Project: Heavy Iron

Frosty Birds

A loud yipping noise rang out from two sides of Thor. Four ten meter tall Frosty Birds sprinted up the side of the mountain and began to surround the fire monster. The Frosty Birds sniffed and shook, until one of the creatures released a haunting cry. And then, all four of the Frosty Birds charged at Thor.


Alison Eckener & Yvelle Eckener

"Rex." Alison saluted and so did Yvelle, though she turned back to Robert. "Well, gotta listen to the lieutenant in charge of us." Yvelle laughed and waited for something to happen.

Alison looked to the bunker walls, reminiscing about her first mission. She remembered that she wasn't scared in the slightest, only a bit angry. This was the first mission for a trainee, so that was also Alison's first priority. "Alright, looks like Rex is here. Remember, we are to drive the monsters away from the mech. Follow all orders from lieutenant Ward as if you'd follow them from me." The captain's dead seriousness was now gone. This was still serious but there was life in her voice, even though it didn't show in her eyes.

@YoungX @Quillicious @Proxploxtops @Salex The Baldie 

Thor stood up letting out a load roar. It started to put more energy into his heat producing bland making his body combust into flames. he backstepped trying to put distance between him and the 4. The spikes on his body starting to get hot. As well as the claws.


Erica was hanging out at the hanger when she saw Hannah and Grant.  She watched them from the top of her mech before climbing down the giant tank thing to say hi.  She was awfully bored at this point with a itching to smash something but maybe talking can take her mind off of it.

@SirGrey @Hanah Solo

Snow Demon

The air was cold that day as the giant creature slumbered deep inside the snow.  Hunger had taken over its senses at this point, forcing it awake.  It clawed out, breaking through the snow to the cold world, it's heated breath being seen in the cold.  The mask around its blood dried face soon was removed as it then heard the sound of a screech and roar away.  Sound meant food.  It turned and started moving in that direction, eyeing everything for some kind of movement, some kind of food.  It then came across a Frosty bird pack and Thor.  The growl of hunger came again as the armor grew back, it's claws dug into the ground, getting ready to charge in.

@JPax @Yappi
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The mechanic finished with the the mech with the spilled drink. An easy fix for a stupid mistake. Going along the bay to check what else need fixing up he sees Hanah going over R3cru17 to grab her tools. He was still impressed about her knowledge of the power chokers, even if she should of waited to check why they were there first. Going over to her he says "Hey kiddo you feeling any better today". As he talked Grant looked up to see Erica saying hi. Yelling his own hello back, Grant checks his pocket for cigs. @Shammy the Shamrock @Hanah Solo 
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Erica was hanging out at the hanger when she saw Hannah and Grant.  She watched them from the top of her mech before climbing down the giant tank thing to say hi.  She was awfully blard at this point with a itching to smash something but maybe talking can take her mind off of it.

@SirGrey @Hanah Solo

Snow Demon

The air was cold that day as the giant creature slumbered deep inside the snow.  Hunger had taken over its senses at this point, forcing it awake.  It clawed out, breaking through the snow to the cold world, it's heated breath being seen in the cold.  The mask around its blood dried face soon was removed as it then heard the sound of a screech and roar away.  Sound meant food.  It turned and started moving in that direction, eyeing everything for some kind of movement, some kind of food.  It then came across a Frosty bird pack and Thor.  The growl of hunger came again as the armor grew back, it's claws dug into the ground, getting ready to charge in.

@JPax @Yappi

Thor's spikes started to burn brightly with blue hot fire. All this 2km away from the bunker btw. 

Meanwhile banner was watching from a window eating popcorn.

Frosty Birds (4)

The four Frosty Birds had no real attack tactic, but saw the approaching threat. The creatures scattered and regrouped into their primal attack forms. The sound of the yapping increased before two of the frosty birds fired their teeth towards Thor. The other two attempted to ram the snow demon from both sides simultaneously. 

@Yappi @Shammy the Shamrock
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Erica was hanging out at the hanger when she saw Hannah and Grant.  She watched them from the top of her mech before climbing down the giant tank thing to say hi.  She was awfully blard at this point with a itching to smash something but maybe talking can take her mind off of it.

