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Fantasy Protectors

(its ok X3)

Luna sensed a bad vibe coming from this guy. "Um, my name is Luna, and this is Azure." Luna said her white wolf ear flicked a bit.
Lekar said:
"What are your thoughts? You ran here, so you can't possibly be part of this. After all, what criminal would run towards the place they just hit?"
(Well Tig's offline, so let's go with this I guess.)

Azure looked at Aaron, frowning. He looked up and down him, then focused on his face. He glanced at Luna while she introduced them as instinctively moved between the boy and Nonie.

"And a criminal always returns to the scene of the crime." Azure added.
Nonie stopped half-way between the two groups. If she left with Mina and Harlow now they'd have an easier time getting back to the base, but that might looks a little too suspicious. She wanted to talk to Azure a little more, too.

"Is something wrong?" She asked, turning around and walking back up to them.
Harlow cursed under his breath. He was going now, if Mina wanted to stay with Nonie that was fine, but he just wanted to leave. They had had their fun here and now it was getting boring... after an internal struggle he unlinked arms with Mina.

"I'm going on ahead, there's a coffe shop up the road and I'm hungry. Meet you there with Nonie?" He didn't wait for an answer, he just turned and glided away.
Aaron smirked, looking at the person who rejoined the group. He put out a hand, offering a handshake.

"No issues here, just a blown up bridge without a probable cause..."

He paused, looking back at the bridge. The rubble had settled, but the smoke, while still rising, had calmed down to a white smoke. He looked into the Azure's eye for half a second before returning to the girl in front of them.

"I'm Aaron, and you?"
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"I'm Nonie, it's nice to meet you," She smiled and shook his hand.

This is bad! This is really bad! Nonie was screaming internally but was just about managing to keep it in.
Mina nodded, then slipped into the crowd to watch what was going on.

Azure glanced down at Nonie. She seemed to be fine. He did have to wander what she was doing here, but at the same time he was wandering the same for everyone there.

"The Decimators blew it up." Azure told Aaron. "It's their fear tactic, do enough damage, kill enough people, and the city will submit to save themselves." He gestured to the bridge and the depressed crowd, which was ever so slowly starting to disperse. "We just need to find the people who did this in particular. Tig there is in charge of this mission."
"Oh! You guys are with the Protectors? That's so cool!" Lies. "Why didn't you mention that earlier?"

Nonie looked up at Azure expectantly, it did seem like it'd be easier to explain his disappearance all those years ago by just saying he joined the Protectors. It was a bit of a shame though, after all that time they spent looking out for each other they've ended up on different sides.
Aster watched the chaos unfold around him. The bridge smoking and people running in fear. There was little time to think. After a while it died down, but there was still work to be done. The others seemed to scatter around talking to people so Aster decided to get a closer look at the bridge. "There might be survivors in there if they were on the bridge. It looks mostly stable. I could try and support it more with some shields and maybe try and find survivors under the rubble, but it's probably best to wait for the others just in case something goes wrong or they have a different plan",he thaught to himself,"Though they better come soon. If there are survivors they might run out of oxygen or be seriously hurt."
Luna kept looking at Nonie and Aaron. The bad vibe coming back again. Her white fluffy tale flicking back and forth slowly as she tried to figure out what this bad vibe meant.
Azure smiled down at her and shrugged. He'd been more focused on how Nonie was, and she'd never seemed to care for things like the Protectors when they were little.

"I was just more worried about you I suppose." He told her. "It has been years. Maybe I'm just so used to people knowing I'm a part of them that I forget to mention it."
"Oh, I guess that makes sense." Nonie answered with a nod. "What's it like over there, then? I heard the base is in a forest or something."

Her internal panic had subsided slightly, without the havoc of a collapsed bridge it would've been a normal reunion.


((Image wont load, and geez im behind xD ))

He looked at the bridge and snorted.

"No one coming?" He asked, and looked at the body on the ground.

((Imma catch up xD ))​
Ooc: lets just say Tig was looking around on her own when they split up and she hasn't talk to anyone.

Tig spotted Azure talking to some one esle. "Azure!" she called running over to him. "Who is this?" she asked looking at the newcomer.

When he realized that they wouldn't need him to infiltrate the base anymore, Sonter disappeared, chasing after the trio, he pinpointed them easily with telepathy, they were the most excited. "You fucking Decimators, chaos for the sake of chaos is why I don't stay with your side more often, you've all made a bad decision." Sonter sped towards Mina first, seeing that Nonie, the other girl was talking to azure. "I don't know who she is, but she has something to do with this" Sonter hoped they would take care of her for him as he headed for Mina. He spun around in front of Mina and drew the swords on his thighs. "Back down kid."
Tig spotted Sonter immediantly. She chased after him as he charged another girl. Tig had almost compleletly forgot about his telepathy. "Sonter!" she said stoping beside him. "Is she a Decimator?" Tig asked her eyes narrowing.
Mina paused in her step, that asshole from earlier back and stood right in front of her. She looked up and down him and pushed him to the side, then saw Tig and smiled at her, pretending to be upset. She shook her head.

