Project: Heavy Iron

Yvelle Eckener

One of the brigadiers walked up to the lieutenant who was lifting weights. She had a bit of a grin on her face when she saw weights being lifted, and decided to show off herself. Yvelle picked up the same set of weights and began to lift it up, just to be a bit ridiculous. "You know lifting weights is really gonna get you nowhere, right mister?" She tilted her head at the man, who was quite literally a whole foot taller than she was. Yvelle put the weights down and looked at the 25 meter tall statue of a monster. For some reason she couldn't use TME right now, but decided that maybe something could be done. "Want a tomato?"

Now, this was highly illegal. Someone taking a tomato from the mess hall was a lot of work, especially since food was a strict schedule. However, this was one that Yvelle saved from her lunch. She showed it to the lieutenant and tried to give it to him.


Alison Eckener

Alison sighed and got onto her knees. She saluted him the traditional Winter Brigade way. "I accept your resignation. You have three days to gather your belongings and find lodging outside the military facilities, within the town. If there are any accommodations necessary, consider that my second priority to aid you in such. On behalf of the Winter Brigade, I thank you, Lieutenant Jay Ward, for your service." In the end, it was a traditional acceptance of resignation. Nothing heartfelt or personal was stated. The only difference was that the captain was still drenched in the beast's blood. Usually, if someone had to resign it wasn't right after the death of a comrade. 

"Are you sure about your resignation?" Alison extended an arm out to Jay. It was the only thing she'd washed so far after returning.


AJ meanwhile was manufacturing ammunition for his shotgun. He as going to go on another mission, This time for minimal help. He saw a small communication dish close to they're location. But first he had to ask to captain. After making his 6th shell he finally decided he had to make his say. Dreading every second of standing up. 

Yvelle Eckener

One of the brigadiers walked up to the lieutenant who was lifting weights. She had a bit of a grin on her face when she saw weights being lifted, and decided to show off herself. Yvelle picked up the same set of weights and began to lift it up, just to be a bit ridiculous. "You know lifting weights is really gonna get you nowhere, right mister?" She tilted her head at the man, who was quite literally a whole foot taller than she was. Yvelle put the weights down and looked at the 25 meter tall statue of a monster. For some reason she couldn't use TME right now, but decided that maybe something could be done. "Want a tomato?"

Now, this was highly illegal. Someone taking a tomato from the mess hall was a lot of work, especially since food was a strict schedule. However, this was one that Yvelle saved from her lunch. She showed it to the lieutenant and tried to give it to him.


Alison Eckener

Alison sighed and got onto her knees. She saluted him the traditional Winter Brigade way. "I accept your resignation. You have three days to gather your belongings and find lodging outside the military facilities, within the town. If there are any accommodations necessary, consider that my second priority to aid you in such. On behalf of the Winter Brigade, I thank you, Lieutenant Jay Ward, for your service." In the end, it was a traditional acceptance of resignation. Nothing heartfelt or personal was stated. The only difference was that the captain was still drenched in the beast's blood. Usually, if someone had to resign it wasn't right after the death of a comrade. 

"Are you sure about your resignation?" Alison extended an arm out to Jay. It was the only thing she'd washed so far after returning.


Bardoc Alden

Bardoc looked to see a female who was quite literally a foot smaller than he was. He knew that gaining more muscle isn't going to reslly be of much benefit, but he feels better if he keeps his body in it's current physique.

"I feel better... if I keep my body the way it is." He then looks at the tomato before politely nodding. From there he would take that tomato and would take a small bite out of it.
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Stanley Brasse

"Hey, where are you going?" The brigadier got to his feet and looked at the shotgun cells, with a little bit of confusion and even more worry for what he was going to do. Stanley hopped off the bed and walked to the door, aiming to follow the man for now.


Yvelle Eckener

"Well, okay." Yvelle sighed and looked around, making sure nobody was around to see the tomato ceremony. Yvelle respected lieutenants and she felt that she had to look out for them more than regular brigadiers. Maybe because they could give orders? Or she just saw everyone as fragile. The latter was more likely.



Stanley Brasse

"Hey, where are you going?" The brigadier got to his feet and looked at the shotgun cells, with a little bit of confusion and even more worry for what he was going to do. Stanley hopped off the bed and walked to the door, aiming to follow the man for now.


