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Fantasy Protectors

"I'm keeping an eye out for any visual signs of people but..." Selene told Tig, still scanning the forest and the trees, but nothing turning up. "It seems that we're heading to the city." She told the others. Azure nodded, too out of breath to reply properly. Running was not a strong suit for him.
Tig nodded, "Lets get moving then. I think we have everyone that is comming," she said

Kydlin sat down. "Hunter was posioned this morning. Don't worry! He's going to be alright because of Azure." She said quickly.
"Thats good" he sighed "Azure seems like a great guy. To be honest though, im afraid that i wont get better with my powers like everyone else, and that ill ve left behind...."
Kydlin frowned. "They are dangerous powers to use and can be hard to train with, but we can manage. I won't let you get left behind," she told him reassuringly. Then she stood up. "Lets go practice,"
"Ok!" He said excitedly. The seriousness in his face melted away and he got up quick to go practice his powers. He really appreciated his mentor. She wasnt just there to show him the way, she was also there as his friend. She was the only person he had in this world currently. And he loved havin her as his friend
Luna continued to run as the scent got even stronger. Her white paws pounding against the forest floor. She would have to shif into a more human form before they got to the city.
Selene raised an eyebrow as Tig's command but kept running. Slowly the buildings of the city rose into view on the horizon as they got near to the edge of the forest.

"Once we get to the city, I'll get onto the roofs and cover you. You three stay on the ground and look for the assassin, okay?" She asked them.
Tig nodded. Anger was building in her. This person was going to pay. She ran after Luna trying to keep her breathing steady.

Kydlin smiled and led The way out into the camp. "Practice your powers on me. Just becareful." she said. It wouldn't be good if he lost control of his powers.
Luna shifted into her, mostly normal form. People just though she was some sort of cos-player with ears and a tail. "Ok." Luna said as they came close to the city.
Selene nodded and jumped, sailing through the air until she landed on a rooftop with a dull thud and a wince. She stood and walked to the edge, scanning the ground until she caught sight of the apprentices, made relatively by Luna's ears and Azure's hair. She crouched by the edge, trying to stay out of sight while keeping an eye on them. Azure watched her go, then looked to where he was running. He started to slow down and looked at Luna.

"Can you still track them here?" He asked her.
"Ya, even with the car fumes the scent is still here which mean they went through here around 5 or 6 am this morning." Luna said.
"Ok, ill be careful. If it hurts, tell me" Alex held his arm away from him, extended towards her. He summonned his energy and forced her up controlling the streaming blood in her veins
Tig nodded, "that wasn't long ago. We might have a chance to catch up then," she said eagarly.

Kydlin winced but was relieved that Alex could use his powers so well. It was hard to train with him scince there was little they could do except use a real person or animal but he was making good progress.
Kydlin landed in a crouch. "I'm fine, are you okay," she asked walking over to him. He didn't look good. Useing his powers could hurt him. They took a lot out of him to use them. Thats why they practiced. So he could grow stronger.
Kydlin nodded. She was about to sit beside him when Henry came walking toward them. "Kydlin!" He called raising his hand. "Hunter's awake if you want to go and see him" Henry said stopping beside them. He looked down at Alex and nodded a greeting. "Good morning Alex!" He said.

Kydlin didn't waste anytime. She started off for the medical tent without another word. Henry frowned but shrugged. "Would you like to come and see Hunter?" Henry asked Alex.
Henry ducked his head. "Sorry! Alec." He shook his head. He was starting to get forgetful. "Lets go then," he said srating toward the trent.
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"Your fine!" Alec smiled at the boy. He seemed really friendly. Alec still had a feeling he was alone here. If anyone found out about his father....they would all hate him. If they knew what Alec really was... He wuickly shook the thougt from his mind. He didnt need to worry about is. Not yet anyways
"We should hurry then." Azure agreed, looking into the streets. There were a few people around, but the rush to work was yet to start. "The streets will be full soon." Rush hour was a terrible time, for everyone. He remembered almost being trampled once.
Tig murmured an agreement. She looked to Luna, "Lead the way," she said.

Henry (OOC: he is an older person not kid(> :D ) and is Kydlin, she is also an adult, is father) led the way to the trent and went in. Hunter was sitting up looking weary he was talking to Kydlin queitly their heads bent together.
"I'm just glad your okay," Kydlin was saying. She looked over at Henry and Alec. Hunter's eyes followed hers and he straightened a bit. "Alec! Its good to see you," he said his voice wavering just slightly.
"Oh!" Alec said, surprised someone was talking to him "You too! Im glad to see your ok. Kydlin told me what happened" Alec said sympathetically to Hunter

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