Project: Heavy Iron

Grant had heard that there was a scouting was about to take place. He imagined that this was why Rex needed his mech to be set up. As he goes over to 501st he yells over to Banner "Banner your napalm injectors should be working fine now".  Once at the 501st he  checks over the final report. Everything was ready. Getting it ready to launch, Grant looks over to see Rex coming. "Commander everything is ready... good luck" Grant says as he sets in the last few commands on the launch console. @Yappi @Salex The Baldie

Lt. Jay Ward


As Captain Eckener explained and coordinated the plan about three times, Jay stood back, listening. Upon learning his orders, his skin began to crawl. He hated being entrusted with people's safety. But he had a job to do, and would do it, whether he liked it or not. He saluted each of his superiors and sighed, getting himself mentally prepared.

The lieutenant jogged over to the stables and mounted his horse. Grouping into formation, he looked around at the rest of his comrades. "I'm tryin' to think of a pep talk here, but I've got nothin'. 'Cept...let's go kick some monster ass."

@JPax @Yappi @Salex The Baldie @SuperSpice @Proxploxtops @YoungX



"thanks grant, once we're done and i'm back, drinks are on me" he said with a chuckle. he would then press a button inside his mech and the gates would open. as it slowly opens, the coldness sets in... yes, the coldness of the outside, be it from the whiteout constantly happening outside or the fear of what's out there chilling down through your spine. there is a mic inside the cockpit, which then transmits to the speakers under the neck of the mech. "Stick together, it's constantly a whiteout so keep tight until we see rudolph. do not, i repeat, do not lose track of your teammates, as if you do then either they're gone or you're gonna be gone. if you are separated and can't see even the silhouette of my mech, shoot a firework up, it'll attract the beasts but we can't afford to lose a man in this mission, am i clear?" he said

@JPax @Quillicious @Hanah Solo @SirGrey @YoungX @Proxploxtops

Bardoc Alden


"Yes sir," Bardoc says with a salute while on his horse. Inside he didn't wish to have any more lives lost to the beasts. So he would do his best to keep track of his teammates. He has his fireworks prepared and gets ready for the inevitable mission.

@Salex The Baldie

Alison Eckener

As the apparent cold chilled those at the front, then to the back, the captain herself was unfazed. It wasn't because she was conditioned to cold, more than most, it was simply because something else warmed her up. It was the thought of cutting living flesh.

Alison raised her left sword and pointed forwards. "Case formation, protect mechs at all times. Maintain a slower pace. Remember signals. All of those who see a signal, fire a firework of your own. Refrain from use of TME unless you can see the body of the monster, I don't want anyone falling on their faces." She narrowed her eyes into the distance, unable to see through the whiteout. However, from the front of the formation, she still had to lead. The amount of expeditions the captain had gone on, she had memorized the first 60 miles of terrain. "Your survival is most important to us. You gave your lives to the military, but we are not losing anyone for a stupid reason. Now, let's move out." Alison began moving into the distance. The rear of her horse was nothing but a silhouette, which was a signal to move.

@JPax @Yappi @Salex The Baldie @SuperSpice @Proxploxtops @YoungX

((Note: Any formation diagrams that are AFTER the tags of people is purely OOC; it isn't written anywhere, just a visual of what the captain ordered))


[C] = Captain Eckener

[L] = Lieutenant Ward


Bardoc Alden


The signal was given and Bardoc began moving with his horse in formation. He made sure to not to use his TME unless there was a body in sight. For now he made sure to get a good view of his surroundings. 


Robert went off with a "Yes Sir" for Rex and a "Yes ma'am" for Eckener. He supposed he ought to pick up an axe, that might help for something. Heck, it would be better than relying on long range. 


Robert went to the horses. He had nobody to say goodbye to. All he had to do was head out and do his job and live. No heroes, atleast not this time. He just had to go out and do his mission. Protect the Captain's arsenal from monsters. Simple enough.


"Of all names Yvelle," he smirked "You picked a psychotic cracker for a name"


He chuckled at the name. Maybe he'll give his horse a name as well. Nah, not yet.  He was too occupied by the mission at hand. Too occupied with his mission and his orders. He'll be used to it, he supposed. He'll have to get through the mission and come out on top, doing his part for humanity.



