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Fantasy Raven-Wing Academy

Aedus walked over behind Ent and attempted to pull him away from the girl with one arm while scratching behind his ears with other "Ent, she only just got here. You ate the food" Aedus repeated, his voice sad and gentle.

@metalcity @CelestiaVanGuard
Celestia looked up at the boy as he rudely grabbed her by the collar causing her slight pain, "I haven't touched your food...now let go of me..." she said with a dead look on her face that showed she was slightly getting pissed off. 'This guy isn't Aedus....why is he in our room..' she thought whilst gripping his arm tight hoping Aedus wasn't watching.

@GingerBread @metalcity
Ent became more annoyed by the scratching behind his ear, he purred slightly "This bitch stole my food! And how could I remember, I passed out!" As the scratching intensified he purred slightly more as he remembered what happened. However he didn't want to admit he was wrong. "I'll kill you both right now for eating my food!!" Then the air in the room completely left making the contents of the room a vacuum. However he slightly lost his grip on the girls collar.

@CelestiaVanGuard @GingerBread
Aedus suddenly found it hard to breathe Guess if i do die it won't be painful at least Aedus thought as he collapsed onto the floor his lungs burning as the air stopped flowing into them. Unable to talk for fear of losing breath quicker, Aedus weakly reached a arm up and wrapped his fingers around Ent's tail in an attempt to get his attention and get him to stop making the room a vacuum

@metalcity @CelestiaVanGuard
Celestia started to find it hard to breathe, she noticed that Aedus had collapsed to the ground, she reached her hand out and just about managed to reach her hand into her luggage and she grabbed her staff... she pulled it out the luggage whilst on the verge of falling unconscious and summoned her minion in which swept her away and took her out of the room.

@GingerBread @metalcity
As Ent had his tail pulled his tail then felt what he was holding onto leave, he turned his head back to see the girl missing. He sighed in anger as he allowed the room to contain oxygen again. He picked Aedus up by the collar "Why would you let that bitch get away!! She devoured my food!!" He shouted in anger, hiding his true feelings which consisted of remorse, knowing what happened but his stubbornness making him hurt Aedus. His face was fuming with anger as he looked deep into Aedus's eyes, again trying to intimidate. But all Aedus would see was the true sadness in him after hurting the only person he cares for.

Aedus took a deep breath, his breathing erratic before it started to slowly return to normal. Once his breathing was at a consistent pace and not erratic like it was a few seconds prior "S-she d-didn't E-eat y-your f-food" Aedus replied nervously as he saw Ent's face filled with anger. Aedus Found himself unable to look away from Ent's stare, As he looked closer into Ent's hazel eyes Aedus noticed that Ent's eyes didn't hold any anger but instead looked full of sadness

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Ent grow 'angrier' by the second "Then who did!!!" He asked, before realising that this would come back around to him eating the food. Ent looked away sadly and then throw Aedus on his bed, Ent walked out and slammed the door. He walked outside the dorms.

Aedus didn't bother chasing after Ent Even if i do he'd just shout at me again Aedus thought sadly as he cocooned himself in his bed cover before burying his head in his pillow, gently sobbing into it I should just give up, everytime i try to do something nice for him, it always ends badly for me

[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz]Damen and Night Wing went a bit red "No no. It's not the way you think . . . . we've known each other for so long, I've known Damen his whole life . . ." explained Night Wing a bit hesitantly, Damen coughed a bit "What she's trying to say is that we've been together so long that we're close . . . . ." his face went red as he said that but then took a sip of Dr.Pepper.

"Uh huh, suuure," she replied with a bit of a smirk. "I gotta go use the loo," she stated, checking her purse before putting it over her shoulder and heading out the door to the bathroom. "Shouldn't take too long," she said over her shoulder on her way out.
(This semester's finals are going to kill me. I'm going to be nonstop studying between my finals, so I probably won't be on much the next few days. Feel free to use the opening to interact with others d: She might be in there a while)

@Veyd Sahvoz
Kazehana said:
"Uh huh, suuure," she replied with a bit of a smirk. "I gotta go use the loo," she stated, checking her purse before putting it over her shoulder and heading out the door to the bathroom. "Shouldn't take too long," she said over her shoulder on her way out.
Night Wing and Damen looked at each other, Damen headed to the door and slightly opened it. Night Wing called out to Heather "Thanks for having us over! I think we should get going" she exclaimed, walking towards Damen. The both of the walked down the halls, heading to their dorm.