@SirGrey @Hanah Solo

Snow Demon

The air was cold that day as the giant creature slumbered deep inside the snow.  Hunger had taken over its senses at this point, forcing it awake.  It clawed out, breaking through the snow to the cold world, it's heated breath being seen in the cold.  The mask around its blood dried face soon was removed as it then heard the sound of a screech and roar away.  Sound meant food.  It turned and started moving in that direction, eyeing everything for some kind of movement, some kind of food.  It then came across a Frosty bird pack and Thor.  The growl of hunger came again as the armor grew back, it's claws dug into the ground, getting ready to charge in.

@JPax @Yappi

Frosty Birds (4)

The four Frosty Birds had no real attack tactic, but saw the approaching threat. The creatures scattered and regrouped into their primal attack forms. The sound of the yapping increased before two of the frosty birds fired their teeth towards Thor. The other two attempted to ram the snow demon from both sides simultaneously. 

@Yappi @Shammy the Shamrock

Thor looked to the left bashing to the side hoping to impale atleast one of the snow creatures on his spikes before running away in the direction of the bunker. He did know that though.

Robert laughed nervously at Yvelle's comment. He was excited and moreso, nervous. He was on his first scouting mission, and it wasn't just any creafure, it was the Rudolph. The creature that was on the.more deadly side. And he would be working with Rex. He would get our of this stupid cave and actually do.something useful. Maybe, if he did well, he would get to be an Ensign.


"Yes ma'am," Robert said. It was all he had to do. Follow orders and keep his head on his neck. His hands were shaking.


@JPax @
Thor looked to the left bashing to the side hoping to impale atleast one of the snow creatures on his spikes before running away in the direction of the bunker. He did know that though.

(Oh sorry i missread.) 

Thor picked up a large stone and pulled a stone from the mountain and flung it at one of the Snow Beast. Before hiding behind a small mountain


The Snow Demon

The beasts eyes tightened as it let out a loud growl.  It looked at the two oncoming before tightening it's grip on the ground.   It moved away from one of them, going to try and slash at the one coming to his left side with full force. 

@JPax @Yappi

Erica Morrison

Erica couldn't help but smirk when Hanah commented on the reloading of the guns.  "It's a tedious process but I do it for my baby."  She patted the mechs foot before pointing to the nose of the tank.  "That's the easiest part."  Erica laughed lightly before clearing her throat and looking back at Hanah.

@Hanah Solo @SirGrey

Frosty Birds (3)

One of the Frosty Birds that the Snow Demon slashed at immediately fell over, hitting the ground hard and breaking its snout. The reptile's blue blood dripped onto the snow, evaporating on contact with the snow which was much warmer than the internal temperature of the reptiles, sort of like liquid nitrogen. The rest of the animal also began to evaporate, for it could no longer maintain its internal temperature. The other three Frosty Birds realized that taking on a bigger opponent for food wasn't the answer, and this prey animal wasn't going to let them have it.

The remaining Frosty Birds jumped behind the mountain and began hiding from the snow demon with Thor, not realizing that they were pretty easy kills at this point. It's not like anyone would eat Frosty Birds, because the cold inside them could freeze mouths.

@Yappi @Shammy the Shamrock


((Gonna post Winter Brigade in a sec))



rex would then go to see the winter brigade's training, impressive stuff.... but he wasn't here for that. he goes beside alison and says " have you assembled your squad?" he asks


Alison Eckener

Alison nodded. "Yeah. In fact, I've even set up a plan." She turned back to her brigade and saluted. "The plan for the 60th scouting mission is on the board. It is to be followed, we are remaining on the defensive at all times, got that?"

Operation Red Light

60th Scouting Mission

Task: Divert peripheral monsters from Rudolph & Captain Rex

Alison Eckener (Captain)

Jay Ward (Lieutenant Acting Captain During Scout Formation)

Bardoc Alden

Will E. Banner (Mech)

Yvelle Eckener

Robert Polik

Alison then pulled a plan over the board. "This is the plan. It's to be followed to the dot."


[R] = Rudolph

[M] = Monsters

[CR] = Captain Rex

[CE] = Captain Eckener

[LJ] = Lieutenant Ward

[ME] = Lieutenant Banner


  • [YE] = Yvelle Eckener
  • [BA] = Bardoc Alden
  • [RP] = Robert Polik

^, <, >, v = Attack Direction

), (, U = Defense Direction


^ ^ ^


[M] ( [YE]                                                                            [RP] ) [M]






[M]                                         ( [BA] )                                          [M]



[M] [M]

[COLOR= rgb(0, 128, 128)]"Everyone, take a minute to study the plan. Lieutenant Ward's orders are to be followed throughout the mission once defense formation is engaged, however this is a general guideline. If any monsters attacking display intelligent or aberrant behavior, notify lieutenant IMMEDIATELY. The signal is a [/COLOR]black firework.[COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 255)]" [/COLOR]Eckener then held up a small cannon with a cone sticking out of it. [COLOR= rgb(0, 128, 128)]"Handheld Pyrotechnic Cannon use is important.[/COLOR] Yellow for approaching beast, Cyan for regrouping, and magenta for injuries. Tend to the injured first. Are my orders clear?"

