Project: Heavy Iron

Bardoc Alden


Bardoc got up and nodded at the Captain. He released a bit of the wires from his gauntlets and held both of his daggers firmly. He eyed the models of the frosty birds that were within a few meters in front of him. He would then run and activate his TME toward the left rear of one of the Frosty Birds and went swoosh and went half circle around the frosty bird. The right dagger was thrown as well as more wire released from there right gauntlet. The dagger dug itself onto near the buttocks area, more specifically the right side.  Then he propelled himself forward and showed why some of his teammates gave him that ridiculous name of 'White Hurricane.' He actually spun and dug his left dagger as hard as he humanly could at the direct back and created a deep cut. The other dagger was pulled out as this occurred. He still spun as the right dagger cut through from the opposite end of the first slash of a backward-forward motion instead of forward-backward. The result was an 'X' scar made from both daggers as they etched a message of death. All this capped off with him slashing both eyes at once with quick yet strong jabs as he had still propelled forward from the TME. The TME was used again but only so that he could perform a simple, quick backflip back on top of the thing. Now he stood on the thing itself as he eyed his next target with precision.

Lt. Jay Ward


Jay didn't so much as blink as Alison spoke. He just paid close attention to the demonstration and orders, obediently. When he was told his required amount of push-ups, he just nodded. It was an eerie sight to see the normally...silly lieutenant to be acting so grave. Yet it wasn't like nobody expected any reaction from him.


"Yes ma'am," Jay replied, almost automatically, "I'll get that done ASAP." He was about to begin fighting the Frosties, but he heard Alison call him, so he approached her, standing at attention a few feet in front of the woman.


"Yes ma'am?"




Alison Eckener & Yvelle Eckener

Yvelle almost laughed at the lieutenant for being pulled down like that. She quickly finished doing whatever push ups she was told to do and fell down, smiling happily. "Well. I'm done. SEE YA!" Before anyone could say anything, Yvelle bolted out of the area and began running a course with the TME. She had a pretty good time record. In fact, Yvelle did hold the 2nd place record. Excluding captains, 1st place went to Jay Ward, who was widely known for his skill with the TME. She ended up dropping down and waiting for something to do.

Alison nudged Alden with her foot after she saw 150 push ups. "Get up. Combat training begins now. Jay, you're just in time for combat training. Two hundred push ups after this."

"ATTENTION EVERYBODY. FOR THE NEXT HOUR, I'M HERE TO OBSERVE BRIGADE ATTACKS ON FROSTY BIRDS. We aren't using REAL frosty birds because you band of twits will get your legs bitten off! There are one hundred Frosty Birds out on the field. Remember, real Frosty Birds can RUN! If each person goes 30 below the're ALL answerable to me."

The captain dragged the model of a Frosty Bird into the field. "Most of you are using bludgeoning weapons such as axes or picks. Aim for the snout. If you crush the snout, they suffocate and die." The captain hooked the TME around the model's face and smashed the snout hard with her elbow. It made a dent comparable to that of a small pick. She slid over the snout and landed in front of the dinosaur looking thing. "If you're one of the select few that are authorized to use bladed weapons, you just have to go for the back."

Now was the captain's impressive display. The instant her foot made contact with the ground behind the creature, the grinding of metal rang through the temporary silence. Two gleaming steel swords reflected what little light there was in the cave, only seconds before disappearing into a metallic spiral of blades the minute the left sword contacted the rear of the beast's model. Alison dropped down to the left of the model of the Frosty Bird, which now had its entire back sliced up into bits. The pathetic model collapsed to the ground, as authentic as real Frosty Birds did in the presence of the captain. It was nigh-impossible to decapitate a Frosty Bird, even after it had died. Yet, Alison had the head to prove it. 

"Lieutenant Ward, I'd like to talk to you. The rest of you, are my orders clear? Good. ATTACK!"

"Yes mom-I mean ma'am!" Yvelle spun the TME hook around and jumped into the fray of Frosty Birds.

