Project: Heavy Iron

Jay Ward

It was a splendid day outside. Birds chirped and sang in a midday chorus as the sun shone down with minimal cloud cover to shield anyone from its rays. Jay was chillin' out on the beach, his dark blue eyes closed behind his trademark aviator sunglasses. He was tanning on top of the sand, his skin a light, warm brown from the action. Adjusting his board shorts, Jay yawned and stretched, revelling in the alone time and quiet he rarely ever got. The only thing that could make him feel better was a girl laying beside him, her bikini a nice orange hue. He always liked the color orange. Speaking of orange, he was almost done with his daiquiri. The smell of salt and the cadence of the waves caused a feeling of calm to wash over him. His eyes blinked open and he grinned, joy gushing out of his chest. Shifting to the side a little, he rolled over onto his back, but stopped when he saw a female almost directly next to him wearing an orange bikini on her stomach. She seemed to have heard him, murming a "What's wrong, babe...?" and turning her head, lowering her wide sunglasses and revealing her face as...CAPTAIN ECKENER?!

As the woman's identity was revealed, Jay started into the world of the conscious, cracking his head on the low ceiling as he did so. "Oww..." He never knew why he chose the top bunk. Apparently paradise only existed in dreams. Well, almost paradise. Surprise Allison wasn't the good kind of surprise like sex and breakfast in bed, and he shook his head to rid it of the drowsiness. Oh no, he'd slept late. Again. Nobody woke him up. He tossed back the blankets and swung his legs over the side of the bed, hopping down barefoot, dressed in a plain tank-top and a pair of boxers with little missiles on them.

"Well shit...another day in paradise."

Alison Eckener

The captain was drunk as hell, and unconscious as hell. The brigadiers often slept together whether they liked it or not, so she was actually quite in an awkward position, looking down intensely at from the top bunk. "You weren't there in the morning were you. That's okay, I was there." The captain seemed to have gotten her sanity back after that alcohol. That theory was confirmed when she tossed herself off the top bunk, landed on her hands, and sprung onto her feet. Alison stood at an impressive height of 5'2. This, coupled with her neutral expression of a serial killer made her an...interesting captain.

"I'm sure you've heard about the scouting mission. I presume you're going to sign up." The captain pointed at the entrance and crossed her arms, looking up at Ward with that 'captain's expression.'

@Quillicious @Salex The Baldie
As the Captain woke up, Jay rubbed his eyes and did some stretches. He raised his hands above his head and interlocked his fingers. Before she spoke, he expected to get some type of punishment for being late, but she wasn't actually that pissed off. This time. Her stature was definitely not intimidating the least, yet he was slightly wary around her all the same. Escpecially with her gymnastic skills. As Captain Eckener addressed him, Jay didn't bother to salute or go through any of the formalities. It wasn't from any sort of flirtation or anything like he did so with any other female in the Brigade. In fact, she was the only woman he'd never really made a move on, partially from her position as his CO and her rather...peculiar temperament. He was just on those terms with her, at least to himself.

"Yeah, I have. Sounds great, Allie. I assume I don't actually have a choice on whether to do that, though. I'll get right on that."

Lt. Ward leaned against the bunk and smirked at Captain Eckener. Taking out his aviators, he flicked the arms outward and put them on.

"As soon as I feel the absolute need to, Captain."




"robofucker... you mean er- nevermind" he said as he heard a thud, somebody overslept, but knowing alison in her drunk mood, the lucky bastard doesn't have to suffer. " lieutenant ward, nice to see you awake. im rex mann, captain and second-in-command of the heavy iron. i'll be taking control of winter brigade while captain eckener is gone, sorry to wake you up with a.... bad news" he said as he then shuffled around the closet, where he then pulled out alison's pants and tossed it too her. "you might want to use some pants, and apologize to erica and evan, they're both preety pissed" he said

@JPax @Quillicious

Alison Eckener

The captain sighed when the lieutenant didn't salute her. Usually it was just out of acknowledgement, not even for respect. Not saluting would be as bad as ignoring, but she knew that the lieutenant wasn't ignoring her. Eckener stood up straight and nodded before slamming her right against her upper chest. Her index finger wrapped around her thumb to make the rough shape of a human heart. This was as such how the Winter Brigade saluted each other. "Looks like we'll be read-" At that moment, a pair of pants came flying in. Alison caught them between her teeth before folding them into her arms.

