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Fantasy Protectors

Luna took a stance out in the field. Targets surrounded her. She held both her hands out to two different targets and gave a flick of both her wrists. Neon blue sparks, snow, and ice shot at the target. Luna repeated this action to many different targets. Her eys giving off wisps of neon blue and glowing.
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Selene nodded, and stepped away with Hunter after giving Azure a thumbs up. She grinned a little as she saw Azure wince at Luna's show of power before turning her attention fully to Hunter.

"So, a spy?" She asked, confirming what they were talking about as Azure stared at the destroyed targets that Luna had been working on.

"You want to show off now?" He asked Tig, gesturing to the decimated targets.
Tig grinned. Luna's powers were impressive. She let just a fraction of her emotions fill her mind and her eyes flickered to life with blue flame then her hands glowed with oarnge flame. She looked at Azure her eyes narrowed like a cats. Then very slolwy she stopped. "Thats all folks!" She said bowing
Hunter nodded, "Who should we send? Any suggestions?" He asked. Suddenly he felt very tired. He stopped walking and stood still for a moment trying to keep his eyes awake
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"Is that all?" Azure asked, pretending to not be impressed as he crossed his arms. His joking smirk betrayed his actual feelings.

Selene took a few more steps, thinking of their choices, then noticed that Hunter had stopped. She turned to look back at him, frowning.

"Are you okay there?" She asked, stepping closer to him.
Hunter blinked hard trying to rid the feeling and nodded. "I'm fine," he reassured her starting to walk agian. He felt dizzy and light headed. Maybe he had eaten somthing wierd this morning.

Tig grinned and rolled her eyes. "I guess I could do a little more...." This time the flame came quickly spreading to her arms her eyes searched for a safe place. There was just one target left. With a vicous grin she flicked her wrist at it and a ball of flame came from her hand setting the target ablaze. "Luna, would you mind putting that out?" she asked struggling to ease her flames down. Finaly the flames on her hands and arms dissapeared and her eyes flickered back to normal.

@Winter Night
Luna nodded and shot a beam of snow at it, making the fire sizzle out. "So, anything else you can do Tig?" Luna said smirked as if challenging Tig. Her eyes still glowing and sending out wisps of neon blue. Luna's hand also had little steam of neon blue sparks swirl around her finger tips.
Selene kept frowning, but fell into step beside him. She watched him for a few steps and he definitely did not look fine.

"Are you sure?" She asked, not wanting him to collapse in the middle of the camp. He was important, being their leader and all.

Azure whistled at Tig's show of power, and grinned as Luna put it out. He slowly stopped grinning as he noticed the two girls still glowing. He started to realise how oddly similar their powers were. He raised his hands and started to back away slowly, getting a few feet away from them.

"Let me get out of the blast zone first if you're going to fight each other." He told them, "Or summon a shield or something."
Hunter scowled and stopped, leaning against a tree. "I don't know," he admitted. "I'm suddenly tired and dizzy," he said wearily. He closed his eyes for a moment to make the ground stop moving. A sharp pain laced his chest and he winced clenching his jaw.

Tig laughed and faced Luna with a devilish grin. "You want to fight then?" she asked. Her hands glowed slightly but didn't catch fire yet. She knew Hunter would disapprove of her fighting with her powers and would lecture her later, but she couldn't help herself this would be fun.
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"Gladly, kitty cat." Luna said smirking. Her small wolf like fangs starting to show. Her white tail swaying back and forth in anticipation. Her hand glowed brighter.
Tig's eyes flashed dangerously and she darted forward trying hard to keep the flame away. Instead her hands were just hot. A more painful blow but not as dangerous as fire. She jabbed toward Luna's side.
The attack only skims Luna's side. Neon blue sparks and power began to swirl around Luna. She spun and aimed a blow to Tig's back.
Selene looked over Hunter. Nothing was visibly wrong with him, but she knew that it was no indicator of how someone was actually feeling.

"Did you get hurt last night?" She asked, suddenly even more worried as he winced. It seemed unlikely that it was an injury from last night, but one could never be sure. "It could be infected?" She suggested, knowing almost nothing about medicine.

