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Fantasy Protectors

Hunter nodded his eyes briefly flickering back to Kydlin. "Yes I'm glad I'm ok as well," he said with a small laugh. "I'm thankful Selene and Kydlin were there and very grateful for Azure's quick thinking!" he said.

"Speaking of them I wonder where they are. Tig said they were tracking who had done it. Maybe they found the person," Kydlin shrugged.

Hunter winced. "Is Tig with them?" He asked. Kydlin nodded. "There was no stopping her." She said shaking her head. Hunter's brow creased with worry. "She may loose control of her powers. Anger has always got to her." He murmered.
"Whos this Tig girl?" Alec asked looking at Hunter, "and why are you worried about anger? Are her powers that dangerous?" Alec asked curiously
Hunter sighed. "Shes my apprentice and her power is fire. It can be very dangerous when she looses control of her emotions," he said wearily
Hunter agreemed queitly. "I do too,"

"Don't underestimate her. I'm sure she'll be just fine," Kydlin said feeling someone should stick up for the apprentice. Tig wasn't to out of control. "Maybe you should go find them and help," she suggested to Alec.
"Ummm....alright. Which direction do i need to start going in?" He asked thinking about anything he needed to get from his room

OOC: does this take place in the present. Id like to know so i know what tools/electronics are available to our characters
Ooc: its set in the future kinda area. But we don't have many electronics.

"I think they were heading to the city," Kydlin answer. "If you start in that direction your bound to find them," she said.
"Ok..." Alec said nervously, surprised he was being sent alone to find their friends when he wasnt in control of his powers. He walked to his room and started packing a bag. He sheathed his sword at his side and went back to Kydlin. "Wish me luck" he sighed keeping his sword close
Kydlin smiled at him. He always underestimated himself. Maybe if he went off on his own he would realize he was far from helpless. "Good luck," she said. Hunter nodded encouragenly at the apprentice.
"Hey, thanks" he said starting to walk off. He then called back, "If i die, its blood on your hands" he said jokingly before disappearing into the woods
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Alec found a small trail and began follpwing it. He had a feeling there were powerful creatures nearby, but he didnt know what. And he definitely didnt want to get attacked. As he moved trough the woods, he began seeing human footprints. "Hopefully they are Kydlins friends and not decimators" he thought as he moved to the side of the trail, just in case he ran into trouble. He soon saw a group of people and heard them talking, but couldnt make out what they said. "Tig?" He called readying his sword
Tig looked back into the woods. "Who is it?" She asked loud enough for the others to hear. If someone was going to attack them she might need some help.

Kydlin rolled her eyes as Alec dissapeared into the woods. "I almost have a mind to worry about him," she murmered. Henry was sitting back at his desk his head bent over his studies.

"Don't worry. He needs to learn he can handle on his own. I wish I had that problem with Tig, but its just the oppisite," Hunter gave a small laugh his hand holding hers.
Tig relax a bit, "Did Kydlin send you out here then?" She asked. She looked back at the others wondering if they had found the sent yet.
"Hey." Azure said, raising a hand to wave at Alec. He gave a small smile, then glanced up at the roof where Selene was watching them, and probably getting impatient. "Kydlin seems like she'd be a good mentor." he commented.
"Hey!" Alec said to him, and waved back. "Good job on saving Hunter this morning!" Alec said smiling trying to start conversation. "And she is a good mentor"
"She must be," Tig agreed with a small nod. She looked back at Luna hopefully. "Found anything yet?" She asked.
Alec kept his sword out ready to defend himself. He knew he was with a group of allies but he also remembered that in strategy, now would be perfect for an enemy to attack the group
Azure smiled at Alec, feeling like he didn't really deserve the praise. It was only charcoal. He looked over to Luna, waiting for a reply so they could get moving.
Alec noticed everyone staring at Luna expectantly. He began looking at her waiting to hear what they were going to do next...
Luna paused. "The scent is gone, it just vanished." Luna said hating to let everyone down since it looked like they were all counting on her.
Tig frowned then jerked her head toward the sound of a sudden stick break. She looked around warily. She was getting a bad feeling. "Maybe we should head back toward camp," she said queitly.
"Are you sure? What were we looking for?" He asked thinking his abilities could help. His being able to control blood was also helpful on tracking and being able to sense living things
"I don't know I have a really bad feeling,....." She said. She looked around was someone watching them?

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