Project: Heavy Iron



rudolph was about to take jay's tme line from his torso and smashing him to the ground, killing him, but instead rudolph saw an easier target... suddenly in a display of speed, it grabbed tara... tara couldn't do anything at this point, as it's massive arms holds 2/3 of her body. he inserts tara into his bloody mouth, and.... tara's head fell down. the lifelessness in her eyes and the fact that she was decapitated from her body was enough to state that that was the end of tara's story. 

@JPax @Quillicious @Yappi

Lt. Jay Ward


Tara's interference was very unexpected. It sent Jay sprawling onto the boulder, bouncing off and skidding through the snow. His patb created a trench that he struggled out of, clenching his teeth in pain. Then he saw what happened to the poor girl. An audible gulp was his only reaction, and Jay was speechless for a second. She was...dead. Because of him. His voice finally returned, but it was a mere croak at first.


The lieutenant sprinted to the cliff of the summit of the mountain. Without missing a beat, he leapt off of it, stumbling down the small decline. As he reached the sheer drop, Jay threw his barbed knife into the snow, penetrating the ice. He let the cable run for a while, falling spread-eagle. For a quick moment, he considered just cutting the cord and plummeting to his death. It seemed like a better end than what could happen later. But he was gonna live to die another day.

With a whine, the cable had friction applied to it and he slowed considerably. A hard jerk on the taught cord and it came zipping back. He caught the very last foot of the rope and detatched the knife, mounting his horse and debating on whether or not to wait. He made up his mind to let the rest of the squad have only a minute.


@JPax @Salex The Baldie @Yappi

The Captain's Squad

(Alison Eckener and Stanley Brasse)

59th Scouting Mission

Stanley stared in horror as the ensign was eaten in front of him. "Wh...what..." He was conflicted, stuck, and stranded. Stanley felt himself alone, unable to leave because he didn't have orders. Was common sense an order?

Alison saw, from the air, how Tara was decapitated in a flash. The captain spun around the monster on the TME wire, up to its head, as she felt her face grow hot with rage. The grip on her blades tightened to the point it deformed the handles. Her mouth twisted into an expression of rage, yet her movements weren't guided by it. No, the captain simply had to get the rest of her squad out of here.

"Go back to whatever forsaken underground cave system that made you. Humans will be the dominant species..." The captain knew she, as well, could die in this. But the captain knew she wasn't going for a kill. As Alison closed into the head of the monster, she flipped her blades and, with all her physical strength, jammed them hard into the side of the reindeer's face. Alison made eye contact with the beast as she began to slice a piece of its jaw. 

Almost reflexively, the captain flipped backwards and used her blades as traction, slamming them into several parts of the monster's body as she zipped down its side. The wire was moving far too fast to grab, though that meant the captain also had little control over which body part of the beast she could stab. This was going to be hell for the both of them. Alison felt her body emerge from its numbness of witnessing Tara's death, as she sliced at the flesh around its leg.

@Quillicious @Salex The Baldie @Yappi



the beast could only roar in pain, it's intelligence meant it also knew when to retreat. it ran as fast as it could away from alison, and left to regenerate, dissapearing in the whiteness of the snow.... all that's now left was silence...

@JPax @Quillicious @Yappi

Yvelle Eckener

Yvelle jerked back into position as she felt the rope tighten around her. She looked up at the mech with an expression of determination, realizing that she hadn't given up just yet. The wire from her TME was dangling, but so was she. Yvelle kicked her legs back and swung forwards, detaching her cable as she threw herself onto the arm of the mech. Specifically, she jumped onto the back of the wrist, where the arm couldn't get her.

She tossed her remaining cable around the neck of the mech and swung to the other shoulder, trying to get the mech to grab itself.

@Salex The Baldie



rex wasn't going to fall for such a simple trick, he shook and run around, if yvelle's grip isn't strong enough she'll fall. if she does hold on her hand would be bleeding by now because of the friction he created, nonetheless he tried to shake her off

Grant went out his little workshop with a new set of tools ready to fix up a new mech when he heard a a familiar voice. Will E. Banner, though Grant never did learn what the E stands for. A man as tall as tree, he is the same age as Grant, hence Grant's respect for the lieutenant. That and the way the lieutenant would help out the new guys, but also not put up with any bullshit.  Looking over to him Grant yells back "Sure what is it Will" as he walks over to the were Banner is. @Yappi

Yvelle Eckener

Yvelle was taught not to give up. She tightened her grip on the mech until it started to almost burn. Blood smeared around the mech's metal, so Yvelle had to act fast. She had one TME cable out, in the hands of the mech, and the other was being straight up useless. Yvelle decided that now would be the time to try and go for the legs. She unhitched the second cable and spun it around the mech's legs at tremendous speeds, before attaching the other side to the arm of the mech she was at.

