Project: Heavy Iron

Robert would look up onto Yelled and smirk.

"No, I don't have any idea what the hell I'm talking about," he responded, "However, seeing as I'm a trainee, I've only just started. I only got outta being a recruit... Y'know"

Robert looked at his hand and smiled more. He then looked up. He was tired, he was getting his butt kicked, and most importantly, he was getting reprimanded by an Ensign of all things. Just his luck. Maybe it was more of a legion across the line than a toe.


Bardoc Alden


Bardoc woke up with no resentment for wanting to sleep in more. No matter how many hours he slept, he knew it was surely better to be alive and tired rather than dead. He viewed the room before standing up on the floor and heading on out. He headed out the door and had no real course of action. He was bored for a lack of a better term but he didn't want to train right now. Since he had just woken up, he decided to wash up however he could and simply stay in the room sitting on the bed with his legs on nearing the floor. If there was a mission to be had then surely he would be ready to do it. Now he just sat there staring at the wall in front of him.
Sitting Hanah down on one of the seats in the medical bay he lets the med staff take it from there. Stepping outside he lean on the wall. He looked over the captain saying "Alright guess she will have to make do" Grant says as looks through his pockets for cigs. Glancing up at the captain he took not of her experssion. Maybe she was just trying to look like an hard arse instead of just being one. Maybe she was really upset. Either way it might not of been good idea to ask. Been being the key word.Grant asks "Sorry captain but did I offend you somehow". @JPax @Hanah Solo

Yvelle Eckener

Yvelle frowned. "Well, better keep that pretty mouth shut. Until then, I guess I'm just going to wait for the captain to beat the shit out of you. Goodnight." She was about to jump on the bed, but then she saw lieutenant Alden walk in. Crap. Both of them were going to have the shit beat out of them for being awake. Well, Robert first before Yvelle was going to let herself get hit. The girl quickly hopped into the bed and closed her eyes, pretending to be asleep before the lieutenant saw.

@Proxploxtops @YoungX

Alison Eckener

The woman shook her head and crossed her arms, refusing to look at Grant. "Not really. I just figured most pilots showed a bit more gratitude towards the scouts that risk their lives so you could have machines. At least, that's how she described you all." Alison was talking about the previous captain, Siln, someone she expected someone experienced like Grant to know. Alison turned her head towards the mechanic. She looked too young to be a captain in the first place, but what set her apart from others in her age were the eyes. They were gray, dead, almost as if she had traded her soul for the rank of captain. "An ensign lost her life so we can take a step forward against those monsters. Let's make it so that her death wasn't in vain." 

Instead of turning hopefully towards the roof of the cave, the captain's dead gaze traversed to the ground, peering through the rock that they stood on, towards the eternal depths of hell. 

@SirGrey @Quillicious @Hanah Solo

Lt. Jay Ward


Suddenly, everyone was gone. Jay was in the furnace room by himself with the pile of TMEs. He began to go back to the main cave. "Alright, then. I'll just sock Carter in the face later...that's good discipline..."

Then, Jay remembered that he had a few slices on his body. Probably would be a good idea to get himself to the infirmary. They weren't bad, but he definitely needed some stitches. So, he waltzed on down there.

Robert was confused as to why she dropped so suddenly. It seemed hardly necessary, he wasn't that hot was he? Much less drop dead worthy.


"Hey I'm not that pre-" he said. He couldn't finish. That was when he noticed behind him a Lt. It was obvious what his rank was as he had to learn the patches and symbols. And there with was, a Lieutenant.


He had no time to drop dead like Yvelle. He might as well get his are handed to him before tomorrow when everyone's awake.

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Alden Bardoc


Alden looked to see Robert there and didn't say a single word. It was against the rules for someone like him to be awake and there was supposed to be punishment. Though Alden didn't really think about punishment and instead decided to sit down on the bed and look at him. 

"You... are you a recruit?" He asked him with a quiet tone but it was still loud enough for him to hear. There wasn't anger in his voice or really any emotion to speak of. Perhaps he was tired from waking up or some other reason but it really didn't matter right about now. The look on his face was calm and quite dull as if he had just gone through a period of relaxation. Though considering he was on the Winter Brigade, there was almost never a time for relaxation.

