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Fantasy Protectors

Selene was forced to jump as Hunter pushed her. She almost tipped over and fell out the other side, but she dug her fingers into the metal floor to steady herself. She stood up properly, resting her hand on the wall of the train for support, and nodded in response to Hunter's question. She looked down at the objects in her hand that she'd stolen from the Decimator's shipment, then around the area.

"Everyone got on ok?" She asked. Azure moved to make sure the girls were okay.

"Just let them go, we can buy more." Crowne instructed as the soldiers around him started to chase after the train. He sighed and started to walk back to the entrance. Clarissa would not be happy. Still, he needed and aspirin, so she could wait. "And make sure this entrance is blocked up by midday. Use whatever you have to and make sure it's indestructible." He clicked the safety off of his gun and started to walk back to his office. Nonie was cleaning it this time.
Hunter nodded and felt relief. None of the bullets had made contact. Tig looked over at Slene and Hunter. "We're good," she said. It was lucky they had made it out.

"Lets get back to camp then. We'll have to jump off the train when it gets closer," he explained.
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Azure nodded and moved to lean against the side of the cart, watching the door and the landscape pass by. He rubbed his eyes, the night and exhaustion catching up with him. He'd been up since early in the morning, almost 24 hours now, and his adrenaline was leaving his system. Selene patted his shoulder, then walked over to Hunter.

"We have a little while." She told him, then held out her hand, the object he couldn't identify earlier in it. "Any chance you know what this is?" She asked, looking down at it.
Hunter took the object from her and frowned as he examened it. It was a small cube. Finding a plate on it he clicked it. Immediantly the cube scanned him.

"Hunter Bowman, leader of Protectors. Power to sense objects around him. Take alive if possible kill if not." it spoke. Hunter raised his eyebrows.

"It must be some kind of analysing tool the Decimators are going to start using," he frowned. "Why would they need these?" He started to wonder if analysing wasn't the only thing they did.
Selene frowned too. She'd never heard Hunter's last name, so whoever made these must know what they were talking about. She was a little scared to use it on herself, not wanting to know how much they knew abut her, or how much they valued her life.

"Well, it might be able to scan people for powers." Azure suggested. "So they know who to recruit and stuff." He knew it was a thing that the Decimators did, kidnapping people with powers to force them to join their cause. It was a scary thought.
Hunter scowled thoughtfully. It was a very good observation and Azure was most likely right. They needed to stop this as soon as they could. Before he could say anything else on the topic he spotted their jump site comming out. "We'll call a meeting when we get back to camp. We need to jump now," he said quickly.

Tig moved toward the opening of the train compartment. Her eyes were scared with the thought that the Decimators would now be able to tell who had powers and who could be captured and killed. That wasn't good. Any child in the hands of the Decimators would lose their life.
Azure looked up, still frowning. He stood away from the door, ready for a running start as their stop fast approached. Selene jumped first, rolling as she hit the ground, then brushing herself off as she stood up and looking back for the others. Azure stumbled as he hit the ground, and sighed, standing up too. He looked over at the forest and imagined his little corner nest of blankets and it brought a small smile to his face, which disappeared as soon as he remembered what had happened that night.
Tig jumped off the train landing with cat like grace. She looked back at the train as it continued on its speeding route. Hunter wouldn't jump until everyone was off.

Hunter moved toward the doors, but waited for Luna. He was going to make sure everyone was safe.
Hunter leaped off after her and he took a moment to steady his self. "We get back at camp and call a meeting. Something has to be done," he said grimly.
Selene looked around, checking that everyone was alright, then started to lead the way back to camp. Azure dropped back to walk beside Tig and Luna. He looked at both of them before speaking.

"You two as worried as I am?" He asked them, putting on a nervous smile.
Hunter walked beside Selene queitly.

"Its worring Hunter," Tig pointed out. "It can't be good. If with one scan they can find out someone has powers there is no hiding from them. I'm worried," she said with a nod.
Azure nodded. He looked at Hunter, then stared at the ground while walking.

"I guess all we can do is try to destroy them?" He shrugged, and sighed. "I am getting so tried." he laughed.
Tig nodded. It was getting late. "Me too. It will be nice to get some shut eye," she said as the camp came into view.
"Are we going to call the meeting straight away?" Selene asked Hunter quietly. She looked down at the little cube in Hunter's hands, asking herself how they could have made them, or how they could have gotten the information. "This implies that they have people with access to the records. That's a really...terrifying thought."
"They could have their people everywhere. Maybe even in our camp..." He shook his head. "We'll call the meeting right away. No time can be wasted," he answered her question.
Selene nodded, looking forward as they came into camp. There were a few people milling around, but everyone else must have had something to do.

"Want me to get the people in the dorms?" She asked Hunter, knowing that people with early tasks will have already turned in. She glanced back at their trainees. The kids, ha she wasn't old enough to be calling them that, had done a lot that night.
Hunter nodded gratefully, "Yes. We'll have the meeting in the main building," he said with a yawn. Tig sighed. She felt sympathy for her mentor. It wouldn't be easy to head the meeting today.

Kydlin spotted Hunter immdeiantly. She ran over to them relief on her face, "are you all okay?" She asked looking them over. Her eyes lingered on Hunter. He gave a breif nod looking tired.
Selene smiled at Kydlin then started to walk to the dorms. It was clear that not everyone was asleep, so her job was easier. She moved through the building, knocking on doors to get people up.

"Come on, we've got a meeting." She told them, leaving their lights on and moving on to the next person. It took maybe ten minutes to rouse everyone after the others started helping. She was grateful for that.
Kydlin sighed once she found no promenate injuries on Hunter. He only had a bruise on his jaw, but other than that he was okay. "Come on, We have a merting to attened," he said leading her toward the main building. Inside he went into a room with a long table and wide space. Taking his pace at the head of the table he waited to make sure everyone was there.
Azure followed Hunter and Kydlin to the building, handing around the door of the room unsure of where to sit. He'd never been at a meeting before really and didn't know what to do while there. Selene came through the door, followed by a group of people. They took their seats at the table, half of them looking like they were still asleep and none of them really dressed for the occasion. They all looked towards Hunter and Kydlin to start the meeting.
Tig quickly went into the meeting room and stood near the door. Wacthing Hunter intently.

Hunter cleared his throat. Everyone was watching him now. He took assurence from Kydlin's presence next to him.

"As you all know, Some of us infiltrated the Decimator's base. I am sad to report they do have guns and they will use them. Even worse they have face recognition devices. This means our patrols will have to be more careful and more vigulent. We have to disarm them as soon as possible or things could get ugly. I want more training sessions dealing with using powers to deflect bullets and I want all all mentors training as well. We have to make sure we're ready and prepared to bring war to the Decimators before they bring war to us,"
Selene looked around the room, hearing some of the murmurs of the people around her. Some of them seemed slightly sceptical but all of them seemed worried. It was an appropriate response. She leaned over to Hunter.

"I think they need to see it." She told him while Azure watched the meeting with mild interest. He knew that something like this would be boring, but it was exceeding expectations so far.
Hunter nodded and held the cube out for the room to see. They needed to know about it whether they wanted to or not. They had to be prepared.

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