Yvelle Eckener

"Well, okay." Yvelle sighed and looked around, making sure nobody was around to see the tomato ceremony. Yvelle respected lieutenants and she felt that she had to look out for them more than regular brigadiers. Maybe because they could give orders? Or she just saw everyone as fragile. The latter was more likely.



Bardoc Alden

As Bardoc continued his weight lifting, he noticed that the girl was still around. It didn't bother him in the slightest but he did wonder if she was going to train. In the Winter Brigade, training can mean life or death after all. He sets down his current weights and wipes off the sweat from his right temple. 

He looks to Yyelle and says, "Thanks... for the tomatoe."
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Stanley Brasse

"Hey, where are you going?" The brigadier got to his feet and looked at the shotgun cells, with a little bit of confusion and even more worry for what he was going to do. Stanley hopped off the bed and walked to the door, aiming to follow the man for now.


Yvelle Eckener

"Well, okay." Yvelle sighed and looked around, making sure nobody was around to see the tomato ceremony. Yvelle respected lieutenants and she felt that she had to look out for them more than regular brigadiers. Maybe because they could give orders? Or she just saw everyone as fragile. The latter was more likely.



"Going to go... run an errand" Needless to say that if this was a errend he was going postal. He grabbed his bag and sat down for a moment about 50 ft away from the main part of the gate. Hoping he lost Stanley, He started nudging closer and closer to the gate. 

Lt. Jay Ward


A breath of relief was Jay's first response. He was thankful for Eckener not making it hard to leave. After the usual formalities, Jay returned the salute. Since it was a special moment, he could be formal, as well. He didn't shake her hand to seal the deal quite yet, though. He had to see what was written in the journal.

"Before I'm officially not allowed to do anything here, I'd like to take a look at what you're talking about. If you don't mind, I'll go alone. Thanks, by the way."

Jay leaned over the edge, judging how he should go about this. He pushed himself lightly off the ledge, sliding with finesss down the sheer drop. Landing on the shore of the river, he began to follow the current to the end. Finally reaching it, he searched for the journal and began to read when he found it.




rex would then go down to the mech hangar.... to many had died under rudolph, he had to finish him off once and for all and finish the fight where he left off a decade ago. he asks the engineers to install something he had in store to his mech, then went up to evan's office. " sir... rudolph striked, tara died. her head is with her mother now. too many died under my command to that beast, i request permission for a hunting mission sir, target being the category-3 beast rudolph." he said

@Shammy the Shamrock

Stanley Brasse & Yvelle Eckener

Stanley chased after AJ, suspicious of his behavior. "Hey, AJ, wait up! Where are you going!?" He quickened his pace, deciding he needed someone to help stop him. "Lieutenant! Yvelle! What the hell is he doing?!"

Yvelle stopped what she was doing and her eyes shifted to AJ. "Ugh. Lieutenant!" She fired the TME grapples and flung herself towards AJ's direction, attempting to tackle him to the ground. Stanley wasn't going to use his TME since he was less experienced, but he tried to jump and tackle him too.

@YoungX @Yappi

Alison Eckener

Alison shook her head in irritation and jumped down the side, splashing down smack dab in the center of the river. She climbed out quickly, now covered in ground water rather than beast blood, and ran up to Jay. "No, that is something I cannot let you look at alone."

Most of the journal was torn, but there was one page.

This is Captain Siln,

It's cold, dark, and wet. We're stranded. I came with a crew of five. Lieutenant Veronica Fischer lost her life in an attempt to rescue Ensign Alison Eckener. Eckener survived. Stein Armstrong died of hypothermia. John Preston ran...I don't know where. Our TME is malfunctioning. I'm out here with this poor girl, she's not complaining but I feel that she won't make it much longer.

Eckener has gone to sleep, and I see something in the distance. I proceed to wake her up and show her. It's...a 15 meter tall monster. I tell Eckener that we should go, especially since we have nothing, but she wants to see it once. I tell her I'm going to visit it first. No, wait, it's approaching me. It's walking towards me, I'm terrified but I have to live for Eckener.

It's here, the monster, it's not charging at me. It's talking to me.

"Madam...vous êtes...une humaine."

It talks in French. I don't speak French, so I ask in German.

"Wer bist du?"


What is it doing? I back away as it bares its fangs. I sketch the monster as it thinks.


The other pages are ripped out, but the binding of the book is stained with old blood.