@Quillicious @Salex The Baldie @Yappi @Proxploxtops @YoungX
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Bardoc Alden


"Yes ma'am," he said with a salute before studying the plan carefully. He made sure to memorize it and get it into his head. His handheld pyrotechnic cannon was throughly checked to make sure it wouldn't somehow malfunction during the mission. Seems that his portion is to defend and make sure no monsters come within range of Captain Rex or anyone else for that manner. Two sides wouldn't be unreasonably difficult for him but he always makes sure to stay careful just in case. Then he checks his daggers, wires attached to daggers, gauntlets that act as mini-TMEs, the TMEs themselves and any other piece of equipment.


Robert took a minute to study the plan. The plan would determine if he makes it to mission two or die a horrible death. He looked at it for a long time. So all he had to do was hold the line whilst the Captain's took out Rudolph. If he failed, the plan failed. The plan was fragile however he supposed he shouldn't argue with the captain. She was experienced and knew what she was talking about. When he looked out, he gave another "Yes ma'am"



Alison Eckener

Alison nodded. "Yeah. In fact, I've even set up a plan." She turned back to her brigade and saluted. "The plan for the 60th scouting mission is on the board. It is to be followed, we are remaining on the defensive at all times, got that?"

Operation Red Light

60th Scouting Mission

Task: Divert peripheral monsters from Rudolph & Captain Rex

Alison Eckener (Captain)

Jay Ward (Lieutenant Acting Captain During Scout Formation)

Bardoc Alden

Will E. Banner (Mech)

Yvelle Eckener

Robert Polik

Alison then pulled a plan over the board. "This is the plan. It's to be followed to the dot."


[R] = Rudolph

[M] = Monsters

[CR] = Captain Rex

[CE] = Captain Eckener

[LJ] = Lieutenant Ward

[ME] = Lieutenant Banner


  • [YE] = Yvelle Eckener
  • [BA] = Bardoc Alden
  • [RP] = Robert Polik

^, <, >, v = Attack Direction

), (, U = Defense Direction


^ ^ ^


[M] ( [YE]                                                                            [RP] ) [M]






[M]                                         ( [BA] )                                          [M]



[M] [M]

[COLOR= rgb(0, 128, 128)]"Everyone, take a minute to study the plan. Lieutenant Ward's orders are to be followed throughout the mission once defense formation is engaged, however this is a general guideline. If any monsters attacking display intelligent or aberrant behavior, notify lieutenant IMMEDIATELY. The signal is a [/COLOR]black firework.[COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 255)]" [/COLOR]Eckener then held up a small cannon with a cone sticking out of it. [COLOR= rgb(0, 128, 128)]"Handheld Pyrotechnic Cannon use is important.[/COLOR] Yellow for approaching beast, Cyan for regrouping, and magenta for injuries. Tend to the injured first. Are my orders clear?"

@Quillicious @Salex The Baldie @Yappi @Proxploxtops @YoungX

Banner nodded "Yes admi- Captain." He said soluting then getting him his mech. He started fiddling with switches. Mainly to make sure the napalm would work properly. Any monster he could handle. Atleast that's how he felt.

Yvelle Eckener

Yvelle nodded as well, after having studied the plan herself. The ensign moved to stand next to the others and took in the entire plan herself. It looked like Rex and his mech were going straight up against Rudolph, the Captain was taking it from behind. Yvelle was defending the left, Robert on the right, and Barloc was defending the back of the formation. Then there was Lieutenant Jay (one of Yvelle's favorite officers, Rex was also on the list) who was defending the back. 

Seemed pretty simple to follow. "Yes ma'am!"

