Project: Heavy Iron

Jay Ward


Jay sighed when he heard the comments about his informality. Maybe he needed to work on that, but he just had a tendency to be nonchalant about almost everything. He glanced back at Brasse and noticed his glare. His nonchalance didn't preclude punishing insubordinates.

"Kid, keep lookin' at me like that and the monster'll be the least of your worries. I'm still your CO, and you're the lowest ranked here. Thin ice, dude." His "threat" wasn't too serious, though. Unless it needed to be. He checked all of his gear, testing each little detail. Perfect.

Jay smirked at Allison's pep talk. She was always good at those. This time, he returned the salute, repeating it with force. "Alright, alright, I'll give you that. And, AJ, whaddya think?"

@JPax @Yappi
Captain's Squad

(Alison Eckener, Stanley Brasse, Tara Perl)

59th Scouting Mission

Alison smacked the back of Jay's head, lightly. "That's not how discipline works. Keep the spirits up before a mission, alright?" She looked back at Stanley, then to AJ. "You'll see when we get back. What we're going to do is avoid company at all costs, alright? If anything shows up, leave it to me. The default order is not to engage. Please have a crack of common sense in you, however. If attacking is the only option, so be it."

Tara muttered something harsh under her breath and looked down at the head of her horse with a bit of uncertainty. Stanley stayed alongside Tara without any hesitation. "Nervous?" The trainee chuckled and fingered his sword hilt nervously himself. "No. It's just that, one of these days the captain is gonna get herself killed. Let's just go." 

Alison raised the sword in a manner that signaled the gates to open. The first breath of cold air stung Stanley's lungs, but the captain enjoyed it very much, especially since she spent an awful lot of time in a cave. In fact, most people did. "Follow my lead to the first marker. Any sight of monsters and I want everyone to stay quiet. Don't use a flare until you see a class-3 monster." The captain turned her back to the world to face her squad. A lieutenant who rarely salutes, a trainee with less of a spine than a jellyfish, an ensign who notices every little detail about everyone, and then there was AJ. The captain had nothing bad to think about AJ, especially since he did work hard earlier at the training facilities. "Are my orders clear?"

"Yes captain!"

"Yes captain!"

@Quillicious @Yappi 

((OOC: I'm in class right now C: this post took foreva to write))



as rex goes into his office, he was lucky enough to have a quarters that had a window to see outside.... usually it was white, with some hints of green from the trees frozen over, but he could see the horses.... he knew alison is strong, but if they encounter a class-3, class-4 or even worse.... if there is a beast stronger than a class-4, a class-5, if it even exists.... they'd be screwed over ten fold from the moon and back. all he can do now is wish for the best, and hope that they don't fuck over this mission. he now waits for the arrival of the winter brigade into the open space arena, since he can see them clearly, he goes down and waits.

@JPax (respond after school, don't jeopardize your education XD)
Captain's Squad

(Alison Eckener, Stanley Brasse, Tara Perl)

59th Scouting Mission

Alison smacked the back of Jay's head, lightly. "That's not how discipline works. Keep the spirits up before a mission, alright?" She looked back at Stanley, then to AJ. "You'll see when we get back. What we're going to do is avoid company at all costs, alright? If anything shows up, leave it to me. The default order is not to engage. Please have a crack of common sense in you, however. If attacking is the only option, so be it."

Tara muttered something harsh under her breath and looked down at the head of her horse with a bit of uncertainty. Stanley stayed alongside Tara without any hesitation. "Nervous?" The trainee chuckled and fingered his sword hilt nervously himself. "No. It's just that, one of these days the captain is gonna get herself killed. Let's just go." 

Alison raised the sword in a manner that signaled the gates to open. The first breath of cold air stung Stanley's lungs, but the captain enjoyed it very much, especially since she spent an awful lot of time in a cave. In fact, most people did. "Follow my lead to the first marker. Any sight of monsters and I want everyone to stay quiet. Don't use a flare until you see a class-3 monster." The captain turned her back to the world to face her squad. A lieutenant who rarely salutes, a trainee with less of a spine than a jellyfish, an ensign who notices every little detail about everyone, and then there was AJ. The captain had nothing bad to think about AJ, especially since he did work hard earlier at the training facilities. "Are my orders clear?"

