Project: Heavy Iron

Hanah find out some kind choker that would weaker mech's strength, so she removed it and start seeking others similar parts.

"Why someone would want weaker mech?"

Lt. Jay Ward


Jay chuckled at the answer he recieved. He shook his head and sat down next to the TMEs. "You're not wearing pants. I'm not sure that's an effective clothing choice. Shorts would suffice, too. But sure, they're cooler than this, I'd bet. Are you even wearing shoes?"

Meeting Allison's gaze, he handed her the notes on the kits. For whatever reason, Jay was labeled as a slacker sometimes. He heard AJ as well, tilting his head to hear him better. Calling for the captain, probably about his probation.

@JPax @Yappi

Trainee Robert Polik

The Brigade Facility


He supposed he must've crossed the line ine too many times to be 16 and a trainee. he also figured he must be lucky enough to be given permission for combat, of course combat wasn't always necessarily a good thing. He wondered where to begin.


He started walking around the facility. Possibly to a CO for his orders. To the other soldiers around him, he seemed short and bulky, way out of place. Figures, that's what everybody is in this world. He kept walking.


Ensign Yvelle Eckener

A small girl who didn't look her age of sixteen years old, was walking around the facility at night as well when she bumped into a guy. She let out a sharp yelp before covering her mouth and glaring up at the man. "Hey! What are you doing, walking around at night?! We should be in bed!!" Yvelle frantically waved her arms and tried to drag the trainee away from the direct line of sight. In the cave, it was always awfully dark, more so at night when the lights in the city were turned off. Yvelle barely knew the trainee, especially since most of the things she conducted as an ensign was away from the training facilities.

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Trainee Robert Polik



A chill went down his spine. She had startled him. He wasn't sure who she was, her rank or what she was doing there but it probably wasn't good for him. He didn't assess the situation. His first mistake.


"Beds? Then what the hell are you doing here,?" He questioned. The words came out of his mouth and he knew he'd regret it. He covered his mouth and then uncovered it. "I-I got lost ma'am. I was recently transferred to this area."


He wondered why it was awfully fark around here. Did everyone seriously sleep without lights? How does anyone feel safe here?


Hanah lost her grip in dark, when climbing down of mech's legs at 3 meters. (10 feets)


She, tools and chokers, that she had removed, smash to ground keeping lound voices. 
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Lt. Jay Ward


With muffled yawn, Jay waved it off. "You need your energy. At least tonight. It's pretty unhealthy to fight monsters and take as much stress as you do while running on four hours of sleep. And please, there're are plenty of trainees dying to get busy with their CO. You just happen to he here most of the time when their not around."

Ward sat back up and turned his gaze to the papers. "Need any help? I'm a night owl, I can deal. Just so you can get this done quickly. I promise I'll leave the hard work to you."


Trainee Robert Polik



A chill went down his spine. She had startled him. He wasn't sure who she was, her rank or what she was doing there but it probably wasn't good for him. He didn't assess the situation. His first mistake.


"Beds? Then what the hell are you doing here,?" He questioned. The words came out of his mouth and he knew he'd regret it. He covered his mouth and then uncovered it. "I-I got lost ma'am. I was recently transferred to this area."


He wondered why it was awfully fark around here. Did everyone seriously sleep without lights? How does anyone feel safe here?



He was getting closer sprinting now. He saw Robert and the captain and was about to speak. He caught his breath and said quickly "Some trainee got his hand on a prototype sword. What should i do about it. He's gone through about 3 training dummies!" He stands up straight after that. "Why are you 2 in the furnace room though?" He says almost instantly regretting his comment.

Robert Polik


Robert blushed. Apparently she was with a captain. Even worse. And he was a trainee. How could natters get worse then it is for him? He looked around the room. And this was the furnace room? He was disappointed at how this little room heated the entire place. It was dark.


"We're not doing any-anything," he mumbled. Upon hearing the captain part, he saluted as if automatically. "What now ma'am?"


He wondered how a trainee could get his lucky hands on a prototype. He also wondered what the trainee wanted to do about it.
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After his little rant at Rex, Grant finishes up the upgrades on the 501st. He imagined Rex would want to get in some rest and perform his morning duties before heading off to do good knows whatever. Hanging up the Mercury O in the hanger bay, the mechanic climbs down the mech going to his workstation. Looking over his cyborg arm, Grant performs some maintenance. The feedback from the electric wiring may of screwed up the arm somewhat, as it seemed to be acting a little slower then it normally should. Grant never did really get used to performing maintenance on, well his arm. Sure he could live with it, hell in some ways it was better than having a regular arm but still you never do get used to fixing your own arm with a pair of pillars. Unless you have a very shady doctor. Getting a few hours of sleep, Grant wakes up, deciding a shower might be for the best before finally turning in. He did still have the smell of mech oil. Going outside his workshop, the mechanic hears something. Grabbing his pistol, he goes deeper into the hanger bay. Hearing a crashing sound he runs over. Aiming his gun he yells "The hell are you and the hell are you doing here?". @Hanah Solo



he went out and was asked by grant in the hangar."yeah, it's an important mission. i don't mind about the sides, the front is gonna take the most damage, thanks grant" he said. he then went out for a while to find until he heard a loud thud. he rushed to the hangar to see the cadet that fell of the mech. "cadet, feet up, now" he said

