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Fantasy Protectors

Selene glanced down at Azure to see how he was doing. He'd perked up when Luna volunteered to do it with him. He nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, three heads is better than two!" He agreed. "And it sounds like this guy isn't very committed..."
Sonter grabbed a pair of eleven style short swords and strapped them to his thighs, under the pistols. He then grabbed a large broadsword, which went on his back, the sheath of the broadsword was peculiar, with curves and edges where most swords didn't have, to add to the sword's strangeness, it formed to his back as he moved. "Thanks for the complement," sonter remarked as he finished loading u the various pouches on his suit and belt. He jumped down the center of the stairs and landed next to Tig. "Let's move" he grabbed her shoulder and ran straight to the camp, just in time to hear hunter's remark. "It's funny if you think the Decimators have a normal security system. It takes more than stealth to get past them, they have sensors on sentry duty." Sonter knew that hunter would know that meant that there were powered people with the ability to sense things around them, meaning that even people with the ability to be invisible would be found.
TheGodSnake said:
Sonter grabbed a pair of eleven style short swords and strapped them to his thighs, under the pistols. He then grabbed a large broadsword, which went on his back, the sheath of the broadsword was peculiar, with curves and edges where most swords didn't have, to add to the sword's strangeness, it formed to his back as he moved. "Thanks for the complement," sonter remarked as he finished loading u the various pouches on his suit and belt. He jumped down the center of the stairs and landed next to Tig. "Let's move" he grabbed her shoulder and ran straight to the camp, just in time to hear hunter's remark. "It's funny if you think the Decimators have a normal security system. It takes more than stealth to get past them, they have sensors on sentry duty." Sonter knew that hunter would know that meant that there were powered people with the ability to sense things around them, meaning that even people with the ability to be invisible would be found.
Tig gasp as they came to a stop. She did not like being surprise. Sparing a moment to glare at the boy she looked back to Hunter.

"Then you will help them get through the security," Hunter said quietly. He frowned. "All three of you will work together."
Azure jumped as a man suddenly appeared. He didn't like people with powers like invisibility or super speed. They always seemed to use them whenever they could and it was annoying how they could just appear or disappear in the blink of an eye. Azure looked over the man, unsure of what to think, then between the adults, and then he nodded. He turned to Sonter and held out his hand for a handshake.

"Azure, you?" He said, grinning at the man. Selene frowned, questioning how he knew this, but she kept quiet. She knew if Hunter trusted him, it was probably for a reason. She got rid of the frown on her face, and looked at Tig, welcoming her back with a small smile.
Tig smiled back at Selene glad to see a familiar face. "This is Sonter," Hunter said answering for the boy. He looked at Selene and nodded showing her that he trusted Sonter. Hunter didn't know why he trusted the boy, but he did.



He could feel Mason pounding at the back of his conscience.

"Not not, pesky Siren..." He mumbled.

He was standing on an abandoned warehouse, the roof barely suporting his immence weight. He looked down. This place was incredibly tall.

"Time to tear this place up..."

He jumped down, forcing his weapon (Image) into the material of the warehouse, ripping it into half. He landed with a thud, the skulls aroundhis neck clacking together. He looked back. The thing was about to fall. He barely dodged the falling debris of the warehouse. It all collapsed right before his eyes. Smiling, he proudly began trotting off, but froze as he heard voices.

"Could it be?" He whispered. He began trotting in the direction of the voice, wich was quite far off, after all, he was in the abandoned side of town...

Aster saw people gathering and went to check what was happening. He saw Blake standing next to, what he was guessing, other mentors and a few apprentices like him. "This seems interesting",he said to himself walking around the group.

Hunter noticed Aster wondering around, but tried to ignore him hoping a apprentice would talk to him so he wouldn't have to.
(Let's keep in mind that he tried to kill selene once, she should have an adverse reaction when she sees him.)

Sonter had switched to his telepathy along with speed and strength as he was introduced. He shook the hands of the few who introduced himself to him and he looked at the ones he would be working with. "I don't care how good you think you are, none of you are ready for this. He didn't bother to remove the mask as he walked to a stump and stood on it. These Decimators soldiers are highly trained sensors, they will be able to pick you out as soon as you are in range. This is why we will move in a very confusing manner, in order to gauge their range of sense, I need to get close enough to get inside their head and sense through them, I can't do this without getting in range, which is good enough for me since their bullets can't harm me. You two will need to stay behind as I enter the danger zone, as Their attention pulls to me I will gauge their distance and talk you through making it through their dead zones. None of them will have night vision, but neither will I which means you will be in extreme danger. Any questions? As he spoke he opened a pouch and started distributing electronic earpieces, "These are linked to their own internal network, they are irreplaceable, if you lose one, you'll owe me, and thats not a debt you want on your hands."
Azure pursed his lips then nodded. He took the earpeice and put it in his left ear, wiggling it until it felt comfortable. He tried to get more serious, since it sounded so easy to mess up. He'd need all his concentration. He looked over to Luna to see how she would be taking this, then to Hunter.

"So where are we going? In the city I mean. What section?" He asked.

Mina walked slowly, only because Crowne as keeping his hand on her back so she didn't get to excited.



He trotted along the roads of the city, the voices getting closer and closer. He stopped once he turned the corner and saw a small group of people. Lowering his back a bit, he walked closer, dragging his weapon acros the floor, ready to attack if needed...

He dropped to all fours, the skulls around his neck making a loud clacking noise. There were many kinds of skulls around his neck, but the one that stood out the most was a long one. With long, sharp cannines, and instead of the dental formation beint oval-shaped, It was squared, which increased the surface area and grip of the bite. His mane tilted slightly to the side, but was still hard, almost like if it were frozen...

