Project: Heavy Iron

Scared that woman would do something scary to her otherwise, Hanah nobs and then started follow her.

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Robert looked to where she was pointing. It was pretty hard to see through the mist. He kept riding, ignoring the sting in his ankle.


"What the hell are you pointing at exactly?" Asked Robert to Yvelle. "Damn, we don't all have super vision ma'am"


He kept steady and in formation atop his horse, clutching his axe. His hands suddenly became ice as he was unsure what would happen. Maybe this mission will be his last, everyone's last. He tried to distract himself.


Ethan looked over at Grant. He started taking position around the controls.

"Alright Grant, what exactly am I looking for?" He said, "Monster sounds, something on the radar or whatnot? Communication?"

He looked over at Hazel and Hanah and then nodded. Finally the sleepy head woke up. He got set up on a chair nearby. He was disappointed at himself that he did not bring coffee. It would calm his nerves around this time. He got set up.

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suddenly he lifted his hand in a singal to stop.... once he heard it.... it was evident....    THUMP    "MOVE ASIDE NOW"    THUMP    "HE'S COMING"    THUMP        THUMP        THUMP        THUMP    

@JPax @Quillicious @Proxploxtops @YoungX



rudolph would charge, full one forwards. the speed is never seen before with any other beasts until this one. it charged straight ahead to rex's mech and....


rudolph's horns dug deep into rex's chest area, luckily the horns couldn't penetrate the thick armor grant has got him.

Alison Eckener

Eckener raised a sword and pointed off into the distance. "Frosty Birds incoming in all directions! That's about four for each of you. ATTACK!" As Eckener said this, she stood up on the horse's back until she got close enough to Rudolph. As her eyes crossed that of the beast's horns, a TME wire was fired from behind her hand. The wire latched onto the back of the beast, and the instant it did, she yanked herself hard in the direction of it. Drawing out the two swords, the captain slammed them deep into the backs of the creature's thighs, where it would take a while to reach. This was nearly suicide, if Rudolph decided to try and get her it might seem like everything could be lost right there. However, the swords could cut deep enough to pierce tendons and muscle fibers. Coupled with the captain's strength, this should leave at least a mark.

@JPax @Yappi @Salex The Baldie @SuperSpice @YoungX @Proxploxtops


Alison Eckener

Eckener raised a sword and pointed off into the distance. "Frosty Birds incoming in all directions! That's about four for each of you. ATTACK!" As Eckener said this, she stood up on the horse's back until she got close enough to Rudolph. As her eyes crossed that of the beast's horns, a TME wire was fired from behind her hand. The wire latched onto the back of the beast, and the instant it did, she yanked herself hard in the direction of it. Drawing out the two swords, the captain slammed them deep into the backs of the creature's thighs, where it would take a while to reach. This was nearly suicide, if Rudolph decided to try and get her it might seem like everything could be lost right there. However, the swords could cut deep enough to pierce tendons and muscle fibers. Coupled with the captain's strength, this should leave at least a mark.

@JPax @Yappi @Salex The Baldie @SuperSpice @YoungX @Proxploxtops


(okm 4 days. 87 alerts. Thanks Oboma) 

Anything i missed?))
"You look for any alarm signals from the scout squad members I expect if they come from anywhere they are gonna be from the mech units out there" Grant yells as he goes over to a mech that needs fixing. "Radar will be mostly blocked due to the storm". @Proxploxtops

"I guess so, any binoculars? Might help with vision. Damn storm," he replied.


Ethan looked out into the open, hoping his mech will be right where he left it.


Clair O'Reilly , the laziest member of the mechanised unit and debatably the laziest member of any military unit in human history. You , like the poor unfortunate janitor that found her , may be puzzled as to why exactly she was fast asleep in one of the main ventilation shafts. Well that my friends is a very funny story ! You see late last night Clair was charged with sweeping the main repairing bay for 'accidentally' oversleep the day before. And the day before that and well the day before that too. But anyway ! Clair was charged with sweeping the floors and as a result she was exhausted afterwards so instead of making the long trail back to the quarters Clair , well evidently she slept in the vent.

Classy , in every sense of the word.