Stanley Brasse & Yvelle Eckener

Stanley chased after AJ, suspicious of his behavior. "Hey, AJ, wait up! Where are you going!?" He quickened his pace, deciding he needed someone to help stop him. "Lieutenant! Yvelle! What the hell is he doing?!"

Yvelle stopped what she was doing and her eyes shifted to AJ. "Ugh. Lieutenant!" She fired the TME grapples and flung herself towards AJ's direction, attempting to tackle him to the ground. Stanley wasn't going to use his TME since he was less experienced, but he tried to jump and tackle him too.

@YoungX @Yappi

Alison Eckener

Alison shook her head in irritation and jumped down the side, splashing down smack dab in the center of the river. She climbed out quickly, now covered in ground water rather than beast blood, and ran up to Jay. "No, that is something I cannot let you look at alone."

Most of the journal was torn, but there was one page.

This is Captain Siln,

It's cold, dark, and wet. We're stranded. I came with a crew of five. Lieutenant Veronica Fischer lost her life in an attempt to rescue Ensign Alison Eckener. Eckener survived. Stein Armstrong died of hypothermia. John Preston ran...I don't know where. Our TME is malfunctioning. I'm out here with this poor girl, she's not complaining but I feel that she won't make it much longer.

Eckener has gone to sleep, and I see something in the distance. I proceed to wake her up and show her. It's...a 15 meter tall monster. I tell Eckener that we should go, especially since we have nothing, but she wants to see it once. I tell her I'm going to visit it first. No, wait, it's approaching me. It's walking towards me, I'm terrified but I have to live for Eckener.

It's here, the monster, it's not charging at me. It's talking to me.

"Madam...vous êtes...une humaine."

It talks in French. I don't speak French, so I ask in German.

"Wer bist du?"


What is it doing? I back away as it bares its fangs. I sketch the monster as it thinks.

The other pages are ripped out, but the binding of the book is stained with old blood.


Bardoc Alden

Seeing the situation unfold before his eyes, he quickly went into a sprint before using his TME to get in front of AJ. He would speed up before getting past AJ coming to a sudden halt within a meter of him. From there he would prepare to incapacitate the man if the need were to arise. Though he had no idea what was going on, he would at the very least do something about it.

Lt. Jay Ward


As he read the entry, Jay's eyebrows furrowed into a confused  expression. He barely had a clue as to what this meant, if anything. A monster, one that Allison met when she first came here. It could speak, but just not in English. And it was extremely creepy. Like really creepy.

"I'm not sure what to think about this, Allison. Only, want I ask why this is being kept from everyone else. This isn't..." Jay trailed off, unsure as to what he should say. He examined the journal once more and crouched down flat on his feet, thinking. Well, he could start by saying how horrible that must've been. Or question how she escaped. Maybe even say that he would stay and investigate deeper into this.

"I need a shower," Jay said, placing the book back, "that's all I can do right now." He raced back to the main part of the cave, leaving Allison behind.


Alison Eckener

Alison kept up with his pace, making sure to explain before he got out of the sketchy part of the cave. "The reason I showed you this is because nobody gives up after seeing their first monster, their first death. Siln was the first death I'd seen. I don't want to show anyone that monster is because it's intelligent, it's sapient. It speaks. What..." The captain cleared her throat and looked down at the ground. "What if that monster has human feelings?"

That was all Alison had to say. She let Jay go, following him to the showers at a slower pace. She needed one too, after all the blood that was definitely something that was in order.


Evan Morrison

When Rex walked in, he would see Evan standing next to his personal library.  He was reading a torn book that looked very old and in poor condition.  He turned to Rex "You want to send our mechs in for this beast?  It might be dangerous....but I trust your leader skills so I will allow it.  Be very careful, understood?"  

@Salex The Baldie

Erica Morrison

Erica had finished her sitting around and went back to working on her mech.  She thought about Rex and Alison but negatively after their jokes on fucking a mech.  'It's my baby!  Why would I do that?  They are probably joking....right?'  She looked at the controls, deciding to change her thoughts 'Can't wait to get out of here.  When we are free to see the world, maybe I could find one of those....Gorillas.  Do they still exist?'
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"no other mechs, just me.... and maybe alison, if she wants to avenge tara" he said as he thought about it. bringing other mechs are too risky, too much resources wasted and too much casualties will be taken