"Yes captain!"

"Yes captain!"

@Quillicious @Yappi 

((OOC: I'm in class right now C: this post took foreva to write))

AJ held tight to his flare gun "What are the flares for?" he asked then Added

   "Wait but I have dynamite. Couldn't i use that against a monster" He says getting out the detonator.
Down in the hanger bay, where all the mech units are kept to be repaired and fixed up, the Mercury O mech unit holds the arm of a fellow mech in place. Mercury O was one of the early mech unit, design with physical strength and durability in mind. Back in day it was a force to be reckoned with. Time however, is forever moving forward meaning that Mercury O had to find a new purpose or be decommissioned.  Going for the former option, Mercury O became a repair mech with many tools placed over the machine, with its hands having tools on each finger. It was nice break for the old girl, the years of punching monster. 

The pilot of the Mercury O, Grant Cynemer, currently stands on another mech as starts to repair the arm that the Mercury O holds in place. "Ahh crap" Grant yells as when he tries to attach the arm, the wires on the mech start to spark. Apparently a crossed wire somewhere in the circuitry. Taking of the cover, Grant starts to fix he thinks back to when he used to do this back home from missions. When he would come back to base monster blood still fresh on the mech. It seemed that it was more than just Mercury O  who had to find a new purpose. Fixing up mech units gave Grant enough satisfaction. and besides the new generation have to take over at some point. Closing the cover Grant attaches the arm with no problem. Once he moves the Mercury O out of the way, he gets out and goes down to his living area. Grant due to his work, stayed in the hanger bay. It did well enough even had an old style oven. Taking out a cigarette, the mechanic looks over what else needs fixing. (Open for Interaction 
Down in the hanger bay, where all the mech units are kept to be repaired and fixed up, the Mercury O mech unit holds the arm of a fellow mech in place. Mercury O was one of the early mech unit, design with physical strength and durability in mind. Back in day it was a force to be reckoned with. Time however, is forever moving forward meaning that Mercury O had to find a new purpose or be decommissioned.  Going for the former option, Mercury O became a repair mech with many tools placed over the machine, with its hands having tools on each finger. It was nice break for the old girl, the years of punching monster. 

The pilot of the Mercury O, Grant Cynemer, currently stands on another mech as starts to repair the arm that the Mercury O holds in place. "Ahh crap" Grant yells as when he tries to attach the arm, the wires on the mech start to spark. Apparently a crossed wire somewhere in the circuitry. Taking of the cover, Grant starts to fix he thinks back to when he used to do this back home from missions. When he would come back to base monster blood still fresh on the mech. It seemed that it was more than just Mercury O  who had to find a new purpose. Fixing up mech units gave Grant enough satisfaction. and besides the new generation have to take over at some point. Closing the cover Grant attaches the arm with no problem. Once he moves the Mercury O out of the way, he gets out and goes down to his living area. Grant due to his work, stayed in the hanger bay. It did well enough even had an old style oven. Taking out a cigarette, the mechanic looks over what else needs fixing. (Open for Interaction 

Banner was inside his mech. The Dragons Breath before finally getting out and stretching. It seemed that he fell asleep and dreamed of robotic sheep. No worries though, he walked around the large mech facility before seeing a repair mech "Hey Grant!!!" Banner yelled loudly "Can I speak to you for a moment about something." His voice was quite deep and loud. Making it echo through the facility.

Yvelle Eckener

The small girl was the first there, obviously, and with the rest of the brigade following her. They were all on their toes, keeping an eye out for trouble, which should be somewhere. Yvelle was always selected to go first, because most thought of her as small and weak. In reality, she had strength far above her age and size, but that wasn't an issue for whatever she was being pitted up against. "Okay, I'm here Mr. Mann! Where are you, didn't you say we have to fight you one on one?" 

@Salex The Baldie

Jay Ward


Jay grinned at Allison and gave an innocent shrug. "I didn't say what I'd do to him. Plus, I wouldn't really wanna get on your bad side. Not that I ever do, but it pays to be careful." His response was playful as always.