"We'll be off soon for the 59th scouting mission. Get your hands on as many brigadiers as you like. I'm allowing you a squad of two other brigadiers." The captain quickly put her pants on before proceeding to button her shirt. Soon, she was slipping on the harness for TME and preparing for something out on the field. "Remember, we're going to get new weapons soon, so hang in there using your old TME. It's not that bad."

Finally, the captain put on her gloves which may or may not be used to conduct 'examinations' on the brigadiers. Alison pushed her hair out of her face and walked right out the door, heading straight to the message board.

Winter Brigade Expedition #59


Acquire Manganese for steel from the frozen mountains in the East.


-Alison Eckener (Captain)

-Tara Perl (Captain's Squad)

-Anthony Johnson (Captain's Squad)

-Stanley Brasse (Virgin)



Equipment Inventory


Food Rations



Iron Horses

@Quillicious @Salex The Baldie
Lt. Jay Ward

Jay nodded to the man lazily in greeting. He gave a shrug in response to the unneeded apology and rose an eyebrow at Cpt. Eckener's actions. She was one strange girl, alright, but did a Hell of a good job in the Brigade. Maybe it was time to sign up for that mission. He frowned at the Captain's grant and followed her out of the bunks.

"Y'know I don't normally like to have any scrubs slowin' me down, right?" Jay was slightly indignant. "I thought you'd remember, given the last time I had a squad they were left behind in the first five minutes. You had to reassign them to someone that they could keep up with." It was true the Lieutenant wasn't fond of any company, but the reasons may be a little mixed up. Normally he just dropped any troops he was responsible for into another squad.

"I'll come along for the mission, but I don't see why we have to bring so much backup. It's just a quick run over Eastways. Extra people'll just make us a bigger target."

Jay decided to take some initiative and walk in front of his Captain, stopping in his tracks. He crossed his arms and looked down at her with a goofy half-smile. "We don't wanna have any men iced, do we?"

@JPax @Salex The Baldie



he was surprised that alison didn't rip the lieutenant's guts from his throat right away, maybe she gave up? who knows. he goes to the winter brigade to check on them. he saw that they were taking a break, well they are human but authority still needed to be present... yvelle was giving out food as well, he feels like a villain for doing this. "taking a break are we? and have you found the flags?" he asks

@JPax @Yappi

Alison Eckener and Yvelle Eckener

Alison gave a fully unimpressed look at the mediocre pun and simply pushed her lieutenant to the side with ease. For someone so small, she definitely wasn't someone to be messed with. One of the reasons she became a captain was because of this strength. "That's true. I'm taking Johnson, Brasse, and Perl since they have to know how to scout. You don't have to take anyone, then sign yourself up as someone on the Captain's Squad." She looked off into the distance a few seconds later and pulled out a cable. "This time when we go, we're not going to experience any interruptions, got that? Try to keep up, squad or no squad." 

The captain tossed the wires into the distance, causing them to latch around two lamp posts. The muscles on her arms tensed for just a split second, moments before Alison had thrown herself off the ground and into the distance of the cave, using nothing but two metal cables.

Meanwhile, Yvelle grinned sheepishly at Rex. She had one hand on a tomato, which was in the mouth of another brigadier. "Oh, the flags...umm....say...captain Eckener never made us do anything...that easy. And that would be...uh...a deficiency to our training!!" The captain jumped in right at that moment and put the flag on the ground. "What a waste of environmental resources. Rex, we're training brigadiers, not pansies. Watch this." 

She looked down at all the brigadiers sitting in a circle. Unknown to anyone who was standing, she looked rather intimidating to everyone sitting. Yvelle's eyes dilated and she pulled the tomato out of the other brigadier's mouth. "Y-Yes captain?"


@Quillicious @Salex The Baldie



"alright then... you want a challenge right? im allowing alison to help you on this one...." he said as he then tossed a pda at them. " simple task, open the radar app" he said "and this accounts to all of you, help your comrades as much as you like" he said as he crossed his arms

Lt. Jay Ward

Allison kind of bulldozed right through him, to Jay's annoyance. He stayed silent for the rest of the Captain's statements and nodded occasionally. She was sort of infuriating sometimes, however much power she had in the Brigade. He was experienced and had power, too. Maybe he was just pissed cause he didn't care much for authority. Watching Allison leave, Jay heaved a sigh. "Whatever." He went off to go ahead and sign himself up for the expedition on the Captain's Squad. It wasn't like he'd cause interruptions. Nor would he just stand by and let Allie give orders and have all the fun.