Hunter looked out toward the city. "Its on the other side of the city down in the tunnles," he answered. Tig followed his gaze and sighed.



Ammax trotted towards the people, on all fours. He stood next to one man, wich was infront of all others...

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Hunter whirled around his eyes fierce. He took a step back from the creature, but made sure to keep inbetween it and the others. "Do any of you know what this is?" he asked queitly keeping his eyes matched with the creatures.

Tig shook her head. She had never seen any thing like it before. She started toward it, but Hunter held his hand out to stop her. "Don't. We don't know if it is hostile or not," he growled.



(( Exactly as above, just add the skull and scars :) ))

It watched them curiously. He aproached slowly, one of them reacting weirdly. He was strartled by that, and stood, flaring his nostrils, towering over most of them. He kept his weapon behind him, as a sign that he wont hurt them. He striked his hoof against the floor softly, meaning he does not mean any harm.

His chest is absolutely covered in scars of all sizes.

Around his neck, are various types of skulls. But the one that stands out the most is a long, sharp-fanged dragon skull. His 'skirt' is lined with sharp tooth of various animals, some so worn out it wasnt recognisable...

He leaned in closer, taking a wiff of their scents, memorizing it. He leaned back slowly, and got onto all fours once more, tuckng his weapon away. His mane now stood straight up...​

@Tohoak @ Everyone Here
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"I don't know much about horses, any idea what it means?" Selene whispered to Hunter, afraid to make a move. The animal didn't seem to want to fight, but one could never be sure, especially when the thing in question was seven feet tall and wore skulls.
Hunter frowned, "I think its friendly," he tilted his head curiously.

Tig took this chance to push pass Hunter. He let out a murmer of surprise, but didn't move to stop her. Tig nodded to the horse creature. She lowered her head just slightly and struck her foot on the ground gently.

Hunter looked back at the others, "She speaks horse?" he asked.
"She seems to just be copying it." Selene noted. She trusted Tig and Hunter's judgement, but she was ready to jump and pull Tig out of the way just in case. She watched the horse thing, taking in all it's scars and the way it's mane acted oddly. She knew that it would be almost world-wide news if this thing was out and about 24/7, so she assumed it had another form, like some kind of shape shifter. Azure eyes' moved o the weapon if was holding, it looked like some kind of double ended axe. That was a weapon he'd like to train with.
Sonter nodded as Hunter spoke. "Yes, our main goal is in the tunnels, but to get to that specific section is a forest on the east side of the city, chances are the sentries will be in the trees with rifles, or crossbows, but I haven't checked since my last recon—" sonter was cut off by a beast moving into the clearing. It observed them and Sonter's first thought was to look inside the beasts head. When he did so, he saw that there was a second person. "The beast isn't hostile, but he isn't friendly either. Also, there's someone else in there." Sonter then spoke to the second entity inside the beast. "Who are you, what is going on?"



Ammax watched the girl. He seemed pleased by her actions. He lowered his head, and spoke slowly, in a deep, rough voice.

"I.. No hurt... Tunnel... I know...... Almost no... Rangers....... Only strong.. left..."

He stood straight, and walked slowly closer to them. He placed his weapon infront of the girl that was watching it. He looked as if he were expecting you to pick it up. He snorted, and stomped a bit harder.

He was disarmed, but he didnt look like he needed any weapons...

He stepped back, facing all of them.

He looked over at the man that asked him a question. He croaked out

"Shape.. Shft. I take... Over." He looked at the man, hoping he understands.

Its not his fault the Siren gave in...

He stepped back, and lowered his head again, this time keeping it there. He felt the Siren stop stirring in his concience, for some reason. Must have tired out... He thought. He gave what looked like a smile. You now saw his sharp teeth, some sharper than in the skulls around his neck...

His earings clicked against eaach other, the wind blowing. His tail moved foreward, flowing witht the wind. He was, indeed, a glorious beast...

He moved towards the girl who had answered him. He leaned down, his forehead exposed. He was on his knees now. His mane was inches from you, and it was sharp as a blade.

You could see a small vain pulsing a bit off center in his forehead.

Now you noticed, there werent any other exposed veins...​

@TheGodSnake @Tohoak @SecretRock
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Aster watched the new creature join the group,"Cool, it's a Ipotane. I read about these in Greek legends. There suppose to be mighty warriors",Aster thought to himself and watch the beast in wonder,"I thaught they were just myths."

Hunter watched the beast closely just in case it started showing hostility. Though it seemed mostly peaceful. So most of his attention was on listening to the plan.
(@Supermegabrenda2 please pay attention to details in a post, I know I sound snotty and all that but many times ive been turned away from an RP because people wouldnt read the details. Sonter has a telepathic ability, he spoke telepathically to the second consciousness inside ammak.)

Sonter was starting to get impatient. "okay, we are running out of nighttime people! if we want to make this succesful, lets move now!" he knew everyone was perplexed by the odd beast, but he couldnt stand around and wait, he agreed to help them, and by god they were going tomake it if he had anything to say about it.
Talon was sprinting, with a trail of gunfire behind him. "This is what I get," he thought, when he dove into a building to catch his breath. " Sloppy shot, too noticeable." He turned invisible and sneaked out, and just like that, disappeared. He reappeared when he knew he was safe. At this point, he heard a lot of loud noises from the collapsing building, and went to investigate.

He claimed on top of a building, in a spot where he could have a clear line of sight on the site, while remaining unoticable. He saw a wolf-like creature, and what appeared to be a big group of people. "What the..."

He took his rifle from his shoulder, just in case something went sour.

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