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Fantasy Protectors

"I agree with Azure, although I am able to sneak in if there is an easier way we should probably take it. It's a better chance for us not to get caught." Luna said.
"Leave it to me~!" Nonie answered, giving an over the top salute.

She readjusted the bag slung over her shoulder and skipped over to the first tower. This thing's gotta have something climbable on it somewhere, right? She wondered, looking for a possible way up.
"Sonter's worked with the Decimators before. He'll know the easiest ways in. I think he knows what he's doing," Tig retorted to the others. She shook her head. Now she was sticking up for him?
"I know he's worked with them and I don't doubt he's better than me at a lot of things, but it will take an hour at most and has so much less risk." He told Tig. He took a deep breath, trying to recall more detail about what he'd seen. It was blurry, but quickly getting clearer.

Mina looked around, then walked to the handrail. She climbed over it, leaning out over the river to get a good view of the wall and the bridge. No one could really see her from there, and she started to climb downwards, towards the muddy bank, hitting hand and foot holes into the mortar between the bricks.
Tig took a moment to think about Azure's words. "Fine. Sonter what do you think?" she asked following Hunters role.
Nonie halted mid-skip as she realised something, she still had all four of the bombs - the bridge might come down easier if the foundations get blown up too... right? she thought, although she was exactly a demolition expert so she couldn't be sure. Turning to her side, she leaned over the railing ready to get the other Decimator's attention.

"Hey!! Mina!" Nonie shouted, though she couldn't actually see the other girl from where she was.
Mina looked up hearing her name. She scanned the side of the bridge looking for the person shouting to her. Eventually she spotted Nonie, lit up by passing car headlights. She waved to catch here eye, concentrating too much on climbing down to speak. Hopefully the girl had good news and not something like there were already explosives there. She looked at where she was placing her foot, then back up at the other girl.
Nonie scanned the area under the bridge before spotting Mina climbing down the wall. She waved back then waved two of the boxes containing the bombs - which probably wasn't one of her best ideas - trying to signal she was going to drop them so Mina could put them at the bottom of the towers. Okay just focus on the boxes and... It was much easier putting a forcefield around yourself than it was to put one around someone or something else, even if it was just a couple of boxes. However, it was better putting a little effort into putting a barrier around these than just letting them hit the ground.

"I'm just gonna drop these here!!" She shouted to Mina and let go of the bombs, which were now encased in a translucent shell.

With that sorted out, Nonie continued skipping towards the tower holding up the cables.
Mina gave a shout of surprise and flung out her hand, sending a brick out for the bombs to land on. They landed with a thud and she let it drop more gently onto the muddy bank before climbing down after it. She cringed as the mud squelched beneath her feet feet. She picked up the bombs and sighed at her own forgetfulness, using her powers to solidify the ground a little more. She gazed across the water, looking for a way to get to the supports. There was concrete connecting the two, but no way over the water between her and them. She sighed and moved further under the bridge before creating stepping stones across.
Nonie reached the towers and circled them, looking for a maintenance ladder or something. There were steel beams in a sort of cross pattern but she was reluctant to climb up that bit - It's going to be harder to climb since they're diagonal and the steel's going to be all cold, she thought with a slight grumble. Maybe they're only minor issues but she just wanted to be sure there wasn't an easier way up or something... She sighed in defeat and hoisted herself up onto the lowest beam.
Hopping from stone to stone and clutching the bombs to her chest, Mina made it to the concrete island and looked around. No boats or anything on the water, so she was fine. She made her way over to the pillar, sticking one to the part just above her head and activating the receiver. She looked around again and moved to the other pillar.
"Well, nothing went sour," Talon thought. "Well, what next?" He jumped on another building, maybe a little too loud, to track the group.
Nonie attached the first bomb half-way up the tower, then activated a forcefield as she jumped down. She skipped across to the over side of the bridge and clambered half way up the beams on that side too, leaving a bomb there as well. When everything was set she returned to where Mina said to meet up again.
Mina climbed up back over the railing, having set both charges in place. She grunted with effort as she lifted a leg over then landed on the other side. Her muddy trousers and boots got a few odd looks from passer bys, but she ignored them as she made her way back to the meeting point. She grinned and waved at Nonie as she approached.

