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Fantasy Protectors

"Well, 'light' is right there in 'lightning' so it's your own fault," Rene replied, shrugging, "Plus I'm pretty sure it's better than getting zapped."
Azure nodded agreeing, then his nodding slowed and he stopped throwing the ball, just holding it between his two hands as he glanced down, his eyebrows creased in thought. He looked at Rene again, his eyes narrowed slightly as he looked at the other boy's hands.

"You can control electricity," Azure said, and Selene got a sinking feeling in her stomach, "So can you be electrocuted?" He asked, and Selene stepped between them, shaking her head quickly and telling them 'no'.

Hunter twisted to the side as one of Kydlin's whips sliced through the air next to him. "Trying to take off my arm?!" He asked with riased eyebrows. Kydlin smirked then did a backflip toward him. As she came out of her flip she swung one of her whips at his feet. Hunter jumpped up then once landed he kicked out at her own feet. Kydlin wasn't expecting this and she fell backwards. Hunter gave a vitorius laugh and smiled down at her. "I win!" He said triumphantly. Kydlin scowled at him. "Its not over yet!" She said kicking hard at his own feet. Hunter toppled forward and Kydlin rolled out of the way laughing. He landed face first with a muffled cry of surprise.
"Dunno," Rene shrugged and laughed a little, "Never thought to check... Whats the easiest way to get electrocuted?"

The rational part of his brain was screaming at him to not do something stupid, but that part was very small and was currently being ignored in favour of 'Maybe I could stick a knife in a plug socket lol'. If there was a fine line between bravery and pure stupidity, he'd be seven miles into the stupid zone.
"Do not move one inch," Selene told the two boys, interrupting Azure as he opened his mouth to speak. He watched as she ran off, abandoning the bag of balls on the floor. He fished two more out, weighing them up in his hands before looking to Rene.

"Well, I don't think we have any tasers here, so water and sockets?" He suggested, starting to juggle with the three balls in his hands. He bit his lip, his concentration moving from Rene and his suicidal plan to the juggling. It was very hard to keep it up. Meanwhile, Selene was running towards Tig and Alec. She skidded to a to next to them, her breath barely any different from normal.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but I need you to train with us," She told the two of them. They were meant to be training anyway, so surely just changing where, and possibly a little bit of who with couldn't hurt that much. "Azure and Rene are together, and you know how they get." She grimaced, remembering some of what they'd done before, as she glanced back in their direction.

@Camelot @NathanPanache @Tohoak

(Also, @Tohoak someone signed up, and another person asked about the rules. Just thought you might not have seen them since the system messed up.)
Harlow had zoned out for most of Nonie and Mina's conversation, but he caught the last few sentences of hushed whisper. He too finished his cup of hot chocolate and then grinned at his companions. 

"So, what are we waiting for? Let's go!" he said and patted each of them lightly on the shoulder. He then proceeded to stand and walk to the door of the cafe, waving to Brian and saying thanks for the good food. Once outside he turned back towards his friends, holding the door open for them and a few other people who were entering the cafe, returning their thanks with bright smiles.
( @SecretRock. Thanks! I'll get right on it! I miss the old version of the site!!)

Tig smiled and nodded. This would keep her from going into the city which would make Hunter happy so why not? "Sounds fun," she said looking behind Selene to see the other to apprentices. She started laughing when she saw Hunter face down on the ground and Kydlin smiling triumphantly. It looked like her mentor had just gotten schooled. 
"Let's hurry then, they were talking about electrocuting Rene," Selene told the other two as she started to walk back to where they'd been training. She watched Hunter and Kydlin as they passed. Hunter was out of practise, apparently. She shrugged it off, not her place to judge him. He was the leader after all. She looked back at Tig and Alec.

"So what do you two need to practise?" She asked them.

@NathanPanache @Tohoak

Tig followed after Selene she tried to hide a smile when she heard that the boys were talking about electrocuting Rene. "I need to practice forming objects with shadows," Tig answered. 

Hunter slowly pushed himself up glareing at Kydlin. She had a big smile on her face. "You have some mud on you're face," she giggled. 

"I was taking it easy on you" he replied sourly. Kydlin raised her eyebrows in disbelief. 

"Really?" She asked. Hunter nodded and stood up. "Lets have another round then," Kydlin said. She stood ready her light whips in hand. Hunter waited for a moment survaying the best way to win. A whip came towards him and he dodged to the side and moved closer to Kydlin. He closed his eyes and let his senses help him. Time slowed slightly and he could see Kydlin flicking her wrist and a whip arching toward him. Immediantly he dived into a roll and leapt up in behind Kydlin. He grabbed her wrists and twisted her arms behind her back . Instantly her whips were gone and she stood there struggling to break from his grasp. 