Frosty Birds remaining: 100

(Please don't kill 10 at a time. They're all models, but a person will surely die if they go up against 3 frosty birds at once. Even the captain...)


AJ shrugged and grappled around a Frosty Bird model with a club changing direction midair. This however, did not work to well as he was flinging through the air barely slamming the birds face and and narrowly avoiding the model. He fell to the ground and sighed catching his breath slightly before trying to find another model. He was still trying to use the TME (What does the TME do anyways. Sorry i sound slow. What does it look like)
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Reist Brandt

Reist had heard what he needed for training and immediately broke off into a sprint. He didn't understand what TME was supposed to do, but he did see that AJ fell down. Reist ran past him, shouting, "Bro! This isn't the time to look for ground worms bro!" He pulled the other ensign to his feet before sprinting off. Seeing a Frosty Bird, Reist decided to jump up to its head and hit it hard with an axe. It crushed the snout, but he barely managed to avoid hitting its face.

@Yappi @Quillicious @YoungX @JPax

Alison Eckener

Alison looked to her lieutenant. "You're my first lieutenant. That means certain responsibilities must be taken. On the upcoming mission, about Rudolph. This is personal, very personal with Rex. We have to make sure he doesn't get hurt at any cost. All things on the peripheral...I want you to be on your best. Stay safe, keep them safe." She looked at him and saluted him, holding the salute for a solid minute. Her expression glazed over with one of seriousness, as if all the lost feeling was simply washed back into her being.


Yvelle Eckener

Yvelle saw that there was a Frosty Bird she had to probably attack. She fired the TME cables at the walls of the caves before trying to spin around a Frosty Bird. Yvelle smirked as she spun into an attack, slamming hard on the snout of a Frosty Bird. For such a small girl, damn was she strong. Yvelle dropped to the ground and turned around, looking around for the other models to beat up.

(Frosty Birds Remaining: 98. Feel free to go complete badass now)



Alison Eckener

Alison looked to her lieutenant. "You're my first lieutenant. That means certain responsibilities must be taken. On the upcoming mission, about Rudolph. This is personal, very personal with Rex. We have to make sure he doesn't get hurt at any cost. All things on the peripheral...I want you to be on your best. Stay safe, keep them safe." She looked at him and saluted him, holding the salute for a solid minute. Her expression glazed over with one of seriousness, as if all the lost feeling was simply washed back into her being.


Yvelle Eckener

Yvelle saw that there was a Frosty Bird she had to probably attack. She fired the TME cables at the walls of the caves before trying to spin around a Frosty Bird. Yvelle smirked as she spun into an attack, slamming hard on the snout of a Frosty Bird. For such a small girl, damn was she strong. Yvelle dropped to the ground and turned around, looking around for the other models to beat up.

(Frosty Birds Remaining: 98. Feel free to go complete badass now)


Banner was sleeping in his mech. He loved his mech, in a family way. It helped him, and he helped it. 

AJ took out his shotgun and shot 2 Frosty Birds right in the snouts. using blunt fire ammo and quickly reloading whilst zipping around with his grapples taking out his club and smashing a Frosty Bird across the nose.
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Lt. Jay Ward


Jay listened carefully to what she said, nodding a few times. "I understand, captain," he responded, "You know you can trust me. I'll do my best to protect them. I have a feeling we might need some extra protection. Tara won't die in vain."

It was a sincere promise, of course. But they wouldn't go unscathed every time. He returned the salute for just as long as she did. Then, Jay's emotions came flooding in and he suddenly stepped forward to hug Alison. "Excuse me, ma'am. It's been difficult. I really wanna kill this furry son of a bitch." The officer's normal grin returned as he pulled the considerably shorter Brigadier into the hug.


Bardoc Alden


After one down he focused on the next bunch. He did the same exact maneuver he did before and defeated another Frosty Bird before setting his sights onto another. However he knows that the same movements will only lead to his death. It was time for another maneuver and it would be one very impressive maneuver indeed. He activated his TME and aimed towards one of the left back limbs of the Frosty Bird as he spun around it. Then he would activate the left gauntlet and aimed his left dagger towards one of the right back limbs of another Frosty Bird that was nearby. From there he would spin around the two Frosty Birds as he spun around them effectively causing them to trip onto the ground. Then it was easy killings as Bardoc delivered two deep cuts once more for each Frosty Bird, but they didn't have an 'X' shape. It's not easy to always be consistent with killings.

