence. Even if it meant making him promise.

Aedus was conflicted, on one hand he didn't want to upset Night Wing in any way and on the other hand he didn't want to make a promise that he might end up breaking. Aedus looked at the ground, unable to look Night Wing in the eye "I-I'll.....I'll try" Aedus finally said after sitting silence for a couple of seconds.
GingerBread said:
Aedus was conflicted, on one hand he didn't want to upset Night Wing in any way and on the other hand he didn't want to make a promise that he might end up breaking. Aedus looked at the ground, unable to look Night Wing in the eye "I-I'll.....I'll try" Aedus finally said after sitting silence for a couple of seconds.
Night Wing smiled as she got up "Come on…lets go for a walk" she put her hand out for him to take, hoping he'd take the offer.
Veyd Sahvoz]Night Wing pulled him towards the door as they headed to the entrance. [/QUOTE] Aedus was taken by surprise as Night Wing started pulling him along with her but quickly started to match her pace. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/24503-veyd-sahvoz/ said:
@Veyd Sahvoz[/URL]
las0r0o7 said:
(Sorry for taking so long, I've had some things I had to take care of but I'm back now)
Goldy saw the additional arms show up and his claim of a dozen fists "well shit, guess it's all or nothing now" he said before he let out all of his aura to leave him with his full power, his aura was massive and violent, yet a deep glowing gold color almost like bronze. He hopped into the tips of his toes and started to dance around avoiding as many as he could and then taking the dust he was stirring up and making quick impact resistant walls for the ones he couldn't stop and dodge, by this point he had stopped going backwards and had come to a stand still with crimson. "Time to go on the offensive for once"
Crimson didn't lead up when Goldy released his aura, he only started to strike faster and stronger. The dust walls did there job blocking Crimson's but were easily broken down by the force of his attack. He then finished up his attack sending crimson aura fist flying with each bunch. So 12 fist were flying towards Goldy. @las0r0o7
GingerBread said:
Aedus was taken by surprise as Night Wing started pulling him along with her but quickly started to match her pace.
@Veyd Sahvoz
Night Wing smiled as she dragged Aedus along with her "Where do you want to go?" she asked, eager to go outside.
GingerBread said:
"A-anywhere you want is fine" Aedus replied, giving Night Wing a small smile "Th-though i wouldn't m-mind somewhere quiet"
@Veyd Sahvoz
Night Wing dashed to through hallways, trying to find the entrance of the academy so they could go outside. She looked down hallway after hallway before realizing she was lost. She looked back at Aedus "Umm…heh heh…Do you know where the entrance is?" she asked, disappointed at herself that she didn't know her way around by now.
GingerBread said:
Aedus let a small chuckle escape his lips "It's this way, I think" Aedus said as he pointed down a hallway before he began walking down the hallway, this time he was the the one pulling Night Wing along "Hey, Night Wing. Th-thanks for being there for me, i owe you. Well I owe you my life. If it wasn't for you i'd be D-dead" Aedus said, his voice taking on a somber tone.
@Veyd Sahvoz
Night Wing remembered when she saw Aedus, it was a shocking sight and it was still fresh in her mind. She looked at Aedus as he pulled her along "No need to thank me" she stated, smiling a bit as well.
GingerBread said:
Aedus smiled back as he continued walking through the hallways until he got to the entrance to the academy, He turned towards Night Wing "Time for you to lead the way" Aedus said, a bright smile on his face.
@Veyd Sahvoz (Last post for today, night :) )
Night Wing transformed into a crow and flew around a bit before flying back to Aedus "Follow me!" she exclaimed.

(Aight :)
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After a while, Zane and Abigayle had started wandering through the halls again, looking for something to do.

Ent walked around outside, he entered a shop and picked up a box of matches and walked out due to the shop keeper cowering. He made his way back to the school.
Goldy looked at the fists flying towards him and dodged most of them, except one, it got him in the gut and made him slide back quite a bit from the force alone, he laughed a bit "damn, I'm a bit out of practice, its been too long since I've had to do this" he took a full speed lunge towards crimson and then boosted himself forward with the dust, and as minute as it may seem now Goldy was moving at almost super sonic speeds and heading straight for crimson.
GingerBread said:
Aedus smiled as he followed Night Wing I wonder if she has anything specific planned He thought as he continued to follow her
@Veyd Sahvoz
Magattahana said:
Zane and Abs saw Aedus and Night Wing in the hallway and made their way over to them.
"Hey," they said simultaneously. They were twins after all.


@Veyd Sahvoz
Night Wing chirped at the new person while landing on Aedus's shoulder 'I have a place I want to show you in a moment' she explained, directing the thought at Aedus with telepathy.

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