@Quillicious @Salex The Baldie @Yappi @Proxploxtops @YoungX

((Update: From now on, I will be posting each character separately. This should speed up posting rate as well as make it seem like each is an individual on their own))

Jane English


Jane ran through the facility passing multiple pilots and fellow winter brigade soldiers as she ran. She had heard that there was a scouting mission going ahead and was eager to join. She was just in that sort of mood today and didnt feel like sitting around in the barracks all day. She continued running until she spotted her captain, Alison Eckener. Jane ran until she was only a few feet away from her and then stopped "Permission to join the 60th scouting mission" Jane puffed as she stood up straight and saluted her captain.


Alison Eckener

"Excellent, now that you've all understood-" Eckener's eyes shifted towards side long before Jane English managed to get anywhere near her. The captain kept silent until she saw that she was saluted, to which she replied by saluting back. "The plan is being refit for you then. You're late, get in line." The captain narrowed her eyes at English. Even though she stood at 5'2, there was an air of intimidation around her.

"Alden, you are to work with English now. Some pressure is taken off of you. We expect most monsters you will be engaging are category 2." Ensigns were given the maximum level of 2 to engage. In fact, even lieutenants were given permission to only engage level 2s as well. A category 3 monster had only been fought by a brigadier once, and level 4 requires a mech.


[R] = Rudolph

[M] = Monsters

[CR] = Captain Rex

[CE] = Captain Eckener

[LJ] = Lieutenant Ward

[ME] = Lieutenant Banner


  • [YE] = Yvelle Eckener
  • [BA] = Bardoc Alden
  • [RP] = Robert Polik
  • [JE] = Jane English

^, <, >, v = Attack Direction

), (, U = Defense Direction


^ ^ ^


[M] ( [YE]                                                                            [RP] ) [M]






[M]        ( [BA]                                                                              [JE] )  [M]



[M] [M]

"I'm sure you know how to use the handheld pyrotechnics cannon and what the four colors stand for. Now, horses. Everybody, get an Iron Horse and wait in triangle formation. We will soon split into scout formation once we get to the site." Eckener turned back to her group, narrowing her eyes. "Banner, protect monsters approaching behind Rudolph. Polik, Eckener, handle monsters approaching from either side of Rudolph's behind. There is some pressure on you two, but I am confident in your skills. Alden, English, you two are on the absolute defensive. You have less pressure, since the lieutenant is nearest to you. Lieutenant, protection behind Rex." Alison shifted an open hand to the stables.

@Yappi @SuperSpice @Quillicious @Yappi @Salex The Baldie @YoungX @Proxploxtops
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He studied the plan once more, now keen on detail. It was his first.mission and he was given an important task. hopefully he wasn't too drink on happiness to fail his duty. He looked over at the captain and then at Yvelle and English.


"The more the merrier," he said cheerfully, "Guess we better get going"


He got up and saluted the captain and Lieutenant. To the horses and not die a horrible death. He thought about what else he might bring with him. Maybe some tools to keep in his best and that would be it. His first mission, he better not screw up. Atleast he would be near the captain for the better or the worst. It would be close enough to catch a glimpse of Rudolph as well as fight off monsters. He smiled.





rex would then say "alright, we leave in an hour. this may be the last time you meet your friends and families, so better say your goodbyes in case you don't return" he said "ready the horses, check your equipment, check everything. once you're out there, there's no margin for mistakes. i'll get my mech here." he would then get to the hangar to look at the 501st. even with the alterations, it still looks like it's new because of grant's skills. he would then ride it to the main gate, high enough for his mech to go through it.

@JPax @Quillicious @Proxploxtops @Hanah Solo

Yvelle Eckener

Yvelle was ready for the mission. She ran to a particular horse and pulled the creature out, smiling widely at Rex, and then at Alison. "Yes sir! Yes ma'am!" Yvelle assumed her position on the second row, on the right. She was ready for this mission. Yvelle looked down at the horse, tilting her head. "You aren't scared, are you, Swiftheart Crackerjack?" Yep. The sixteen year old soldier had named her horse "Swiftheart Crackerjack."

@Yappi @SuperSpice @Quillicious @Yappi @Salex The Baldie @YoungX @Proxploxtops

Triangle Scout Formation

(Brigadiers Only)


[YE] [RP]

[BA]  [JW]  [JE]


Bardoc Alden


He went off with another salute and said, "Yes ma'am." Once again he reviewed the revised plan and looked to Jane English. Then he looked back to the plan and began studying it again. After that he would go and get his horse and would wait in triangle formation.

@JPax @SuperSpice
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