Next he decided to act with efficiency instead of something like before, so he activated his TME once more and aimed at one of the front limbs of one of the Frosty Birds. Then he propelled himself forward with a good amount of speed as he extended the wires of both gauntlets towards the maximum length it could possibly go which was about 15 meters. He kept slinging his daggers from the wires at the legs of the Frosty Birds as he zipped past one towards another within a specific 30 meter radius. The TME allowed to circle across from one Frosty Bird to another as he simply slashed at the legs of every Frosty Bird he laid his eyes upon. 

From there he launched himself into the air using his TME as it was aimed a bit more upward towards the back of one of the Frosty Birds. With that he began to do what he does best. Fly and slash like a white hurricane. The daggers were back in his hands as he used the TME once more to propel himself back and make deep cuts across the back of the Frosty Bird as he then zipped past it and marked another one. This time he went underneath one of the Frosty Birds as he used the dagger/wire combo which he used to wrap around another Frosty Bird. It caused his body to propel half-circle where he once again made a deep cut across the back. Then he aimed toward the right side of a right back leg using his dagger/wire and propelled himself around it with the TME in order to tie it's legs up. Releasing the wire, he slashed a back and stood on top of it. He surveyed a bit before immediately jumping upward and aimed his TME at the bottom section of a Frosty Bird's torso (specifically the left side). 

With another propelling, he spun himself almost acting like a drill as he slid underneath the thing, almost touching the ground itself, and come full half-circle where he once again delivers two cuts straight across the back in a 45 degree diagonal as he exits from the left back side.

He didn't have time to simply stand still so he kept on flying like a bird. Grabbing his two daggers firmly, he used the TME to propel himself while spinning and just made slashes towards back after back. The key was one at a time since taking on more than three was just suicide in itself. This may be training but he had to take it as if life and death was on the line. 

As he made another slash at a Frosty Bird, he had racked up 29 more kills for a combined score of 30 total kills so far. It certainly wasn't over yet. He continued running and used his TME again  in order to aim for another kill.

Alison Eckener

Alison felt herself getting pulled into a hug, immediately. It felt nice, but she had things to do. "Remember, this is a diversion mission. Frosty birds. Keep them away from Rudolph, lead them bravely. I trust them with you, lieutenant." 

She shifted back out of the hug, to the board, and began to write down the names of all who were going on the mission. It was going to be pretty simple, since nobody was really going to be near Rudolph. Though, Frosty Birds were a risk.

Operation Rudolph

60th Scouting Mission

Task: Divert peripheral monsters from Rudolph & Captain Rex

Alison Eckener (Captain)


Jay Ward (Lieutenant Acting Captain During Scout Formation)

Bardoc Alden

Will E. Banner (Mech)

Yvelle Eckener

Alison stepped back and hit the board hard. "Alden! Banner! Eckener!" She summoned the three for this important cause. She also needed Captain Rex, but it was important to get them here at the moment.

@YoungX @Quillicious @Yappi @Salex The Baldie
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Alison Eckener

Alison felt herself getting pulled into a hug, immediately. It felt nice, but she had things to do. "Remember, this is a diversion mission. Frosty birds. Keep them away from Rudolph, lead them bravely. I trust them with you, lieutenant." 

She shifted back out of the hug, to the board, and began to write down the names of all who were going on the mission. It was going to be pretty simple, since nobody was really going to be near Rudolph. Though, Frosty Birds were a risk.

Operation Rudolph

60th Scouting Mission

Task: Divert peripheral monsters from Rudolph & Captain Rex

Alison Eckener (Captain)


Jay Ward (Lieutenant Acting Captain During Scout Formation)

Bardoc Alden

Anthony Johnson

Yvelle Eckener

Alison stepped back and hit the board hard. "Alden! Johnson! Eckener!" She summoned the three for this important cause. She also needed Captain Rex, but it was important to get them here at the moment.

