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Fantasy Protectors

Azure glanced back again, pursing his lips and trying to recall his memories.

"The door's at the end of the station. If there are guards, they'll be dressed in civvies, to blend in." He told them, pausing every few words to make sure he was getting as much as he could correct. The city was always so busy, even at midnight, so no one would notice a handful of people milling around a train station. "So we need to find a way to identify and avoid them. Maybe Sonter can use telepathy? Or someone could cause a distraction?" He suggested, shrugging.
Hunter nodded approvingly. "Okay," Tig spoke before he could continue.

"I'm good with distractions," she interrupted. Hunter looked unsure and his eyes flickered uneasily.

"If everyone else is fine with it then you can be the distraction, but otherwise...."

Kydlin paced back and forth nervusly. She had nothing to do. Hunter was in the city risking his life with the others. She stopped and looked around, "and I'm by myself," she muttered. Much good she would do if some Decimators came.
Harlow glided toward the bridge and his fellow companions.

"Heeeyyyy" he said in a camp-ish voice. "Sooo, what we doin'?" he then asked returning his voice to normal. An idiotic grin still plastered to his face.



Ammax chuckled. He stomped strongly, and an arrow was shot. He caught it inches from his face. Snapping it in half, he made a loud, bull like noise. Out of the subway came 2 Ipotane's, much smaller than him. They aproached Ammax, and they looked at each other. It looked as if they were talking. Stomping their foot, snorting, and flaring their noses. Suddently, Ammax bashed the taller with its head, making the noise again. The one he bashed fell over, and Ammax pierced its head with his weapon. The other one looked frightened, and bowed.

He turned to the people. "Come." He began walking behind the other Ipotane, but suddently stopped.

"Are you people coming? My clan is in there. wipe out most of decimator."​
Tig opened her mouth to argue then closed it and opened it again. "....clan?" She asked eyebrows raised.
SecretRock said:
Mina pulled out the detonator and handed it to Nonie with a flourish and a mischievous grin, as if they were only about to prank Crowne again.
"Too true, too true." Mina agreed, stepping forward and planting her feet at shoulder width apart. She grounded herself and pushed her hands out, curling her fingers as if getting a grip on the road. "When you are ready, Miss Nonie."
TyTydaDog said:
Harlow glided toward the bridge and his fellow companions.
"Heeeyyyy" he said in a camp-ish voice. "Sooo, what we doin'?" he then asked returning his voice to normal. An idiotic grin still plastered to his face.
"Why, thank you Miss Mina!" Nonie grinned and took the detonator, getting ready to bring the bridge down.

She stopped herself though, hearing someone approach them. She glanced over her shoulder - still bouncing in place - and her smile only grew hearing the question from the other Decimator.

"Why don't you stick around and find out?" she asked him, waving the detonator around a bit.
His grin broadened, amazingly it could.

"Oh, I very much intend to do so." Harlow said after sliding to a stop in front of the gals. He looked upon the detonator and at the girls. Then his grin turned into a mischievous smile. "By all means, go ahead." The boy took the opportunity to make an over exaggerated, sweeping hand gesture towards the detonator, waiting for the pandemonium to begin.
Mina glanced back, catching a glimpse of Harlow. She smiled and turned back to the bridge, moving her hands slightly apart and creating a small crack in the tarmac of the road.

"You could be useful, actually, if debris flies too far." Mina joked. "Nonie, let's blow this joint!" She grinned at her pun and kept widening the crack in the road.

Azure stared at the creatures, confused and with his mouth hanging open a little. He was even more lost than before, confused as to why these horse creatures were fighting each other.
Nonie cackled like a maniac and stopped bouncing, taking up a more stable stance with her feet firmly planted on the ground. She took a deep breath to stop the giggles and pressed the button. The giggles immediately came back though - more like the laughter you'd hear from an over-the-top super villain - as she watched the chaos unfold.
Mina watched the four synchronous explosions with glee, the boom seeming loud enough to burst eardrums across the city. The steel they were attached to buckled and fell, and screams erupted from the bridge. Mina tore her hands apart, tearing the road apart and crumpling the tarmac as cars desperately tried to reverse. The steel supports were starting to fall now, with cables lashing about and crushing cars as the pillars splashed into the fast moving river, with several cars following close behind it. The other pillar was holding pretty well up until this point, but with the other support gone it started to buckle. Mina tore at the road again, snapping more steel cables and holding back the urge to laugh like Nonie was as dust shot up into the air and started to settle onto the ground around them. She leapt back a a cable fell across where she was standing and decided that her part of the work was done, standing back to watch the rest on the bridge collapse into the river, taking countless people with it. She tried to hide her smile from the dozens of horrified onlookers slowly approached to see the wreck for themselves.
Hunter heard a loud crash. He swivlled to see a bridge across the city collapes. He was going to have to split the group. "Tig! Take some of the others and go check that out, quickly! Who ever stays behind will help raid the Decimators!" he said quickly.