@JPax @Shammy the Shamrock
Before Grant could get over to Banner, Rex came in to the hanger bay. Apparently he was ordering the other engineers to fix something into his mech. "One second Banner" Grant yells as he goes over to see Rex. He was one of the commanders, and the one Grant respected the most. He could be a hard arse but no to be an arse more to teach someone. Plus Grant had know him in his younger days. Seemed as if Grant was talking to someone. "Er captain  what are these changes you're requesting to ya mech?".  @Yappi @Salex The Baldie  @Shammy the Shamrock
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Captain's Squad

(Alison Eckener, Stanley Brasse, Tara Perl)

59th Scouting Mission

"Excellent." Alison let her horse take his own pace, which it decided to actually match the pace of Jay's. Alison pointed towards the mountain, which they'd have to climb once they reached the base. With TME, it should be less of a challenge. Then there was Alison, who has climbed that mountain more times than anyone in the brigade. Coupled with her immense upper body strength, it was easier than a walk in the park.

Stanley looked around a lot, yet keeping as focused as possible and keeping his mouth shut. Everything was so...dangerous. And big. The trees were so much bigger than the trees in the cave. In fact, they had leaves. Meanwhile, Tara decided to answer her fellow ensign's question. She rode next to him and smiled. "Flares are so we can put on a show. It's long distance communication, remember? But yeah, you can also put on a show. Dynamite...cap hates that. It won't do diddly squat to monsters, until you can actually get close enough to them with your TME and shove it up their asses." Tara chuckled and followed her captain without much hesitation. 

"Mountain, five miles. Scale when you're within range. TME out." TME was the best invention that the Winter Brigade had gotten their hands on. Two spools of metal cable rested on the lower back of the user, and two high powered zipline pulley wheels were mounted at the wrist. Cables were manually tossed onto a target, and then the brigadier used their momentum to zip around the target. The zipline pulleys were used to easily get around the wire, though the brigadiers with decent upper body strength could easily throw themselves using just their arms. 

@Quillicious @Yappi

Bardoc Alden

Seeing the situation unfold before his eyes, he quickly went into a sprint before using his TME to get in front of AJ. He would speed up before getting past AJ coming to a sudden halt within a meter of him. From there he would prepare to incapacitate the man if the need were to arise. Though he had no idea what was going on, he would at the very least do something about it.

Stanley Brasse & Yvelle Eckener

Stanley chased after AJ, suspicious of his behavior. "Hey, AJ, wait up! Where are you going!?" He quickened his pace, deciding he needed someone to help stop him. "Lieutenant! Yvelle! What the hell is he doing?!"

Yvelle stopped what she was doing and her eyes shifted to AJ. "Ugh. Lieutenant!" She fired the TME grapples and flung herself towards AJ's direction, attempting to tackle him to the ground. Stanley wasn't going to use his TME since he was less experienced, but he tried to jump and tackle him too.

@YoungX @Yappi

Alison Eckener

Alison shook her head in irritation and jumped down the side, splashing down smack dab in the center of the river. She climbed out quickly, now covered in ground water rather than beast blood, and ran up to Jay. "No, that is something I cannot let you look at alone."

Most of the journal was torn, but there was one page.

This is Captain Siln,

It's cold, dark, and wet. We're stranded. I came with a crew of five. Lieutenant Veronica Fischer lost her life in an attempt to rescue Ensign Alison Eckener. Eckener survived. Stein Armstrong died of hypothermia. John Preston ran...I don't know where. Our TME is malfunctioning. I'm out here with this poor girl, she's not complaining but I feel that she won't make it much longer.

Eckener has gone to sleep, and I see something in the distance. I proceed to wake her up and show her. It's...a 15 meter tall monster. I tell Eckener that we should go, especially since we have nothing, but she wants to see it once. I tell her I'm going to visit it first. No, wait, it's approaching me. It's walking towards me, I'm terrified but I have to live for Eckener.

It's here, the monster, it's not charging at me. It's talking to me.

"Madam...vous êtes...une humaine."

It talks in French. I don't speak French, so I ask in German.

"Wer bist du?"


What is it doing? I back away as it bares its fangs. I sketch the monster as it thinks.

The other pages are ripped out, but the binding of the book is stained with old blood.


