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Fandom Puella Magi: Universe - closed rp no longer active

I dont think yui the type instantly dislike someone cause kyubey says it. She likes to investigate herself
Karcen said:
" Well there are lots of wishes that could be beneficial Kyubey said as he went back to sitting " With your wish you could even heal the Yoma, if you made the right wish of course that would cost everyone grief seeds He suggested despite his vested interest in Yoma being around there were other cities other magical girls on this world. " But that is just a suggestion you can wish for anything I can even bring the dead back to life if you want"
I thought you couldn't wish people back from the dead
He can alter time so they didn't die it dosen't end up well but playing with time is well within his power range
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@Lil Shirou

Alright, I'll admit a large majority of your posts can be hard to follow. This last one especially. I'm not sure what it is you're trying to do.
Karcen said:
" I will give this advice on wishes as it has come up i have seen many girls make selfless wishes or at least what they thought were selfless, it is best to just be honest and wish for something you want that could help others if used otherwise you will end up like Arashi. Kyubey said actually ignoring the request to arrange a meet up as well Arashi hated him so he was now more than willing to just leave her out of the loop, she would be busy, very busy very soon.
Idk if this was clear but she doesn't regret her wish. Se resents the truth
Seriously we post at the same time so i have to edit on the fly.

Yui doesnt know what going on as far this big bad yoma tree thing. She response to you and also saying not to judge the new magical girl and that she wishes to talk to her.
Karcen said:
On a side note what truth is she mad about?
Basically all of it. She recognizes Kyubey's real intentions and how he twists things into his favor. Also, she understands how wishes have a huge backlash equal to their power and such. Stuff like that. She's aware of most of what's really going on
Well she overstates the backlash as like he said what happens happens as for his real intentions his goal is slightly different just like they monsters are slightly diffrent
Karcen said:
Well she overstates the backlash as like he said what happens happens as for his real intentions his goal is slightly different just like they monsters are slightly diffrent
Yeah I know he doesn't create it it's just how it works. All wishes end up having equally adverse consequences in some form or another
I think at some point yui brother will be turn into a yoma. She have to deal with conflicting issues like depression and the desire for a new wish to save her brother
yep and there are two wishes i got nothing for Katja as for someone with no emotion she has limited ability for self change
Unless you try to work on showing there are still emotions in there somewhere
they are extermly hard to bring out only thing i could think of to force them out would be her father being killed and even that would be a limited time
idk, just think about it. There's probably room for character development somewhere
Maybe she can interact with yui more. It seems atleast in the bio that we are similar in our wish. It should be noted that yui 14 and the youngest at the moment so she tends to act as child does at times and other times as an adult does.

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