Alison Eckener and Yvelle Eckener

Yvelle grabbed the PDA and began looking at it with much confusion. That also meant the rest of the brigade gathered around it like a puzzle or something that wasn't going to be very much work. "What, so does this work like a flare gun? I-I'm confused..." Yvelle shifted backwards and her mouth began to quiver as she realized that this was a task she couldn't do. Was Alison going to kill her? What will happen? Thoughts ran through the brigadier's minds as they confusedly tried to get the PDA to work.   

Alison walked back to Jay and slapped him hard on the arm. "Don't just stand there. Make sure every set of TME is functional, I put them all by the horses." She didn't stop walking just to talk to the lieutenant. The horses were really important before each mission, especially because of the cold. TME was high on the priority list as well. For the last several missions, Alison did all of the set up and the others followed orders to the dot. However, ever since things started falling apart with the increase of monsters, lieutenants were assigned as well. That meant someone was going to pitch in with the set up, every time. "And when you're done, find Stanley and Tara."

@Quillicious @Salex The Baldie



"you guys master every aspect of physical exercise, tracking and using the TME.... Yet can't even go as far as simply functioning a PDA? well..." he said as he went to a corner and grabbed a collapsable chair, he then unfolded it and sat down while crossing his leg "keep going, this is far too entertaining" he said chuckling

AJ had missed what was going on due to having to eat. He came back to the Winter Brigade training center to see Rex in a chair, and half the brigade gathering around something "Did I miss something?" He asked in a nervous tone. 

He started doing some mild back stretching. It needed to be popped. While he awaited a answer

Yvelle Eckener

By now, Yvelle was on the verge of tears. She couldn't even get the PDA up and running. She smacked all the gears, sketchy display screens, and even the buttons. The radar was almost nowhere in sight for her. The girl turned over to AJ and handed him the PDA, covering her eyes with her hand. "C-Can you open the radar on that thing..?"

@Yappi @Salex The Baldie

Lt. Jay Ward


Jay was busy doing nothing as Allison walked over to him, and the slap was a surprise. "Ow! That's not normal discipline!" His reaction came with a groan as she ordered him to actually do something. It was more of an exaggeration, though. Of course he knew he had to do his fair share of work, but he'd still complain about it nonetheless. He gave Cpt. Eckener a pained look and shrugged it off.

"Yeah, will do, Cap. I'll get right on that." Jay replied with a smile and went off on his way to do his task. After several minutes of testing and tinkering with the rare dysfunctional TME, he got geared up and ready for the mission. He grabbed his radio and held down the button, speaking into it. "Alright, I need Ensign Perl and Trainee Brasse to get their asses to my position ASAP. Thank you for your time, Ward out."


Alison Eckener, Tara Perl, and Stanley Brasse

Alison looked at the sets of TME, which were nicely functional as usual. Five horses were a part of the upcoming mission, which was currently taking place.

The ensign and the trainee jumped from the lamp posts with grins on their faces. "We're here, god..." Perl looked to her captain and then back at her feet. Stanley nervously wiped sweat from his face and then turned to the lieutenant. "Well, here I am. I guess it's time..right?" 

"I asked for Johnson as well. Ensign Johnson, get everything attached to your balls over here before I have to physically carry you to the horses! And where's director...?"

@Quillicious @Salex The Baldie @Shammy the Shamrock

Erica and Evan

Erica decided not to leave the cell and rather take this time to think.  Plan for missions and strategies for a little....also wonder why people though she fucked a mech.  

Evan let out a sigh, trying to figure out why such a awkward moment had happened.  It stuck with him as he wandered around the place.  While walking Evan heard his title and followed it to Alison.  He studied her for signs of drinking before giving a solute.


Lt. Jay Ward


Jay propped himself up agaist the wall and crossed his arms, just spectating the scene. He frowned at Allison's comment about some Johnson guy, though. "You...did? I didn't catch that. Whatever." He waved it off and watched the newcomer arrive, his gaze shielded by his glasses.

