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Fantasy Raven-Wing Academy

Kazehana said:
"There it is!" she admired, never before so happy to see a place that sells food in her life. She turned around to talk to Daggora and Night wing, "Hey what do you.." Her voice trailed off when she realized they weren't there. She must have gone too fast and not realized it, driven by her insistent hunger. After smacking her forehead and exhaling forcefully, Heather slowly turned around and went to the lounge, hoping they would catch up soon, slightly remorseful for accidentally ditching them. Oh well, I'm sure they'll get over it. She got a strawberry banana smoothie and a salad, then got a table. Might as well not starve while I wait, she reasoned, still unsure how they would react. At least she saved them seats for when they arrived.
@Veyd Sahvoz @Daggora Keket @I have no idea if anyone is in the lounge
When Night Wing finally arrived, after flying around as a crow, she looked around for Daggora and Heather but instead she saw Heather and Aedus sitting together. She took flight once more, with her tiny little black crow wings, and flew over to the table Aedus and Heather were at and landed on the table, chirping at them both.
"Wouldn't doubt it. You were practically unconscious," she replied, taking another bite of her salad. "You may sit if you must," she added. There's more than two other seats, so I guess it doesn't matter. She glanced over at Night Wing, then took yet another bite. "There you are," she murmured under her breathe.

@GingerBread @Veyd Sahvoz
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Kazehana said:
"Wouldn't doubt it. You were practically unconscious," she replied, taking another bite of her salad. "You may sit if you must," she added. There's more than two other seats, so I guess it doesn't matter. She glanced over at Night Wing, then took yet another bite. "There you are," she murmured under her breathe.
@GingerBread @Veyd Sahvoz
'Oh, well sorry for not being in such a rush to get food' said Night Wing in Heather's mind. She glanced over at Aedus, her tiny bird self hopping towards him a bit, she turned her head a bit wondering if he was okay.
Heather jerked her gaze to the side, mainly in response to Night Wing, but partially due to her disinterest in the heartfelt reunion. She took a sip of her smoothie, glad that at least food understood her. That's odd, my personality is usually never a mix of Violette and Rouge. Must be the transition. Or the people, who knows. It's definitely an interesting disposition to have.

@GingerBread @Veyd Sahvoz
GingerBread said:
Aedus Saw Night Wing land on the table chirping before coming closer to him, in response to this Aedus started petting Night Wing "Hey Night Wing, How are you?" Aedus asked, softly smiling
@Veyd Sahvoz @Kazehana
Night Wing squinted her eyes a bit, seeming to like being pet again 'I'm good, how are you? You still. . . edgy about the incident?' She asked, knowing it likely wasn't a good thing to ask.
GingerBread said:
Aedus frowned "I'd...rather not talk about it" Aedus said "But i'm okay, overall. Apart from pain if i move too quickly" Aedus said as he smiled at Night Wing "So.. where's damen?" Aedus asked, trying to change the subject "I never really got to talk to him properly"
@Veyd Sahvoz @Kazehana
Night Wing thought for a moment "He's. . . .I don't know where he is . . . ." explained Night Wing "But I'm glad you're good" said Night Wing, flying off of the table and turning back into her human self "I'll be right back" she said while trying to find the food table.
"Of course," she started, turning back to the boy. "In fact, we just saw him. He tried to look at our panties," she continued casually, unamused as always, then took another sip of her smoothie. "I have no idea where he is at the moment, though." She spoke without putting any weight on her words, masking how/if she felt any particular way about what she had just said.

@GingerBread @Veyd Sahvoz
Kazehana said:
"Of course," she started, turning back to the boy. "In fact, we just saw him. He tried to look at our panties," she continued casually, unamused as always, then took another sip of her smoothie. "I have no idea where he is at the moment, though." She spoke without putting any weight on her words, masking how/if she felt any particular way about what she had just said.
@GingerBread @Veyd Sahvoz
(That is not true and you know it xD he was in front of you not under you, quit thinking he's a perv lmao)
[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz](That is not true and you know it xD he was in front of you not under you, quit thinking he's a perv lmao)

(Sorry, finger slipped)
Kazehana said:
"Of course," she started, turning back to the boy. "In fact, we just saw him. He tried to look at our panties," she continued casually, unamused as always, then took another sip of her smoothie. "I have no idea where he is at the moment, though." She spoke without putting any weight on her words, masking how/if she felt any particular way about what she had just said.
@GingerBread @Veyd Sahvoz
"R-really? he didn't seem like the type of person who would do something like that" Aedus said, looking at the girl with disbelief "In fact he seemed really uncaring" Aedus paused for a second "Are you making it up to trick me?" Aedus asked apprehensively, not wanting to annoy the girl but also not wanting to look gullible

Heather's face never even budged from indifferent. "He was merged with the ground. Even from a short distance away, the angle alone gave him the opportunity," she concluded, "My dress isn't that long, and I'm wearing heels." He wouldn't understand. He doesn't have this problem. Or... does he? Heather gave herself a small chill, even though the notion was preposterous.

Kazehana said:
Heather's face never even budged from indifferent. "He was merged with the ground. Even from a short distance away, the angle alone gave him the opportunity," she concluded, "My dress isn't that long, and I'm wearing heels." He wouldn't understand. He doesn't have this problem. Or... does he? Heather gave herself a small chill, even though the notion was preposterous.
"S-so he didn't actually do what you said, but you like to think he did?" Aedus asked confused I really don't think Damen would care, though i could be wrong, i do always assume everyone is good and nice Aedus thought

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