Kazehana said:
(This semester's finals are going to kill me. I'm going to be nonstop studying between my finals, so I probably won't be on much the next few days. Feel free to use the opening to interact with others d: She might be in there a while)
@Veyd Sahvoz
(Oh by the way, look on the OOC tab :)

Night Wing and Damen walked silently, Night Wing leaned against Damen and pretended she was falling asleep. They passed by Aedus's dorm and Night Wing walked over and knocked on the door, hoping that maybe Aedus was there.
Aedus lifted his head slightly when he heard a knocking at the door, tears were staining his face and he was still cocooned in his blanket.

"C-come in" Aedus said, not particularly caring who was at the door, his voice sounding nasally and like he was about to start crying again.

@Veyd Sahvoz
GingerBread said:
Aedus lifted his head slightly when he heard a knocking at the door, tears were staining his face and he was still cocooned in his blanket.
"C-come in" Aedus said, not particularly caring who was at the door, his voice sounding nasally and like he was about to start crying again.

@Veyd Sahvoz
Night Wing came through the door, hearing Aedus cry "What happened?…" she asked with genuind concern.
"E-Ent tried to k-kill m-me again, C-cause he thought i ate the food i cooked for him" Aedus replied, he started crying again as he spoke the sentence aloud "E-every t-time I t-try to d-do something n-nice f-for someone I J-just end up getting h-hurt or a-almost k-killed" Aedus said, unable to stop the tears streaming down his face "Maybe i should just give up......" Aedus said, his voice no louder than a whisper.

@Veyd Sahvoz
GingerBread said:
"E-Ent tried to k-kill m-me again, C-cause he thought i ate the food i cooked for him" Aedus replied, he started crying again as he spoke the sentence aloud "E-every t-time I t-try to d-do something n-nice f-for someone I J-just end up getting h-hurt or a-almost k-killed" Aedus said, unable to stop the tears streaming down his face "Maybe i should just give up......" Aedus said, his voice no louder than a whisper.
@Veyd Sahvoz
Night Wing sat next to him as Damen slightly walked in, leaning against the door. Night Wing rubbed his shoulder "Don't say that…it'll get better. They say the darkest hour comes just before the dawn" stated Night Wing, trying to comfort him.
"B-but why d-do i h-have to s-suffer, i've been no-nothing but n-nice to e-everyone. Y-yet i've almost d-died 3 times, so w-why can't this 'D-darkest hour' J-just end a-already" Aedus replied, his voice breaking and becoming hoarse.

@Veyd Sahvoz
GingerBread said:
"B-but why d-do i h-have to s-suffer, i've been no-nothing but n-nice to e-everyone. Y-yet i've almost d-died 3 times, so w-why can't this 'D-darkest hour' J-just end a-already" Aedus replied, his voice breaking and becoming hoarse.
@Veyd Sahvoz
Night Wing thought for a moment but Damen cut her off "All of the bad things have to happen before the good things can come…but hey, I mean Night Wing and lots of other people have been nice" explained Damen.
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"A-and a lot o-of other p-people have b-been mean" Aedus replied as he sat up and wiped the tears from his face before burying his face in his hands "G-guess i'm j-just naive and s-stupid and w-want to b-believe everyone is n-nice and k-kind"

@Veyd Sahvoz
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As Ent left the dorms he looked back to see some people walk into Aedus's room. He sadly sighed and started to walk around when he started to over hear the conversation between Aedus and the girl. He slouched down by the window so he could over hear the conversation, not being seen.

@GingerBread @Veyd Sahvoz
metalcity said:
As Ent left the dorms he looked back to see some people walk into Aedus's room. He sadly sighed and started to walk around when he started to over hear the conversation between Aedus and the girl. He slouched down by the window so he could over hear the conversation, not being seen.
@GingerBread @Veyd Sahvoz
Night Wing kept rubbing his shoulder "Don't worry" she said. Damen walked in and sighed as he looked at the window "Ent...you can stop hiding" he explained while leaning against a wall in Aedus's dorm.
Aedus noticeably tensed up when Damen said that Ent was hiding nearby He's probably waiting for Night Wing and Damen to leave so he can finish the job Aedus thought; His breathing becoming more erratic as he began panicking at the thought of Dying or coming close to death again

@Veyd Sahvoz @metalcity
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