Approaching the horses, Jay went ahead and mounted one with ease. It whinnied, along with some of the others. He had a good relationship with the animals, they had a mutual liking for each other. "Well? Are we waiting for him or what?"

@JPax @Shammy the Shamrock @Salex The Baldie
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Yvelle Eckener

By now, Yvelle was on the verge of tears. She couldn't even get the PDA up and running. She smacked all the gears, sketchy display screens, and even the buttons. The radar was almost nowhere in sight for her. The girl turned over to AJ and handed him the PDA, covering her eyes with her hand. "C-Can you open the radar on that thing..?"

@Yappi @Salex The Baldie

He yawned deeply "I dont know..." He stares at it for a while and starts tapping randomly and somehow. The radar opens "How di- Ok i did do that" He tries to cancel out and fails miserably turning the device off "ahh shit" He says handing it back to her. "just... uh... retrace my steps"

Banner woke up in his bed and got dressed, ate, ext. He then went to where his robot was. A pure machine of napalm destruction "I love the smell of napalm in the morning" He says changing the canisters out. And then sitting the the cockpit cleaning things. telling the engineers to stay away as he ate his snack. The snack was a granola bar. His feet were on the dashboard, and was leaning back.



he facepalmed at the sight of pure dumb luck of opening the radar, seeing yvelle in the verge of tears.... jesus he feels bad, but it's not his fault. " alright that's enough, clearly you have the technological intuition of apes and knowing you guys, you'd rely on brute strength to solve anything, so toss aside your claustrophobic fears and your brute strength, by the time i'm done with you, you'll be smarter than alison in technology.... and im not joking, the last time i let her pilot a mech, somehow she managed to make the mech furiosly masturbate, which i had no idea it was even possible" he said  


Captain's Squad & Yvelle

(Alison Eckener, Tara Perl, and Stanley Brasse)

Alison nodded. "He's right outside there anyways, trying to figure out how to make a PDA work. Whatever, doesn't matter. Evan, see you in two days, alright? Rex, don't turn the brigadiers into nerds. Honestly, you have to assign them more physically daunting tasks than you personally can handle. They won't drag you into it. And of course, they can handle it. Brigadiers, go easy on him!"

A flurry of 'Yes captain!' was heard from the rest of the brigade who wasn't going. Yvelle frowned at the thought of being under less discipline and less, well, brigadier talent. She turned to her temporary captain, not finding him nearly as scary as her real captain. Yet, the idea of respecting him...she had to no matter what.

Tara and Stanley stood away from the squad, mounting the horses rather quickly before waving to Anthony. "Alright, get on the horse AJ." Tara smiled warmly and pointed to the 2 meter tall Iron Horse. It was black, fluffy, and bleeding from the eyeballs. TME and tents were all attached to the captain's horse, as well as HPCs and other equipment. It looks like they were ready. "Looks like we're going soon...right lieutenant?" 

@Quillicious @Shammy the Shamrock @Salex The Baldie @Yappi



rex tries to think of something.... but the point of being a heavy iron captain is to not crack, and you need to be insane to match alison's standards of training.... anything he thinks off as training is just too simple for them. so he tried thinking outside the box.... what can he do... to try to give these people a challenge.... then he comes up with it. "alright, you want a challenge right? all of you will meet me at the open space arena at the heavy iron side of the facility, you all will face me on a one to one versus, simple" he said as he then walked off to the arena but stopped before saying "you're also allowed to use your TME or any equipment you wish to use" before walking off to the heavy iron facility.


Jay Ward


The lietenant shifted back in the saddle, getting comfortable. When Allison said two days, Jay groaned on the inside. He just knew he'd die on this trip. Not by any monsters, but from the one thing worse than them...boredom. This was just his luck. At least he would be out of the stuffy cave for once, that was a perk. The outdoors were a great place, if you know how to survive, of course. When the subordinate addressed him, he turned to her and smiled lazily.

"Whaddya think we're doin' kid, setting up camp here? Don't get too excited, though, remember it's cold enough to freeze your balls off. Or, in your case, your tits, however hot they are. That means you should probably keep moving so your fingers don't end up taking a permanent vacation. Me, I'm used to it, I don't need any extra clothing. I'll warm up enough in Hell."

