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Fantasy Protectors

The bridge was right in front of them, "Be careful, we need to find out what caused the bridge to fall. If you see any Decimators Don't attack. We need to surprise them," she said queitly
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Aaron was running as fast as he could, his eyes darting in every direction as he searches for any sign of ambush. He catches a glimpse of two people running, he veered his head and came to a quick stop before leaping off and charging toward the two figures at full speed. The way they're running, they're not normal human beings, they're something else. Protector or Decimator is beyond him, he just needs information. He catches up behind them before catching up next to them, in the center of the both, a serious expression as his face as he yells at both of them.

"Who are you two? What happened?"

He wanted to ask them more questions, but he has too many to be answered. He looked ahead and saw that they were all coming up on the bridge. Rocks were still falling off sides and smoke was still pouring from the rubble. It was like a meteor had crushed it. Whoever did this used more explosives than needed, this was their idea of fun.
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Azure raced after the others, possible situations running through his mind as to what might have caused this. It always came back to the Decimators though. No one else could be this cold blooded. He stopped and looked at Tig as she issued orders. He nodded and scanned the crowd, but it was dark and only the flashing lights of the emergency services really lit anything up. Suddenly he saw a face that he though he recognised and started making his way towards her.

Selene nodded, and started into the subway, taking deep breaths and looking around at the panicked crowd. It seemed that the whole city heard th explosion.

Mina stepped the the side as an ambulance tried to rush through the crowd to get to the river. Luckily she'd destroyed the stepping stones she's used, so there was no obvious link to anyone. It was unlikely that there would be many survivors.

"Any idea on how to leave?" She whispered to the other two.
"Hmm, I could possibly alter a policeman's emotions to sympathy and let us through?" he suggested.
Tig whirled around to the stranger that had approched them. "Who are you?" She retorted

Hunter hurried after Selene. This would not be pleasent.

OOC: sorry guys had to make that quick leaving school for the day. Talk monday!
"Ah, you could try that, you both have emotion manipulating powers right? I feel kinda left out, now that I think about it..." Nonie replied with a false frown.

She scanned the crowd again, spotting a blue haired figure approaching them.
Mina reached out and ruffled Nonie's hair in a playful manner.

"Don't worry, Kiddo, you've already done-" She was interrupted by shouts directed at Nonie. She looked over and spotted a blue haired boy maybe a year older than them pushing his way through the crowd. She sighed. "I'm tired, you deal with this guy and, Harlow, we'll get police sympathy." Mina turned and started to walk towards the police.

"Nonie, is that actually you?" Azure asked, approaching the smaller girl.

Selene treid to act normally walking through the crowd. She spotted the maintenance door at the end of the platform. Se pointed it out to Hunter.

"That one you think?" She asked. It seemed to be the only one.
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Nonie looked up and grinned.

"Yeah, it's me!" She confirmed, complete with a little twirl. "Doing quite well for myself, actually - I've got an actual home to sleep in and everything! Where did you wander off to like eight years ago?" She asked.

She was still smiling but she couldn't stop the slightly bitter edge on her tone of voice.

(ooc: im assuming they don't know they're involved in decimators/protectors)
(That makes sense. Let's do that.)

Azure frowned and looked down at the ground. He scratched the back of his neck.

"Sorry about that, but you know how it is." He told her. "Turns out there were some nasty people in that neighbourhood and the people I was going with wouldn't let me come back for you. I really did want to, but it sounds like you're doing pretty well for yourself."
"Nasty people? What, like Decimators?" Nonie responded, trying her best to sound serious.

Honestly, it was taking all her willpower to hold back the smile that was threatening to appear on her face but she was doing okay at the moment. She took a quick glance to her left to see how Mina and Harlow where doing.
Azure nodded in an iffy kind of way.

"Something like that." He told her. He looked around at all the people crying and worried, and he sighed. He wanted to catch up with Nonie, to see how she was doing, what her life was like, if she was actually doing well, but he had a job to do. "You don't know who did this, do you? It's so horrible." He looked back at the wreckage of the bridge, then at Nonie.
Luna glanced over at Azure to see him with another person. She walked over to him. "Who is this?" Luna asked. She sensed something off due to her being part wolf but she brushed it off.
"Huh? No, why would I know?" Nonie brought her hand up to cover her mouth for a second - this is getting difficult. "Oh, I'm Nonie! I used to know Azure, are you guys friends?" She asked, changing the subject.
Azure frowned at her answer, though something about it seemed a bit panicked. He looked back at Luna, and gave her a weak smile, it was a strong as the situation allowed it to be.

