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Fantasy Protectors

"Do either of you hear other footsteps too?" Nonie asked, also speeding up. "Protectors might be following us still..."

She couldn't tell how many there were since the sound was echoing through the almost empty streets - It was probably around 2 o'clock in the morning by now, she wouldn't be surprised if most people where asleep by now since this part of town wasn't particularly active after dark.

"Maybe we should take a really awkward route that's hard to follow, just in case?" She suggested.
Azure followed after Tig, his head spinning. He didn't know if he'd want to fight them, especially since he didn't know what two of their powers are. That Mina girl Tig mentioned was a mystery to him, though he thought the name was familiar.

Selene started, picking up the empty crate and throwing it at the source of the sound. There was a thud, a grunt of pain, and a shout as she grabbed a handful of the mystery objects in the next crate and ran after Hunter, trying not to trip in the dark.

Mina looked at Nonie, then paused to listen. She was right, footsteps, and fast ones. She grabbed her friends' hands and started running.

"Harlow, lead the confusing way if you please." Mina instructed, glad that Nonie had heard. Nw they just needed to find shelter.
Sonter walked steadily to the cops, "catch me if you can" before running toward them and bursting into super speed, disappearing in an instant. Two attempted to catch him, while the rest worked to diffuse the situation of the bomb. After a few hours of the police searching, they too decided to cut their losses and return to the station. Sonter then set his sights on finding the children. He did a quick sweep of the easiest entrances to the catacombs, but upon finding no new people, he went to the tallest tower of the city, running straight up its side. Upon reaching the top, Sonter activated his sight enhancement in place for strengthens quickly found the decimators, but he could not find the three protectors. "Huh, guess I'll go spook them, I'm pissed, but I can't fight them alone, might as well pretend to help them." He disappeared again and activated his wall phasing ability, popping straight out of the building in front of the three decimators. "Howdy," Sonter chuckled, he was smiling at their surprise, but they wouldn't see that under his mask. "What brings you fine young children here?"
Seeing a stranger more or less materialise in front of the trio, Nonie yelped and jumped into Mina's arms.

"Stranger danger!" She squeaked.
Mina stumbled back as she rushed to catch Nonie. She looked up at the man in front of them, the panic fading from her face as she recognised his mask and silly outfit. She sighed, then kept walking, Nonie slowing her down slightly. She glanced at him as she passed and shook her head.

"Yeah, no." She told him, then looked straight ahead again. "Piss off, Sonter." She told him, wondering how much force it would take to launch him up into the air as she left him behind her.
Sonter followed the trio. "Wow, that hurts, truly hurts. You could ask for my help, but NOOO, little miss destruction has to go and dismiss the one person who could probably get her and her friends to instant safety. Shall I remind you of how I had to earn your mothers respect? There's a good reason she keeps calling me back for more work." Sonter kept speed with them easily. "If you insist, I can let you and your friends get caught out, but hey, you seem to be the leader of the ragtag crew."
Mina scoffed. She turned around, an amused smile on her face.

"Oh yes, you had to earn her respect. And you got that by being trustworthy. When I tell her that we almost got caught because you ratted us out to Protectors, and with police present, you'll be on the 'no no' list forever." Mina told him, she gently put Nonie down, then continued walking, but backwards and slowly. "Also, 'fine young children'? Could you be any creepier?" She shook her head and looked at the others, motioning for them to go.
Tig nodded, "I think I can hear them up ahead," she said picking up her pace, she froze picking up Sonter's voice as well. What was he doing with them? "Hold on," she told the others quielty listening.

Hunter hurried after Selene. His sight helpped him spot the exit, but suddenly the lights came on. He cried out as the light flodded his senses and blinded him momentarily. He stumbled bringing his hands to his eyes in a desparate atemp to block the light out.

