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Fantasy Protectors

Nothing was happening.... Sure Sonter was stood with his swords raised and police were looking at him, several had brought out guns and were aiming them at him, but of course they were all wimps so didn't do anything. Harlow watched for a bit longer but the people were just talking. Ugh. How trivial. He better get his gals out of there before some real damage happened... and he was out of snacks.

Gracefully gliding down the fire escape ladder like a boss he put his rubbish in the bin (gotta keep your future clean and bright after all) he started to jog toward the dwindling crowds. He recalled some lines from several police movies he had watched over customer's shoulders when they had brought in mini TV's and the like, about how criminals always return to the scene of the crime. Well, he really was doing it justice. He slowed as he got closer and spotted Nonie and her protector friends, he guessed. Shame, he liked the look of them. Shiny. Then he saw Sonter and Mina with this other person. Hehe, fun.

He left the direction of Nonie and walked toward the big and Mina. "Hey, how are you beautiful?" he asked.
"Her name's Nonie. She's a little younger than me." Mina told the others. She then glared at Sonter. "But if he's going to act like that, I don't want him anywhere near her. He's crazy." She started to walk away, but jumped as a familiar voice spoke next to her.

She turned around, seeing Harlow, flirting with someone. She assumed Sonter. Why was he flirting with that guy? Was it serious? She looked between them, then turned and scanned the crowd for her friend, sighing with genuine relief as she saw Nonie. She ran forward and hugged the girl, interrupting her conversation.

"Block the tall guy, he's psychic." She instructed in a whisper in the girl's ear as Azure stared at the two in confusion.

Selene followed Hunter, keeping her breathing even and her footfalls quiet. There were noises further down the hall, but the echoes disguised what they actually were.
Harlow's face broke out a grin at Sonter. Out of the corner of his eye he could see his friends together and sort of safe for now.

"So, what's a big fella like you doing around a dump like this?" he continued, so fun.
Hunter relaxed letting his surroundings fill him as his power went to work. He closed his eyes. In his mind he had a lay out of them room. Selene was behind him. In front of them he could see carages and dark shapes move around. He held his hand up for Selene to stop then realized she couldn't see him so he queitly touched her shoulder.
Tig chased after Mina leaving Sonter on his own. "Mina wait," Tig called after her. She pushed through the crowd till she reached the Decimator. "I didn't get to say goodbye," she said with a fake smile. In her mind she tried to comunicate with Sonter, "I've found one of the others." She thought queitly.
"We've gotta go James, I'll see you around!" Nonie smiled, and took Mina's hand so they wouldn't get separated in the crowd.

That's enough of that, She thought as she looked at Sonter to block the telepathy for a minute or two - It wasn't much, but it might be enough to get out of there without being found in the crowd.

"If we're leaving we need to hurry, power blocks don't last that long I thought you knew that!" She hissed at Mina, hoping nobody else could hear.
Selene froze as she felt a hand on her shoulder. When it didn't move she relaxed a little, realising it was only Hunter. She strained her eyes to see around, but the door behind them had shut and she had no way to see anything. She was glad Hunter could or they'd be one hundred percent blind. Instead, she closed her eyes and listened, trying to pinpoint the origins of the sounds. She had a little more luck that way, but it was still very difficult and confusing.

"What do we do?" She whispered, the noise from the people ahead covering her voice.

Mina smiled, letting Nonie out of the embrace and turning to face Tig. She smiled back, then shrugged, mulling over answers in her head as Nonie bid the blue haired boy farewell. Something was wrong with Tig now, she was acting odd.

"Well, goodbye." Mina said quickly as Nonie took her hand. "She might be in shock or something, we should hurry." With a last smile, Mina ran after Nonie, he smile fading and her heart racing. That had been close. "I do know." She hissed back. "That's why we have to hurry." She ran ahead, pulling Nonie behind her, but being careful not to attract crowd attention. She's perfected that skill over the years.

Azure tried to think of something to say as Nonie left, but all that would come out was a defeated sigh. he cursed himself, looking at the sky. The Aaron guy was right, he'd been wasting time with Nonie when there was a criminal possibly still nearby. He looked over at Tig.

"Find anything?" he asked, staring at the ground guiltily.
Harlow saw his friends leave and disappear into the crowd.

"Welp, t'was a pleasure." He said politely and did a little bow to the sword man. "However, got stuff to do so see ya round bb."

With that he flounced away and stupid, big and idiotic smile on his face.
Sonter froze as suddenly his connections were frozen, someone here was a silencer, which meant that they could make him vulnerable if he wasn't careful. He tuned out the new guy, he wasn't the threat at the moment, sonter looked around and saw them leaving together, Mina and another girl. "Fuck! He yelled as they disappeared, he couldn't speed to them either. He sheathed his weapons and was about to attack the one trying to flirt with him before that Decimator ran off as well. As sonter felt his abilities return, he sighed, he might have very unintentionally joined a side today, and that would be a problem if he ever needed to disappear. Sonter was glad that no one could see his face, the fear of being powerless was very plainly written on it. But it mattered not, he would recover. "I hope hunter and Selene are successful, but we need to leave, you get out of here, I'll attract the news and the cops, I'm already wanted" sonter turned and spoke to the rest as he stood again.
Nonie giggled as she heard the yelling, guessing it was the guy Mina asked her to silence. She looked at the other girl with sparkling eyes and a triumphant grin, but her smile dropped a little as she realised something.

