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Fantasy Protectors

Tig watched the two. "Sonter, somehtings wrong with this one!" she said quickly rushing over to them. She wasn't going to let anything horrible happen under her watch. "Whats wrong with him," she asked Mina.

Hunter nodded. "I'll be fine." He fought with his fist using his power to help him counter attacks before they came. Now he would have to rely on his senses fully.
Harlow could hear Mina and slowly opened his eyes as he turned to face her. His hands lowered slightly but stayed near his head.

"What happened?" he asked, noticing the change in environment.
Tig watched the two confused. Had he just had mental break down Tig scowled. Strange...
Harlow slowly came back to his senses, noticing the protectors and there newest addition. Quickly he grabbed Mina's arm and Nonie's hand and legged it. They weren't going to win, so their best option was to run.
"Should we follow? Or go check on Hunter and Selene?" Tig asked still ready for a fight, but feeling a sense of dread when she thought about Hunter and Selene. They were probably already back at camp and fine!
Mina stumbled for the first few steps, still shaken and worried about Harlow, but she found her footing and was racing away with her friends. She was confused as to what just happened, thinking that the girl who made the ice wouldn't have helped them, right? But neither she, Nonie, or Harlow had the power to do that...right?

"Any idea what just happened?" Mina asked.

Azure stared after the three. He half wanted to go after them, but he knew that they wouldn't lead them anywhere good if they could help it. He turned to look at Tig, frowning as he saw the skeletons decorating the walls. Bloody catacombs.

"I'm just the muscle." He joked.

Selene nodded, taking Hunter's silence as a need to buy time. She took a deep breath as a few of the Decimators started forward. Unfortunately for her, they had been trained to properly use their advantage of numbers. The first one to reach her got a punch in the stomach and stumbled back for her efforts while another grabbed Selene from behind. She grabbed their arms and rolled forward, using them to cushion her fall onto the floor.
Tig pondered on this for a moment. "We should go see if Hunter and Selene are okay," she said nodding.

Hunter jerked into motion using his power to see. He had learned how to fight useing his power his advangtage. He swung to his left connecting with someones jaw then ducked as someone swung at him. He sensed Selene fall and was distracted for a moment as he went to her aid only to get smashed in the face.
Tig looked at Luna. "Come on. Hunter and Selene may need our help still," she told the other girl.
Azure patted Luna's shoulder. He gave her a smile to try to reassure her then followed after Tig.

Selene elbowed the man she was laid on in the stomach and swung her foot round to trip her person attacking Hunter. She quickly pushed herself up to her feet, and backed towards Hunter, keeping her eyes on the two not attacking yet and the two struggling to their feet. She was breathing more heavily than normal, but she knew that she could probably keep going long enough to wait for support.

"Focus on looking after yourself, I can hold my own." Selene muttered quickly to Hunter, knowing he was probably still disorientated from the lights.
Hunter nodded, turning to punch a Decimator in the gut, while jabbing another in the throat.

Tig ran as fast as she could back toward where they had last seen Selene and Hunter. She hoped they where still there.
Azure chased after Tig, she seemed worried. He wasn't so much, he was taught by Selene and Hunter was their leader. Surely they'd be able to look after themselves? Even in a fight against Decimators.

Selene pushed an attacker back with her foot as she turned to deal with someone trying to sneak up behind her. She was getting tired since she'd been awake all day before this and the attackers just didn't seem to stay down.

"Hold it!" A voice shouted from the direction on the maintenance door. A tall man with dark hair was stood there, holding a gun and glaring at the two. All the attackers froze and looked over at him, but they were still ready to attack. He approached one and they whispered to each other. She overheard the name 'Crowne' being passed between them. It was a name she recognised.
Hunter slowly was gaining his sight back. He could just make out the blurry figure of a tall man and an all to fimilair object. His heart pounded painfully in his chest from fighting. This wasn't looking good.

Tig rushed to the entrance where they had last seen Hunter and Selene. They were probably fine. She was just nervous.
Crowne frowned and walked towards the other two, looking up and down them, and around at his beat up little soldiers. He scowled and clicked the safety off of his gun, staying just out of their reach. Selene scowled back.

"So I assumed you were just two people who got lost, but now I see this," He gestured to the people they'd been fighting, some of whom were limping or holding parts of their body in pain, "and you," He looked at Hunter again, "I guess this means we've found some Protectors. Care to tell me what the Big Boss is doing here?" He asked.