"I told you," he said smiling. He let her go and she spun around to face him with a scowl. She tried hard not to smile but failed and they stood there for a moment just staring at each other. Hunter ducked his head and cleared his throat. 

"Maybe we should go help Selene with the apprentices," he said qucikly. Kydlin nodded and her smiled faded a ittle.

"Of course, she shoudn't have to handle them all by herself,"
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Alex slowly rolled out of bed and onto the cold ground. He had been traveling for a solid four days previously and was enjoying his sleep. He had arrived in the dead of night and wasn't really in the mood for introducing himself as someone had mentioned a 'bed' to him.

He pulled a slack pear of long shorts on and a black tank top four sizes to big for him. He did his standard stretching routine as he walked out into the the early morning sun. He did a few more stretches before he went out for his morning jog. 

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Kydlin's eyes caught on Alex as he came out of his cabin. "Hunter," she said nodding to the boy. "He came last night. A new apprentice." She explained as Hunter follower her eyes. 

"Maybe one of us should talk to him while the other goes to help Selene?" She suggested. Hunter nodded then realized she was saying he should go talk to Alex. 

"Ok. Looks like he's going for a morning run. I guess I'll go join him," Hunter said starting after Alex. Kydlin nodded in approvement then headed over to help Selene.

"It's a nice morning for a jog," Hutner said running up beside the new apprentice.
Alex had a bit of a start when hunter rolled up next to him "Wha...Oh,morning boss" he said correcting his pace "Its better then the rain ive been seeing for the last couple of days" 

A shiver ran up his spine as he grimaced at the thought of more rain as he kept pace next to him.

Hunter nodded in agreement. "I'd take sunshine over rain anyday. You know most people just call me Hunter," he said with a smile. "I heard you just got here the other night," he continued.  @Blacknife

Kydlin walked over to where Selene now stood with the apprentices. "Looks like you've got you're hands full," she remakred. @SecretRock
Mina followed Harlow, waving goodbye to Brian after leaving a note or two in the tip jar. She wasn't sure how much it actually was, but she liked the place, so the least she could do was make sure that the workers got enough pay. She smiled at Harlow in thanks for the door and glanced around outside, the morning rush to work dying down. The streets were still full, sure, but they weren't extremely full. There were very few cars though, so it wouldn't matter if the pavements were full. They could just walk on the road.

"So the arcade..." She said, thinking back to the last time they went there, "Didn't one of you say that there was a shortcut through the forest?" She asked, looking between Harlow and Nonie.

@Camelot @TyTydaDog

( @Tohoak Aren't you playing as Tig, not Tohoak?)
Rene waved at the newcomers, he could always electrocute himself another time. 

"How are we gonna practice now there's more of us?" He asked, turning to the mentors.

Nonie followed the other two out of the cafe and on to the street. 

"Yeah I think so, there's a bunch of streets you can just go around through the edge of the forest instead," Nonie answered, "We'll end up at the back of the arcade though but that's where we need to be anyway, right?"
(It's fine, we all do it. I was just a little confused.)

Selene waved to Kydlin as she joined them, then stopped in front of the boys. She looked around to make sure that they were all there, then spoke.

"Help would be much appreciated," He said to Kydlin, tipping her head in thanks slightly and nodding at Tig's question and starting to think.

Azure smiled at Tig and Alec. trying to catch all three balls he was juggling and failing at it. Starting juggling wasn't so bad, but he could never stop without getting hit. Rene asked what they'd do now and Azure looked to Selene, moving to put the balls back in the bag. Selene thought for a few more seconds before speaking.

"You could do the boring thing and fight each other, or you could fight me and Kydlin." She suggested, then looked to Kydlin and quietly asked, "Are you alright with that?"

@Tohoak @NathanPanache @Camelot

"Well, I think so, but we could always just go around front if not," Mina shrugged. It would cut almost fifteen minutes off their journey if they went through the forest, who cared if they got to the wrong side or not. It wouldn't take that long to get round the front again. She adjusted her jacket, and stepped out of the way of oncoming pedestrians, waiting to see if they were cool with that.

"Cool, we're going to the arcade? Oh wait, yeah, I remember you saying that, sorry. Oh well," Harlow said, his face lighting up for a second, then calming down to his normal, small smile. Then a thought hit him and his eyes glowed a bit with happiness and his smile grew again. "Do you think we'll be able to play a few games while we're at the arcade?" He asked, he really liked the arcade, usually he was too busy with the bar to go out and do anything, but since joining the Decimators and getting to know Nonie and Mina, he had done some pretty cool stuff, like go to arcades and get into heated gaming battles and blow up bridges. You know, normal friend stuff. Harlow was super physched to go to the arcade again, even if was only to have one game against Nonie.
@SecretRock @NathanPanache @Camelot

Kydlin nodded with a smile. "It will be fun," she said. She looked over at the apprentices with a friendly smile. Tig nodded enthusiastically. 