Anyway it was the janitor Jim who found her and roused her to a wake with a hot cup of coffee. You see Jim and Clair were more or less brothers in arms at this stage as a result of Clair's behaviour. Clair was often punished daily and well the best punishment for the Lazy seemed to be hard labour and Joe the janitor certainly needed help around the base , so therefore Clair and he bonded over the past years of disciplining. In fact Jim was more or less the father Clair never had , he gave her advice , shared his views , scolded her when she stood out of line , listened to her problems , rambled on about how "young'uns today" and well he was just a really kind old man.

So when Clair drank her coffee the two spoke for a while:

"Clair , weren't you supposed to be on the hunting squad today ? You can't skip a duty like that just because you feel like it ! Your part of the elite , you hold the rank of 'Pilot' does that mean nothing to you ! All you do is laze about all day , skip training , skip this , skip that. Honestly there must have been a problem up at command when they gave you that promotion girl !"

Laughing slightly at the old mans outburst Clair replied smiling "Jim , you old fart ! Aren't you getting a bit old for this job ? I mean come on I'm only keeping my title of pilot until I can take your title of 'badass elderly man whom saves the human race one plunge at a time !"

Jim was humoured but clearly upset by this remark as well "Listen Girl , Your talented. Your more talented than anyone I've ever seen walk these halls. Your mind , its amazing. Heck in my opinion it's the most powerful weapon humanity has left at it's disposal !.......But you letting that weapon go to waste. You assume the title of pilot with such ease , half the men and women in here , no more , they would give there arm and leg to assume that position. For other's that position carries an immense weight. Your skilled and talented Clair. Don't let it go to waste. The things some pilot's and below say about you just isn't right !"

Clair sipped her coffee as she listened to Jim ramble on , he had often given her this speech in various different ways , it never changed much but she knew what the man said was from the heart. "Jim , I'm a pilot for project heavy Iron. I don't know anything about my parents before me so I don't have to worry about following in their steps. For all I know my mother could have worked the red light district. Anyway the point is , I don't care about my parents before me... I don't care about the pilots that work along side me. Simply put I don't care what anyone says about me , I don't care what anyone expects from me ! The bottom line is , I'm Clair O'Reilly. Orphan , Pilot , Tactician and The Laziest Squad member in the history of man kind ! I'm me and I'll do as I see fit. This is my life"

With that Clair handed Jim the cup , bearing a massive smile upon her face , before leaving to do a check on her mech.

With a loud belly laugh and a smile upon his face Jim called out " 'The Laziest Squad Member In The History Of Man' ha ha now that's a title I can get behind !"

Ensign Hazel Sauer | Trainee Stanley Brasse

Hazel had moved to listen to this conversation between Clair and Jim. Alongside the sixteen year old girl was the trainee who was just...there. He'd seen a death recently, again something that was missed by most of the Heavy Iron. "Actually, I think Captain Eckener removed her from the list because something about her being unable to react to danger in time. It's a liability, you know." She gave a harsh chuckle and pushed a strand of blonde hair over her left eye, which had a strange red marking under it. The trainee standing next to her gulped and looked down at the scene. "H-Hazel, I don't think you should insult the pilots. They own four-fifths of the facility."

"What? I'm just speaking the truth." Hazel sighed and followed Claire, dragging Stanley along. Judging by the tension of the grip, the elegance of every step, and the orderly grace that was seen in Hazel, it was pretty clear that she wasn't a pilot. No, she wasn't someone who rode a mech, she was someone who braved the monsters with nothing but clothes on her back. It was also visible in her muscles that she was a scout of the Winter Brigade. Some say the Brigade got the short end of the stick when it came to the military, but it was them who risked their lives so that mechs could be used. "Let go, iron woman..." Stanley winced at Hazel's death grip on his wrist.

"You, pilot. While you were sleeping, do you know who died?" The look on Hazel's uncovered yellow eye spelled death, and that was probably something she was going to act on unless the pilot answered, fast.

@Mr Swiftshots

Ensign Hazel Sauer | Trainee Stanley Brasse

Hazel had moved to listen to this conversation between Clair and Jim. Alongside the sixteen year old girl was the trainee who was just...there. He'd seen a death recently, again something that was missed by most of the Heavy Iron. "Actually, I think Captain Eckener removed her from the list because something about her being unable to react to danger in time. It's a liability, you know." She gave a harsh chuckle and pushed a strand of blonde hair over her left eye, which had a strange red marking under it. The trainee standing next to her gulped and looked down at the scene. "H-Hazel, I don't think you should insult the pilots. They own four-fifths of the facility."

