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Fantasy Protectors

Definitely friendly, Selene thought to herself as the creature surrendered his weapon. Even since she'd joined the Protectors, this had to be one of the weirdest scenes she had the joy of witnessing. She looked back and noticed that Aster had wandered towards them and was also entranced. She blinked as she heard Sonter speak.

"No offence, Mr Mercenary, but this seems a little more pressing at the moment." She gestured to the seven-foot tall beast with skulls and a blade mane in front of them. "Besides, the sun's only just gone down and you could be getting paid by the hour." She winked at him and turned back to watch the scene.
OOC: wow, i missed a lot, I'm gonna try to jump back in

IC: Luna fixed in her ear piece and hid behind some brushes.



((@TheGodSnake, sorry i misread that, English is my Second Language xD ))

((Here is the answer you'd get: "Siren... Cant talk now... He.. Busy..." ))

The Beast stood. He looked around, and saw many of them had their weapons. He chuckled internaly. He stiked his hoof against the floor, little pebles nearby hopping. He snorted, smelling something strange. Could it be gunpowder? He shook it off.

"Tunnel.. Packed with monster.... Ammax come...too." He managed to get out.

He smiled, proud at his acomplishment.

He looked at the man that walked in with his weapon. He looked him over. Snorting, he slammed his foot against the floor, almost as if sneering. He soon diverted his gaze to his waist.

He took out a long rope, with 2 skulls tied to each side. He spun it around over everyones head, making a loud 'woosh' noise. He then gathered up all of the momentum and threw it up the tall building, the rope tying tightly around the Lightning Pole.

He briefly explained his acts. "Lightling set fire, light up..."

He took his weapon and tucked it away. his 'skirt' moved slightly, revealing a simbol designed, almost as if carved, into the knee...

He quickly took out a small stick, with a sharp tooth tied to it. He threw it at a small animal running behind him. A mouse. He left it there.

After all, he's not a carnivore... Yet...

He seemed to have remembered something, eyes widening. He took out his main Weapon, and handed it to the man (?) that was watching it before.

((The weapon is extremely heavy, thats why he has secondary weapons I will show later...))​
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Supermegabrenda2 said:

He seemed to have remembered something, eyes widening. He took out his main Weapon, and handed it to the man (?) that was watching it before.

(Which guy are you talking about here?)
SecretRock said:
Mina walked slowly, only because Crowne as keeping his hand on her back so she didn't get to excited.
Nonie jogged and caught up to them.

"What are we doing today, then?" She asked, maybe a little too loudly.

(ooc: i haven't been on rp sites in a while im sorry if im a bit rubbish ;- ;)
(Thanks, I just wasn't sure.)

"Woah!" Azure exclaimed as the guy put his weapon in his hand. He took it and immediately couldn't hold it up. He nodded and lifted it up to hand it back. Maybe he wouldn't be as good with this one. He looked between the two. "Um, not to put a hole in our plan, but there might be an easier entrance in the subway." He told, glancing back at Hunter.

Mina looked round and grinned as Nonie approached. Crowne didn't look so pleased. He, like many people, didn't exactly get along with Nonie's go-lucky attitude.

"Just a little reconstruction, you know." Mina told Nonie with a wink. She was hyped to be important for a mission for once. "You wanna help?"



He looked at the girl that had just walked in, tilting his head slightly. He then diverted his gaze up to the sky, the moon rising.

"If.. want to go tunnel... today.... go now, monsters.... come out soon..."

He shook his head, his mane flopping aorund a bit. He rested on all fours.

"We go now?" He asked, hesitant.

You noticed that there were 2 slight unusual volumes in his skin.

He looked at them, registering their faces.

"Or we go.. Over by... Land.." He said, slowly...​
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Nonie's eyes sparkled at the thought of the mission, especially at the thought of possible explosives - Although, she could link any vague mission description to explosives if she tried hard enough.

"Of course I do!" She grinned and continued walking with a little more bounce in her step.



He stood, and pointed his weapon to the moon.

"If we go, we decide now.... Moon is rising... Monster come out..." He seemed a bit pained at the last few words, but quickly hid it.