@Hanah Solo @SirGrey
Hanah looks Captain Rex, man whit gun aimed to her and chokers all around her, she know immediately that she had screwed up big time.

"Y-yes, S-sir!"

Hanah tries to get up, but she had sprain her ankle from dropping. 

@SirGrey@Salex The Baldie
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Alison Eckener

Yvelle Eckener

"What...a prototype sword?" The captain sighed and walked out of the furnace room. Looks like progress had to wait because a selfish little psychopath needed his ass kicked. The captain then stumbled upon Robert Polik and Yvelle Eckener. "Oh! H-Hey captain..." 

Captain Eckener was not impressed by the sight. "Yvelle. Take Robert to bed. Both of you owe me 300 push ups in the morning. Any slacking and you'll be in a world of hurt. Get a move on now." Yvelle grabbed Robert's hand and tried to get him to the bunks. "Do you always have to be such an idiot, Polik? Now we owe her three hundred push ups." 

Alison sighed as she turned to AJ once again. "It's Carter, isn't it? Don't worry, he'll get what's coming to him. You, on the other hand. Go to bed. Lieutenant Ward, please discipline Carter."


((So a ton of stuff went down yesterday night and I'm not in a position to even look at a screen; this is the last post for a while))



Alison Eckener

Yvelle Eckener

"What...a prototype sword?" The captain sighed and walked out of the furnace room. Looks like progress had to wait because a selfish little psychopath needed his ass kicked. The captain then stumbled upon Robert Polik and Yvelle Eckener. "Oh! H-Hey captain..." 

Captain Eckener was not impressed by the sight. "Yvelle. Take Robert to bed. Both of you owe me 300 push ups in the morning. Any slacking and you'll be in a world of hurt. Get a move on now." Yvelle grabbed Robert's hand and tried to get him to the bunks. "Do you always have to be such an idiot, Polik? Now we owe her three hundred push ups." 

Alison sighed as she turned to AJ once again. "It's Carter, isn't it? Don't worry, he'll get what's coming to him. You, on the other hand. Go to bed. Lieutenant Ward, please discipline Carter."


((So a ton of stuff went down yesterday night and I'm not in a position to even look at a screen; this is the last post for a while))

(Ah. That sucks. See you whenever I guess)

AJ shrugged "Sure" AJ walked back to the back before seeing the trainee who was watching @Proxploxtops. He eyed him down before walking out the door and to the barracks. What a day. Luckily he is off probation. He lays in bed for a while and starts to take a little nap.

((Best of luck to you JPax and hope everything goes well))


Robert took her hand and went. He had no idea what was going on. He had just gotten to the city and was already getting his butt kicked. Perhaps 300 push-ups weren't that bad compared to what would've happened.


"What the hell was that? And what's your name ma'am?" Asked Robert. "And what were you doing?"


With a short push on his shoulder to his backpack, he moved to wherever the bunks were, following her lead.
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Sighing, Grant puts his gun back in his back pocket. Rex seemed to know this person as a trainee. Thinking back, Grant recalls her earlier in day, (or maybe it was yesterday Grant didn't really know how long he had been asleep) looking at the 501st. Looking over the chokers Grant sighs. "These aren't what you think" Grant says jumping down next to the trainee. "Mech produce a lot of power enough  to the point were it could over load systems or worse completely wreck them, think of it like over filling a glass, hence why we use these chokers hell keep the systems in check" Grant explains as he picks on up and places it back.  Still it was impressive for the trainee to know about this sort of thing at this young age.  Offering her a hand he says "What's ya name?". @Hanah Solo @Salex The Baldie 

(All the best @JPax)
(Hanah climbed at R3cru17 (Training mech) not at 501st, training mech's power had been weaked so they don't make so much damage)

"H-hanah, sir."

Hanah takes hold of Grant's hand.