AJ grabs the grapple midair swinging it to the left to effect the Lieutenants tregectory. So that it will slightly miss. The newbie however would have been seen mid jump and he dodged to the left  holding is right arm out to possibly closeline him. He was not however expecting the 3rd man. Who stood 3 feet away, AJ just turned around and started opening up the gate. 
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Lt. Jay Ward


Conceding, Jay chuckled a small bit and shook his head. As he though about what life would be like as a regular person, it was actually pretty boring. Going out with a bang would definitely be more thrilling. A smile grew from his lips and he turned his head to Allison, saying "I withdraw my resignation. Sorry, I just got...caught up in the moment. And I guess we'll never know if it does, but we do, that's what matters."

Jay continued on to the showers, handing his TME to a random subordinate and asking them to take care of it. They hurried off to the stables, nodding. He reached the showers at last, and was grateful for running hot water in the cave. Undressing, he turned the water almost all the way to the hottest setting so that steam engulfed him snd his skin started to redden. It turned out he had minor scrapes and bruises on him, but nothing too bad. Nothing like a decapitated head. After he was finished, Jay went to the bunks and changed into a white tank top and grey baggy sweatpants. He climbed up to "his" bunk and laid down, his mind wandering.

AJ grabs the grapple midair swinging it to the left to effect the Lieutenants tregectory. So that it will slightly miss. The newbie however would have been seen mid jump and he dodged to the left  holding is right arm out to possibly closeline him. He was not however expecting the 3rd man. Who stood 3 feet away, AJ just turned around and started opening up the gate. 

Bardoc Alden


Bardoc would see the man turn around who would start to open up the gate. He would not be so easily affected by whatever had occurred and would use the TME again and would be in mid-air just a bit away from AJ. From there he would use the TME once more but this time he would aim towards AJ's left leg. From there it would wrap around his leg as he swung in a circle around AJ in order to basically tie up his legs and make him trip. Hopefully the other two should be there just in time though he still had no idea why this was happening. 

Bardoc Alden


Bardoc would see the man turn around who would start to open up the gate. He would not be so easily affected by whatever had occurred and would use the TME again and would be in mid-air just a bit away from AJ. From there he would use the TME once more but this time he would aim towards AJ's left leg. From there it would wrap around his leg as he swung in a circle around AJ in order to basically tie up his legs and make him trip. Hopefully the other two should be there just in time though he still had no idea why this was happening. 

AJ pulled his shotgun out and aimed it right at Barron's head. "Stand down" He said not moving a inch. He was hoping it would make him freeze
AJ pulled his shotgun out and aimed it right at Barron's head. "Stand down" He said not moving a inch. He was hoping it would make him freeze

Bardoc Alden


"Only the Captain and anyone higher than my rank as a Lieutenant can tell me to stand down," Bardoc said quietly as he already had his revolver drawn which was only a few inches away from his chest. At the same time, he had one of his daggers in his right hand also a bit inches away from his neck. It was basically a close quarters encounter but at the same time there were two more behind him. The man would most definitely not be able to go anywhere at this point unless he plans on taking on the other two as well. 

"Explain yourself please," he said quietly but just enough for AJ to hear.

Bardoc Alden


"Only the Captain and anyone higher than my rank as a Lieutenant can tell me to stand down," Bardoc said quietly as he already had his revolver drawn which was only a few inches away from his chest. At the same time, he had one of his daggers in his right hand also a bit inches away from his neck. It was basically a close quarters encounter but at the same time there were two more behind him. The man would most definitely not be able to go anywhere at this point unless he plans on taking on the other two as well. 

"Explain yourself please," he said quietly but just enough for AJ to hear.

"I have my own reasons. It's a scavenging mission. To get a com dish." He says not moving a inch.

Alison Eckener, Stanley Brasse & Yvelle Eckener

Alison heard a commotion going outside before she could touch anything. "Do they want me to be covered in blood all day?" She looked at her arms, then at the sky, and shot herself into the air with the TME she forgot to take off, silent as the dead of night.

Stanley protectively pushed Yvelle behind himself when a weapon was drawn. He pulled out a sword and pointed it towards AJ. "Please, we're all just tired, in shock from what just happened, it would make no sense if you tried to shoot one of us. We're...we're living in a cave, we should fight the monsters not each other. So stop, please, or else-"

Before anyone could say anything else, a hand grabbed the shotgun out of AJ's hands with undeniable physical strength. It was the captain. As she landed directly behind AJ, she managed to hurl the shotgun a couple hundred feet before focusing on the ensign she was now holding by the backs of the arm. "Lower your weapons." Eckener narrowed her eyes and kicked hard at the backs of AJ's knees, attempting to bring him down. The strength of her kick was similar to that of a sledgehammer. If he fell, she would proceed to brutally beat up the ensign. In the Winter Brigade, escaping discipline was impossible. 