Yvelle slid behind an armor plate and clung onto the mech from behind. Every touch hurt a little because of her injured hand, but the mech, oh yeah, if the mech tried to move it would trip itself. She was getting tired from this, but it was definitely a creative way to train.

@Salex The Baldie



rex saw behind him, her hands bleeding. he felt bad that yvelle's trying so hard, if it was a beast, or even worse if it was rudolph.... she would be dead by now, because of the speed and because of the size. so he gave it to her, he moved and fell over. to normal brigadiers, it would've looked like he lost, but trained eyes would be able to see that rex fell intentionally, he had no choice anyways, if he continued alison would kick his ass for harming her cadets.


Yvelle Eckener

As the mech fell, Yvelle vaulted off and landed on her feet. She looked at her bloody hand and smirked, almost as if she was pleased with herself. The smirk quickly faded and she turned back to her group with an innocent smile. "D-Did I pass?" 

The sound of cheering filled the entire open area, to which Yvelle responded by smiling brightly and running over to her group. "Oh wait, captain!" Yvelle realized that if someone was in a falling mech, it might hurt a bit or even give them a concussion. She jumped onto the back of the mech, twisted open the hatch, and looked down at the captain with a smile. "Captain...are you okay?" Yvelle's smile was warm, almost to the point it made the other brigadiers delusional. She had a tomato in her hand, and there was an angelic tune playing in the background. She handed Rex the tomato, as if it would make any difference.

@Salex The Baldie




he then said " i'm fine, seen worse days" he chuckled "you passed, and i'm good" he said as he did a maneuver which allowed him to stand upright. "alright who's next?" he asks

The Captain's Squad

(Alison Eckener and Stanley Brasse)

59th Scouting Mission

As the monster ran away, Alison landed on the ground, drenched in blood. She shook it out of her eyes with only a little expression, and didn't mind it on the rest of her body. Alison looked behind a rock and found that Stanley was sitting there, with a pick, trying to extract manganese from a rock. "C-Captain..."

"That's what we came for. Take it, and let's go." The captain and Stanley both slid down the mountainside with that chunk of rock, which was enough to make quite a bit of steel. The cost of a life, however, could never be made up. Alison felt disgusted she did nothing to the monster when Tara was killed, for once she wasn't fast enough. Stanley couldn't get over how he saw his comrade die, and then the fact his captain sliced up that thing and also got herself covered in...Stanley couldn't tell if it was her blood or the monster's. "Lieutenant, AJ...I think I'm gonna be sick." The trainee went behind a tree, and was silently sick for a minute before he hopped back on his horse. 

Alison was covered in the blood of the monster. It was certainly a mark on her dignity, and made her look like a serial killer, but it's not like she cared. The blood soaked captain continued forwards, towards the bunker once again. "We have what we need." Cradled safely in Stanley's arms was the manganese ore, which was all they needed. And in the captain's arms? Tara's head.

@Quillicious @Yappi

Lt. Jay Ward


It had finally been a minute. Jay sighed and turned to go, but he heard the roar and stopped in his tracks. He squinted up at the top of the mountain and searched for everyone. Finally, he saw Eckener and Brasse coming down the side. It seemed as though they had gotten what they came for, and something extra. He couldn't see why they had to bring...that.

"Yeah...let's go home. You okay, Allison?" Jay asked, concerned. One casualty was enough, and the death of a captain wouldn't be any better. She was absolutely soaked in, what he hoped was the monster's, blood. Even he didn't have a witty comment to make after the solemn events that just occured.

@JPax @Yappi
The Captain's Squad

(Alison Eckener and Stanley Brasse)

59th Scouting Mission

Alison simply gave a short nod and lead the way as she always did. Ever since, she hadn't faced anybody directly. The monster's blood masked most of her expression, and her eyes were simply blocked by her hair and the monster's blood, so there was no sign of expression. Death was a part of the job, and Alison had seen more deaths than most veterans twice her age. "Brasse, AJ, I want you to rest after this." 

"Yes Captain." Stanley said without hesitation. He still couldn't get over the death, so rest was definitely in order. He wondered about the rest of the squad, however.