Azure winced as he saw the two of them fight. Their powers looked painful and he was glad that his and Tig's fight was just sparring.
Tig twisted away from Luna's blow feeling the intense cold. It triggered flames to come onto her hands. And she faced Luna trying to push the flames away. This was a practjce fight and nothing else.

"Nothing too bad," he said trying to rember if anything had happened when he had been fighting. The pain was getting worse. He wavered on his feet now useing the tree to support him fully. What could be doing this? He struggled to keep in a small cry of pain but it escaped his lips.

Kydlin had been waking the other apprentices and was close by when Hunter cried out. She went rigid and rushed over to him and Selene. "Whats wrong?" she asked Selene. Hunter's eyes were closed against the pain and he looked pale.
Luna tried to tone down the intensity of her cold attacks. She made attempt to land a hit by leading a kick to Tig's side.
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Tig tried to move out of the way but the end of Una's kick caught her leg. She fell onto the ground but swiped out her leg at Luna's.
Selene moved forward, taking Hunter's arm and wrapping it around her shoulder to support him. She started to move him to somewhere he could sit or lie down and not risk falling.

"He can't stand straight, is tired and dizzy, and seems to be in pain." Selene explained. "And we have no idea what's causing it." She tried not to look distressed, but it was a worrying situation.

"Woo! Go Luna!" Azure cheered, pumping his fist in the air as he watched the fight.
Kydlin nodded and didn't waste time in helping. She got on the other side of Hunter and helpped Selene support him. "Lets take him to the Medical area," she said. Hunter tried to say something, but stopped as another wave of pain went through him. Kydlin looked at him worridly. What could be wrong?
Luna took a miss step as Tig swung her leg to trip her. Luna regained balance and took this opportunity and formed a sword with the ice and aimed it at Tig but stopped as if to signal the end of the match. Unless Tig had something else up her sleeve.
Selene tried to hurry them a little as they carried him.

"Are there any doctors or anything here?" She asked as she saw the medical area coming up and adjusted Hunter on her shoulder.
"Set him down here. I'll try and find one," Kydlin said gently resting Hunter onto a medical bed. He moaned and kept his eyes closed. His forehead felt hot and his fist were white from being clentched. Kydlin looked around quickly and was lucky to find Henry. He was the main doctor of the Protectors. His hair was a sandy oarnge and his eyes with chestnut brown.

"Kydlin! What can I help you with?" he asked looking up from his studies with a smile. His smile left his face when he saw her distress.

"Somthing's wrong with Hunter," she said quickly. It was hard to hide the fear from her voice. Henrry nodded and followed her to where Hunter was.

"Tell me exsactly what happened," he told Selene.

@Winter Night

Tig looked at the ice sword warily. She wasn't going to give in easily. Suddenly her whole body went alite. She would like to see the sword hurt her now! It felt good to use her powers like this closer to their true potential. She stood up heat and flames radiating off of her. Now the question was. How was she going to put her flame out?
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Azure stepped even further back as Tig basically turned into fire. He watched her, feeling a little worried. He hadn't seen her use her powers this much, ever, not that they'd really known each other too long.

"We were walking, he started look ill, he said he was dizzy and tired, and now he's in pain too." Selene said quickly as she put Hunter down on one of the beds. She didn't know this guy, weapons was her section of expertise and she was never really concious when she was in the medical. "I though it might be an infected wound, but he said he didn't get hit last night, or not badly."
Henry nodded clamly listening to her speak as he inspected Hunter. "Do you know if or what he had to eat this morning?" Henry asked. He had a feeling he knew what was wrong based on the symptoms but if Hunter hadn't eaten then it would have to be somthing else. Kydlin watched Hunter worridly. She bit her lip and prayed he would be okay. He didn't seem to be conscience anymore, but he still moved fitfully as if he were in pain.
Luna's eyes widened but so did her smirk. Luna's body was surrounded with swirls and violent sparks of snow and ice. Her fist practically had blizzards surrounding them. Her eyes glowed more as the wisps from the glow became more rapid.
Tig took a threatening step forward. Maybe she could itimidate Luna. Fire was better than ice by far. If anything the heat would be uncomfortable for Luna.

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