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Fantasy Protectors

Hunter gave a frendly nod to the aprentice and stopped in front of them. "Early training?" He said with raised eyebrows. 

"There's nothing wrong with that!" Kydlin said quickly. Hunter scowled, "I wasn't implying that it was," he muttered. 

"We were just trying to get Alecs powers to work well," Tig said smiling to herself at Hunter and Kydlin's comments.
"Have you had any luck then?" Hunter asked. Kydlin gave Alec a small smile. 

"You shouldn't be worried about your powers. You'll learn to use them in good time. Believe it or not Hunter couldn't use his powers properly till he was 17," she said. Hunter rolled his eyes, but didn't argue.

"She's right. It just takes certain people longer to master their powers," he said flashing her a glare.

"Well if it works on instinct then maybe this--!" Rene cut himself off and threw a punch at Azure, probably a little harder than he meant to.

The plan was to get him to summon a shield or something and he didn't think that accidentally punching his friend in the face could happen until it was too late.
Azure was confused as Rene cut himself off, thinking that he was about to give a tip that he'd undoubtedly heard a thousand times before, but a glance in his direction showed him the punch coming his way. In a panic, he hit the fist aside, his own flying towards Rene's stomach on instinct as Selene shouted for them to stop. At the last second, Azure realised what he was doing and tried to pull his punch, hoping that Rene would help by getting out of the way.


Apparently there was a third option that went unaccounted for. Rene jumped back and laughed - That probably wasn't the smartest idea he'd ever had. He probably would've taken the hit if Azure didn't hold back at the last second.

"I forgot you could do that!" He shouted, feeling the need to be noisy since Selene had already yelled.

"I still don't really get it but alright..." Nonie replied with a pout. "So we need to go back to the base then or is there a closer branch somewhere?"
"Don't just throw punches like that!" Selene shouted at the two of them as Azure started laughing too. "Hey, no laughing!" She exclaimed again, fighting to keep a smile from breaking out of her face. Azure spluttered out a few apologies to both Selene and Rene, suppressing his laughter with a great effort. He grinned at Rene, ignoring the urge to continue the fight.

"Why did you think that that would work?" He asked, pretending to be disappointed.

"Uh, there's a lab hidden by that arcade you like..." Mina told Nonie, trying to remember if there was anywhere nearer, but she couldn't think of anywhere. She drained what was left in her cup and put it down, loudly enough to catch a glance from Brian behind the counter. "Anyway, we don't have to do it straight away."

@Camelot @TyTydaDog
"Looks like Ive got about a year and a half to figure out my powers! That way I can be better than him!" Alec laughed gesturing towards Hunter
Hunter scowled, but after a smile from Kaydlin he also smiled. "I guess you'll have to work on it then!" he said. 

"What are we doing today?" Tig asked. Hunter's face darkened as his thoughts were reflected back at the Decimators. 

"I don't know just yet. I need to go talk to the other mentors so for now you can do whatever you want," he said. Then seeing her mischivious expression he quickly added, "But you can't go into the city."
"I guess i will" Alec said smiling at Hunter. He liked the guy so far, he was easy to joke around with. And thats something Alec needed, to laugh, with the world being so screwed up, there needed to be more happiness in the world
Hunter nodded to the apprentices then cast one more stren glance at Tig before leaving. Kydlin gave them both a small smile then followed after him. 

"He thinks I'm going to sneak out of camp!" Tig said with a frown. Suddenly her face brightened. "He knows me to well," she said laughing.
"Because I'd totally need a shield to stop one of your punches," Azure shot back before Selene put a hand on his shoulder, giving him a look. He nodded and shut his mouth, giving a similar look to Rene. Selene stepped between them, holding up a bag and pulling the bag open, showing a whole lot of balls of various sizes, like baseballs or tennis balls. 

"We're gonna practise, you want to join in, Rene?" She asked, fishing out one of the balls. She draped the bag over her shoulder and tossed the ball from hand to hand.