He breathed in the frigid air deeply, exhaling when he finally couldn't hold his breath any longer. Talk about a wakeup call. It was Jay's favorite climate, honestly, and he was ecstatic to be doing some fieldwork again. His attention was jerked back to the Captain as she started speaking again. He nodded in understanding, he already had this drilled into him during previous missions.

"Crystal. Now, let's shake a leg!" With that, Jay sped forward on his mount. He was having too much fun.

@JPax @Yappi
Captain's Squad

(Alison Eckener, Stanley Brasse, Tara Perl)

59th Scouting Mission

"Excellent." Alison let her horse take his own pace, which it decided to actually match the pace of Jay's. Alison pointed towards the mountain, which they'd have to climb once they reached the base. With TME, it should be less of a challenge. Then there was Alison, who has climbed that mountain more times than anyone in the brigade. Coupled with her immense upper body strength, it was easier than a walk in the park.

Stanley looked around a lot, yet keeping as focused as possible and keeping his mouth shut. Everything was so...dangerous. And big. The trees were so much bigger than the trees in the cave. In fact, they had leaves. Meanwhile, Tara decided to answer her fellow ensign's question. She rode next to him and smiled. "Flares are so we can put on a show. It's long distance communication, remember? But yeah, you can also put on a show. Dynamite...cap hates that. It won't do diddly squat to monsters, until you can actually get close enough to them with your TME and shove it up their asses." Tara chuckled and followed her captain without much hesitation. 

"Mountain, five miles. Scale when you're within range. TME out." TME was the best invention that the Winter Brigade had gotten their hands on. Two spools of metal cable rested on the lower back of the user, and two high powered zipline pulley wheels were mounted at the wrist. Cables were manually tossed onto a target, and then the brigadier used their momentum to zip around the target. The zipline pulleys were used to easily get around the wire, though the brigadiers with decent upper body strength could easily throw themselves using just their arms. 

@Quillicious @Yappi
Captain's Squad

(Alison Eckener, Stanley Brasse, Tara Perl)

59th Scouting Mission

"Excellent." Alison let her horse take his own pace, which it decided to actually match the pace of Jay's. Alison pointed towards the mountain, which they'd have to climb once they reached the base. With TME, it should be less of a challenge. Then there was Alison, who has climbed that mountain more times than anyone in the brigade. Coupled with her immense upper body strength, it was easier than a walk in the park.

Stanley looked around a lot, yet keeping as focused as possible and keeping his mouth shut. Everything was so...dangerous. And big. The trees were so much bigger than the trees in the cave. In fact, they had leaves. Meanwhile, Tara decided to answer her fellow ensign's question. She rode next to him and smiled. "Flares are so we can put on a show. It's long distance communication, remember? But yeah, you can also put on a show. Dynamite...cap hates that. It won't do diddly squat to monsters, until you can actually get close enough to them with your TME and shove it up their asses." Tara chuckled and followed her captain without much hesitation. 

"Mountain, five miles. Scale when you're within range. TME out." TME was the best invention that the Winter Brigade had gotten their hands on. Two spools of metal cable rested on the lower back of the user, and two high powered zipline pulley wheels were mounted at the wrist. Cables were manually tossed onto a target, and then the brigadier used their momentum to zip around the target. The zipline pulleys were used to easily get around the wire, though the brigadiers with decent upper body strength could easily throw themselves using just their arms. 

@Quillicious @Yappi

AJ continued scaling following the captain's motions and orders. He was breathing heavily "I hate this godamn cold...." He says slipping a scarf over his mouth then getting out a icepick yo assist him climbing before using the zip lines



suddenly... from the shadow.... a sound can be heard. "yeah you are, i'm right here" he said, suddenly he came out in what appears to be a 9 meter mech. "this here is a training mech, the fastest and most human-like we've ever made, although very weak. it's used for training with other mechs to resemble the speed of other beasts, but i think it'll provide enough challenge for you. your mission? topple me down, before i catch you." he said. 'who's first?'

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Yvelle Eckener

Yvelle tried to disappear into the crowd, but she was quickly pushed into the front, extremely fast, by everyone else. "What?! Come on guys, I always go first!" She looked up at the mech and narrowed her eyes. Yvelle wasn't scared or fazed by the thing in the slightest, but she was just irritated she had to go first. Especially since she had to pee. 