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(I know but in an earlier post didn't Hanah look at the mech)

Grant helps Hannah up to her feet. Looking over her foot he says "Twisted it, you should probably go to the medical bay I'm sure they can fix you up". Grant climbs the ladder with the trainee in hand. Looking over to Rex he says "She needs to go the med bay" before look back at the trainee asking "What were you doing on the R3cru17 anyway I don't think you've even had any training in it yet have you?". @Hanah Solo @Salex The Baldie
(I know but in an earlier post didn't Hanah look at the mech)

Grant helps Hannah up to her feet. Looking over her foot he says "Twisted it, you should probably go to the medical bay I'm sure they can fix you up". Grant climbs the ladder with the trainee in hand. Looking over to Rex he says "She needs to go the med bay" before look back at the trainee asking "What were you doing on the R3cru17 anyway I don't think you've even had any training in it yet have you?". @Hanah Solo @Salex The Baldie

"No... I wanted to see how it's made. I tried made own mech before i was sended to here."

Hanah looked to Grant. 



"so the shiny can make a mech, this is interesting.... grant, finish up my mech. rookie, get yourself to the med bay now" he said as he went back to his office

@Hanah Solo @SirGrey

Yvelle Eckener

The small girl dragged Robert to the bunks with no words until he asked. "That was the captain. You're lucky she didn't hit you. If she did you'd be on the ground, crying like a little bitch. Oh, name's Yvelle. Ensign Yvelle Eckener." Ensigns were simply trainees with permission to engage in combat. While trainees were taken on scout missions, they were always told to stay back simply due to the high mortality rate in the Brigade. Yvelle had no authority, so she found it really funny that she could basically boss a trainee around. She almost began laughing, too. 


Alison Eckener

Alison sighed as she saw Yvelle drag the trainee away. She really did wonder if he was hardened enough to take the pressures of the brigade. At that point, something else caught her attention. A girl, only slightly taller than the captain herself, had twisted her foot. "If she was in the Brigade I'd tell her to run it off. Now, important business. I need to report to the director soon, so I'd like a complete itinerary of the recruits' statistics."

@Hanah Solo @SirGrey @Salex The Baldie(There's more....cya in a few hours)
"Rex we finished it you go can go on whatever stupid ass monster hunts you want" Grant says his anger from the previous tone from the previous tone coming back. Looking back to Hanah he asks "So you built a mech suit at before you came here" Grant asked the curiosity and surprise rather clear in his voice. Looking up he sees Allison Eckener captain of the Winter Brigade. Grant had no real issue with Brigade to do what they do you've got to have guts. Still some of its members could get on Grant nerves. Looking over to the captain he uses his robotic hand to itch the back of his neck. "Yeah well we have to keep our pilots in check, after all they have to save your people's asses" the mechanic says with a slight bit of annoyance in his tone. "Rex i'll take Hanah here to the med bay you seem to be busy enough" Grant says motion for Hanah to follow. @Hanah Solo @Salex The Baldie @JPax

Alison Eckener

Alison sighed. Mechanic whats-his-face's attempt at making the Heavy Iron seem something special didn't work, especially since Heavy Iron wouldn't be possible without brigadiers risking their lives to get them their resources. It was a sign of ingratitude and greed that the mechanic had displayed to the captain, something that she refused to typically put up with. However, she couldn't blame everyone when they lacked common respect and gratitude, as well as nerve and rigor. In fact, the current supply of steel that the pilots were generously applying to their masterpieces was at the expense of the life of Ensign Tara Perl, for whom no pilot but Rex had paid any respects to. 

"Tsk." Alison shook her head in dreary acceptance before making her way to the medical bay. "There's fabric needed for bandages, we'll get on that soon."

@SirGrey@Hanah Solo @Quillicious

"Damn, just got here and I'm getting my butt kicked," he frowned, "Robert, trainee Robert, scout and reconnaissance"


So that's an Ensign, he thought. Lucky her. Atleast she could fight whereas he would be suck in scouting. It's not as jf he hated the job, however scouting wasn't the only thing he wanted. He supposed he was lucky enough to be near monsters. 


Another thing he ha dnkticed was that the lady had been holding his hand a lot. A push would've been fine. He didn't think much of it.


"So... What were you doing out there?" He asked.
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Yvelle Eckener

The girl moved her hand away from Robert's hand, not realizing that it was there in the first place. She wiped her hand off on her shirt before looking back at the trainee. "You know how strict the regime is, right? You know...everybody's in scouting and reconnaissance. There' divisions like you even know what you're talking about?"

Yvelle cracked her neck and lay down on the bed. For 35 brigadiers, there were only 17 beds. Some slept on the floor if they didn't want to double up, but usually it was a fight for the beds. Nobody wanted to sleep on the floor unless they were either delusional or just pushed off. Most of the time, it was the smaller ones like Yvelle who ended up on the floor. "It's either you've been given permission to fight monsters or you don't have permission. Trainees don't get permission unless you're on a scouting mission. Have you ever gone on a scouting mission with Captain Eckener yet?"


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