@Proxploxtops @JPax
The mechanic stayed leaning on his wall, finally finding his cigarette. Now trying to get out his lighter he says  "I would think that my admiration for the Winter Brigade went without saying, you bring all parts we need to fix up our stuff, going out into the hell hole isn't worth that and yet you do it" in a rather glum tone. Thinking back Grant smiles "Sin always did try and keep us on the up and up unless you pissed her off" in a rather reminiscent tone. The old mechanic runs his metal hand across is hairless head before he says "I don't know who you lost but you've taken it pretty hard and for the record, that won't get easier and it shouldn't, the reason they don't tell us about the death is the amount can sometimes get to us" with a voice that sounds like it has experienced some loss itself. Grabbing his light he holds out a cigarette. @JPax @Quillicious @Hanah Solo  


Alison Eckener

"We. We've lost her. All of us here, at the military. After a point, death just...becomes a part of your life. I wish that for no man. I'll leave you to your recruit. Surprised she got hurt within the bunker." Alison shook her head and made her way towards the bunks, simply because she had important things to get done. As she walked slowly back to the bunks, she thought about Tara's head, and the sample in the furnace room. That would be ready in a day or so.


The captain walked into the bunks to see what she hated a bit. A lieutenant and a trainee awake, together. Yvelle was obviously sleeping behind them like a good girl. However, the captain's expression didn't change. A pair of cold eyes, gray and dead, looked down at the lieutenant and the trainee with a chilling presence. A set of eyes that have seen more deaths, human and monster, than nearly any other soul in these caves. The only ones who have seen anything more was Captain Rex and Director Morrison. "Both of you are to sleep right now, do you understand me? Same bed." Alison pointed to the bed they were both to sleep on. Alison didn't seem like herself as she told them to sleep, though the things bothering her weren't to be the recruit's concerns.

@YoungX @Proxploxtops

Alden Bardoc


"Yes ma'am," he said as he would get to bed and got to sleep. He may as well had slept back anyhow instead of waking up but unfortunately the human body does what it does. The only thing he could do now was to prepare for another day 'alive and well.' No complaints nor a single word was uttered from him as he slept like the obedient lieutenant he was. Captain's order were absolute and he knew that since he joined the Winter Brigade. By now the stare given was reminiscent of the dead eyes he was used to seeing from soldiers both dead and alive. They say it never gets easier, you only get used to it. The Captain had seen a lot of action and the Lieutenant knew that. Well he had his own share of experiences but that wasn't important. 

@JPax @Proxploxtops
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"Trainee sir," Robert responded to the Lieutenant, "Couldn't sleep and decided to er, stretch my legs sir"

He realized how awkward he looked, speaking to his superior as if he knew him. He then went and stood at attention. He didn't move or anything, knowing how Yvelle was right behind him, pretending to sleep. It wasn't the circumstances of the awkwardness however, moreso the lack of emotion, as if this was a normal occurrence. Just then the captain walked in.

When she finished all he had to say was "Yes ma'am", a salute and a stare at the bed. He might've preferred a thousand pull ups than being forced to sleep with an officer, it was a statement that only made the situation more abnormal by the second.

"I s'pose we're... Well we're on the same bunk," he frowned. He walked towards the bed, standing to let the officer hop on first.

@JPax @YoungX
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Banner fell on his bed after a long day of work falling asleep to the dip of a water faucet. Not much more detail to say because he just fell asleep.


Alison Eckener

Alison went to her desk and began to write in the captain's logs. She wasn't too impressed that her 2nd lieutenant was awake along with a trainee, so sending them to bed together was the best idea. 

Dear Dairy,

You all suck.


That was enough log for today. The reason Alison never wrote proper logs is because those weren't her logs. But that wasn't anyone's business, was it? She turned around on her desk and lay down on top of the wooden stand for writing. It was a little uncomfortable compared to a bed, and worse than the floor, but the captain was used to discomfort. Alison began to ruminate on her thoughts before going to sleep.


Thank you captain, for wearing pants.


Brigadiers were told to wake up at their own time since day one. When brigadiers woke up, they would find that the captain wasn't there. She was waiting for all of the brigadiers to show up to the training field. Alison was waiting there for twenty minutes. "And now, the wait begins."

@Quillicious @Proxploxtops @YoungX

Bardoc Alden


Because he woke up during the middle of the night and slept again, he woke up a bit later than usual. In any case, he would do as he did and went down to the training field all prepped up and ready to go. He stood in formation and waited for the rest of the Brigadiers to show up. There wasn't any point in telling the Captain that he woke up during the middle of the night and was ready to go back to sleep but there was no arguing with the Captain. The harsh reality is that he was lucky to even have the privilege of sleeping in the first place. What was it like for humans to realize that everything they took for granted was gone? Even he couldn't imagine the pain and suffering. All he had to do was stand up, shut up and ready himself for whatever the Captain has planned for today.

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Alison Eckener

Alison went to her desk and began to write in the captain's logs. She wasn't too impressed that her 2nd lieutenant was awake along with a trainee, so sending them to bed together was the best idea. 

Dear Dairy,

You all suck.