Ooc: soory wasn't getting alerts
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SecretRock said:
Mina scoffed. She turned around, an amused smile on her face.
"Oh yes, you had to earn her respect. And you got that by being trustworthy. When I tell her that we almost got caught because you ratted us out to Protectors, and with police present, you'll be on the 'no no' list forever." Mina told him, she gently put Nonie down, then continued walking, but backwards and slowly. "Also, 'fine young children'? Could you be any creepier?" She shook her head and looked at the others, motioning for them to go.
Sonter laughed loudly. "Oh wow, you don't know. Hell, you have no clue how your mother operates when it comes to mercenaries." Sonter kept following them, "I had to outlast a barrage of your mother's attacks, and this was before I started stealing abilities. On another note, I didn't sell. You out to anyone, when I was hired by your mother she knew the risk, I was hired by the protectors to recon an area, I didn't give away any locations, and when I was hired to aid their mission, you decided to blow up a bridge, not my fault I was in contract. Now, you can stop putting words in my mouth and calling me creepy, or you can try with your buddies to attack me. Even if your silencer friend uses her ability, I still have enough ability to take out every single one of you." Sonter sounded extremely grim, and he was angry, extremely angry. The kid had insulted him in regards to his trustworthiness and ability.
Tig's eyes widened. Sonter had stolen the powers he used? Anger swelled inside of her. He needed to pick a side. Mercenary or not. Either way he did need help, "Fine. Lets go help him. Are you guys ready?" She looked back at Luna and Azure.
Nonie looked over her shoulder as her feet touched the ground again. Behind Sonter was a group of three, she didn't recognise two of them but the blue-haired one was definitely Azure. She pulled out her phone and dialled a number, waiting for the person on the other end to pick up.

"Hm? Four versus three doesn't sound very fair... Especially if you can beat all three of us by yourself like you say," She replied, failing to keep the smirk off of her face as she put the phone to her ear, "Hey Xenn, can you help us out by Harlow's restaurant -- You know where that is, right? I think a fight's about to start and we could use your help."

ooc: im just assuming the decimators would have each other's numbers since they're on the same side + close in age @Death Reaper
Azure nodded, catching Nonie looking at him before talking to her phone. His stomach twisted into a knot.

"If we're going to do this, we should hurry." Azure warned them, though he knew that they'd probably seen the action themselves. "Luna, can you put up that wall?"

Selene heard Selene stumble, running back and grabbing Hunter's arms to pull him along. The room was a little blurry for her from the sudden change of light, but she knew that she couldn't even imagine the pain Hunter was going through. They were just a few metres from the door, though, so she kept dragging him behind her.

Crowne looked up from his work as he heard alarms. He sprinted through the halls, trying to find someone to tell him what was happening.

Mina struggled not to laugh as she heard Nonie call Xenn. She still made a few undignified snorting sounds before she composed herself. She glanced at the three behind them, then looked back at Sonter, unconcerned. Tig already knew she was a Decimator so her chance with her was gone, that meant no more pretending.

"Oh, you don't even know do you? Aw hell, you don't even know!" She grinned to herself, thinking how amused Crowne was going to be, then planted her feet at shoulder width, raising her fists. "Well, if we're going to fight, let's get it over with. I'll let you go first." She told him.
"Ya." Luna said. She put both hands out and a neon blue mist began to form in the middle of her palms. A thick wall of ice began to form.
Sonter laughed as the somewhat small girl raised her fists. "A fist fight? Gladly." Sonter went with his strength and speed enhancements, sending a high-speed, high-powered punch directly for Mina's stomach. In his anger he never noticed the other three come up behind him.
We can trap them and fight them!" Tig chimed. She moved toward the Decimators her hands and cat eyes glowing with flame.

Hunter felt Selene pull him along and he tried desparately to clear his senses. They had been flodded with the light. In the darkness he had worked had to sense everything around him. The sudden change was a searing hot pain. He stumbled after Selene clueless as to where they were or if they were even heading toward the exit. Loud seirens blared in his ears. He had no idea what was happening.

Kydlin watched the city unsurely. She wanted so badly to check it out, but she knew that she was one of the only mentors guarding camp. She quietly spared a moment to wonder how the mission was comming along. Knowing Hunter wouldn't be please to hear her worry she deicede to ask Selene. Raising her hand to her earpiece she clicked it on. "Selene? Is everything going okay?" she asked. She knew the other women wouldn't respond if the group was trying to stay queit, but she could help but worry.

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The walls Luna made began to grow taller. About 15 feet but there was one space for them to get in. "Come on." Luna said.
Nonie jumped back and attempted block Sonter's enhancements.

"Maybe if I just focus on silencing, they'll stay down for longer," She suggested, looking at Mina, "You'll have to do most the fighting, though."