@YoungX @Quillicious @Yappi @Salex The Baldie

(Poor banner wont get any action tonight, i want to take a break from AJ for a while) 

Bardoc Alden


Upon hearing the captain calling him, he immediately used his TME and landed in front of her. He performed a salute and said, "Lieutenant Bardoc Alden reporting ma'am." He said this in his usual calm and sort of quiet voice. From there he properly stood up as he assumed there was something important.


Lt. Jay Ward


"Hold on, now. Where are you gonna be? I can't just up and take them off your hands like that. Not while you're out there risking your life. It'll be better if we just stick together. I can coordinate attacks, but not lead them. That's your job."

Jay raised an eyebrow at Alison. She wasn't that crazy...was she? There must be something he was missing, here. Besides, not many people took him very seriously.

@JPax @YoungX @Yappi @Salex The Baldie

Alison Eckener

Alison quickly grabbed her lieutenant and dragged him behind the board so they couldn't be heard. "S-Sorry. This is highly personal, between Rex and I, and Rudolph. That monster took too many brigadier lives. It has to be stopped. You're the only one who can lead. I can trust you, can't I? You graduated at the top of your regime, didn't you? Hand-picked for lieutenant as a first choice. If I needed a fallback captain, that would be you. Just like you trust me, don't you? I'll be fine. Just focus on the task at hand, that's all I need."


Yvelle Eckener

Yvelle showed up quickly and saluted, only to see the captain wasn't there. "Eh? What's going on? REEEEXXXXX!!!" She quickly looked to the board and nodded in understanding, despite having no knowledge about the mission altogether. Today was going to be lots of fun for both her and everyone else in the place. Yvelle turned to look up at Alden, then at the board again.

@YoungX @Yappi @Salex The Baldie

Lt. Jay Ward


Jay stared at Alison with a look of confusion as she snatched him behind the board. "Alright, alright, I get it. It's personal. I guess I can lead for a little bit. Sure, I'll do it, then. And graduating at the top means next to nothing. Neither does rank. Not if I can't lead them. It's great you trust me, though. Glad to have your support, I always knew I was your favorite. But if you die, I'll personally kill you, okay? I'll promise to give my all if you're careful. I mean, what if you die? I couldn't be the captain. What if...?" Jay trailed off and looked down at the ground.


Robert got up first light and went straight to the training field. He might as well get his punishment over with. Upon hearing the command if three hundred push ups, it was to be expected. At 50, he started sweating, a hundred more and his arms started to hurt. And 200, he was barely hanging on and by 300, he hastily got up and off the ground, delighted at his accompaniment.


Upon hearing the second command, he heart dropped. He supposed he ought to get started, killing a couple at a time, stopping to catch his breath. Repeat. He followed the order of getting the beaks how we he found it hard when a bunch hang up on him. When that happened, he uses his TME. One managed to not his leg however it was only a small cut. It still stung however. It wasn't over yet. He only just got 18 kills. It was tedious doing the same thing. Something about killing dummies didn't seem to strike the same feeling if killing in the field, he thought. An axe also wasn't the most ideal of weapons.


When the Captain called the three brigadiers over, he raised an eyebrow. Maybe being a trainee wasn't good enough for this mission, even if he was the same age and almost the same skill as an Ensign. He looked over.


Hanah waked up in her room full dressed. She had get only little bit sleep after her ankle had nursed. Hanah get up from bed, ankle hurt little still, but getting to first training day was reason enough to her endure pain. When Hanah come out from her room she remembered, she doesn't know where to go. Only places where she knew to walk where hangar and now medical bay, so she started walking towards hangar.
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Alison Eckener & Yvelle Eckener

"Listen, I won't die. If Rex can go up against this thing without getting hurt, I'll be fine." Alison didn't bother mentioning anything else when she heard a stomp from the other side. "Polik. Your footsteps are distinct. Unprofessional. If you're going to sneak off like that, might as well join the mission." The coldness in her voice was real. Pain would come if he didn't listen. "Ward, I gotta talk to them. You got this, I know you do."