"Alright." Yvelle's grip tightened on her weapon of choice. It was just the zipline trigger for her TME, except it had an iron bearing placed on the top. That unfolded quickly into a small sword, though it was mostly for defense. However, she had another trick up her sleeve. The girl pointed her TME zipline at the mech and...waited. Beasts often attacked first, so the brigade was taught to counter the first one.

@Salex The Baldie
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he knows the winter brigade's training completely. "so... she hasn't faced an abnormal huh?" he says to himself, so he stood silent. most abnormal beasts with an intelligence of 4 or higher will have a strategy, so they won't attack head on with brute force. so now he waits, seeing as yvelle's smart enough to learn this


Lt. Jay Ward


Jay glanced at Allison as she rode up beside him. The fact that she was reckless and even careless at times was common knowledge, and he tried to provide reinforcements to her logical thinking when he could. Leaning over to her, he lowered his voice, even though there was close to no need.

"Hey, Al-...Cap. Y'know you need to be careful, right? Don't just expect us to take down a Fiver because you think you can, okay? You're kinda critical to this whole team thing, we can't afford to lose you. If things get hairy...I won't hesistate to call for a retreat. Whether we finish the mission or not."

Lieutenant Ward smiled reassuringly a little and returned his gaze to the mountains. Letting it sink in without interruption would be better than trying to make light of it. For once. He stayed silent and adjusted his aviators, along with prepping his TME. It'd be a piece of cake to climb the mountain, Jay was already one of the most skilled Brigadiers with the TME. Not to mention his skill with using it during battle in out-of-the-box methods.

@JPax @Yappi
Captain's Squad

(Alison Eckener, Stanley Brasse, Tara Perl)

59th Scouting Mission

"Call for a retreat when you think necessary. When you signed up for this, you signed up to die. I signed up to die. That doesn't mean we have to die, therefore I will trust your judgement." Alison stood atop her horse's back and fired the TME cables into the mountainside. She pulled hard and thrusted herself up the side of the mountain, catching up to her lieutenant with a blank look on her face. As she began making her way up the side, Alison looked down at her squad, the rest of whom seemed to be climbing as well. Tara eventually ended up carrying Stanley because of his lack of experience. "Jeez, you're actually pretty light for a teenage boy in the military. Tack on some more weight after this, promise me that?" "Yes ma'am."

Alison reached the top rather quickly. She narrowed her eyes in anticipation of something. Her hand felt the cold air for any disturbances, as her feet felt the snow. The snow was knee deep and hard to walk through for ordinary people, but the Winter Brigade was no ordinary people. Alison trudged through it like rainbow slushy on a hot summer day. "Brigadiers, stay on your guard. The tops of the mountains are often times a beast hunting ground..."

@Quillicious @Yappi

Yvelle Eckener

Yvelle knew something was up. She'd heard about intelligent monsters, though she wasn't sure if this could be it. The training done on intelligent monsters so far was minimal, though Alison promised after the scouting mission they'd learn. For now, it was up to Yvelle to prove herself to the captain. Well, not her captain but just to a captain in general. After all, she figured that this was going to be fun. Yvelle fired a TME rope between the legs of the mech, and another one towards the roof. The zipline triggers activated, sending Yvelle forwards towards the mech's arm.

@Salex The Baldie



bold move if rex had to judge. the objective of the mission was to not get caught and topple him down, sadly yvelle did the opposite by flying right to his arm. he opened his hand to the trajectory of her body, unless she can change the direction she's going in just a few mere seconds, she's done.




suddenly... from a distance... a thumping sound can be heard... it grows louder until a silhouette is visible, it's now evident what it is, most already know the beast.... some that don't, it's gonna be one hell of a fight with him.





bold move if rex had to judge. the objective of the mission was to not get caught and topple him down, sadly yvelle did the opposite by flying right to his arm. he opened his hand to the trajectory of her body, unless she can change the direction she's going in just a few mere seconds, she's done.




suddenly... from a distance... a thumping sound can be heard... it grows louder until a silhouette is visible, it's now evident what it is, most already know the beast.... some that don't, it's gonna be one hell of a fight with him.