"Is it really a good idea to go straight back to the base?" She asked, "I mean, if a Protector's still got an eye on us they'll find an entrance to it..."

She was thinking maybe Clarissa had some properties somewhere or there was a business the Decimators had influence over.
Harlow shimmied through the people a bit. It was easy to find the gals, thank the heavens!

"Hey grils" he said walking beside them giving a wink. "What's up?" he then asked seeing that Nonie's smile was drooping...Oh dear...
Mina pursed her lips. Nonie was right. They couldn't just go back to base, or to Mina's house either. She couldn't get Clarissa discovered to be part of the Decimators.

"Hey Harlow. Quick thinking back there." She commended him, feeling a little like she wasn't too useful in getting away. She looked down at the ground, thinking as they walked, and reached for her friends' hands. "Why did you flirt with that guy?" She asked, still racking her brain for a place to stay.
Tig grabbed Luna's hand tugging the other girl after her. "Hurry, We can still follow them!" Tig explain urgently. She only paused for a moment to glance around for Sonter. He would catch up with them.

Hunter let his hand drop. "If we don't get noticed we can probably just take the supplies. They won't even know we're here," he said opening his eyes. They glowed slightly.
Selene nodded, not even sure if Hunter could see it.

"Let's hurry then." She said, but had to wait for Hunter to lead since she couldn't see much, even with the dim light Hunter was now casting. She was unsure how he was doing that. She wasn't even sure what his power was.

Azure hurried after the two girls, a sinking feeling in his chest that they were chasing Nonie. He caught up and ran level with the two girls.

"Sorry I got distracted." Azure apologised to Tig. "What did I miss?" he asked.
Tig glared at the two, "Those girls you just talked to are Decimators," she retorted impatiently.

Hunter lead Selene forward. He quickly moved toward a stack of boxes then opened one. It was full of guns. Guns had been banned for a long time. He shook his head, "Just as I thought," he muttered,
Selene could just make out the outlines of the gun. Those would severely tip the odds in the Decimators' favour, but what troubled her the most is how they managed to get them into the city. Customs were usually tight, or at least tight enough to catch things like this. She shook her head to clear her thoughts, they could worry about that later. Now they needed to get these guns out of here.

"Did you bring a bag?" She asked.

Azure faltered and almost tripped. Nonie? A Decimator?

"Nonie's a..." He couldn't bring himself to say it. "Are you sure?" She seemed so sweet, but then, she was acting so suspicious.
"Why thank you Mina." Harlow said smiling towards, his voice laced with sweetness. "If we need somewhere to go we can go to my dad's restaurant. He isn't a decimator and it's usually rowdy. A little bit of payback after all those years if he gets shut down anyway." He was still smiling but his tone was serious and he was looking straight ahead as they walked away from the rubble.
Hunter pulled out the bag off his back. "Yes. We need to be as queit as we can," he reminded her. Finding her hand he touched them to the bag so she would know where it was then he begin filling it. It was hard to keep the guns from clanging as he pilled them untop of each other.

Tig nodded, "I'm positve. Mina was the other girl with her. Sonter said they were Decimators and we're going to lose them if we don't hurry!"
Selene grasped the bag so she didn't lose it and started moving the guns, occasionally pausing to make sure that no one who they could hear had heard them. Eventually as she patted her hand on the bottom of the crate, she found it empty. She carefully lifted the empty one off and put it down, then pried the lid off of the next one.

"More guns?" She asked, trying to make out shapes in the darkness while straining her ears for a sign that someone had heard them.

Mina pursed her lips again, then realised she was doing it and stopped. She looked up at Harlow, trying to read his face. He seemed fine but she couldn't be sure.

"Are you sure? We know what happened there, so if you'd prefer not to..." She trailed off, leaving the ending open for Harlow to add his own preferred offer. Looking back she frowned. "Either way, we should get off the streets soon." She agreed.

Azure pressed his eyes shut and rubbed his temples, the looked up at the two girls.

"We need to catch them and get some answers." He agreed, silently praying that Sonter was wrong, then feeling bad about being selfish. "Lead the way, Tig." He told her.
Tig started toward where she had seen the Decimators dissapear. Her heart thumpped in her chest. Maybe they would actually see combat. We they ready though? Queitly Tig wished Hunter were with them.

Hunter frowned. "No....." He went to pick one of the items up. "I don't know what they are," his sight was blurred. Usaly he could see everything around him. He jerked his hand away. Someone was comming toward them! "Selene run!" he hissed.
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"Nah s'kay." He said quickly, walking just slightly faster. "C'mon, I'll lead the way." And so that's what Harlow did. Lead his friends round the streets towards the pub/ restaurant.

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