Rene opened his mouth ready to shout something back but stopped after getting the look. 

"Practise what?" He asked, slightly confused by the bag.

"Powers," Selene replied, tossing the ball to Azure, who held it looking a little confused too. "I throw it, Azure tries to summon it, you try to zap it," She explained, and Azure looked down at the ball, trying to memorise it and muttering under his breath about how this always goes wrong. Selene completely ignored him, smiling at Rene.

"Are you going to join in, or do you have someone else to punch?" She asked, a hand resting on her hip.
Hunter and Kydlin walked toward Selene, but Hunter suddenly stopped Kydlin. "I want to see how well Azure and Rene are doing," he said watching the practice with intrest. He was hopeful that the two apprentices had learn to control their powers a little better, but if not he knew they were still working hard to.
"Sure, I'll join." Rene answered, looking over at Azure "This should be easy since somebody has a defective power!" 

What he failed to mention was his power wasn't completely under control either - It's not exactly easy to get a bolt of lightning to go in the right direction.
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Azure stuck his tongue out at Rene as he handed the ball back to Selene, who gave a small wave of greeting to Hunter before turning to face the two boys, ready to throw the ball. She looked between the two of them and took a deep breath.

"You ready?" Azure nodded, and she assumed that Rene was always ready. "Okay, three... two... go!" She threw the ball at a fraction of her full strength, sending it flying through the air, around the top of the trees. She looked at Azure watching it and wondered if she should have used something more the size of a basket ball. Too late now as Azure squinted at it, trying to pull it to his hands.

Rene watched the ball get launched through the air, following it with his hand. Hoping there wasn't an unfortunate bird or squirrel up there, he sent a jolt of electricity towards it.

Lucky for the local wildlife, he managed to hit the baseball but melted the leather on it. Is that flammable? He thought, I hope not.
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Azure watched the smoking ball fall, not really that interested in summoning it anymore. He liked his hands to have nice, not burnt skin on them. Another ball was tossed to him by Selene, and he fumbled a bit bit catching it properly, holding it kind of close to his chest protectively as he turned back to stare at the destroyed ball now lying on the floor. He often forgot what Rene could do, given his mostly idiotic personality. He memorised the tennis fuzz under his fingers then tossed the ball back to Selene.

"Round two," She announced, deciding that a little higher might be okay for Rene, and she didn't think that distance affected Azure, so he should be fine. "Let's go," She threw it, a little higher and faster this time. She had to be careful or they'd lose it.

Rene nodded and aimed at the tennis ball, more confident now since he hit the first one. He shot another bolt towards it but it swerved off to the side, crackling as it narrowly missed a nearby tree. Again, it's not exactly easy controlling the direction of lightning bolts.
Tig smiled. "If I was a good apprentice I would say we continue are training, but....." She trailed off.

Hunter nodded back to Selene. He was interested in the apprentices progress. Rene seemed to be getting better, but it was hard to tell about Azure. Kydlin watched the ball fly through the air with almost a longing. Hunter's eyes flickered over to her. "You know its been a while since we've actually practiced," he said. Kydlin's face lit up. 

"Lets practice now then!" she said with a excited smile. Hunter barely had any warning as a whip of light came toward him. Instantly he rolled out of the way and leapt back onto his feet. 

"Now warning?" he asked. Though his eyes were playful and he clearly was enjoying himself.
Azure watched the ball, imagining the fuzz resting on his fingers again, as he tried to keep his eyes on it. He blinked a few times as stars danced across his vision, caused by Rene's lightning. He pressed a hand against his forehead, trying to ease his eyes. He'd been blinded by Rene's lightning before, but he'd forgotten hos bright it could actually be. He heard the ball thud onto the ground a way away and sighed as his sight returned to normal. He'd not done it again, but at least Rene had missed this time as well. He caught the next ball as Selene threw it to him and looked at Rene.

"I forgot your lightning doubled as a flash bang," He joked, tossing the ball between his hands.

@Camelot @TyTydaDog

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