Jay lightly kicked the horse and trotted up beside Captain Eckener. He nodded to her, the only thing remotely like a salute he'd given her since he was promoted. Now, he awaited her command to move out. He felt sorry for the schmucks that were being left in Rex's care, they were in for a shock.

"Shall we?"

@JPax @Yappi @Salex The Baldie

Captain's Squad

(Alison Eckener, Stanley Brasse, Tara Perl)

59th Scouting Mission

Stanley and Tara stood on either side of their captain and lieutenant, looking towards the walls of the massive cave that was barely a mile away. The cave blended into a grand iron bunker which lead to the outside world. The vicious outside, where the humans were microscopic compared to them. Yet, every week, the Winter Brigade sacrifices protection for the sake of resources. "Captain, he didn't salute you." 

"Huh? Did...?" This was unheard of. Stanley was taken aback at the lack of salute, and even went as far as narrowing his eyes at the back of his lieutenant's head. Tara didn't seem too annoyed, though she did find it highly disrespectful. The captain, however, simply said nothing. Respect was a personal choice, after all. Eckener stood atop her horse's back and placed her fist on her chest, saluting to her entire squad from the back of her horse, especially the lieutenant. She jumped right back down onto the horse and reached into one of the side bags. The captain took out two roped swords and pointed the one on her right hand into the air.

"Today, we begin the 59th scouting mission for the purpose of collecting resources. The pilots need steel, we'll give them steel. But just remember this, that just because we aren't going by mech doesn't mean we're poor, or weak. We're going without mechs because we're strong. I'm strong. Ward is strong. Stanley's strong. Perl, you're strong. And Johnson, you're...really strong. So at this point I expect strength, and nothing less." The captain turned to the director and narrowed her eyes. "Make sure Captain Mann follows the list of guidelines on my desk." 

Alison slowly lowered her sword into a forwards position, as a signal for the horses to run to the bunker gates. 59 was just about to begin. "Perl, Brasse, Ward, and Johnson. Check your TME."

"Check." Tara pulled hard on her TME and made sure it was working. Stanley unreeled a rope and zipped it right back into the circular rope holders. "Check."

@Quillicious @Salex The Baldie @Yappi @Shammy the Shamrock

Captain's Squad

(Alison Eckener, Stanley Brasse, Tara Perl)

59th Scouting Mission

Stanley and Tara stood on either side of their captain and lieutenant, looking towards the walls of the massive cave that was barely a mile away. The cave blended into a grand iron bunker which lead to the outside world. The vicious outside, where the humans were microscopic compared to them. Yet, every week, the Winter Brigade sacrifices protection for the sake of resources. "Captain, he didn't salute you." 

"Huh? Did...?" This was unheard of. Stanley was taken aback at the lack of salute, and even went as far as narrowing his eyes at the back of his lieutenant's head. Tara didn't seem too annoyed, though she did find it highly disrespectful. The captain, however, simply said nothing. Respect was a personal choice, after all. Eckener stood atop her horse's back and placed her fist on her chest, saluting to her entire squad from the back of her horse, especially the lieutenant. She jumped right back down onto the horse and reached into one of the side bags. The captain took out two roped swords and pointed the one on her right hand into the air.

"Today, we begin the 59th scouting mission for the purpose of collecting resources. The pilots need steel, we'll give them steel. But just remember this, that just because we aren't going by mech doesn't mean we're poor, or weak. We're going without mechs because we're strong. I'm strong. Ward is strong. Stanley's strong. Perl, you're strong. And Johnson, you're...really strong. So at this point I expect strength, and nothing less." The captain turned to the director and narrowed her eyes. "Make sure Captain Mann follows the list of guidelines on my desk." 

Alison slowly lowered her sword into a forwards position, as a signal for the horses to run to the bunker gates. 59 was just about to begin. "Perl, Brasse, Ward, and Johnson. Check your TME."

"Check." Tara pulled hard on her TME and made sure it was working. Stanley unreeled a rope and zipped it right back into the circular rope holders. "Check."

@Quillicious @Salex The Baldie @Yappi @Shammy the Shamrock

AJ grabbed his shotgun and a small shortsword in the training room. He was on a iron horse when they moved out. He pulled out his TME "Check" it was working perfectly. "So we need steel. What kind of parts!" He asked in the captain. "Also are we expecting company?"

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