Yvelle Eckener

"I named Swiftheart when I was twelve." Yvelle loosened her grip on the reigns and followed the captain's horse, just staying left of Robert. She didn't bother looking behind her to check on anyone else who was there, keeping her eyes focused on Alison's hair. Sometimes, Yvelle forgot that the captain was a woman. 

After that, Yvelle didn't bother talking. She simply wasn't as nervous as she normally should be on a mission, but there just wasn't enough time. There was a closeness within the brigade, yet Yvelle didn't want to show any signs of weakness. Yvelle reached down to the side of her TME and touched the handle of the dark gray axe. It was a short axe, but coupled with Yvelle's strength it was a deadly weapon.

((New format for me, again...))

@Proxploxtops <- (1st line is those I'm interacting with)

@JPax @Yappi @Salex The Baldie @SuperSpice @YoungX <- (2nd line is all that is in proximity/context)
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Robert nodded. He knew it won't do anyone good if he kept talking. We were all to busy on the mission. He gripped the reigns of his horse, looking at Yvelle then the captain. He was the least senior member on ta k, being a trainee and he was given a vital job. He wasn't ready to screw up. As the horse trotted along, he kept a steady posture as the cold air hit his face and finally, he saw the outside world for the first time.






rex would then shout from his mic to the speaker "FORWARRDDD" and he started moving, the mech's movements were massive, almost like a mini earth-quake every step. to see how small the brigadiers were, all they needed to do was too look up, because that's how small they are too the beasts they are about to fight.

@JPax @Quillicious @Proxploxtops @YoungX

Jane English


Jane saluted her captain before walking over to one of the horses and swiftly mounting it. She had gone on scouting missions many times and knew the drill. She carefully trotted her horse into formation as he two twin daggers hang from either side of her waist belt. They were long things, more like short swords than daggers, they could pierce deep into a monster and were quite light too. 

(OPEN for any interaction)
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Alison Eckener


Frosty Bird (1)

Eckener narrowed her eyes into the blizzard. "Frosty Bird, approaching. It's alone. Don't break formation around it. Lower weapons, slash snout. I'll line it up for you all. Maintain speed." The captain stood on the top of her horse and swung a TME line forwards. As soon as she felt it tighten, the captain leapt off the horse and slid along the snow, towards the Frosty Bird. The instant she could see its cold eyes and jaws trying to snap at her, something filled the captain's head with regret. Regret, that this monster was going to die a cruel death at the hands of the humans.

That all disappeared as she rotated her body to be upside down and parallel with the beast's leg. The only thing heard through the silence was a shout of effort from the captain, a loud slice, and a muffled screech as the Frosty Bird fell limp. The captain's horse jumped over the Frosty Bird struggling to get up, and picked up the captain by its mouth. "It's not dead. Someone put its out of its misery." Eckener grabbed the horse's snout and vaulted over its head to mount it again before continuing forwards. She expected nobody to break the formation.

@JPax @Yappi @Salex The Baldie @SuperSpice @YoungX @Proxploxtops

Robert trotted in formation, being in the second tier behind the Captain. He looked at the Frosty bird sympathetically. Sure, those damned beasts had killed brigadiers and Mecha however nothing deserved to die as it did, the captain had cut off its legs and it would die on its own, or the wound would freeze, even worse. It was alone, wounded and stuck in the cold. The ice would likely freeze the wound and the beast would live out its life with one horribly injured lower half. He raised his axe to be on the side of the horse. as he was closest to the bird. While in formation.


"I got this one ma'am," he said.


The bird still had a beak however. It started snapping as he got close. The damned thing still had eyes too. It nipped his leg. 


"SHIT," he yelped.


He, out of instinct, raised his axe and swung down in the beast's head, hopefully ending it's pathetic life. Though it didn't deserve to die the way it did, it lost the little sympathy it had. It also foretold if what was to come. How could it attack alone? Aren't they in flocks, or whatever you call a group of them?


Speaking of wounds, he looked at his own. It had bit his ankle however it was a cut. It hurt like hell and it was bleeding however he thought he'll live. Blood was only for show. He tried to distract himself. He asked himself why the thing looked nothing like a bird.