AJ climbed up the mountain before seeing the outline "ah fuck...." He whispered to himself "What the fuck are we going to do" He says slowly loading his shotgun.

Lt. Jay Ward


There was a light crunch of snow as Jay fell behind the captain. He had sank into the snow, lying on his back. A snow angel was being made now, for whatever reason. It really crossed the line of unprofessionalism, but he enjoyed it. Finally, he was finished with it.

"That looks perfect. Okay, enough screwing around. And, Allie, if we get ambush, I'm gonna kill you for jinxing us. Seriously, I swear to God. Mark my words."

Jay jabbed his finger in her direction and put a hand on his revolver. It wasn't to threaten his captain, but just in case something did show up.

And of course if fuckin' did.


When whatever the fuck that thing was was heard, Jay sprinted to cover, sliding behind a snow-covered boulder.

@JPax @Yappi @Salex The Baldie

Lt. Jay Ward


There was a light crunch of snow as Jay fell behind the captain. He had sank into the snow, lying on his back. A snow angel was being made now, for whatever reason. It really crossed the line of unprofessionalism, but he enjoyed it. Finally, he was finished with it.

"That looks perfect. Okay, enough screwing around. And, Allie, if we get ambush, I'm gonna kill you for jinxing us. Seriously, I swear to God. Mark my words."

Jay jabbed his finger in her direction and put a hand on his revolver. It wasn't to threaten his captain, but just in case something did show up.

And of course if fuckin' did.


When whatever the fuck that thing was was heard, Jay sprinted to cover, sliding behind a snow-covered boulder.

@JPax @Yappi @Salex The Baldie

AJ covered himself in snow. His camo was meant to blend in. He tried to blend in. Maybe Ward getting eaten will allow me him to slip past. He kept his shotgun very close slowly moving away.
Yvelle Eckener

At that moment, Yvelle realized she had fucked up. Instead of changing direction, Yvelle powered up the TME ziplines and slid right between the fingers. She swung around the back, grinning madly as she realized, that she could've nearly gotten caught! "Close one, captain!" Yvelle used her momentum to spin around and attempt to wrap her ziplines around the legs of the mech. "Damn, if only director could see me!"

@Salex The Baldie @Shammy the Shamrock

Captain's Squad

(Alison Eckener, Stanley Brasse, Tara Perl)

59th Scouting Mission

Stanley and Tara immediately shifted behind the snow. "Lieutenant, shush, huh?" Tara turned to Stanley, who was shivering and sweating in fear. "W-What was that...oh my god...oh my god..." His eyes began to lose focus. Tara sighed and pinched her comrade's face. "Chill. Okay?" She set Stanley down behind the boulder.

Meanwhile, Alison watched as her squad simply fell apart at the sight of that monster. "23 meters, class 3. I don't think I know what it's going to do." The captain's eyes narrowed as she realized that something had to be done. "Oh's Rudolph isn't it. Rex told me about it one time, something about its organs." Eckener looked down at her squad. Retreating before even getting some information on the beast was a bad idea. "Before that Santa's necrophilic fetish comes here and tries to eat us, I want a consensus. Who wants to engage it?"

The first hand to shoot up, as usual, was Tara. The girl stood and saluted. "Yes, captain."

And Stanley...poor kid was still shivering and trying to get ahold of himself. His grip was steady, but his breath was not.

@Quillicious @Yappi @Salex The Baldie
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Yvelle Eckener

At that moment, Yvelle realized she had fucked up. Instead of changing direction, Yvelle powered up the TME ziplines and slid right between the fingers. She swung around the back, grinning madly as she realized, that she could've nearly gotten caught! "Close one, captain!" Yvelle used her momentum to spin around and attempt to wrap her ziplines around the legs of the mech. "Damn, if only director could see me!"

@Salex The Baldie @Shammy the Shamrock

Captain's Squad

(Alison Eckener, Stanley Brasse, Tara Perl)

59th Scouting Mission

Stanley and Tara immediately shifted behind the snow. "Lieutenant, shush, huh?" Tara turned to Stanley, who was shivering and sweating in fear. "W-What was that...oh my god...oh my god..." His eyes began to lose focus. Tara sighed and pinched her comrade's face. "Chill. Okay?" She set Stanley down behind the boulder.

