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Fantasy Protectors

"You think this could be some of the poison?" Tig asked with a frown. She scowled. It could be anything. "Are you sure?" She asked. Luna could be right and if she was that meant whoever had poisoned him had left in a hurry not even caring to make sure everything had been disposed of proporly.
"Can you find who did it?" Tig asked suddenly alert. They needed to know if it was a decimator or someone from their own camp.
"That's the thing I caught the poisoned scent but not anything else, no other person...." Luna stopped and went over to the door. The handle had an odd scent to it, one Luna couldn't describe. She smelt a new scent that wasn't any of them.
"So it may have been a Decimator?" Tig asked hopefully. If Luna didn't recognize it then maybe they weren't a Protector
Luna shrugged. "I can't say for sure. It kinda smells like one but it also smells like that stuff people use when they go hunting to smell like the forest." Luna explained.
Tig scowled thoughtfully. "What could that mean?" She asked looking confused.
Azure felt a weight lift from his shoulders as he heard Henry say that Hunter would be okay, and he was glad that he could help.

"Nah, my birthday's... well it's not important." He tried not to grimace while thinking about it. "Besides, you have a good reason to be stressed, with everything going..." He trailed off again.

Selene frowned, and crossed her arms, looking at the poison.

"Since you can tell the scents apart, could you track it?" She asked Luna, crouching and looking at the poison. She took a little on her finger and smelled it. "It smells like a leaf." she muttered, before wiping the substance off her finger and standing again.
"Ya, I'm pretty sure I can but it would be hard." Luna said unsure for a moment. "But once i find a trail I'll probably end up chasing the scent to the person so I'll need a few people to come with me." Luna said.
Selene nodded, putting her hands on her hips.

"I'll come with you." She offered. "Tig, you can stay if you want to check on him." She felt that she didn't need to specify that she was talkibg about Hunter.
Tig nodded, "if you don't mind I stay then. If you need me to come I will though," she said quickly. She was dying to check on Hunter but she still wanted to get a bit of vengence.

Kydlin smiled tiredly. "I think we could all use a break," she muttered. Hunter murmered still asleep and her eyes rested on him fondly. "I'm just glad he's going to be ok. Thanks to you," she looked back at Azure gratefully. Henry nodded in agreement before going back to Hunter.
"You have time to think about it and who ever else wants to come." Luna said opening the door to the outside. "I'll be in a smaller wolf form to be able to catch the scent easier. I'll give a howl when I've got the trail." Luna said walking outside and shifting into her smaller wolf for which was about the size of a normal wolf. Luna began to search for a scent trail.
Tig nodded. "Okay. I'll just check in on him real quick and then come!" she said before running toward the medical tent
Selene looked around the kitchen, and found a small cup. She scrapped what was left of the liquid Luna had found into the cup and set it on the side before following Luna out into the woods. As the girl tried to find the scent, Selene searched around for any sign of where they went. She wasn't a tracking expert or anything, but she hoped she could find something to help.

"Anyone would have done the same." Azure replied, returning the smile. He felt very tired. A terrorist attack and an assassination attempt in just over one day was more than he was used to.
Tig went into the medical tent and saw Kydlin, Azure, Henry, and Hunter. She ignored the others for a moment and went straight over to Hunter. He was a sleep. "Is he going to be okay?" She asked Henry. He smiled and nodded.

"Good. Luna's traking a sent right now that may lead us to the culporate. She wants some help just in case she finds them and doesn't want to be by herself. I'm going if any of you want to come," Tig said breathing a sigh of relief,

Kydlin shook her head tiredly. "I'll stay here." She paused. "That reminds me I have to go find Alex. I think he was still asleep last time I saw him. He can sleep for hours!" Kydlin laughed and went off to Alex's dorm room. There she rapped on the door lgihtly and waited for him to come out.
Alec woke up, his head pounding. As his vision became clear, and his eyes focused, he heard someone at the door. "Who is it?"
"She was really worried." Azure told Tig after Kydlin had left. He took a deep breath and walked over to Tig. "I'll come with you. There's nothing I can do here," he told her and walked to the door. He looked back and shot Henry a smile before leaving. He looked back to Tig. "Any clues besides the smell?" he asked.
Luna suddenly caught a strong scent, it was the one she was looking for. Luna threw her head back in a three second howl to signal she had found the trail and was now sprinting after it.
Tig shrugged. "There was some type of pioson in the sink, but that was all." She went silent at the howl. "Thats Luna," she said starting to run. "Come on!"

Kydlin sighed. "Your mentor! Now come out! You need to train," she growled agitatedly. She was fond of her apprentice, but he could be a handful.
Alec quickly wiped the sleep out of his eyes, and got dressed. "Im coming, sorry slept in this morning" he said feeling bad for his mentor. She did her best and he was always kinda lazy about work
Selene straightened up, hearing Luna howl. She started running, careful not to run into any trees. That would be nasty at the speed she was going. She caught sight of Luna and started to run after her, keeping an eye on the culprit.

Azure started at the howl then ran after Tig.
"Its fine," Kydlin said in a softer voice. "I do have to tell you though its been a hectic morning," she said with a small laugh.

Tig spotted Luna and ran toward her seeing Selene as well. "Did you find anything?" She asked Luna trying to get her breathl
"The scent trail is strong right now, I might just be able to track it directly to the person." Luna said. She could still speak normally even in her smaller wolf form.

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