"What? I'm just speaking the truth." Hazel sighed and followed Claire, dragging Stanley along. Judging by the tension of the grip, the elegance of every step, and the orderly grace that was seen in Hazel, it was pretty clear that she wasn't a pilot. No, she wasn't someone who rode a mech, she was someone who braved the monsters with nothing but clothes on her back. It was also visible in her muscles that she was a scout of the Winter Brigade. Some say the Brigade got the short end of the stick when it came to the military, but it was them who risked their lives so that mechs could be used. "Let go, iron woman..." Stanley winced at Hazel's death grip on his wrist.

"You, pilot. While you were sleeping, do you know who died?" The look on Hazel's uncovered yellow eye spelled death, and that was probably something she was going to act on unless the pilot answered, fast.

@Mr Swiftshots

Clair continued on her way with a smile fixed upon her face despite the verbal lashing the hulk woman was administrating. To be quite honest it was nothing Clair hadn't heard before. As Jim said some of the other members within the Iron brigade and even those outside it seemed to harbour a hatred for Clair , more than likely brought on by her laid back attitude. None the less this little event was nothing new and so Clair just pushed o with what she wanted to do , leading the two pursuers to the mech bay while simultaneously engaging in the conversation. "If it is true that I was taken off the list then I'm all the more thankful to you Ensign. You not only brave the harsh coldness outside the walls but you also save poor liable fools like me from making long and treacherous journeys to the mission board all the way across the base. Truly you have my thanks for now I can laze about in my mech for the next few hours without even the slightest care in the world. Really , it's been an honor meeting you".

Clair continued to make her way up and into her mech before the Ensign issued her question to which Clair rapidly responded with "Why yes I do , an old woman died in her sleep , the butchers soon passed away from fever and countless people suffered at the hands of frost late last night upon the streets with no covers to sheath them. However I assume your talking about someone else , someone you perceive to be far more important than those I named out. Am I correct ? Go on then Ensign tell me who died ! Was it your lover ? Your brother in arms ? maybe even your cat ? You seem like a cat person , the kind that goes home every night and cuddles with there kitten.... Anyway that was a bit off topic you must excuse me. Go on tell me who it was."

Following her speech Clair stood upon the top of her mech and looked down at the Ensign the same smile as always was plastered upon her face.


Ensign Hazel Sauer | Trainee Stanley Brasse

"Cats are extinct, dumbass. They've been gone long before you were born. You of all people should know that, being the smartest woman in the world and all. Also, you of all people should know that the Winter Brigade isn't allowed to go home under any circumstances." Hazel began to laugh, but then immediately lost her attitude when she mentioned home. Where was home for Hazel, nobody knew. It's just that she sort of appeared there. Stanley stepped away when Hazel pulled out two metal ropes. "Hazel..." 

"Hush child." The ensign tossed both ropes at the same time with great accuracy, so they wrapped around the mech's arms. The girl then pulled hard on the rope, pulling herself to Clair's level with nothing but ropes. "An ensign died. Though, you probably don't care. After all, we're supposed to expend" Hazel narrowed her eyes and looked down at the several meter drop from the mech's arms. If a normal person did jump that height they might break their legs. Hazel simply released the wires and hit the ground with a loud thud. If Clair was in the brigade, she would've probably been kicked off by the first day. Heavy Iron wasn't supposed to breed slackers like this. After all, they were a part of a military. If only the director saw this. Or worse...

@Mr Swiftshots

"I guess so, any binoculars? Might help with vision. Damn storm," he replied.


Ethan looked out into the open, hoping his mech will be right where he left it.


"Unless you like the idea of staring out into a blizzard I wouldn't recommended it" The mechanic says as he starts fixing up another mech unit. Nothing too bad it just needs reloading in its weapon system. Going over to the Mercury O Grant starts to move the missiles from container and carefully place them in the machine system. You had to be careful one false move and this entire place could come crashing down. @Proxploxtops

Ensign Hazel Sauer | Trainee Stanley Brasse

"Cats are extinct, dumbass. They've been gone long before you were born. You of all people should know that, being the smartest woman in the world and all. Also, you of all people should know that the Winter Brigade isn't allowed to go home under any circumstances." Hazel began to laugh, but then immediately lost her attitude when she mentioned home. Where was home for Hazel, nobody knew. It's just that she sort of appeared there. Stanley stepped away when Hazel pulled out two metal ropes. "Hazel..." 

