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Fantasy Raven-Wing Academy

Crimson hears two different sounds. In one ear he hears the sound of the bell ringing. In the other he hears Goldy pulling the trigger, firing several shots. Crimson hears the projectiles flying through the wind heading towards him. When they get closer he starts skating around on the pools surface dodging the projectiles as they explode hitting the pools surface. Crimson sees, smells the gas coming from projectiles when they exploded. Crimson quickly jumped into the air, only coughing a little since some of the gas' fragrance enter his nose. @las0r0o7
liger wakes up and senses crimson power, causing him to smirk (lets go see what roomie is up too) he grabs his top hat to cover his cat ears, his garrote wire tail wraps up like a belt. he leaves the room and watches crimson and goldy spar, from a safe distance @Embaga Elder @las0r0o7
Goldy watches as he jumps up off the water and though "this would work nicely if I could get him to stay still long enough" he turned around from the pillar and pointed the gun at crimson and shot off another handful of rounds, each of these he was tracing back to crimson as he went about across the room "have fun with those" he said under his breath as he put the bell back on his collar and fired the last few shots "I probably shouldn't go all out" he thought as he quickly swapped clips and tossing the empty one aside keeping his eye on crimson
At the last second Crimson inhaled then exhaled breathing crimson fire from his mouth creating a wall of flames to destroy the rounds. Crimson continued to breath fire as he fell to the ground. When he landed he side stepped with great strength and speed firing Crimson bullets. Please Go All Out, Don't Bore Me!!! He said calmly @las0r0o7 @DarkmatterTENSHO
The bullets from before continue to in Goldy's direction. Crimson stops his side Dash and fires a crimson aura blast like the kamehameha that's heading straight towards Goldy. If you can dodge this you can dodge a bullet.

Embaga Elder] [COLOR=#b30000]The bullets from before continue to in Goldy's direction. Crimson stops his side Dash and fires a crimson aura blast like the kamehameha that's heading straight towards Goldy. [/COLOR][COLOR=#b30000][B][I]If you can dodge this you can dodge a bullet. [/I][/B][/COLOR] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/11103-las0r0o7/ said:
Goldy looked up in time to see the massive blast of aura coming his way, though this was cake walk compared to what he had to do to get away with killing a couple relatives, mostly his mother, she was difficult but that's a different story "this is cake walk" he did a bunch of back flips and made it back far enough just out of reach, though there was a catch to his flips, he fired off a few shots each time he did one, however, none of the shots were in crimsons direction, they were all at a skewed angleand would surely miss him.
(These are like the last time when the fight began. Also I can smell Liger, why is he just watching) Crimson fires aura bullets at the bullets that were planned to miss him.

Yo liger come out and fight with us Yo I'm sure GoldyLocks wouldn't mind. He yells while making fun of Goldy. @las0r0o7 @DarkmatterTENSHO
Goldy looked at the shattered bullets and took advantage of that and took control of all the small pieces that were scattered about holding them where they were as another person came onto the field and heard the mention of goldilocks "how did you know my mother was Goldilocks, she's long dead though" he said that without the slightest change in expression
Goldy simply laughed at the jokes "no I don't break into houses and steal their porage for fun, my mother had some weird habbis now that you mention them, but hey, how else was she supposed to get some bear furs." He leaned against the wall as the two of them probably had some more jokes "my name is the Golden Cheshire, and before you ask the known Cheshire cat is my father as well, though he could change to human as well, little known fact about him"
"Well you might not be the only of your kind, you never know, you may have a long lost sibling or something, I know I'm the only one of my kind, anyone who was remotely similar to me is all dead, I can garuntee that one" he said with a grin on his face, almost sadistically. "So then, abandoned, unknown, and deceased, we do seem to have the strangest array of relationships with our parents, but either way, what have we to do about this little spar."
Yeah you're right, our parental similarity is very interesting He said while nodding in agreement. He then hears Goldy saying something about the spar which brought a grin on his face.

We fucking continue!! He said as his eyes turn and begins glowing crimson, and crimson aura begins coming off of him.

In an birds eye view we're all in a triangle formation.

@DarkmatterTENSHO @las0r0o7
Kazehana said:
They all glanced at the board in silence. "Uhm," Violette began with a pause, "you put your piece in the wrong home. It doesn't count unless it's in your own home..." Jaune stifled a laugh while Rouge rolled her eyes. Just then, their favorite song came on, All I Want for Christmas if You, and Rouge and Jaune sang it together. Violette was still too involved in the game to particularly care.
Verte finally found the lounge again and ordered some snacks to share with everyone. Pleased with herself, she started to make her way back to the room, remembering where to go from there.

@Veyd Sahvoz
Damen paused as the smirk on his face was gone " . . .well then" he took looked up at Violette "So I take it Rouge and Jaune are the two winning?" he asked while leaning back a bit on his chair. His stomach growled as the song All I want for Christmas is You, went on "Have you been peeking on Night Wing's iPod?"

Night Wing looked down at Verte with her bird eyes, flapping her wings a bit "Wait! You forgot to get Dr.Pepper" stated Night Wing, since her and Damen both loved Dr.Pepper. She knew it wasn't a good thing to do to almost demand something but since it was nearing Christmas she thought it might be alright.
"Actually, I am," she replied, moving one of her pieces. "They haven't really been paying attention if you haven't noticed. As for her ipod, I have no interest in what is on it." Rouge and Jaune had by this point grabbed brushes to use as microphones, making rather exaggerated gestures to each other as they sang about how they wanted each ither for Christmas.

Verte looked in her bag, then at her wallet. She nodded briefly before turning around to get more supplies for their snacks, determination in her expression.

@Veyd Sahvoz
@DarkmatterTENSHO[/URL] @las0r0o7
DarkmatterTENSHO said:
liger smirks and growl, his claws comes out and his his thin silver wire like tail unravels "im done to fight right now" liger roars and it releases a strong wind pressure @Embaga Elder @las0r0o7
Goldy looked at the two of them for a second "so, two on one, these seem to be more my style" he sent the shards of the bullets he had been holding steady back at crimson and he felt the first of wind come at him from the new person and just to test his reactions he fired off a few rounds at the guy, maybe they would hit him, if not he was going to track him with the bullets anyways
Kazehana said:
"Actually, I am," she replied, moving one of her pieces. "They haven't really been paying attention if you haven't noticed. As for her ipod, I have no interest in what is on it." Rouge and Jaune had by this point grabbed brushes to use as microphones, making rather exaggerated gestures to each other as they sang about how they wanted each ither for Christmas.
Verte looked in her bag, then at her wallet. She nodded briefly before turning around to get more supplies for their snacks, determination in her expression.

@Veyd Sahvoz
Damen looked at Violette "I can see that . . ." he looked over at Rouge and Jaune, he had heard alot of Christmas songs from Night Wing "Really because Night Wing listens to that song, and a lot of others, every evening and morning" he explained, it'd be a lie to say that he disliked them because he did find them alright and Night Wings singing voice made the songs seem that more better. He covered his left hand over his left eye, slowly moving it back as he looked at his palm.

Night Wing chirped, glad that Verte seemed determined. She flew off her shoulder and transformed into her human self, she walked over at Verte "Need some help carrying the snacks?" she asked, in a cheerful mood.
ligers eyes turn to slits and instead of dodging his tail begins to moving so fast it can no long be seen and as the bullets get closer they are render to ash "not even worth dodging if all i have to do is wag my tail" he said with a smile and his tail stops moving and is visible again then launches at goldy moving at such a speed it's barely visible @las0r0o7 @Embaga Elder

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