She wondered if she could put up a forcefield at the same time, but now probably wasn't the best time to test it out.
With a flick of her wrist a large block of stone flew out of the ground, knocking Sonter's fist so it flew high. She stepped to the side, the punch barely missing, staying light on her toes as she nodded her approval to Nonie, watching Sonter for any sign of a new attack coming. With a twirl of her fingers, the shattered rock pieces started to twirl around her in figures of eight.

"Been discovered!" Selene reported back. "Hunter's down, but I'll get him out!" She tugged him further along, kicking the door as she approached it. The door flew off of its hinges and she pulled Hunter out into the train station, scaring the few people there to actually catch a train. A few further down the station stood up, blocking the entrance. "Trapped, may need help." Selene reported.

Crowne gritted his teeth. Protectors stealing his goods, how dare they? He ran towards the exit they were spotted at, hoping his men would at least stall them.

Azure nodded, charging at the three Protectors and trying to see what they were doing before he tried to help the fight. He caught snippets of what Nonie said.

"Nonie can silence powers." He told the other two. "We should go for her."
"AW naw. You may be cute and this will hurt me more than you, but no one messes with my gals." Harlow said, his eyes squinting a bit. His powers were useless in a fight (healing only came in handy after) so he just gave Azure? Was it Azure? Ah nevermind. Blue boy a straight up punch hoping to catch him.
Tig faced Nonie her eyes glowing. "We can make this hard or easy," she said with a wicked smile. Her hands glowed dangerously.

As the emerged out onto the train station Hunter felt relief as the pain faded from his eyes. He opened his eyes wincing, but relaxing as the pain eased. His eyes felt scared and slightly useless. He would have to rely on his senses for now. He knew Selene was beside him and Decimators were ahead of them. They needed help.

Kydlin's eyes widened. She was going to have to leave camp. But who would help her? She couldn't rescue them on her own!
As Sonter felt his powers shut down he chuckled lightly, a low dark laugh. "So you're going to make me fight like this, haven't fought like this since I was a child." He reached behind him and drew the large broadsword from its sheath, much like the way it formed to his back would imply, it wasn't a normal blade, it was sectioned and had peculiar pylons between them. To put it simply, Sonter had a gigantic whip sword. "I only use this as a last resort, but it's worth it." With a flick of his wrist the sword when flying to the left of Mina and with a second flick, the end started to curl behind her.
Tig was distracted for a moment as she saw Sonter's wip sword. It was a beatiful weapon, one you didn't get to see everyday. Her eyes faded from their flame as she recalled only seeing this type of sword once. She couldn't place where she had seen it though. She would have to ask Sonter where he got it later.
Harlow missed. He was terrible at hand to hand combat. He looked at Azure and gave his best puppy dog eyes expression. Then ran into an ice wall. He stumbled back a bit from the shock and looked around. They were surrounded. He began to feel very claustrophobic and when he set eyes upon the whip sword. Oh God, what a ridiculously horrible, yet useful weapon. However, a normal whip would have been better. It would be lighter and still have the same amount of damage, if made of a light, flexible (after all metals are malleable) metal, the whip would have been more effective.

Harlow, you goon, snap out of it.

But...they have a flippin' whip sword and ice walls. We're trapped!

You aren't trapped

I am. We are. We are all going to die!

Harlow collapsed on the floor with his hands clutching the sides of his head. His eyes were squinted shut. Then suddenly, the ice walls started to move and change. Now they were layers of scales, coiling around the people inside. A giant ice snake-head rose up just past the surrounding roofs of the buildings and came crashing down towards the trio of outnumbered decimators. As its mouth closed over them they were forced through the ground and onto a catacomb hallway below.
Selene let go of Hunter, trusting him to stand on his own. She faced the two approaching, then glanced back and saw three behind them.

"You good to fight, or do I have to buy time?" She asked Hunter, trying to keep her eyes on all of the approaching Decomators. It would be had to take them on her own, especially without abandoning the things she had in her hands, and she thought it would be best if they knew what they were.

Mina jumped, using rocks to propel her upwards, just as the ice snake hit the decimators, dragging them down into the catacombs. She shouted as the hard, cold ice hit her on the top of her head. She rubbed it as she landed with a thump on the cold stone floor and turned her head to glare at Harlow, but her anger disappeared when she realised he was having something akin to a panic attack. She scrambled over to him and stopped, her hand hovering over his shoulder, not quite touching him.

"Hey, Harlow, you feeling okay?" She asked quietly.

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