"Hush child." The ensign tossed both ropes at the same time with great accuracy, so they wrapped around the mech's arms. The girl then pulled hard on the rope, pulling herself to Clair's level with nothing but ropes. "An ensign died. Though, you probably don't care. After all, we're supposed to expend" Hazel narrowed her eyes and looked down at the several meter drop from the mech's arms. If a normal person did jump that height they might break their legs. Hazel simply released the wires and hit the ground with a loud thud. If Clair was in the brigade, she would've probably been kicked off by the first day. Heavy Iron wasn't supposed to breed slackers like this. After all, they were a part of a military. If only the director saw this. Or worse...

@Mr Swiftshots

Clair watched on in amusement as the Ensign continued to pointlessly insult her. It had been three whole days since she last got the chance to enjoy herself like this "What , seriously ! Cats have gone extinct ! Well this isn't good not at all , you poor thing..... you would have been an excellent cat owner." Clair spoke with a somewhat serious tone , scratching the back of her head  , while simultaneously giving the Ensign a look of sorrow. Apparently the winter brigade ensign had never before been exposed to sarcasm , it was almost pitiful in all honesty. The poor brute of a woman. 

Clair continued to work on her mech almost instantaneously afterwards , her former persona of sorrow completely vanishing as she began humming an old tune. Her attention and humming was silenced when the Ensign began to besiege her mech's arm. Upon the ensigns decent Clair let out a wolf whistle and peeked cheekily over the edge of her mech's arm , a grin now replacing her former smile. "Wow , you actually managed to pull yourself up to my level and then also managed to jump from my mech to the ground without so much as a whimper ! I mean it really was impressive , a true display of your trainings effectiveness. I mean I just used the stairs , you know the convenient step like item behind me."

Moving back to a stand Clair moved to take the stairs down to the level Hazel was now located on "As for your friend in the Winter brigade , the one that perished. He was of little to no significance to me. I probably never even met the trooper. Therefore you would be correct in assuming I don't care , however your reasoning behind it is wrong. Even pawns can become queens given the correct circumstance. No member of any faction is expendable ! You'd do well to remember that."


Ensign Hazel Sauer | Trainee Stanley Brasse

"Cats have been extinct since before even the director was a teenager. Also, the ensign who died was a female. I was hoping you'd at least be aware." The sixteen year old ensign grabbed Clair by the shoulder, holding her in place and refusing to let her move. How unfortunate that Clair thought of herself above others just because she was in the Heavy Iron as a pilot. Only a handful in the entire military had respect for human life, and this pilot wasn't one of them. Oh well, she was simply inexperienced and there was nothing Hazel nor Stanley could do about it. "H-Hazel, you're probably going to crush her shoulder..." Stanley stepped back as he watched Hazel's grip slightly loosen.

"Let's try to show a little more understanding towards the dead, shall we?" Hazel sighed and let Clair go, deciding to spare the pilot. The pilot was indeed, very lucky, to be spared from a beating. "Hazel, she's on the list."


"Clair O'Reilly."


"The pilot, damnit!"

"What list?"

"She's on the probation list. Captain Eckener will probably meet with her..."

"A pilot, being sent to the brigade...that can only mean recent performance that was unacceptable. Or, lack of performance in general."

Hazel looked at the pilot. The pilot was clearly older than she or Stanley was, but the Brigade did often have younger members. "Thoughts, Miss O'Reilly?" Stanley looked at the pilot with a now slightly sorry look. She knew that the pilot didn't meet Eckener personally, so this was going to be a long ride... 

@Mr Swiftshots


Ensign Yvelle Eckener

"Frosty birds on the left and right! They heard the mech!" Yvelle narrowed her eyes, shooting a brief glance to Robert before looking back at the task at hand. Looks like they were on the way here. The girl grit her teeth and pulled out an axe, raising herself on the back of the horse as the animal charged towards the large blue dinosaur like creature. "GOT IT!" Yvelle raised her arm and swung the axe hard, striking the Frosty Bird hard on the snout, crushing it partially. However, the creature had attacked back with its claw and sliced open a wound on the Ensign's leg. "Ah! Shit...shit...absolutely shit..." Yvelle clung onto the horse, which began to make another round to the other side of the Frosty Bird. It didn't look like she was going to make a hit on the creature at this rate.