He looked at them, now holding his weapon with both hands, knocking his hoof repeatedly against the floor, softly...​
Mina grinned, and looked to Crowne for permission, but he'd turned away and was talking on his phone. He sighed and hung up, then slung his bag off of his shoulder and handed it to Nonie.

"I've got to go, Clarissa wants to see me." He told the two girls. "You two, don't wait up." He smiled, and turned around to go back to base. Mina was a little disappointed, but at least Nonie was with her.

Selene tilted her head.

"A moon monster? What do you mean?" She asked Ammax.



"We call it Moon Monster... Sister of this" He ponted at the dagon skull around his neck. "But much bigger, immence... She no afraid, infact, she gave me most of my scars... And.. Well, what matter is that Ammax befriend it, but I only friend, she dont take strangers kindly..." He said, slowly. He seemed to be sad, hinting that there was more to this than only 'Scars' that were given to him.​
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Nonie stopped and nearly toppled over with the unexpected weight of the bag. She gave a quick wave of her shoulder and turned to Mina.

"Is this what I think it is?" She was bouncing slightly from the anticipation but faltered as she glanced around, "Are noticing the lack of protectors around here, or is that just me?"
(@Supermegabrenda2 I'm not ignoring you, I just want to give the others a chance to reply.)

Mina nodded, looking around.

"Maybe they're all singing songs around the campfire." She joked, starting to walk again, faster than she was before. A few people glared at her as she pushed past them, but they forgot soon enough. "So, what have you been doing today?" She asked.
Luna listened closely, a pang of sadness hitting her. "Well, maybe we can do something about it." Luna said.
Nonie giggled at the joke as she slung the bag over her shoulder, starting a light jog to keep up.

"Hm? Let's see..." She tapped her chin, tryin to think of something interesting to say, "I-- Uh... I did a cartwheel on the railings on a roof and I'm not dead? That's the only interesting thing I can think of... Anything happen to you today?"



He looked up "Nothing can stop it... Not even my entire clan..." His face softened at at, and he slowly dropped his head...

He losened the grip on his weapon, letting it hit the ground.

((@Winter Night, were you talking to me?))​
Mina nodded.

"Impressive." She told Nonie, then thought about her day. "Well, I met a cute girl. We had coffee, but some a-hole with super speed and telepathy interrupted us." She clenched her jaw at the thought of him, then shook her head to stop thinking. She might have actually had s hot with that girl if they'd had time alone. Suddenly she realised that they were at the edge of the bridge footpath. She stopped and pulled a note, unfolding it and looking at it. She turned to face Nonie.

"So, two charges each on the two suspension towers, then meet me here before boom, okay?" She asked, grinning as she looked up from the sheet. Cars sped by next to them.
Luna was again saddened. Being trapped by an unstoppable force, but she was going to try to stay positive. "Well it'll be alright, I bet we can help one way or another." Luna said offering a smile.
Hunter shook his head they didn't have much time. "We'll have to deal with this when we come back. we need to leave." He said quieitly. Tig nodded stepping away from the creature. "I agree, if we leave to late we have the chance of being spotted,"

Kydlin hurried over toward Hunter. She hadn't found any apprentices that weren't already going. Hunter looked over at her and a knowningness passed in between them. "You have to stay here to guard camp," he told her. Kydlin's eyes fell, but she nodded, "of course. Just be safe," she said.
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"Alright, let's move" sonter turned and dropped to the ground, leading the two apprentices that were partnered to him. Activating his headset, he spoke to the other two, "Tig, azure, stay low. I'll tell you when to stop, but for now we move fast so we can get there soon, we have to go around town, the entrance is just past the bridge
Luna sighed. "Sorry, we do have a mission but when we come back I'm sure we can help." Luna said
Azure smiled at Luna's kindness, then sighed as he heard Sonter's commands. He turned to face Hunter

"I'm telling you, there's an easier entrance in the subway." Azure told Hunter and his headset. "It's like a maintenance door, it'll be easier than all this risky stealth stuff. Sonter can use telepathy to find out who the guards are and then we can take them out and sneak in."
Hunter listened queitly. "Sonter, maybe we should try of Azure's way. Have you heard of it before?" He asked keeping low and queit.

Kydlin stared after them sadly. She hated being left out of missions, but Hunter had been right they needed someone to watch camp.

Tig obeyed Sonters commands reluctantly. This was not her style

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