"Are yours in place?" She asked, fishing through the bag on Nonie's possession fro the detonator.
Nonie smiled and waved back as Mina approached, beginning to bounce in place from excitement.

"Yeah, now come on! Hurry, hurry! Let's get to decimating things already- that's what we're training to do, isn't it?" She answered, walking over to help find the detonator in the bag.
Mina pulled out the detonator and handed it to Nonie with a flourish and a mischievous grin, as if they were only about to prank Crowne again.

"Too true, too true." Mina agreed, stepping forward and planting her feet at shoulder width apart. She grounded herself and pushed her hands out, curling her fingers as if getting a grip on the road. "When you are ready, Miss Nonie."



"Ah yes... Maintenece door. Ammax know place, but dont fit there. I take you there, and then I meet you in other side... It very dangerous place beyond the subway, Ammax almost die there a few years back... But now I strong, and Ammax can help friends... Siren too..."

He looked at them, and he wouldnt take 'No' as an Answer. He held his weapon with both hands. "But beware... Door lead right next to Dragon's Lair. Be extremely quiet, or she WILL kill you." He looked at their eyes, serious.

He knew the Siren wouldnt help them.

He also knew that his clan was in the maintanece door, and only he can make them submit, for he was their Alpha. He flicked his ear in annoyance. The Beta would be in charge.. That sick, twisted, bastard..

He hoped they would let him go...

He whispered to himself. "You might die if I dont go..."

He looked at them with pleading eyes. He was also hungry, and he could eat his preffered meal in the way...​

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Hunter frowned. He wasn't sure of this. "Sonter, do you think its a good idea?" He asked. He didn't know much about the Decimators entrance and Sonter was the only one he knew who did.



He looked up, the moon at its peak. A distant roar was heard, and his eyes widened.

He slammed his weapon on the floor, a white orb forming around everyone.

"Now she dont see us, or smell..."

Hunter looked at the orb with narrowed eyes. He was one of the only ones still with the beast. "They others are in the city. What about them?" He asked almost angirily.



He nodded, and the orb speeded foreward. Making sharp turns and speeding, it suddently stopped. The front of the orb opened, the rest of the people there, The orb slowly moved foreward, absorving the other people into it. Shutting, it speeded foreward. After quite some time, they were on a hill, near the subway. The orb lowered, touching the floor.

You could see the head of the dragon in the distance. White as the moon, its head was nearly as big as a normal dragon. The orb suddently popped open, all of them falling to the ground. He landed swiftly, and said.

"Subway there," He pointed to a hill. "Behind it, and door there too."​

@Tohoak @SecretRock @The entire group (I dont know who else xD )
Hunter flinched as they appeared on the hill and landed. He glared swiftly at the creature, "yYou should've asked before you did that," he growled scowling. His eyes flashed around. "I guess where going to have to go with Azure's plan." he said queitly.

Tig yelped as the orb surrounded her and she was speed to a hill. She glanced at Azure quizzicaly before seeing Hunter and the beast. "What the heck?! We were on a mission! Now we're," she looked around, "in front of the subway! And in plain sight!" Her eyes flashed and became cat like and her hands glowed. "The Decimator's can probably aready see us," she hissed.

Hunter quickly stepped in front the the creature blocking him from Tig.

"Calm down. Whats done is done, there is no changing that. We do need to take cover though," he agreed looking around for a place to hide.
Azure gazed around at the orb, and reached out to touch the side just as they were deposited on the hill, the people around reeling back in shock. Azure looked between Ammax and Hunter and Tig, then followed the second two into cover.

"Sorry, I just meant my plan as another option." He apologised, looking behind them at the subway station. He nodded, that was the one. The sight of it made his stomach twist into knots.
Tig ducked behind a few bushes that hugged a large oak tree. Hunter stood beside her survavying the secene. "What do we do now?" She asked

Hunger looked at azure, "What do you have in mind?"

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