@Salex The Baldie @YoungX @Quillicious @Yappi

(Oh remember, you can NPC the Frosty Birds. They're monsters after all :P)

Robert Polik


Robert heard Yvelle, looking back at her and then back at the incoming frosty birds. It seemed as if a battle was underway, or perhaps it already was. He raised his axe and charged into the frosty birds, one job and that was to protect the flank if the mechs.


He charged the frosty bird, aiming for the legs. One if them started trying to bite his horse, it was fast but the horse was faster, managing to pull to the side if it, his leg throbbing with every step the horse took. He swung his axe down at its legs, he heard a crunch on the beast's legs. He looked back, nearly hurling him off his horse. The beast was down and now he had to run back for the kill. He heard more frosty birds incoming but he was trained in that one, trying not to fall off his horse. 


With another charge in its side he rode. He saw the beast's legs nearly chopped off, it wouldn't survive in this state. He'll, it might even be mercy to kill it, which he planned on doing. He saw the beast's neck, swinging his axe down as a barely audible this was heard to him. The beast stopped moving as the Frosty bird's blood oozed out, his axe covered in it. 


As he looked back on his horse, he saw frosty birds coming in close and behind him another frosty bird, though it seemed through the blizzard that she was taking care of it, its face certainly wasn't alright.



Ensign Hazel Sauer | Trainee Stanley Brasse

"Cats have been extinct since before even the director was a teenager. Also, the ensign who died was a female. I was hoping you'd at least be aware." The sixteen year old ensign grabbed Clair by the shoulder, holding her in place and refusing to let her move. How unfortunate that Clair thought of herself above others just because she was in the Heavy Iron as a pilot. Only a handful in the entire military had respect for human life, and this pilot wasn't one of them. Oh well, she was simply inexperienced and there was nothing Hazel nor Stanley could do about it. "H-Hazel, you're probably going to crush her shoulder..." Stanley stepped back as he watched Hazel's grip slightly loosen.

"Let's try to show a little more understanding towards the dead, shall we?" Hazel sighed and let Clair go, deciding to spare the pilot. The pilot was indeed, very lucky, to be spared from a beating. "Hazel, she's on the list."


"Clair O'Reilly."


"The pilot, damnit!"

"What list?"

"She's on the probation list. Captain Eckener will probably meet with her..."

"A pilot, being sent to the brigade...that can only mean recent performance that was unacceptable. Or, lack of performance in general."

Hazel looked at the pilot. The pilot was clearly older than she or Stanley was, but the Brigade did often have younger members. "Thoughts, Miss O'Reilly?" Stanley looked at the pilot with a now slightly sorry look. She knew that the pilot didn't meet Eckener personally, so this was going to be a long ride... 

@Mr Swiftshots


Ensign Yvelle Eckener

"Frosty birds on the left and right! They heard the mech!" Yvelle narrowed her eyes, shooting a brief glance to Robert before looking back at the task at hand. Looks like they were on the way here. The girl grit her teeth and pulled out an axe, raising herself on the back of the horse as the animal charged towards the large blue dinosaur like creature. "GOT IT!" Yvelle raised her arm and swung the axe hard, striking the Frosty Bird hard on the snout, crushing it partially. However, the creature had attacked back with its claw and sliced open a wound on the Ensign's leg. "Ah! Shit...shit...absolutely shit..." Yvelle clung onto the horse, which began to make another round to the other side of the Frosty Bird. It didn't look like she was going to make a hit on the creature at this rate.


@Salex The Baldie @YoungX @Quillicious @Yappi

(Oh remember, you can NPC the Frosty Birds. They're monsters after all :P)

Clair winced when the ensign took a hold of her shoulder , Clair had never really been physically strong and so it was more than easy for the Ensign to hold her in place. The powerful grip was painful to say the least and Clair had no Idea as to why the Ensign had felt it necessary to do so over a bit of sarcasm and cold hard truth. Was this woman thick in the head ? Had all her muscles gone and messes with the wiring of her brain cells ? Surely she didn't honestly think she could escape the situation without any repercussions ! This was the mech bay and she was assaulting a pilot ! The command wouldn't like this at all.

Clair let out a sigh of relief and brought her opposite hand to her injured shoulder to help relive the pain. Once she was released that is. Honestly bullies were supposed to be a thing of the past ! Stupid brute of a girl , she clearly held no respect for the Iron Brigade nor anyone who held a different view point !