Yvelle chuckled when she realized a trainee was coming along. She looked back at him and waved randomly. She actually had to look up towards him since the girl was so short, but that didn't stop her from having physical strength. "Come on silly, you scared or something?" 

@Proxploxtops @YoungX @Quillicious @Salex The Baldie
Thor was outside the base. About 2 kilometers away. He seemed to be... Well careless about the base so close to him but none the less he sat down and made a crystal like form around himself with the spikes on his person, and started generating a large amount of heat. It started to steadily increase melting snow slowly over a 5 km area. Too much of this and the tempature increase will allow other monsters too come up the mountain. But then again, it's not like Thor was doing this purposely.
Thor was outside the base. About 2 kilometers away. He seemed to be... Well careless about the base so close to him but none the less he sat down and made a crystal like form around himself with the spikes on his person, and started generating a large amount of heat. It started to steadily increase melting snow slowly over a 5 km area. Too much of this and the tempature increase will allow other monsters too come up the mountain. But then again, it's not like Thor was doing this purposely.


Robert was surprised that he actually got to do a mission. A real mission with the captain. It was something he always dreamed of since being a recruit. When he heard the Captain's command, he nodded. No more fooling around. No nre joking. He was going to do his job and he was damn sure he would do it well. All he had to say was 


"Yes Ma'am"


When he heard Yvelle, he smiled some. Maybe it wouldn't be as boring or harsh as the captain made it seem. He looked down at her. Perhaps he was a bit scared, but who wouldn't, especislly when it's their first mission.


@JPax @Yappi (wrong tag and can't remove on mobile) @YoungX @Quillicious
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rex finally came out of his office like his old normal self, he greeted everyone with a salute and smiled as always. he goes to the hangar to greet the engineers and such. he waved to grant before going to the winter brigade side of the facility to meet alison

(@SirGrey) @JPax
Grant had finished his work on Banner's Dragon Breath, with the napalm injectors now working at the right pressure. Getting off the mech he goes to work on another mech. Someone apparently spilled a drink. Sometimes pilots were always the best they could be. Whiling checking over the mech, Grant waves back to Rex. Even if he was going on a mission that required something as reckless as using a gun with gunpowder filled bullets, well he was still the captain so hopefully he would know what he was doing. @Salex The Baldie @Yappi

Frosty Birds

A loud yipping noise rang out from two sides of Thor. Four ten meter tall Frosty Birds sprinted up the side of the mountain and began to surround the fire monster. The Frosty Birds sniffed and shook, until one of the creatures released a haunting cry. And then, all four of the Frosty Birds charged at Thor.


Alison Eckener & Yvelle Eckener

"Rex." Alison saluted and so did Yvelle, though she turned back to Robert. "Well, gotta listen to the lieutenant in charge of us." Yvelle laughed and waited for something to happen.

Alison looked to the bunker walls, reminiscing about her first mission. She remembered that she wasn't scared in the slightest, only a bit angry. This was the first mission for a trainee, so that was also Alison's first priority. "Alright, looks like Rex is here. Remember, we are to drive the monsters away from the mech. Follow all orders from lieutenant Ward as if you'd follow them from me." The captain's dead seriousness was now gone. This was still serious but there was life in her voice, even though it didn't show in her eyes.

@YoungX @Quillicious @Proxploxtops @Salex The Baldie 

Bardoc Alden


Bardoc nodded and performed a Winter Brigade Salute. "Yes ma'am," he said in his usual calm, sort of quiet speaking tone. His current mission was to drive away the monsters away from a mech, so this means that this mission will focus more on diversion. Killing and diversion are two different types of missions. In his eyes, diversion is just as hard as killing. Though seeing a trainee join this mission didn't raise any eyebrows. Rather he only hopes that this one can make it back, unfortunately he feels that the rookie may not be able to endure the same hardships everyone has. For now he waits for Lieutenant Ward to give the command.

@JPax @Quillicious

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