Project: Heavy Iron

Bardoc Alden


Bardoc decided to head back to his bed back at the Winter Brigade facility. Despite the less than normal comfort he was given, he had gotten used to it over time. In his eyes, one can get used to anything so long as you give time for it. Wasn't that how humanity adapted to the creatures? Now it seems second nature when it comes to combating these beasts. He lies on the bed with no real after thought and begins to stare at the ceiling.

@Quillicious @JPax
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as he exited his office, he was confronted by recruit hannah. "ah yeah, there's no work as of now. you should quickly get settled into your room" he said as he saluted. "oh god not you again... ahh, these new recruits? some shinies we picked up, graduated and is suitable for service, for now still trainies and recruits." he said as he walked to grant. "i believe my upgrades are still going?" he asks to grant

@SirGrey @JPax @Hanah Solo
Carter was finally up, extreamly late for training he just strolled to the mess hall. Hopefully none of his officers noticed the fact he was 3 hours late to training and now asking for breakfast at 11:00. He still got it and was now eating slowly in the mess hall. 

Alison Eckener & Stanley Brasse

Alison sighed at the joke. Everyone slept together anyways, it wasn't really a bad thing that Alison saw. She took off her gloves and hopped onto the top bunk. The captain pulled out a set of papers, which were just the contracts for each brigadier. "Alright, looks like you're staying. That's actually good. Now, I'm going to go ahead and say we'll prepare for the next task tomorrow. So, I suggest all brigadiers get a good night's rest."

Stanley was still sort of there. He passed out from lack of sleep and a mixture of shock and irritation at himself. Right there on the floor.

@Quillicious @YoungX @Yappi

Yvelle Eckener

"Shinies. Okay. That's cool. I like shinies." Yvelle blinked and yawned extremely hard before staring back at captain Rex. "Well, I'm going to sleep. Heeheehee...bye!" She turned around and skipped away towards the bunks with almost no hesitation, though she ended up tripping on the exit door and falling flat on her face. "Oww..."

@Salex The Baldie @SirGrey


Lt. Jay Ward


"C'mon, Allie, just take a joke and laugh at it for once," Jay complained with a smile, "I try hard to make those." He scooted over to make room for her on the bunk. Glancing over the papers, he nodded in agreement. What he wanted to know was what they were going to do tomorrow. Stanley just earned a quick once-over.

"Any other info on the mission?" the lieutenant questioned, "Goin' after Rudolph with the mechs? Or another scouting mission?" Jay enjoyed fighting with the giant robots. It gave him a sort of reassurance that they could win the battle.

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Reist Brandt

While everyone was off on some scary mission, Reist was hard at work, training himself to become a better brigadier. He didn't attend whatever happened earlier because he just didn't want to, but now it was time for him to try and show up next to the people in the hangar. Going towards the hangar, Reist noticed that there was some random girl who had fallen over.

Reist was as high as fuck right now on shrooms, because he actually got bored, training. That wasn't a normal thing, was it? "Anyone home? Cause, I'm confused as fuck about what we're doing."

@Salex The Baldie @Shammy the Shamrock @SirGrey @Yappi @JPax @Hanah Solo

((I just tagged everybody in the general vicinity.))
Grant grumbled to himslef "Teenagers" as he finished with the bolts a got back into his mech. Placing the new windscreen back on the 501st, placing the old one to one side, he radios over to the other mechanics. They had fitted the new heater and had prepared the new bullets for its rifle. It was still a damn stupid decision if you ask Grant. Placing the Mercury O to one side, Grant goes over to the 501st helping with the bullets as they are placed into the ammo container and rifle.  Turning back to Rex, Grant responded to him "Yeah nearly done" before jumping down to speak to him without yelling. "The 501st is gonna be stronger at the front but a bit weaker at its sides and front, also ya new heater should be working fine" before pulling out a cigarette. Lighting he says "The rifle plan could do serious damage, if you or whatever the hell it is you are running off to fight doesn't rupture em first  blowing you to kingdom come and back", with the ending becoming a yell. Taking a puff he goes on "I don't what  you are so ready to go up against, but is it worth getting yourself blown up over Rex" his angry having a underlay of genuine worry. @Salex The Baldie @JPax


Alison Eckener

"Believe it's personal but I'd like brigadiers to come regardless. There's never too much support, alright?" The captain set the papers aside and tucked her knees against her chest, staring at the ground with those gray eyes of hers. "Well, I believe you should get some rest tonight. Looks like Brasse and Alden are both out cold already." Alison's eyes didn't seem to close, nor blink, as she ruminated on the deepest of thoughts about the beasts on the outside as well as the hell they all got to experience.