Anyway moving on the boy accompanying the brute let louse some valuable information. Apparently Clair was on probation or was at least being considered for it , this came as no shock to Clair who quite honestly had no idea as to why it wasn't done sooner. The brute continued to make remarks on the situation but Clair continued to smile both during and after the apologetic look the boy shot her "Well actually it's more than likely linked to the fact I slept with a winter brigade member last week and the week before that.... probably even the week before that as well..... I also skipped training this week and also didn't show up to my promotion ceremony."

Clair turned her back to the two Winter Brigade members and looked to her mech "Haha , probation..... should I be offended , privileged or anything in between ? To be honest I don't really care for it , I'll be back to my mech soon enough. No one else can pilot this faulty prototype".

Clair moved to rub the cold metal plating as she spoke "Command can put me on probation for as long as they want. I really couldn't give a damn , I'll smile and enjoy myself just like always. That's my way , The Clair O'Reilly way ! No one can pull it off quite like me."

Turning her head slightly to gain a view on the Ensign Clair spoke one final time before going silent "You seem to hold a grudge with me , I have no Idea why though. I simply shared with you my personal views on the living and the dead. You have no right to tell me I'm wrong ! So I made a few cat jokes.... did that really warrant your actions ! I never once claimed any superiority over you or your brigade ! Most Pilots would do so on first contact ! You are dishonourable , that's something I never thought Id have to say to a winter brigade member. Now if you'll excuse me I have some shut eye to catch up on and a mech to deactivate !"


Ensign Hazel Sauer | Trainee Stanley Brasse

Hazel pointed to the probation list once more, and tapped the yellow sticker next to Clair's name. She knew there was a chance that the whole 'sleeping with a brigade member' was a lie, because if a brigadier did something so scandalous they would've had the shit kicked out of them. Oh wait, that might've actually happened if it was true. The two began to whisper to each other, out of Clair's range of hearing. "You mean, the captain is considering throwing her out?"

"No, you idiot. A yellow sticker means that she has never met with the captain. Hopefully she's quick to learn about the situation when the captain does meet with her and by the looks of it, she'll probably break the pilot like a twig."

"Tell her not to!"

"Look, humanity is on the brink of extinction and this pilot woman doesn't understand what that is. She still thinks she's in the privileged little world where she can do whatever she wants. Well, not everyone understands as much of reality as we do, I suppose." Hazel took the paper off of the list and rolled it up. She walked over to the mech, nonchalantly, and stuck the paper to the metal.

"Sorry Miss O'Reilly, it's...the probation warning. You aren't permitted to operate on your mech until Captain Rex has you under full supervision..." Stanley rubbed the side of his head and pointed to the probation warning.

Heavy Iron

Winter Brigade

Probation Warning**

Probation warning issued by Captain Alison Eckener based on reports from Pilot Jalen Acertost

Clair O'Reilly has been placed on probation due to the following infractions:

-Unacceptable lack of performance

The following punishment shall be issued: Probation

-Mech may not be handled during this period of time as Pilot O'Reilly's dedication is now under question

Stanley looked at her with a serious face and made another apologetic face. "I guess you have to take it up with Pilot Acertost since he was the one who turned you in. He's...kind of busy with his own mech." He jerked his thumb over to Jalen, who was currently busy with his iron giant. "Also...I'd give you a set of TME so you can drag him down but...well, I doubt you're strong enough to even lift it. That, and the whole, um, probation thing." Stanley pointed to the warning again and stood straight, orderly, just like Hazel. Speaking of Hazel...

She walked away for some reason. All that remained was a trail of red sparks crackling in her footsteps, which was rather peculiar. 

@Mr Swiftshots (Sorry xD I don't think you know what probation meant lol)
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Hanah looked in horror when woman who should have taken her to training nearly crushed pilot's shoulder, because she didn't respect someone's dead.

Maybe it's good thing she forgot me, I didn't even know that someone has died. But what now? Does she kill me if i leave and she remembers me again or notices me and uses me as punching bag?

(So Hanah is still 14 years old recruit pilot that Ensign Sauer was going to lead in training room, before she forgotten her)


@Mr Swiftshots
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Ensign Hazel Sauer | Trainee Stanley Brasse

Hazel pointed to the probation list once more, and tapped the yellow sticker next to Clair's name. She knew there was a chance that the whole 'sleeping with a brigade member' was a lie, because if a brigadier did something so scandalous they would've had the shit kicked out of them. Oh wait, that might've actually happened if it was true. The two began to whisper to each other, out of Clair's range of hearing. "You mean, the captain is considering throwing her out?"