"Luna, Nonie. Nonie, Luna." Azure introduced them. "Luna's my friend, technically lives with me." he told Nonie, then said to Luna, "Nonie and I shared and alleyway when I was homeless. We kind of bonded, then I disappeared." He grimaced at the last words. He wasn't proud of that, but he was eleven at the time so he wasn't the smartest person around.
"Oh." Luna said sad for Azure. "Well, nice to meet you Nonie!" Luna said offering a warm smile. She kept a friendly composure even though the situation wasn't a good one at the moment.
Aster was surprised and excited when the orb surrounded them and they started speeding around the city. Though when the orb stopped they dropped to the ground, but a shield formed around him so he didn't hurt himself. After getting of the ground he saw Tig freak and quickly hid with everyone else, but this didn't last long with the weird clan attack and the bridge exploding. It looked like they were breaking into two teams and Aster went to the bridge with the others.

Hunter was a little agitated by the mission possibly being compromised, but there was nothing he could do about it. So he just hid with the others. Though this didn't last that long and the mission was definitely compromised. To put it in short he when to attach the Decimator base.
Aaron stands next to them, evaluating them both. They didn't look distressed or worried, they actually had a calm composure. They didn't seem like a threat to him.

"I'm Aaron... I'll ask again: Who are you? Do you know what happened?"

He crossed his arms in front of his chest, looking at the bridge. It looked terrible, a might bridge being fell in a second and composed down to a pile of rubble. Aaron can't even comprehend what kind of person would do this, until he thought of the Decimators. The ones who use their strengths to prey on the weak. The ones who are a blemish on the ground they walk on. They had to have done this, and when he found them, they would pay. "Evil" and "Good" are two things that are subjective, in human history, Evil always loses. If he were to lose a fight, would that make him evil? It's nonsense to think of, but he will judge for himself. He will find out what happened here, and who caused such an excessive explosion that could only have been done for fun.
Harlow walked with Mina to the police people. There was already a group of people trying to get away. That made things much easier! He turned to look at Mina, their arms were still linked, he smiled a little. It was nice having people that didn't try to dress you up in a maid costume or throw bottles at your head.

He concentrated on the group of policemen in front of them, willing them to feel sympathetic towards the crowd. Luckily as he was doing this, a small girl of around 4 or 5 started to cry. That was the last straw for these poor souls and they soon took it in their stride to let the people pass through.

Harlow turned to look for Nonie, she was talking to two strange people. He didn't like them, although the blue one was kinda cute. He looked to Mina to try and signal that he thought something was off.
Mina watched the group of police in front of them and projected waves of what she felt was the closest to sympathy. She only had a limited range of emotions that she could make people feel, and they were quite basic ones at that. She could feel Harlow using his power next to her and soon the policemen gave in. She looked up at Harlow and saw his signal, then looked back at Nonie, frowning when she saw that another person had joined the conversation. She had no idea how to get Nonie out of that mess without arousing suspicion.
"Nice to meet you too!" Nonie greeted and smiled, glancing to her left again. "Oh! My friends are waiting for me over there, they're gonna leave without me if I don't go now. I guess I'll see you two around sometime!"

She began a light jog towards Harlow and Mina, waving over her shoulder as she went.
Aaron didn't like this situation. He turned to the strangers, who had yet to reveal their names. He made a light whisper, not making it too obvious to not arouse any suspicion.

"I don't like how joyful and naive she's being... Surely she saw the bridge blow or at least heard it... Not to mention how eager they seem to want to leave, going through a police block to do so..."

He propped an arm on the other, grabbing his chin with two fingers before casually waving back. He turned to the others, giving them a stare down as they say in silence.

"What are your thoughts? You ran here, so you can't possibly be part of this. After all, what criminal would run towards the place they just hit?"
[QUOTE="Winter Night]OOC: r u talking to Luna and Azure? sorry, it's kinda hard keeping track of all the posts

OOC: Yeah, should've elaborated more. My bad.
SecretRock said:
(@Lekar I thought you were talking to Tig? She's replied to you near the top of the page, I think.)
(Well, yeah, yeah that is the case it seems. This just got super confusing.)

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