@Quillicious [@Lt. Jay Ward]

@YoungX [@Lt. Barloc Alden]


Yvelle Eckener

Yvelle scratched her head and angrily got to her feet. "Wait, what? Are you high?! What's going on here?!" The brigade girl shifted backwards and looked up at Reist, clutching the TME hook nervously. She knew that Reist was only a year older than her, but damn...was he huge. Yvelle scratched her collarbone before cracking another nervous smile. "Eh...okay I'm gone. What's happening here anyways?" 

@AACS [@Reist Brandt]

@Hanah Solo [@Hanah Solo]

@SirGrey [@Grant Cynemer]

@Salex The Baldie [@Cpt. Rex Mann]

@Yappi [@Lt. Will E. Banner]

@Shammy the Shamrock [@Director Morrison & Erica Morrison]
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"Yes, Sir!"

Hanah walked to barracks and then to bed that was pointed to her.

Hanah switched quickly to pyjamas and then she go to bed sleep.
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Lt. Jay Ward


Jay bobbed his head up and down in reply. You couldn't be too careful, especially when fighting one of these monsters. He still thought that bringing more soldiers meant more possible casualties, however. Even though he had his own thoughts, he still trusted both of the captains' judgement. They were trained for this.

"I could say the same for you," Jay returned, "given you tried to take down a Class-3 and all. You of all people deserve a good rest. Just take a load off once in a while, alright?" Jay put a hand on her shoulder and patted it in a comforting manner. He laid down and stretched out, pointing to the spot next to him and raising an eyebrow.

"Wanna claim it before any other girl does?"


Bardoc Alden

Bardoc would start to sleep in order to prepare for the next day. It probably wouldn't be enough, but some sleep is better than none. He closes his eyes and lets sleep takeover. Today wasn't that hard of a day, but it won't be like this soon. He sleeps preparing for the worst to come at any moment. 

@JPax  (Don't know if I need to tag but yeah.)

Alison Eckener

"You and I both know..." Alison dragged up a massive bucket of papers and books, most of which were blood stained journals or dirty medical records "...that I don't sleep for more than four hours. Besides, it's not like there's any other female in your age group that's going to sleep here. Good night lieutenant. I believe Barloc is asleep...where's Carter?" 

@Quillicious @YoungX @Yappi

Alison Eckener

"You and I both know..." Alison dragged up a massive bucket of papers and books, most of which were blood stained journals or dirty medical records "...that I don't sleep for more than four hours. Besides, it's not like there's any other female in your age group that's going to sleep here. Good night lieutenant. I believe Barloc is asleep...where's Carter?" 

@Quillicious @YoungX @Yappi

Carter was in the mess hall... Asleep. He snored very loud. So loud somebody turned him on his side for him to stop.

Lt. Jay Ward


With muffled yawn, Jay waved it off. "You need your energy. At least tonight. It's pretty unhealthy to fight monsters and take as much stress as you do while running on four hours of sleep. And please, there're are plenty of trainees dying to get busy with their CO. You just happen to he here most of the time when their not around."

Ward sat back up and turned his gaze to the papers. "Need any help? I'm a night owl, I can deal. Just so you can get this done quickly. I promise I'll leave the hard work to you."



Alison Eckener

"Alright. I guess it's just that I figured nobody else wanted to spend hours even deeper underground in the sweltering heat of the blast furnaces, where we make steel. Let's go right ahead then." Alison jumped off the bed and made her way down the stairs, grabbing a pencil and a couple other things. On the way down, she smashed the table in the mess hall hard with the back of her hand. "Carter, wake up. You slept all day, I suggest you go back to sleep now unless you want to do three hundred push ups." 

@Quillicious @Yappi
  Reveal hidden contents


Alison Eckener

"Alright. I guess it's just that I figured nobody else wanted to spend hours even deeper underground in the sweltering heat of the blast furnaces, where we make steel. Let's go right ahead then." Alison jumped off the bed and made her way down the stairs, grabbing a pencil and a couple other things. On the way down, she smashed the table in the mess hall hard with the back of her hand. "Carter, wake up. You slept all day, I suggest you go back to sleep now unless you want to do three hundred push ups." 

@Quillicious @Yappi

He woke up "Nah....." He said before going back to sleep. He then woke up 5 seconds later and stood up "Ill do 100" He says smirking charismatically.  (The captain has his medical records on site. So ye)
AJ woke up from his nap... "I guess im suspended for another.... 3 hours. what to do, what to do." He got up and went to the mess hall and started eating some toast. The butter falling off the toast annoying him greatly.

Lt. Jay Ward


Jay hopped down and followed her, regretting he offered help slightly. He scratched the back of his head and quickly changed his clothes into some more suitable for the work they were doing. Catching back up to her, the lieutenant watched her take care of Carter. She could be a little harsh sometimes. Then again, Carter could be a smartass.