"Lieutenant, meet me in the dark parts of the cave. This is important."

@Quillicious @Yappi

Lt. Jay Ward


Jay just accepted her minimal response without complaint. Poor Brasse seemed like he was pretty scarred from the event, and Jay was surprised he wasn't speechless. He'd need a break to recuperate, definitely.

"Will do, Cap. I have...something important to say, too." Ward looked away as he spoke the last words. He knew that she wouldn't like what he had to say at all, whatsoever. But he had made a decision and he would stick with it.

@JPax @Yappi
The Captain's Squad

(Alison Eckener and Stanley Brasse)

Eckener raised an eyebrow, though that wasn't visible from her mask of blood. She was a little bit curious about what her lieutenant had to say, especially since he was finally forced to be serious. The seriousness was borderline painful, and it was a little sad that a death had to happen. The captain lead her squad through the doors of the bunker once again. This is where the 59th scouting mission ended.

Alison put the horse back in the stable and turned to her lieutenant. "I'm going to talk to captain Rex first. If you want to come along, fine by me. But don't say anything stupid, please." She began making her way towards Rex's office, hoping he was done with his work for now. She kept Tara's head in her hands, until they could find something to do with it. Alison didn't bother with the blood, since telling Rex about Rudolph was far more important. "Rex? He's back."

@Salex The Baldie @Quillicious

Stanley put the large chunk of metal into a furnace and made his way back to the stables, setting the horse back and then making his way to the bunks. He immediately collapsed on the bed and tried not to think hard about what he saw. "Why are these monsters a thing..."

The Captain's Squad

(Alison Eckener and Stanley Brasse)

Eckener raised an eyebrow, though that wasn't visible from her mask of blood. She was a little bit curious about what her lieutenant had to say, especially since he was finally forced to be serious. The seriousness was borderline painful, and it was a little sad that a death had to happen. The captain lead her squad through the doors of the bunker once again. This is where the 59th scouting mission ended.

Alison put the horse back in the stable and turned to her lieutenant. "I'm going to talk to captain Rex first. If you want to come along, fine by me. But don't say anything stupid, please." She began making her way towards Rex's office, hoping he was done with his work for now. She kept Tara's head in her hands, until they could find something to do with it. Alison didn't bother with the blood, since telling Rex about Rudolph was far more important. "Rex? He's back."

@Salex The Baldie @Quillicious

Stanley put the large chunk of metal into a furnace and made his way back to the stables, setting the horse back and then making his way to the bunks. He immediately collapsed on the bed and tried not to think hard about what he saw. "Why are these monsters a thing..."


AJ was back in his bunk by the whole ideal. He was not in the mood to talk to anyone. Considering he just hid and did not really want to die. He was just laying there moving with his breath.



"yeah, i know" he said as he kept on doing paperwork "rudolph always appear at this time of year, at a time we call "christmas".... there's a death right? a casualty? i'm guessing.... tara? because stanley can hold up himself, jay's too afraid to face him and i saw aj going to his bunk in deep depression.... tara would sacrifice herself before anyone else, that's a thing i know." he said

@JPax @Quillicious
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Lt. Jay Ward


Jay opted out of going with Allison to talk with Rex. He just dismounted, keeping his TME. Honestly, being around that head was too much. Comedic atmospheres were where Jay thrived. Ones that were too serious just made him uncomfortable.

Heading for the meeting place, Ward grabbed his flask of whiskey from his stash, taking a swig. He had a feeling that he'd need a refill or two tonight. The lieutenant sat down hard on the edge of a ravine, taking the ocassional sip of his whiskey. At last, he realized that Perl had saved his life. That just made things worse.

Alison Eckener & Mrs. Perl

The blood covered captain sighed and held up Tara's head. "You're right. Though the part about Jay being afraid, I don't think he was. I couldn't tell." Alison wiped her hair out of her face to show her eyes. They looked grim, like she'd just witnessed death. Alison gently set the head down next to the door, wrapping it in a cloth. "Rudolph's jaw." She put her head against the doorframe and closed her eyes for a few seconds. What looked like a tear slid down her face and hit the ground. In reality, it was just the blood of the monster sliding down her face. 

A woman walked up to the office door with a smile on her face. She was in her early 50s, and there was an ecstatic smile on her face. "Oh hi honey, are you Captain Eckener? You know, my daughter's real close to you, she's been leaving notes on our door about how she's loving her service in the military, especially since her favorite captain's always "looking out for her" and stuff. Where is my little girl anyways, haven't seen her since..."