Meanwhile, Alison watched as her squad simply fell apart at the sight of that monster. "23 meters, class 3. I don't think I know what it's going to do." The captain's eyes narrowed as she realized that something had to be done. "Oh's Rudolph isn't it. Rex told me about it one time, something about its organs." Eckener looked down at her squad. Retreating before even getting some information on the beast was a bad idea. "Before that Santa's necrophilic fetish comes here and tries to eat us, I want a consensus. Who wants to engage it?"

The first hand to shoot up, as usual, was Tara. The girl stood and saluted. "Yes, captain."

And Stanley...poor kid was still shivering and trying to get ahold of himself. His grip was steady, but his breath was not.

@Quillicious @Yappi @Salex The Baldie

AJ scattered for his flare gun and began to load it. Gathering the flare and slowly opening the hatch. Then inserting the flare. "Class 3.... flare out right?" He asked the captain?



rex was going to fall over, but his logic suddenly made him thought of something. he grabs the TME line, stopping yvelle's momentum. now with yvelle stopped, he can get out of the line. he lifts yvelle up by the tme, lifting her up mid-air.




suddenly.... a drop of blood drips down in front of stanley... one drop.... two drop... before suddenly, breathing can be felt, rudolph's head was right above the people hiding behind the boulder, staring right at them

@JPax @Quillicious @Yappi

Lt. Jay Ward


As soon as the first drop of blood stained the pristine snow a deep crimson, Jay bolted out from cover. He quickly slung a knife behind him, its razor-sharp blade hurtling toward the exposed portion of the creature's torso. Then, he attatched a barbed knife to the end of one of his TME cables. He designed them specifically for this purpose.

"Do it, AJ! Now! Perl, get the hell outta here! And help Brasse! Cap and I got this!" After giving his orders, Lieutenant Ward swung the cable around in a circle a few times until it gained enough momentum. Then, he charged directly at the beast. He was quick, and that definitely made up for what he lacked in brute strength.

Chucking the cable at the monster's torso, Jay jumped onto the boulder and leapt off of it, attempting to swing under its legs. "Allie! Go help the others, I got this!"

@Salex The Baldie @JPax @Yappi

Lt. Jay Ward


As soon as the first drop of blood stained the pristine snow a deep crimson, Jay bolted out from cover. He quickly slung a knife behind him, its razor-sharp blade hurtling toward the exposed portion of the creature's torso. Then, he attatched a barbed knife to the end of one of his TME cables. He designed them specifically for this purpose.

"Do it, AJ! Now! Perl, get the hell outta here! And help Brasse! Cap and I got this!" After giving his orders, Lieutenant Ward swung the cable around in a circle a few times until it gained enough momentum. Then, he charged directly at the beast. He was quick, and that definitely made up for what he lacked in brute strength.

Chucking the cable at the monster's torso, Jay jumped onto the boulder and leapt off of it, attempting to swing under its legs. "Allie! Go help the others, I got this!"

@Salex The Baldie @JPax @Yappi

AJ shot off the flare and covered his ears before sliding behind a big block of snow. Hiding himself inside the snow. 
Captain's Squad

(Alison Eckener, Stanley Brasse, Tara Perl)

59th Scouting Mission

Stanley pulled out a pickaxe and flung it at the monster before flipping backwards on his hand. "Holy shit!" Stanley was terrified. The monsters always had to be fought by experience. Some were scared at first, others weren't. 

The peculiar thing was that Tara was under Eckener's orders, and that Jay couldn't order Eckener around. After all, Eckener had more experience with these types of situations so it was best to leave this up to her. "Ward, get out of there, it's unpredict-" Before the captain could say anything, Tara shouted. "Lieutenant!" She jumped in front of the beast, and grabbed Jay with all her strength. She had to save her lieutenant at all costs. The ensign pulled hard and used his own TME to push Jay back over the boulder, before trying to use her TME to slide away from the reindeer thing.

Meanwhile, the captain swung around to the top of the beast, via a tree, and prepared to find a place to strike it. She had enough faith in her squad to know that their judgement was right.

@Salex The Baldie @Quillicious @Yappi
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