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Fantasy Protectors

"I recommend the almond tart, it's delicious." Harlow said to Nonie when she sat down and started eyeing the treats on display. "Also, this is hot chocolate and now your here I can finish drinking it before it gets cold." He gave Mina a big goofy grin and then proceeded to drink his chocolate. It was brilliant! Now that his friends were here and settled (mostly) they could start talking about all the fun that they could get up to with the Protectors and stuff again. Whoopee!

Mina stuck her tongue out in disgust as Harlow said 'hot chocolate'. No caffeine? No thank you. She stuck her tongue out again as she spotted the TV in the corner, silently running some news of the elections again. It was some kind of speech or interview with the candidates or something. Political nonsense. She took a big gulp of coffee and leaned back in her chair.

"We have anything planned for today? Maybe a bank heist?" She asked, looking between the other two. Her school was closed for a few days following the bridge explosion, another plus side to it. "Oh, Crowne also wants to take DNA sample of us. We should work that in somewhere."
(Sorry guys new notification things is messing me up!) 

Hunter stared out at the city. The sun had finally risen above the horizen and it made the dew of the grass shine. He sighed and turned back toward camp. After all that had occured in the last days he was stressed. "It's a pretty sunrise," a familiar voice said behind him. Instantly he felt more relaxed. 

"It is," he agreed turning to look at Kydlin. She gave a small smile. One that was remindful of the stress she shared at well. "We have to find out what the Decimators are up to," he suddenly said. The Decimators had been plague his thoughts for a long while.

Tig walked through camp with no prurpose. She was just enjoying the morning. Spotting Alec she walked over to him. "Whats up?" She asked bored. Maybe they could train together. She frowned at the sun as it hit her eyes and she moved into some shade. 
"Hey" he said squinting at Tig. The sun was blinding today. "Just looking for Kydlin to train. Cant find her. Wanna train with me instead?" He asked hopefully. Alec admired Tig's leadership skills and hoped they could be friends. "I need a lot of work!" He laughed
Tig shrugged, "Sure," she said. "What exactly do you want to practice with?" She asked. She had nothing against Alec bad she couldn't deny his power was almost scary. 
"I need to learn how to use my power without al ost killing myself...unless you think i should die" he said smiling at her. He admired her strength and self-control.
Tig laughed. She smiled and shook her head. "Ok. Lets just start with small things." She looked upwards as the branches over head crackled. Chittering squirrles bounced along the tree limbs. "Try to move one of the squirrles. Don't kill them though!" She said quickly.
Alec raised his hand and pulled it down, parallel to the ground. The squirrel floated a few inches from Alec's hand. Alec dropped the squirrel, and bent over coughing
"What does DNA mean...?" Nonie asked, tilting her head.

Dogs Near Aeroplanes? Dark Nautical Ants?, probably not but that was all she could think of. It was times like these where she thought she should probably catch up on all the education she missed.

Rene punched Azure in the arm as a greeting.

"What're you looking so worried over?" He asked.
Mina pursed her lips and looked at Nonie. It was easy to forget that she had never been to school. Crowne had tried to teach her a few times. He'd tried. She took another sip of her coffee, thinking of how to explain it.

"DNA tells you what you are, but in fancy science terms," She told her, not wanting to go into detail about sequences and chromosomes, "Crowne wants to read it, along with a few other people's DNA." She shrugged and put the coffee down, glancing over to the stand of baked goods that Brian was arranging. She'd already eaten, but eating more wasn't illegal.

"My power," Azure replied, over dramatically hanging his head, purposely drifting so he walked heavily into Rene. Selene waved. She liked Rene almost as much as Azure did. He was a fun guy. Azure put a hand on Rene's shoulder to steady himself since he felt like he was going to fall over. That's what he got for walking into someone. "It worked well a few days ago, but it's not been as good since. Anything new with you? Got a new favourite cereal?" He asked, a smile appearing on his face.
Tohoak's face filled with concern, "Are you ok?" she asked hovering over him worriedly. Maybe they should've tried something simpler.
"Maybe something even smaller?" Tig suggested. She frowned. How could he use his powers without getting hurt? It seemed almost impossible and she was starting to run out of her very few ideas.
Ooc: still trying to figure out how to attach some of the chapters of Protectors.... Any suggestions?
"Maybe i should try with something smaller? What about...moving a single body part?" He thought out loud hoping she thought it was a good idea. He didnt want to seem oathetic and useless to the others.
"Thats a good idea," Tig agreed. She looked back toward the squirrles which were chittering angirly.

ooc: k will try!
Alec held out his hand again, and focused on her arm, "Dont worry, this shouldnt hurt..." He said lifting her arm slightly
Tig closed her eyes trying not think about it. If she just relaxed and didn't focus on her arm she wouldn't even realize what was happening. "It is working? Do you feel ok?" she asked not opening her eyes.
Alec stopped straining and dropped her arm, "I did it! It didnt hurt, i did it!" He said overexcited. He quickly calmed down, feeling like a little kid, and said "Yeah, cool" he said smiling at her
Tig opened her eyes with a smile. "Great!" She said. "What now? Want to continue practiceing or find Hunter?" 

"Come on, we should wake up the apprentices if they arent awake already," Kydlin suggested to Hunter. He nodded and reluctantly turned away from the city.
"Sure. Maybe he's got somthing planned for us today!" She siad looking toward camp. "Speak of the devil," she said with a faint smile. Hunter and Kydlin were walking toward them. 

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