Alison could do nothing as Tara's mom spoke about her daughter. She just turned back to Rex and acted busy.

"Okay I'll see you later, keep up the good work!" The door closed, leaving Alison there, in Rex's office, with a face of death.

@Salex The Baldie
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he then stood up, taking the head with the cloth as he exited his office. there was a window beside the door, as rex caught up with the elderly woman. if alison was too see outside the window, he could not hear anything, only rex and the mother's lips moving, before rex gave the wrapped head. the woman broke down, on her knees crying, as rex then comforted her, helping her stand up. he saluted to her then returned to her office. "it's better to just tell the news right away than to postpone it, that's a thing i learned to the many that fell in my command, remember that" he said before sitting down and continuing his paperwork


Alison Eckener

"Alright, fine. Anyways, I'm...I'm going to look at it. Siln's notebook." Alison rubbed the side of her head and cracked her neck. "Thank you for your time." 

The captain slowly towards the entrance of the darkness of the cave. She wondered if anyone else was going to show up, but that was just a part of the job.

She walked up to the lieutenant and sat down on the edge of the ravine. The blood dripped from her face as she looked straight forward, into the abyss. "There's a river down there. A river of ground water, but nobody drinks it. It's not poisoned, and it isn't a dumping ground for the death. It's just groundwater that you can't drink. At the end of the ravine, there's a notebook that belonged to the previous captain. I think it's time you saw what's in that notebook. Remember, you will be the fourth person to have ever looked in that book."


Lt. Bardoc Alden

Bardoc was currently training at the Winter Brigade training division. Currently he was lifting weights since he didn't want to get soft. Not training for some time does have an effect on the body, so he feels the need to train to keep his body in shape. There was not a lot on the young man's mind but he often thought of the ongoing battle betweem hunans and beasts. 

Would there be an end? If there was then what comes next? The questions about humanities future often makes him question what happened if the beasts had never existed. In any case, he continues to lift weights.

Lt. Jay Ward


Jay glanced up as he heard someone approach him. He saw that it was the captain and sighed, waiting for whatever she would say. When she said it was some notebook, a puzzled look came over his face. That definitely wasn't on the top of the list of things he was expecting. Knowing highly confidential information was tempting, but he wasn't sure how it would go if he broke the news after learning it. A sigh escaped Jay's lips as he turned his head to Allison.

"Allie, I tell you something important. This mysterious notebook sounds cool, but this trumps it. I joined this fight to try and save what was left of humanity as I knew it. I just didn't want the apocalypse to really end the world, just threaten it. As I did, I felt scared. What kept me going was the thought that once you hit rock bottom, you can do nothing but rise up from there. When I served under you, I really looked up to you. Not literally, of course. You were and are to this day so unbelievably strong and such a great leader, we all can see that. I felt like we could beat all of the odds with everyone working as hard as they could. I never lost hope, Allison. Until today. After Tara...I-I just can't do it anymore. Do you accept my resignation?"


Yvelle Eckener

One of the brigadiers walked up to the lieutenant who was lifting weights. She had a bit of a grin on her face when she saw weights being lifted, and decided to show off herself. Yvelle picked up the same set of weights and began to lift it up, just to be a bit ridiculous. "You know lifting weights is really gonna get you nowhere, right mister?" She tilted her head at the man, who was quite literally a whole foot taller than she was. Yvelle put the weights down and looked at the 25 meter tall statue of a monster. For some reason she couldn't use TME right now, but decided that maybe something could be done. "Want a tomato?"

Now, this was highly illegal. Someone taking a tomato from the mess hall was a lot of work, especially since food was a strict schedule. However, this was one that Yvelle saved from her lunch. She showed it to the lieutenant and tried to give it to him.


Alison Eckener

Alison sighed and got onto her knees. She saluted him the traditional Winter Brigade way. "I accept your resignation. You have three days to gather your belongings and find lodging outside the military facilities, within the town. If there are any accommodations necessary, consider that my second priority to aid you in such. On behalf of the Winter Brigade, I thank you, Lieutenant Jay Ward, for your service." In the end, it was a traditional acceptance of resignation. Nothing heartfelt or personal was stated. The only difference was that the captain was still drenched in the beast's blood. Usually, if someone had to resign it wasn't right after the death of a comrade. 

"Are you sure about your resignation?" Alison extended an arm out to Jay. It was the only thing she'd washed so far after returning.


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