"Let's just get a move on, Allie. If he wants to sleep, he can. He'll just have to reap what he sows later. Which will be a nice double helping of exercises during the next training session. Also, kid, I suggest you watch it around your ol' captain, here. She'll bust your nuts like ripe grapes, but not in the good way. Only I get that priviledge," Jay added with a wink.

@JPax @Yappi

Lt. Jay Ward


Jay hopped down and followed her, regretting he offered help slightly. He scratched the back of his head and quickly changed his clothes into some more suitable for the work they were doing. Catching back up to her, the lieutenant watched her take care of Carter. She could be a little harsh sometimes. Then again, Carter could be a smartass.

"Let's just get a move on, Allie. If he wants to sleep, he can. He'll just have to reap what he sows later. Which will be a nice double helping of exercises during the next training session. Also, kid, I suggest you watch it around your ol' captain, here. She'll bust your nuts like ripe grapes, but not in the good way. Only I get that priviledge," Jay added with a wink.

@JPax @Yappi

Carter shrugged and walked away. Not answering or showing any emotion for that matter.



rex was getting ready for tomorrow, spending hours training himself. he didn't forget to train the pilots though, the pilots would receive basic training, walking, running, aiming, etc. he would be at his office formulating plans and mentally preparing himself, but in this state he has always locked himself in his office alone, no one knows why.

(closed for interaction for the time being)
Hanah just couldn't sleep, she put on her clothes, pick up her toolkit and sneaked back to hangar to look mechs. She walked next to mech that was named as R3cru17.

"WOW! Maybe i could open it and look how it's made..."

Hanah looked around noticing that nobody was near and then take some of her tools and climbed mech's arm to open it.


Alison Eckener

Alison brought her face dangerously close to Carter's ear as she grabbed him by the arm with enough strength to leave a red mark of her fingers. "One hundred pushups it is." She didn't really expect much resistance, but since she was the only person in the facility with Carter's medical records, it was her job to keep everyone else safe. Alison let go of Carter and walked back past Jay, towards the blast furnaces downstairs. "I'm not that old yet, though I might have more gray hair in six years than some people twice my age if I stop exercising." Alison walked downstairs, deciding she'd let Carter do whatever he wanted, for now. Training was going to be hell tomorrow, especially since the captain knew Carter's physical limits. @Yappi

The room was definitely hot from all the stuff being burned. "Okay, since it's night time and I think you deserve a bit of a break I'll give you the easy stuff. Just find all broken sets of TME and bring them here, write down what's wrong with them." Alison rolled up her sleeves and opened one of the furnaces, releasing a hazardous mixture of heat and carbon dioxide. "At the rate things are burned, we're going to drown in melted snow from global warming. You know, a lieutenant actually drowned in an icy river about six years ago."

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Carter got up after she left and went to the training room. He started to practice in his fighting with a dummy with his machete. He technically was not supposed to have a super heated machete, that was made from a prototype as a trainee. But hey nobody noticed so he cut right through the dummy "Oh.. .cool"  he cut through another with some chain mail on. In 1 hit. 

AJ looked down at his watch "Ok! i think i am free? maybe? i dont know." He says going to the training facility and he saw Carter "Hey uhhh. Where di-"


"I dont like your t-"

"Thats neat"

AJ got so irritated he walked away, yelling for the captain

@JPax @Quillicious
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Lt. Jay Ward


Jay nodded to Allison, grabbing a pencil and a piece of paper. He coughed as he inhaled the acrid fumes from the furnace and attempted the waft them away with his hand. His eyes narrowed as he looked his captain up and down. Her clothing was...minimal, to say the least. He spoke as he walked around, picking up TMEs and jotting down notes about each.

"Hey, uh...d'ya think that your getup might be...not enough?" Jay asked, "I mean, I'm not complaining, but it's not the safest outfit for messing with furnaces." He shrugged and continued his work.



Alison Eckener

Alison shook her head. "It might seem like nothing much, but it's just that I'd rather not lose consciousness because of the heat while at the same time maintain a steady pace for work." She said with a blank face. In reality, she had just been too lazy to have changed from what she slept in, but the excuse she gave made sense all the same. Alison shoveled in one final batch of coal before setting in the metal and closing the blast furnace door, relieving everyone of the burning fumes. Sweat lined her neck, arms, and forehead yet there was no sign of fatigue or heat stroke, nor there was any sign of sloppiness. She made her way back to the TMEs and looked at each of them for just a second. 

Alison crouched down next to a set of TME that might've been seen as defective. "Is this rust-" And at that point, Alison heard AJ yelling his head off for her. "Damnit. Johnson, get down here right now and tell me what this is all about! You have ten seconds!" 

@Yappi @Quillicious


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