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Fantasy Raven-Wing Academy

Celestia waited some time and the luggage still hadn't come, she begun to get bored and decided to go for a walk around the campus so that she could go ask when it will be delivered. She left the dormitory and headed into the main building whilst looking around, she could hear people talking quietly, 'Hmmmm seems like they are around that corner, well I guess i'll avoid going there...' soon after realizing that it was the only route to get to the reception/main desk without having to walk all the way back around the school, "Do I have too..." she mumbled under her breath. After a short while she realized she had no choice due to 1. Being Lazy and 2. Being slightly curious, So she headed towards the corner and slowly peeked around the corner without revealing her body to see who was there, she hid again and decided to just pretend as though she hadn't seen them and walk past hoping they wouldn't notice her...

@GingerBread @Veyd Sahvoz @Kazehana
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Heather inspected the other two, determining what kind of training she had in mind. Neither looked particularly well suited for fighting, but then again, she shouldn't be one to be prejudice. Aedus seemed like he didn't want to, probably because he wasn't very good at it. Which meant that Night Wing was either good, or just wanted to help him for some reason. But another portion of his rebuttal caught her attention: leaving the school meant fighting. Curious. I suppose it's a good thing we didn't go to that cafe. She continued her inspection, evaluating and inferring in silence.

@GingerBread @Veyd Sahvoz
GingerBread said:
"A-are you sure that's a good idea?" Aedus asked apprehensively "A-anyway i'm fine, i don't intend to get into anymore fights or leave the school, so i don't need to train" Aedus reasoned, giving a small smile Maybe getting stronger wouldn't be a bad thing, even if i don't ever fight Aedus thought
@Veyd Sahvoz @Kazehana
"If you don't want too that's fine. If you ever do…you know where to find me" saif Night Wing with a wink. She finished her food and now drank het drink, which happened to taste almost exactly like cherry's. She looked around, wondering where they should go next, or what to do…"Hey Heather…you up for playing in front of everyone here?"
"Hypothetically, if i was to train, what would we do?" Aedus asked Night Wing, giving her a small smile It wouldn't hurt to train, but i want to know what i would be doing before i even think about starting training Aedus thought

@Veyd Sahvoz @Kazehana
GingerBread said:
"Hypothetically, if i was to train, what would we do?" Aedus asked Night Wing, giving her a small smile It wouldn't hurt to train, but i want to know what i would be doing before i even think about starting training Aedus thought
@Veyd Sahvoz @Kazehana
Night Wing thought for a moment before thinking of a few things they could do "We would be working on how to enhance your ability" she suggested, seeming confident to help him.
GingerBread said:
"T-that doesn't sound too bad" Aedus said, giving Night Wing a nervous smile "S-so i'd be okay doing that" Aedus said sounding a bit more confident.
@Veyd Sahvoz @Kazehana
Night Wing stood up, smiling "Then it's settled! We can go now if you'd like?" she suggested, biting her bottom lip and doing the puppy eyes, her bluish green eyes sparkling and glistening.
GingerBread said:
Aedus was about to say no, but when he saw Night Wing giving him puppy eyes, he let out a small sigh and gave in "okay, if you want to" Aedus said smiling.
@Veyd Sahvoz
Night Wing suddenly became very glad and cheerful, she transformed into a little crow and sat on Aedus's shoulder, waiting for him to get up.
Kazehana said:
(Am I supposed to go with? Sorry my meeting went way longer than anticipated)
@GingerBread @Veyd Sahvoz
(I guess if you want too :)

GingerBread said:
Aedus warmly Smiled as Night Wing flew onto his shoulder before he started gently petting her. Aedus stopped Petting Night Wing as he stood up "So where are we going?" Aedus asked as he began petting Night Wing again.
@Veyd Sahvoz
Night Wing chirped as he pet her, when he asked her a question the first thing that popped in her mind was the training room her and Damen had gone to 'I know, the training room or grounds. Whichever you find more comfortable' explained Night Wing, nestling closer to his neck.
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Heather finished her salad and rejoined the conversation. "Mind if I join? Sounds interesting," she stated, getting up and gathering her trash. She looked at Aedus with a small smile, figuring that staring at a bird might be a bit odd.

@Veyd Sahvoz @GingerBread
Kazehana said:
Heather finished her salad and rejoined the conversation. "Mind if I join? Sounds interesting," she stated, getting up and gathering her trash. She looked at Aedus with a small smile, figuring that staring at a bird might be a bit odd.
@Veyd Sahvoz @GingerBread
Night Wing glanced over at her, she didn't think that Heathet would want to come but since she asked Night Wing was glad that she wanted to 'Of course! You all ready?' she asked, eager to go back to the training room.
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GingerBread said:
"I'm going to need directions because i have no idea where the training room is" Aedus said as he began walking out of the lounge.
@Veyd Sahvoz @Kazehana
Night Wing flew off of his shoulder and ahead of them a bit 'Follow me!' she flew on ahead turning down hallways, occsionally stopping to wait for Aedus and Heather so they could catch up.
Heather followed silently from behind, holding her hands behind her back as she went. He's so interested in my power, so let's see what his is. She smiled a bit, thrilled to find out his true intentions. I don't know if I can trust his 'cutesy' approach. Too suspicious, especially since he's from this school.

@Veyd Sahvoz @GingerBread
Aedus followed behind Night Wing, hands in his pockets I forgot, I have no matches. How am i meant to use my powers if i don't have matches Aedus mentally berated himself "Hey, Night Wing. I just remembered i have no matches"

@Veyd Sahvoz @Kazehana
GingerBread said:
Aedus followed behind Night Wing, hands in his pockets I forgot, I have no matches. How am i meant to use my powers if i don't have matches Aedus mentally berated himself "Hey, Night Wing. I just remembered i have no matches"
@Veyd Sahvoz @Kazehana
Night Wing stopped for a moment when they were a few hallways from the band room, she turned back into her human self, putting her hands on her hips "Oh…what we're gonna be doing you won't need matches" explained Night Wing with a smirk.
Why the hell would we need matches anyway? We're not burning anything, are we? Heather glanced around nervously for any faculty. She didn't want to get in trouble for burning down the building if Aedus planned on doing something stupid. But then again, it was training. Water magic? She decided to keep her mouth shut, out of the interest of pretending not to care.

@Veyd Sahvoz @GingerBread
Crimson saw how feral Johnny started to become. He felt his uncontrollable condition rise to its normal standards of an feral newblood. (Johnny I thought you could have more control than this. You should be happy it's not me fighting you. I'll make sure I hurt you as punishment....... if Liger doesn't do it first.) Crimson jumped onto the outer wall of the school and sits down with one leg hanging off and another leg on the way bending. @Johnathan Laurence @DarkmatterTENSHO

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