@Yappi @YoungX
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Alison Eckener, Stanley Brasse & Yvelle Eckener

Alison heard a commotion going outside before she could touch anything. "Do they want me to be covered in blood all day?" She looked at her arms, then at the sky, and shot herself into the air with the TME she forgot to take off, silent as the dead of night.

Stanley protectively pushed Yvelle behind himself when a weapon was drawn. He pulled out a sword and pointed it towards AJ. "Please, we're all just tired, in shock from what just happened, it would make no sense if you tried to shoot one of us. We're...we're living in a cave, we should fight the monsters not each other. So stop, please, or else-"

Before anyone could say anything else, a hand grabbed the shotgun out of AJ's hands with undeniable physical strength. It was the captain. As she landed directly behind AJ, she managed to hurl the shotgun a couple hundred feet before focusing on the ensign she was now holding by the backs of the arm. "Lower your weapons." Eckener narrowed her eyes and kicked hard at the backs of AJ's knees, attempting to bring him down. The strength of her kick was similar to that of a sledgehammer. If he fell, she would proceed to brutally beat up the ensign. In the Winter Brigade, escaping discipline was impossible. 

@Yappi @YoungX

"I have my own reasons. It's a scavenging mission. To get a com dish." He says not moving a inch.

Bardoc Alden

Bardoc would put away his revolver and his dagger as he would step away from AJ. He knew of the Captain's monstrous strength and he had wisdom to understand that this was just discipline in itself. Still he wondered why this man would go on a scavenging mission all by himself. This would've been an extremely illegal move but he decided to stay quiet in the mean time. Right now he would simply just stand there and watch thinking about why this man would need a com dish. In the current time period they are in, one man would definitely be willing to break the rules. Would it be worth it? Most likely not was his answer.

Alison Eckener, Stanley Brasse & Yvelle Eckener

Alison heard a commotion going outside before she could touch anything. "Do they want me to be covered in blood all day?" She looked at her arms, then at the sky, and shot herself into the air with the TME she forgot to take off, silent as the dead of night.

Stanley protectively pushed Yvelle behind himself when a weapon was drawn. He pulled out a sword and pointed it towards AJ. "Please, we're all just tired, in shock from what just happened, it would make no sense if you tried to shoot one of us. We're...we're living in a cave, we should fight the monsters not each other. So stop, please, or else-"

Before anyone could say anything else, a hand grabbed the shotgun out of AJ's hands with undeniable physical strength. It was the captain. As she landed directly behind AJ, she managed to hurl the shotgun a couple hundred feet before focusing on the ensign she was now holding by the backs of the arm. "Lower your weapons." Eckener narrowed her eyes and kicked hard at the backs of AJ's knees, attempting to bring him down. The strength of her kick was similar to that of a hammer. If he fell, she would proceed to brutally beat up the ensign. In the Winter Brigade, escaping discipline was impossible. 

@Yappi @YoungX

He would recoil slightly, turning around before sighing and pulling a detonator out. "You know I have a back up plan" it was connected to a string in his pack. all under his clothes "Now you can let me leave or suffer the consequences that includes 5 explosions at stores."
(AJ in himself is no slouch in strength xD it takes more than a kick to knock him down... Maybe 2. Or just stab him xD. Or he could be bluffing. Up too you)
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Alison Eckener, Stanley Brasse & Yvelle Eckener

Alison knew bombs were relatively primitive in the world, so using a detonator itself was quite inefficient. If wires were cut, then it wouldn't work anymore. Everything was mechanical, and AJ strapping bombs to himself would be the first to blow up. Should they blow up, only he'd blow up and not the rest of the stores unless he was walking around covered in over 5 wires. That would be nearly impossible. "Just describe to me what you're doing, alright? Look here." This time, the captain didn't show any mercy and decided to hold AJ down with her foot. If she pressed any harder, bones could break. The captain then gave a subtle signal with her eyes, one that AJ most likely couldn't see from the angle she had him at.

Stanley turned to Yvelle, then turned to his lieutenant. The captain had given a signal, one that Yvelle knew. She tapped her lieutenant with the back of her sword and decided to TME back towards the main area, away from the bunker doors. The signal was to lock down stores and attempt disarming the bombs.

@YoungX @Yappi

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