"I'm definatly for the second option," she said egarly.
There was little light that managed to make its way this deep into the dark sectors of the city. Not that it could through the various city layers and hanging clothes lines that obscured an already smog filled sky. Any light that could be afforded in the lower sectors was artificial, giving it the apt name... the red light district. The seedy underbelly was arguably the worst part of the district, or the entire city at large. To deep, and too corrupt to warrant much needed protector support, and so departed from the city at large, that it failed to even receive support from the limited government. Therefore it had turned to crime, cantina's, and other unsavory acts to sustain itself and give the sector it's own unique name. It was also a hot bed for decimator activity... it was a good day that some form of crime was not openly committed in the red districts streets. The few citizens who lived in this sector not involved in the crime gangs or otherwise addicted to drugs barely managed to scrape by... one such individual, a young adult by the name of Annabeth could only imagine what it was like beyond the crime infested streets, could only imagine the vague term that she had occasionally heard murmered on the lips of those at the cantina bars. The 'protectors'. She did not know what the phrase meant, but if she could be any judge... they did not do much protecting, at least not down here. Despite her bitterness for their oversight, she could not help but dream or think of the day they might sweat out the red light district, clear out the decimaters. It was a fantasy to be sure, and she always felt embaressed after she imagined it, but nothing dampered her imagination. Currently, as any other day would go, Anna travelled along the shadows of the dark buildings, checking for the rare chance that just maybe... one of the cantina's had thrown out something edible, just enough to get her past one more day in a dull and harsh existance. She had to hurry up her search and get out of here... tugging her ragged jacket around her for warmth, she continued pushing through trash and leftovers. If she didn't hide soon, it meant bad for her. Tonight, the streets would be even more dangerous... the devastaters would be out in force, 'cleansing' the unworthy and the poor from the streets. She didn't even want to think what they would do if they caught her... once again she had to shove down the repulsion and bile that rose up in her throat, shoving down the pain of those all around her, their suffering and anguish at the hands of many others... she wanted to help them, but she couldn't... she had too much suffering of her own.
"Rules, then," Selene started. She figured that the apprentices would be smart enough to know that killing and seriously injuring was off limits, so she skipped to the important bits. "Tig, Azure, you can only use the powers you're working on," Azure looked offended, but didn't say anything, knowing what she was trying to do. He didn't look very happy about it though, crossing his arms and pursing his lips. Selene ignored him. It would probably do him good in the long run, so it was worth it. 

"Don't worry though, Kydlina and I will go easy on you. And remember, the aim is to improve, not to win." She took a few steps back, pulling off her jacket and throwing it to the side. It hit a tree and fell to the floor with a thud as Selene got into a fight position. Azure moved back as well, wanting to be well out of the way until his powers kicked in. Who knows if he'd actually do anything in this fight anyway.

@Tohoak @Camelot

Mina patted Harlow on the shoulder, her smile falling into an extremely serious face as she looked up at him. She took a deep breath.

"Harlow," She paused for dramatic effect, "Of course we're going to play games at the arcade." She let her arm drop back to her side and started walking way from the cafe. It was a great cafe, but it was arcade time now, and also DNA test time. She was pretty sure that it wouldn't hurt too much or anything. They could get DNA from spit, right?

"Oh well okay then" he tilted his head slightly "okay hunter, names Alex" he held out his hand sideways " So where is all the other recruits anyway?"

@SecretRock @Camelot @NathanPanache

Ooc: sorry! Just saw that I switched tigs powers on accident!! I guess from now on she will control shadows instead of fire, it will make it easier to practice with anyway

Tig back up slightly. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath gathering energy while Kydlin stood ready to fight. When she opened her eyes again they glowed darkly. Now all she had to do was use her power sucsessfuly. Sounds like fun she thought. 


Hunter shook Alex's hand  "They're all training right now," he answered. "Its usally the first thing they do of the day," he commented. "So why'd you join the Protectors?" He asked suddenly. 
Alex bit his lip slightly "Uh its...a long story...maybe some other time" He picked up the pace and began to double time around the base "Just know im here and im here to stay"

Hunter could respect Alex's wishes. He kept pace with Alex and nodded at his words. "I'm glad to here that. Most apprentices have a mentor in the camp. If you don't want one thats fine, but if you do just say," 

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