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Fantasy Protectors

Tig hurried after Selene into the street of the city. Behind she could hear people following them. She picked up her speed now running behind Azure. Someone grabbed her shoulder and yanked her backwards making her fall. Not wasting time she kicked out at the man and scrambled back onto her feet running after the others.
"We've almost lost them!" Tig called to the others as they ventured further into the city. Finaly when she looked back she could see no one following. Tig stopped out of breath and looked over at the others, "I think its safe now," she told Selene.
Selene stopped as Tig said it was safe, and lowered Alec so he was standing on his feet.

"You could have worsened your injury while running, and I don't think anyone wants that." She told Alec, still keeping his arm around her shoulder. "Can you stand on your own?" She asked him as Azure looked around the back corner making sure they had left them behind. He turned and leaned against the wall, frowning and a little tired. He looked around making sure that everyone was okay.
"Should we go back to camp and tell the others?" Tig asked. There was a possiblity they were still being followed, but camp sounded safe. Tig wondered how Hunter was doing and if he would notice if they were gone for too long.
"I think so..." Alec murmered. His chest hurt so bad he could hardly breath. It felt like someone was pushing on his chest trying to force the air out
Selene slowly let go of Alec to make sure that he was actually stable. Azure shook his head in reply to Tig, and Selene raised an eyebrow at him.

"If we go back the same way, they might still be there, and..." He thought back, making sure that he did see it. "I saw that several of the people who attacked us had tattoos. Stars." He told them.
ooc: Coming back from the side thread .o.

"Surprise!" Nonie announced their presence in a sing-song voice. "Oh, you've got a new person with you!"

She stepped out of the alley and looked back at the other decimators still hidden there for a second, failing to hold in her laughter.
Azure started at the unexpected entrance, before instinctively dropping into a fighting stance and looking around the others for a cue as to what to do. Selene was gaping at Alec and the new appearances.

"Jeez, calm down Harlow." Mina told the boy as she followed Nonie. "You don't want to act desperate." She told him with a wink as she rounded the corner. She grinned and waved at the Protectors, while Crowne stayed where he was and buried his face in his hands in shame. These kids were going to kill him with stupidity, though Nonie made it clear that that was her intention.
Tig growled softly and mimicked Azure's action. "What do you want?" Tig asked sharply. She glared at the Decimators trying to look threateningly. She was now glad Hunter was back in camp with Kydlin. They were safe there. Tig looked over at the others then back at the Decimators. "We'll fight if we need to!" she threatened.
"Woah, somebody's a little on edge!" Nonie held her hands up and laughed, "We're just checking out what all the noise was for, but if your really looking for fight I'm not gonna say no."

She leaned back to see into the alley and what was taking Crowne so long. Seeing him dying inside, she laughed again.
(They're with Tig.)

Mina shrugged and made an eh-ing noise.

"I don't really wanna fight unless we have to." She said, then looked across the crowd in front of them. "On the other hand if you try to hurt Nonie I will end you, so chose wisely." Azure felt a jerk in his stomach at those words and looked across at Nonie, who seemed extremely contented. Selene blinked a few times again, then shook her head.

"One second, how old are you!?" She asked Nonie.
(ooc: I wasn't sure if Alec had completely recovered or not I'm really sorry if I got this wrong ;- ;)

"Sixteen," Nonie answered the older woman then turned to Alec with a smile still present on her face, "See, that's not particularly scary coming from someone who looks like they're already half dead."
(Ur fine lol)

"Im not even close, trust me" he said wiping the blood from his mouth. The taste of copper lingered in his throat
"I don't know, that blood there would say otherwise." Nonie replied, maintaining her chirpy tone of voice.

She took a few bouncy steps closer to the unfamiliar Protector and glanced at the other Decimators over her shoulder.
"Back off." Mina warned, taking a step forward. Who was this guy anyway? Selene gaped a little more at Nonie before Azure interrupted them all.

"We should go." He told them, looking between all the Protectors and purposefully avoiding the Decimators. "That was the Mafia back there, we don't want to get caught by them." He said.
"I agree," Tig said nodding at Azure. He made a very good point. "So if you don't mind, we'll be leaving," Tig said. She looked over at Selene wondering what was going through the mentor's mind.
Luna stood silently just listening to the conversation. That power she used had exhausted her a bit to much but she didn't show it.
Harlow frowned. "Aahh," he whined. "But I wanted to talk a little more, oh well. Oh hey! We could show you a short cut to the forest if you want. Your friend looks like he needs to rest pretty soon, what d'ya say?" He said, maintaining his distance but a friendly and hopeful look on his face. If they lost the protectors then they would lose some pretty cool people in Harlow's perspective, he really didn't want to lose these guys so soon. It would be a damn shame if they did, especially the blue one.
Tig looked at Selene. "Shoudl we go with them?" she asked warily. She didn't know if she trusted them or not, after all they were Decimators.....
Mina glared at Harlow, indignation clear on her face.

"Are you kidding me?" She asked him, grinding her teeth together. "They tried to kill us. Why do you want to help them?" She asked, enunciating the word help for emphasis. Selene shook her head and looked up at the others.

"We shouldn't get involved with them unless we have to." She told the others, looking over the Decimators with what looked like pity. She looked at Alec and the emotion disappeared. "If you're okay to walk, we should go."

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