That was enough log for today. The reason Alison never wrote proper logs is because those weren't her logs. But that wasn't anyone's business, was it? She turned around on her desk and lay down on top of the wooden stand for writing. It was a little uncomfortable compared to a bed, and worse than the floor, but the captain was used to discomfort. Alison began to ruminate on her thoughts before going to sleep.


Thank you captain, for wearing pants.


Brigadiers were told to wake up at their own time since day one. When brigadiers woke up, they would find that the captain wasn't there. She was waiting for all of the brigadiers to show up to the training field. Alison was waiting there for twenty minutes. "And now, the wait begins."

@Quillicious @Proxploxtops @YoungX

AJ was there soon. He was walking up to the training center. He was stretching whilst walking and once he reached Alison he solutes her "Nice to see you mam" He says before walking off to the pull-up bar. Starting to do pull-ups at a slow pace, but steady. He then afterwards started to do some light jogs and stretches. 


Alison Eckener

Yvelle Eckener

Yvelle showed up moments later and saluted the captain, before dropping down to do 300 push ups like she was punished to do so. Alison nodded to AJ, then to Yvelle, before focusing her attention back on the lieutenant who came first and just...stood there. "Lieutenant, are my expectations not clear for every morning? Just because you've moved a position upwards in ranking does not mean you're entitled to just stand there. Humanity is on the brink of extinction and here you are waiting for a simple command. Three hundred push ups, right now!" The captain's leg hooked the back of Alden's knees to bring him to the ground, in a uniform manner that should cause no pain to a well trained individual. "Next time, I won't leave it at that. I expected more from the White Hurricane.

@YoungX @Yappi

Bardoc Alden


No words came from him except with a simple "Yes Ma'am" as he simply stood back up and did as the captain commanded. Three hundred push ups as requested. Maybe it was the strange sleeping schedule that he had gone through but regardless he took the name 'White Hurricane' with absolutely no value. It was a nickname some of the other members thought up but how much worth was a nick name? 

"A name means so much. Never forget that my son." Those were the words from his father from a long long time ago but he still remembers them as if they were uttered yesterday. But to him a nickname like that means absolutely nothing. All he had to do was train, kill, train, kill and repeat. Resting came in between. In any case he continued doing his push ups with the same look he gives every single day of his life. His eyes, mixed with life and death, focused on training. At least now he would remember to fix his sleeping schedule despite it never occurring before. 

(Rip. I thought everyone had to be there for training to start.) @JPax
The mechanic kept watch over the young trainee as she was patched up. Once that was done he said "You better get off to bed and don't worry about getting in too much trouble". As Grant walks off he says "Oh and next time you want to tinker with the mech units, come see me first" trying not to sound too nice. Hanah had potential, more than Grant showed at her age anyway. That was a long time ago he lays down on his bed thinking "Crap I'm old and I never did take that shower, ha just old and smelly" he says falling asleep with a smile.

Waking up the next morning, Grant almost immediately got into a quick shower. Lucky his robotic arm is water proof. Getting dried and dressed the mechanic got to work with the others getting the 501st for launch. That didn't take so long. It did take long enough for Grant to remember Banner request. Going over to Banner's mech Grant yells for him saying "Banner ya here? Banner?". @JPax @Hanah Solo @Yappi @Salex The Baldie
Reist Brandt

Reist fell asleep somewhere in the mix of everything. He didn't remember what he was doing except that he had to go to the training place. Still as high as fuck, the ensign got up and ran to the training area, immediately starting what he was doing. He tried not to laugh at the lieutenant who was forced to the ground by Alison, particularly because he himself didn't want to get scolded by the captain. There was just something off and scary about the captain that Reist couldn't identify.

Reist ran up to AJ and began joining him on the exercises as he said, "Bro! I know what ya wanna do tonight. A bit of a split around the area and we're gonna be alright. After, um, training of course."

@Yappi @YoungX @JPax
The mechanic kept watch over the young trainee as she was patched up. Once that was done he said "You better get off to bed and don't worry about getting in too much trouble". As Grant walks off he says "Oh and next time you want to tinker with the mech units, come see me first" trying not to sound too nice. Hanah had potential, more than Grant showed at her age anyway. That was a long time ago he lays down on his bed thinking "Crap I'm old and I never did take that shower, ha just old and smelly" he says falling asleep with a smile.

