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Fantasy Protectors

Tig fell to the ground with a huff and she twisted away and swiped her foot at his legs hoping to bring him down as well. Hunter scowled thoughtfully. "If we did send someone they would have to be someone the Decimators wouldn't recognize," he said.
Azure jumped over Tig's legs, then stepped forward and swung his fist towards her head, stopping just short, not wanting to actually hurt her. He grinned and stepped back, panting a little, then offered her a hand up. He felt a little tired after the fight, but he'd enjoyed it.

"Or someone with a decent excuse for betraying us." Selene offered, applauding the apprentices.
Hunter nodded, "We just need that someone," he looked back over at the apprentices and nodded approvingly at them.

"Thanks!" Tig smiled and took Azure's hand,"your good," she complemented.
Azure pulled her to her feet and looked at Selene and Hunter.

"I'm only as good as my teacher." He said, and Selene ruffled his hair. He pulled his head away, pretending to be annoyed, but he was still smiling as he flattened it down. "Besides, it's not like you were an easy opponent." He added, winking at Tig. Selene laughed.

"By the way, have you guys seen Luna today?" Selene asked, looking between them all.

(@Winter Night )
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Tig shook her head suddenly curios as to where the other apprentice was.

Hunter looked back toward where Kydlin had dissapeared. "I thought Kydlin was going to wake her.," he said. "Remind me that we have to work on your fighting skills a little better," he said to Tig. She scowled but didn't argue. His eyes caught her scowl and he sighed, "You may be good at fighting with your powers, but you never know what could happen and you need to be prepared," he explained sternly.

Kydlin stood paicently at Luna's dorm door. She knocked once again, "Luna you need to get up!" she called.
Azure looked at the ground for a second, before looking up.

"Since you're so good with your power, maybe you can help me get control over mine. It's been... years." he admitted, with a laughed, looking back down at the ground and scratching the back of his head. Selene patted his back.

"I think that's a good idea. My power might be too different to pass on any good advice. What do you two say?" She asked Hunter and Tig.
Hunter nodded with a warm smile. "Of course," he said. Tig's eyes lit up. They were going to practice with their powers. She almost leaped into the air with joy. "Azure, can you try and use your power to give me an example of what you need help on?" Hunter asked kindly. Tig realized Hunter had only been kind to her like that when she was a little kid, now when practicing he was more strict. She didn't hold against Azure in anyway. It wasn't his fault she had a bad mentor.
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OOC: hey, sorry i haven't been on.

IC: Luna groaned. She was laying on her bed being lazy. "Luna get up!" She heard from outside the door. Luna went and opened the door. "Yes?" Luna asked blankly.
Azure looked down at his hands, trying again to summon something like he'd been trying the previous morning. His forehead creased in concentration, but after a few seconds he let out a defeated sigh and his hands dropped to his sides.

"That's the problem," he explained, looking up at Hunter and Tig, "It won't work, not when I try to use it. It's always in situations like last night that it happens." He expanded. He knew that Selene had been trying her best to teach him, but she was right: her super strength wasn't the same sort of power.
Hunter nodded sympathetically. "Its okay,lets try using this," he picked up a small acorn off the ground and handed to Azure. "Get a good feel for it. Memorize it in your mind," he said. Tig watched suddenly interested.

Kydlin held back laughter at Luna's beraggled state. "We're training and I thought it might do you good to join in. Tig and Azure we're just sparing last time I check," she quickly glanced back to where Hunter, Slene and the apprentices where. "It looks like they've switched to practicing powers now though," she said.
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Azure held the acorn, examining it from every angle, then closed his eyes and held it in his hand. He felt the weight of it, the feeling of the smooth surface and the little cap thing it had. He'd done this before, a few times at least, but he knew that it helped; the two times he'd managed to purposefully summon something he'd done this beforehand. Once he felt like he'd had enough time to memorise the acorn, he opened his eyes and held it out for Hunter to take back, holding the image in his mind. He felt lucky that he had good spacial awareness.

"Try to summon it now?" He asked, an eyebrow raised. Selene noticed Luna heading over and waved, before turning her attention back to Azure and Hunter.
"Yes," Hunter answered holding the acorn gently and watching Azure intently. Tig's eyes flicked over to Luna and she nodded a greeting, but held her finger to her lips as a sign to stay queit. They didn't want to disturb Azure's concentration.
Azure stared at his hands, trying to envision the acorn, remember how it felt when it was in his hands. After about half a minute he closed his eyes, holding the image of it in his mind, trying to summon it into his open palm. A minute or two passed when he sighed in frustration and lowered his hand, opening his eyes. He shrugged.

"I don't know what I'm doing wrong." He said, feeling as dejected as ever. Selene rubbed his back in a sympathetic way.
Hunter frowned thoughtfully. "Try again only this time keep your eyes open and watch the acorn," he instruced. He held the acorn up for Azure to see.

"Morning Luna! Azure's just practicing his power," Tig explained queitly
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Azure smiled at Luna and gave her a little wave, then looked at the acorn, holding his hand so he wouldn't drop it if it worked. He took a deep breath and tried again to summon the acorn. He kept his eyes fixed on it, remembering how it felt to hold it. As he stared, his face slowly twisted into a scowl until he gave a small shout of frustration and slammed his acorn-free hands into his face.

"You need to stay calm." Selene reminded him, and he nodded, lowering his hands and taking another deep breath.
Tig nodded. Hunter set the acorn down and thought for a moment. "Selene is right. Just take a deep breath. Before you can use your power you have to calm your mind. Think of nothing but what you want to summon. Clear your mind," he said queitly.
Azure took another deep breath and focused on the acorn, trying to look like he wasn't angry at the small seed. He held his hand out and focused on summoning it, trying to imagine it appearing in his hand and the feeling of that happening. As it kept not happening he tried to keep his breathing level. He was really losing hope more than getting angry now.

I need to be able to do this! He thought to himself. I need to summon this acorn.

Suddenly it was in his hand. He stepped back in shock, but made sure he held onto the acorn as a grin spread across his face.
Hunter smiled widely and patted Azure on the back. "Well done," he said. Tig nodded to Azure. "Good job," she said kindly.

"Did you notice a difference this time? Did you think differently? If you can find out the difference of succes and failure you will succeed more often," he said
Azure beamed at the compliments, but his happiness mainly stemmed from managing to do it when he wasn't in a panic. He grinned at Tig and Luna, then looked at Hunter, taking a few seconds to work out what he said. He looked down at the acorn, his smile slowly fading as he stared at it and tried to think of what he'd done differently. He could feel Selene staring at him, and he could tell that she was proud, but it felt a little too pressuring.

"Um, well, I was kind of desperate this time..." He muttered, though he had been this desperate before, or he thought that he had. "I felt that I needed to-" He froze, thinking over what he'd done to summon this acorn, and what he'd done in the past when he was successful.
Hunter waited paciently for Azure to think it out. He knew it often could be hard to get control over powers, but once you did it became easier to summon them at will.
Azure clicked his fingers, dropping the acorn. His grin returned.

"I told myself that I needed it." He told them, and Selene raised and eyebrow at him, not understanding. "Last night, I needed a distraction. When I was a kid, I needed supplies." He bounced in his toes, some of his hair falling into his eyes. "I can summon things when I think I need them." He looked at the others.
"Good job," Hunter smiled approvingly. "Not everyone could have figured that out," he said. "You and Tig should continue to practice for a bit. Selene and I need to discuss some things," he said suddenly. They still needed to figure out who they were going to send to decieve the Decimators.

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