"No, you idiot. A yellow sticker means that she has never met with the captain. Hopefully she's quick to learn about the situation when the captain does meet with her and by the looks of it, she'll probably break the pilot like a twig."

"Tell her not to!"

"Look, humanity is on the brink of extinction and this pilot woman doesn't understand what that is. She still thinks she's in the privileged little world where she can do whatever she wants. Well, not everyone understands as much of reality as we do, I suppose." Hazel took the paper off of the list and rolled it up. She walked over to the mech, nonchalantly, and stuck the paper to the metal.

"Sorry Miss O'Reilly, it's...the probation warning. You aren't permitted to operate on your mech until Captain Rex has you under full supervision..." Stanley rubbed the side of his head and pointed to the probation warning.

Heavy Iron

Winter Brigade

Probation Warning**

Probation warning issued by Captain Alison Eckener based on reports from Pilot Jalen Acertost

Clair O'Reilly has been placed on probation due to the following infractions:

-Unacceptable lack of performance

The following punishment shall be issued: Probation

-Mech may not be handled during this period of time as Pilot O'Reilly's dedication is now under question

Stanley looked at her with a serious face and made another apologetic face. "I guess you have to take it up with Pilot Acertost since he was the one who turned you in. He's...kind of busy with his own mech." He jerked his thumb over to Jalen, who was currently busy with his iron giant. "Also...I'd give you a set of TME so you can drag him down but...well, I doubt you're strong enough to even lift it. That, and the whole, um, probation thing." Stanley pointed to the warning again and stood straight, orderly, just like Hazel. Speaking of Hazel...

She walked away for some reason. All that remained was a trail of red sparks crackling in her footsteps, which was rather peculiar. 

@Mr Swiftshots (Sorry xD I don't think you know what probation meant lol)

( xD no I know what it means it's just the way you wrote it made me think it was more of a transfer for some reason , sorry.)

Clair moved back from the mech and stood staring at it with her arms crossed as the two winter members spoke behind her. In fact that's all she did until the warning was stuck upon the mech's leg , on instinct she began to read. What was wrote was short and two the point , clear and in bold. With a sigh and scratch of the head Clair turned to look back in the direction of the janitor , thankfully he was gone. Her attention was then grabbed by Stanley as he informed her of Jalen and his actions , at first she was slightly annoyed but she quickly calmed herself and decided it best to just feel the situation out. If probation was in effect starting a verbal riot would do her no good , so instead she turned to Stanley and tried to spark conversation with him "So Stanley right ? What's that girls beef anyway ? I haven't met her before have I ?


Trainee Stanley Brasse

Stanley was still relieved that Hazel didn't get physical. Hazel stood four inches shorter than Clair, and on top of that was only 16. That was a huge difference in age, experience, and size. However, Stanley had seen Hazel during trainings. There were just straight up inhuman things she did, especially the one time she snapped a Frosty Bird model's neck with nothing but her TME wire and lower body strength. As Stanley was busy feeling the relief, the pilot decided it would be a good idea to start a conversation.

"Well, no, you haven't met her. Hazel's always out in the field of battle risking her life while you're napping." Stanley spoke bluntly as he stood in the spot with a brigade salute, as if addressing a senior. He wasn't afraid of the girl in the slightest, but he felt that if he showed a disrespectful and lazy pilot some proper respect then that could only do good to humanity as a whole. 

@Mr Swiftshots

Hazel Sauer

Hazel stormed out of the building and grabbed Hanah by the wrist, though as tight as she grabbed the pilot's shoulder. "I'm not done with you." She simply began to drag Hanah towards the training area that belonged to the Winter Brigade. Compared to the Heavy Iron, it was a rather run-down place with rusty equipment and dysfunctional technology. However, Hazel continued walking towards the area. Every footstep from Hazel's bare foot emitted a small red spark as it hit the stone cold floor. "Tell me a little about yourself, Miss Solo. It'll be a while before we get there."

@Hanah Solo
Hanah let out small yelp when she felt suddenly pain from both wrist and shoulder, when girl before started drag her. Hanah speed up her walking so pain from shoulder would end.

"My mother died when i was baby and i have grow up in multiple families before i was sended to military school. I like all mechanical and i can break down stuff, learn how it's made, compile parts back and repair broken parts."


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