As they approached the entrance to the subway, Azure grabbed Tig's arm, bringing her to a stop. He looked between her and the entrance to the subway.

"We should make sure that we stay out of sight. Don't want to alert anyone." He said, repressing a shudder from his previous memories of being in that place.
Luna looked around there surroundings of places to hide. There was a small stack of medium sized crated just 5 feet away. "How about there." Luna suggested.
Tig nodded and ducked behind the crate. Her eyes widened as she saw the scene in front of them. Hunter and Selene were in danger! She had half the mind to attack, but stopped herself. They needed to wait.

Hunter glared at the man. He was trying to figure out how to get them out of their current situation. "We're just trying to keep the city safe," he spat. "Unlike you. What are the Decimator's doing with guns? Even for you thats a little low," he growled. He was fully aware that they were in no place to ask questions, but he had to try....while he still could.
Crowne looked down at Hunter, slightly impressed. It would be hard to remain clam under these circumstances, or as calm as he was staying. His companion didn't seem so at peace. She was constantly glancing around and shifting her weight between her feet. She didn't seem like she could stand still. It might not have been nerves, but Crowne was willing to place a bet. He looked back to Hunter.

"I'd tell you, but then I'd have to kill you." Crowne dead panned, thinking of how Mina and Nonie would be proud of him. He glanced to the left as he heard wheels on tracks. Trains were always on time in this city, it was odd. "Speaking of which..." He trailed off and nodded to his men, who started to converge on the two Protectors, having recovered enough from their injuries.

Azure ran to the pile of crates and ducked behind it with the others, leaning out of the side to try and watch what was going on. Their voices carried especially well, probably since the place was abandoned by civilians. He ducked back under cover as they started to move. He clenched his jaw.

"We have to do something." He whispered, staring down at his open hands, trying to come up with anything to help. His stupid power, being so hard to control. He blinked as a few capsule type things popped into his hand. He recognised them as something from an old joke set Selene had. "Smoke capsules?"
Hunter glanced toward the on comming train. If only they had a distranction. His eyes flashed over to Selene. They needed to get on that train.

Tig nodded. "Brilliant!" she said. "Use the smoke to hide our get away. We can board the train with Hunter and Selene!" She said quickly.

Ooc: not going to be on until sunday sorry!
Azure nodded, glancing around the pile of crates they were behind and threw the pellets towards the group, the two of them landing in the middle of the people. One exploded on contact with the ground, the other slid uselessly until Selene stomped on it.

"Cheapo products." She mumbled, grabbing Hunter's arm before she lost sight of him. Azure grinned as the sounds of the train were only just covered by Crowne's cries of frustration. He looked to Tig and nodded, before heading around the cloud of smoke to see if he could catch a glimpse of their mentors. They had maybe a minute before the cloud dissipated.
Hunter made a small sound of surprise, but he didn't waste the distraction. He felt Selene grab his arm. "The train!" he explained pulling her toward the large rumbling engine. It was going by them fast and he had a moment to imagen it wouldn't be pleasent to board.

Tig raced into the dust cloud without giving it a second thought, she had to find Hunter. He spotted her with seconds to spare. "Blard the train!" he called to her. She nodded then turned to look for the others. No one got left behind.
Azure followed after Tig, having heard Hunter's command and knowing he wouldn't leave Selene behind. He ran to the side of the tracks, leaving enough room for a run up for when he needed to jump. He looked back at the two girls.

"Don't let them get on the train!" Crowne shouted as the cheap smoke started to clear. He raised his gun and took a few shots at Selene as she started to run, only noticing the three children joining them after. "Why are there kids here!?" He shouted looking around everyone. This, along with the glitter incident earlier leaving some of him still sparkling now, was giving him a migraine. The noise of the train suddenly rounding the corner didn't help. He threw up his arms in exasperation and started massaging his temple with his free hands as Azure jumped through one of the open doors and looked back to watch his companions do the same.

@Winter Night @Tohoak
Tohoak leaped on the train of Azure. She caught her balance easily and peered out the train door exspactantly.

Hunter pulled Selene after him flinching at the sound of bullets. There was an opening right in front of them. He shoved Slene forward praying she landed with enough room to steady herself. He jumped after her grabbing a side bar on the train and swinging himself in. "Are you okay?" he demanded to Selene catching his breath.

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