"No, I'm not a Decimator." She told Tig. "I heard the explosion and my friend normally take a route across the bridge. I'm looking for her." She looked around, trying to relocate Nonie. She'd lost sight of her and the crowd was milling around a lot.

Azure opened his mouth to answer when Tig rushed over. He nodded to her, then looked at Nonie.

"Tig this is Nonie..." He trailed off as she chased after someone. He grimaced and looked to Nonie. "Hey, I'd love to stay and chat, but I do have to help sort this out. Where can I find you later?" He asked.

Selene took a deep breath. "Ready to go in, Hunter?" She asked.
Hunter nodded, "we have to somtime. Lets just hope the Decimators are busy somewhere else." He said leadin the way in. It was dark inside and the air was tense.

Tig frowned. "Sonter, is she telling the truth?" She asked. Tig remembered this girl, but was she really telling the truth. Wariness filled her and her eyes flickered.
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Aaron was growing impatient, but knew he couldn't lose his cool yet. He looked over at the two people who had joined the now crowded group.

"This is a nice, touching reunion. I'm Aaron by the way. But are we going to ignore the fact that an entire damn bridge just got blown to smithereens?"

He held a fist at his side with a white-knuckled grip, the idle conversation and heartful introductions were fine and all, but he knows that this is getting out of hand. He couldn't stand when people couldn't pay attention to the matter at hand.

"Innocent people have died today, and the bastards who do this kind of stuff for fun and fear need to pay."
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Harlow had been at the cafe a while, he was growing bored and impatient after his second hot chocolate and fifth donut (this one was his favourite so he saved it till last). He let out a sigh and finished off his drink then walked to the counter and asked for a hot chocolate to go and a snack box to go with some cakes and donuts in as well as flap-jack and cookies. He said thanks to the lady, for some reason she was feeling very cheery and said that all his food and snacks were on the house, how generous. He smirked at the thought as he left.

Few minutes later and he was up on a rooftop with his phone and snacks a considerable distance away from the 'scene of the crime', although the crowds were starting to break-up and the police were starting to be a little more involved. Soon enough he spotted his companions through his phone screen and watched their tricky situation unfold. Should he help them? Probably. Was he going to? Hell no, this was too good. He smiled while sipping his drink and eating a triple chocolate muffin.

OOC: sorry that was really long >-< i didn't mean for it to be like that. Oh well...
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((Okay people this is serious, let's pay attention to details,

1. Mina and Harlow kept running, while Nonie stayed behind to talk to Azure, then Harlow went off on his own.

2. Nonie, Azure, Tig, Luna, and Aaron are all just inside the police barrier

3. Sonter has stopped Mina away from the other 5, now Tig could have kept running and joined that conversation.

4. @Lekar you need to read all the posts you miss because it was extremely obvious that people had died from the explosion, and he has introduced himself in the past four posts. If people aren't replying to you as well, tag them.

5. Sonter has spoke to four people telepathically, none of them appear to have responded

Finally, if someone doesn't reply immediately, wait for them, if they go a day without posting then you continue your 3 man post-set without them or your character moves on, but seriously, read and keep track of details, this whole thing is becoming a convoluted mess.))

Sonter shook his head, "Don't lie to her Mina, you're not just a Decimator, you're the orchestrator of this." He started moving toward the girl arms at the ready, "let's keep in mind that I can slice you up without a second thought, why don't you tell your friend the truth? I'll even arrange for some privacy if you want." As he spoke to Mina, he spoke into Tig's head, "hate for it to come to this, but she's the daughter of the leader of the Decimators."
(Correction, only Harlow left the site. Mina satyed to keep an eye on Nonie.)

Azure looked over to Aaron.

"You've already introduced yourself." He reminded him. "And excuse me for worrying about a girl I haven't seen in seven years."

Mina looked up at Sonter, a confused and hurt expression on her face. She breathed out, making several confused gestures.

"What are you talking about!?" She asked. "Do you normally go around accusing girls of terrorism!? How could I have planned this?" It was a half truth, she was just doing as Crowne had told her to, and he was just doing as Clarissa had told him. She knew that he could read her mind, but it was attracting attention from the crowd, especially the police officers. As far as anyone except him knew, she was just an ordinary girl who got caught up in this. "I'm just looking for my friend."
(ooc: i just realised nonie should be calling azure james because they knew each other when they were kids/before he changed to azure)

There were a lot of protectors around now, and Nonie had no chance of getting out unscathed without Mina or Harlow around to help. She took a deep breath, taking a quick look around to see if one of them was nearby and laughed nervously.

"I guess I got a little too excited from finding James again, I bet I seem really suspicious..." She trailed off, trying her best to look upset.
Tig looked at the girl. Had she really had coffee with the leader of the Decimator's daughter?! Both of them could have gotten in serious trouble. "What friend would that be?" Tig asked trying to keep her voice level. Anger rose in her. It wasn't as if she had told the girl she was Hunter's apprentice/daughter, but she did hate being in the dark on things. She quickly thought to Sonter, "Let her think I believe her. Maybe she will lead us to the other Decimators,"

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