Waking up the next morning, Grant almost immediately got into a quick shower. Lucky his robotic arm is water proof. Getting dried and dressed the mechanic got to work with the others getting the 501st for launch. That didn't take so long. It did take long enough for Grant to remember Banner request. Going over to Banner's mech Grant yells for him saying "Banner ya here? Banner?". @JPax @Hanah Solo @Yappi @Salex The Baldie

Banner was awake in his jumper, and was tinkering with his mech's sword. He did not hear Grant at first but after a few yells he yells back "The napalm injectors in the armour! They arent using the correct pressure!!!" He yells pointing at the mechs Armour plating on its shoulder.
"Alright Alright I'll take a look" Grant says climbing the mech. Looking other the injectors he saw the what was making them use the wrong pressure. "This shouldn't be too hard to fix" Grant says standing on the shoulder placing some goggles on his head. Luckily the napalm was unload at the moment other worse this would be a terrible decision. Going inside he tinkers with some of parts tinkering with them, looking at the pressure gauge estimates. "Shouldn't be hard but might be a bit". @Yappi
"Alright Alright I'll take a look" Grant says climbing the mech. Looking other the injectors he saw the what was making them use the wrong pressure. "This shouldn't be too hard to fix" Grant says standing on the shoulder placing some goggles on his head. Luckily the napalm was unload at the moment other worse this would be a terrible decision. Going inside he tinkers with some of parts tinkering with them, looking at the pressure gauge estimates. "Shouldn't be hard but might be a bit". @Yappi

Banner nodded "Thanks! Hurt by baby and ill feed you to a monster" He says walking away to the Mess Hall
"Yeah yeah just go eat ya damn lunch" Grant says as he fixes what seems to be causing the problem. The internal pressure gauge seemed to set wrong hence why the pressure was  coming out at the wrong level. Climbing out of the inside of the napalm injector he waits for Banner to get back for Banner to get back. Pilots are always a bit protective of there mech units it was there weapon, there partners, the things they fight in, live in and even perhaps die in. @Yappi

Lt. Jay Ward


Jay huffed his way to the training field, running at almost full sprint. He was sweating a little, and breathing heavily. A morning run was healthy, and he'd been running  and training since...well, he didn't really go to sleep that night. Tara's death had pushed him to change, and he was determined to take this seriously from now on.

Slowing down and meeting up with the others, the lieutenant saluted his captain, addressing her with his gaze directly forward. "I'm sorry that I'm late, ma'am. Lieutenant Ward reporting in. What are your orders?"

@JPax @Yappi @YoungX


Alison Eckener & Yvelle Eckener

Yvelle almost laughed at the lieutenant for being pulled down like that. She quickly finished doing whatever push ups she was told to do and fell down, smiling happily. "Well. I'm done. SEE YA!" Before anyone could say anything, Yvelle bolted out of the area and began running a course with the TME. She had a pretty good time record. In fact, Yvelle did hold the 2nd place record. Excluding captains, 1st place went to Jay Ward, who was widely known for his skill with the TME. She ended up dropping down and waiting for something to do.

Alison nudged Alden with her foot after she saw 150 push ups. "Get up. Combat training begins now. Jay, you're just in time for combat training. Two hundred push ups after this."

"ATTENTION EVERYBODY. FOR THE NEXT HOUR, I'M HERE TO OBSERVE BRIGADE ATTACKS ON FROSTY BIRDS. We aren't using REAL frosty birds because you band of twits will get your legs bitten off! There are one hundred Frosty Birds out on the field. Remember, real Frosty Birds can RUN! If each person goes 30 below the're ALL answerable to me."

The captain dragged the model of a Frosty Bird into the field. "Most of you are using bludgeoning weapons such as axes or picks. Aim for the snout. If you crush the snout, they suffocate and die." The captain hooked the TME around the model's face and smashed the snout hard with her elbow. It made a dent comparable to that of a small pick. She slid over the snout and landed in front of the dinosaur looking thing. "If you're one of the select few that are authorized to use bladed weapons, you just have to go for the back."

Now was the captain's impressive display. The instant her foot made contact with the ground behind the creature, the grinding of metal rang through the temporary silence. Two gleaming steel swords reflected what little light there was in the cave, only seconds before disappearing into a metallic spiral of blades the minute the left sword contacted the rear of the beast's model. Alison dropped down to the left of the model of the Frosty Bird, which now had its entire back sliced up into bits. The pathetic model collapsed to the ground, as authentic as real Frosty Birds did in the presence of the captain. It was nigh-impossible to decapitate a Frosty Bird, even after it had died. Yet, Alison had the head to prove it. 

"Lieutenant Ward, I'd like to talk to you. The rest of you, are my orders clear? Good. ATTACK!"

"Yes mom-I mean ma'am!" Yvelle spun the TME hook around and jumped into the fray of Frosty Birds.

Frosty Birds remaining: 100

(Please don't kill 10 at a time. They're all models, but a person will surely die if they go up against 3 frosty birds at once. Even the captain...)



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