Tig nodded looking at the others who would go with her?
Harlow's smile of deviousness transformed into a heartfelt bout of laughter, like someone had just told an amazing joke. The genuine look of happiness on his face reflecting the joy he felt for seeing the fear around him. Hmm, time for some more fun...

He used his emotion manipulation powers to make some of the people close to him start wailing with despair, others near the bridge started to take on the same sort of manic laughter as Nionie. Everyone in the middle was left unaffected and he could hypothetically smell the fear, tension and confusion in the air.

Today was perfect.
"So-- So what's the plan n-now?" Nonie managed to sputter out between giggles, "I-I mean, Protectors are- they're gonna get here soon right?"

It was in that moment that she realised they probably should have planned something ahead of time. She scanned the sky, spotting news helicopters already approaching.
Azure watched the bridge with horror. What the hell happened there? He looked to Hunter as the man shouted orders, and looked around the others. He wanted to help with the bridge situation, but he was unsure if he was still needed to help the Decimator fight. He looked at Tig again.

"Do you guys still need my help?" He asked Hunter.

Crowne heard the explosion and nodded. It sounded like the girls had done a good job, but the feeling of pride he had failed as he opened his office door and looked inside.

Mina grabbed Nonie by the arm and started dragging her through the dust covered crowd of manically laughing pedestrians. She grabbed Harlow's arm as she passed him too.

"Stay out of the lime light, don't run, but we need to leave." She told them, she glanced up at the helicopters. "Don't get your face on a camera." she added.
He nodded and casually turned around, linking arms with his fellow evil-doer, walking away from the crowd of people as some others were too. He dipped his head slightly as well, so as to not get noticed by a camera.
Tig looked at Hunter.

He nodded "You should go with them Azure, I can handle everything here with Selene. Or if you want to I wouldn't mind some help," he said. The apprentice had to make his own choice.
Nonie nodded and lowered her gaze to the floor, but immediately snapped her head back up.

"I just remembered! Do you think Crowne's seen his office yet?" She turned to Mina, eyes glittering.
Azure nodded and ran over to Tig and Luna, nodding grimly as his acceptance of going with them. Selene turned to Hunter. She trusted her apprentice, but she was worried. Whoever did this must have put a lot of thought into it.

"Let's go." She said to Hunter.

Mina stopped short for a second, then suppressed a smile. She looked at Nonie.

"I hope he has." She agreed. "Maybe that's what the phone call-" She stopped talking and walking. There were several police cars parked where the crowd ended. She swore. They should have planned ahead.
Harlow hadn't heard about this, immediately he was intrigued and glanced over at the beaming crazy girl. As Mina looked forward, he sneaked a glance as well.

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Aaron leaned against a tree, he was in the forest of a nearby town, enjoying the silence and shade. It was a hot day, Aaron is much one who prefers the cold. He closed his eyes, set his head against the tree and sat down, resting an arm on his knee. He listened to the light breeze through the leaves, the chirps of the birds. He liked this feeling. A sense of clam and tranquility in a life that is rather full of anger and spite. Although he did love to get messy and brawl, even the angriest of people enjoy being calm. He took a deep breath, tasting the sweet air as he exhaled. He was going to drift off, it was that comfortable for him, when a sudden explosion rang through the atmosphere, followed by violent shakes.

"The hell?"

He cried, springing to his feet in an instant, running towards the sound of the boom. He reached the town, and saw no signs of damage, he was relieved, but not yet convinced that everything was clear. He was in a full sprint, thinking at a mile a minute.

'What happened?,' 'Did anyone get hurt?,' 'Where did the explosion come from?'

Were some of the very many thoughts going through his mind. He looked up at the sky and saw the smoke trails down near the bridge.

'If the bridge was destroyed, that means that there had to be very little people around. That's good, the fewer casualties, the better.'

He could feel himself getting angry, he wanted to know who was behind this. He thought that there's be no way this could be an accident.
Tig looked at the others then raced toward the bridge as fast as she could.

Hunter exchanged a wariy glance with Selene. "Ready?" he asked moving toward the subway
Nonie leaned forward slightly to look at Harlow, who didn't seem to be aware of the girl's little plot from a day or two ago.

"Well, Crowne has an office full of glitter now and-- Oh dear..." She stopped mid-explanation and stared at the police blockade in front of them.

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