"Dammit, stupid thing!" He mumbled. "Ma'am, why the hell do we name those things frosty birds when they look nothing' like birds?"
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"Yeah it'll be a strong one for me" Grant yells back as he jumps off the 501st to go get ready for the mission launch. Going over to a command console, he sets off the alarms. Most people would have to leave the hanger after all, if anything was to close to the hanger, be it a monster or just some rocks form a mountain it made sense to get everyone as far away as possible. After sounding the alarm, Grant went to the visual screen to see the launch. @JPax @Quillicious @Hanah Solo @Salex The Baldie @YoungX @Proxploxtops
After looking how mechs and brigaters left, Hanah walks next to Grant to see what he does.

"What are you doing?"

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"I'm waiting to see how if the mech units and brigadiers have a safe exit, if they do then we go back to our normal duty unless we get a distress signal, but if they don't have a safe exit we could end up sending out some quick support" Grant explained to Hanah while keeping an eye on the console. @Hanah Solo  

Ethan would be sitting by his mech, doing some cleaning up in his cockpit of his mech when the alarm sounded. He rolled his eyes. Hopefully the brigadiers and Mecha out on the field won't get killed elsewise he'll have a bit more time with his mech. He took a sip of his tea, almost empty and flavorlous. He frowned. He knew that new shop was no good. They can't even sell tea properly!


The cup was nearly empty anyways, thank god. He set down his cup on the dashboard where a hole the size of his cup would be set. The officers didn't know but his mech was certainly luxurious. He was a support mech after all.


He climbed down his mech through a ladder. Afternoon he ran to Grant.


"The hell's goin' on sir? Another mission?" He asked. He looked over at Hanah, wondering what a recruit was doing in the control room.


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Yvelle Eckener

Yvelle struck the Frosty Bird with her axe once more just to make sure it was dead, though it was pretty clear Robert had killed it. "The captain's being condescending, can you be okay with that please?" She looked to the captain, then back up at the mech through the mist. It would look terrifying to anyone who was untrained, which explained why almost nobody outside the military or older civilians knew about the monsters.

She focused back on the trail and made sure that no other monster-oh...

"Captain? Rex? that...what we're here for?" Yvelle pointed into the distance...

@Salex The Baldie @Proxploxtops

@YoungX @Quillicious @SuperSpice @Yappi
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Hazel Sauer

The other brigadiers had gone on a mission, leaving the others with training. Hazel had done so, and without the presence of the captain or authority it meant the brigadiers were free to do what they desired. For Hazel, that meant she quickly finished up training and decided to check out the command room. She kept a blank face as she walked into the room of people. Hazel narrowed her eyes and looked up at the mechs before pulling out a coil of steel TME wire.

"How is listening to audio going to help you?" At this time, all transmissions were in audio, and there was nothing that could really be heard but blizzards.

@Hanah Solo @SirGrey @Proxploxtops
"Yeah and both the captains are on it" Grant says as he searches his pockets for another smoke. Out. With a sigh he threw the empty box in the trash. "Oh well she is really green is this one never seen it before" Grant explains before seeing Hanah go off. "Hey Hanah, look I think its best if you go for some proper training instead of jut looking around here especially when a mission is on I recommend going to the training area maybe look over what the other trainees are doing" Grant says firmly while not trying to be a too harsh. Looking over to Hazel Grant says "In case of distress signals plus wouldn't you like to know that someone cares enough to listen out for you" Grant says as he goes out of the command room and over to the mech units. @Hanah Solo @JPax @Proxploxtops
"umm.. Where training area is?"

Maybe he forgot that i said earlier that i don't know where to go... I hope he isn't mad.
Hazel Sauer

Hazel crossed her arms. "You know it's the brigade that's allowed to train there. You guys took up four-fifths of the entire facility with the departments. Besides, I don't think someone like her will last a minute in there." Hazel grabbed Hanah tightly by the arm and raised it in the air, examining it closely. "You'll rip your muscles. Don't want that to happen." She dropped Hanah's arm and looked towards the training facility. "Alright, what the heck. I'll take you there, but you sure as hell aren't touching the TME. Your type runs the risk of hanging themselves on accident." Hazel looked down at Hanah with a grim appearance in her eyes. "Are you in?"

@Hanah Solo

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